Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ A Journey of Unusual Proportions ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I clutched tightly to Raikou's neck as it raced down the narrow dirt path. My medium-length azure hair blew chaotically around my face, drenched by rain.
Hold on. Raikou warned me.
As I tightened my grasp around his neck, Raikou leapt over a large Team Magnax truck. The three startled guards on the other side of the truck called out their Pokemon, preparing for a battle, but we bounded past them and onto the main building.
Team Magnax HQ was a gargantuan steel dome decorated with flaming boundaries. On the interior of the building would be many Grunts to cross, and many complex corridors to navigate. Luckily, I had previously entered this building and located my way to Scarlet's Chamber.
“Come on out, Shellder!” I ordered. A purple shell-like Pokemon emerged from a shining white light. “Water Gun these flames!” It did as instructed, dousing the flames hurriedly, and returned to its Pokeball.
We need to hurry. Raikou warned again, as it pounded down the steel doors and charged into the building.
“Crisiant!” my friend, Timber, called out.
“Timber!?” I said, shocked that he was here. “I thought the Beast Brothers kidnapped you!”
“They did, but I escaped, thanks to Celebi,” he smiled, glancing at his companion floating near him. “Save the catching up for later, though. We need to get in there!”
I agreed, and helped him onto Raikou. Together we darted down the unusually empty corridors.
I guess I probably should tell you what's been going on. You see, it all started back on my last day of Seventh Grade . . .