Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ 52_Card Pickup ❯ Theme #50: Wave ( Chapter 50 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Coitobalnism
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Aquarageshipping (Gyarados x Misty)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #50, Wave
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Warnings: PWP, bestiality, tongue bath
Dedication: Johnnyd2, thanks for reviewing!

Misty stretched luxuriously as she finished her laps around the pool. It was nice to be home. The fact that her irritating older sisters were out of her hair was even better. Gyarados and the rest of her pokemon watched her fondly.
She pulled her hair out of the high ponytail, relaxing as she shook water drops away from her face. The sunlight caught her trim form, looking every inch a mermaid straight out of myth. Orange locks cascaded over her shoulders.
“Ah… that felt great.”

The girl giggled quietly. Swimming topless in her own pool was fun too, and best of all, there was no one around to laugh or point fingers. It was nice to alone. But she wasn’t alone, not really, she thought fondly, as she looked at her pokemon.
Gyarados swam up to her.
She petted his head, glad that she had finally overcome her irrational fear of the serpentine pokemon. Really, he just needed some attention. Jealousy was something she understood perfectly.
Besides, after her match with those upstarts trying to kick her out of her own gym, she felt that she and the water dragon had gotten a lot closer.

Gyarados sensed that she needed some affection, even with what she was giving him, so he leaned forwards and carefully tugged her bikini bottoms down. The girl looked very surprised, but didn’t know how to react.
Extending his tongue, he carefully licked at the juncture between her legs.
“Ooh…” She gave a breathy little sigh. It was wrong, wasn’t it, for humans and pokemon to have sex?
But who else would notice or care?
Misty closed her eyes as that slightly rough tip rubbed over her nether lips. It felt good, very much so. Of course, she had masturbated often herself, but the feelings were completely different!
She moaned as Gyarados continued to lick her pussy. As she approached orgasm, she began pumping harder and harder. She gave a little squeak when a few inches of his tongue actually pushed into her cunt.
It felt heavenly!

The sensation of penetration sent her completely over the edge, and she just collapsed against his head as her inner walls contracted again and again around the fleshy muscle.
On his part, Gyarados found himself enjoying the taste of her musky juices. He coiled himself more tightly, feeling his organ becoming rigid in its sheath, but his Master was far too small to breed.
It was a pity.
Carefully, he worked his tongue back out of her, continuing to lap up the mess she had made. Misty stared at the pokemon, dazed from the intense oral sex.
Would he do more?
The thought sent another shiver of lust through her petite frame.

Encouraged now, Gyarados removed the rest of her clothing, rather roughly. Then he began to pull her into his mouth with his tongue.
Misty was a bit confused, but tried to quell her terror. This would be necessary for her to move beyond her phobia, completely.
Lying on his tongue was kind of nice too, and warm…
She felt herself being pulled into his mouth. His fangs looked awfully sharp, but she trusted her pokemon.
Yes, that was the crux of the argument, wasn’t it? She was safe here.
In the past, she had been completely terrified and lost. Now, she… ooh! Misty abruptly quit thinking as his tongue wrapped around her.

Gyarados drew her deeper inside, holding her inside his maw. The Gym Leader shivered. It felt just like she was in a bathtub, or maybe lying in a soft bed, but it was warm and wet…
Her nipples stood out as sharp peaks. What now?
His tongue kept moving over her. Misty kept making all kinds of sounds, whimpers escaping her mouth as she felt every part of her body being stimulated. Her toes curled in pleasure as she gasped.
She would never have imagined being able to feel this much pleasure!
Gyarados could taste her secretions as he continued to lick her. It was just fine…
No, he would not hurt her.

By the time she slid back out of his mouth, she was covered with saliva, but didn’t care. After she had regained enough energy to sit up, she grinned at him.
“Let’s do that again sometime.”

End Fic
Completed 10/20/08
Started 10/14/08
Coitobalnism refers to the act of sex in a bathtub. I figure that between the tongue bath and the pool, I’m close enough. Wow, I think this is my first consensual Misty lemon. Usually I’m doing reluctance or non-con…
I hope people like it! ^^

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