Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ A Shinto Journey ❯ A Shinto Journey ( One-Shot )
[ A - All Readers ]
Shinto, a land beyond anything humans have ever discovered. A land that is completely inhabited by Pokemon. Each one free to do what he wants. Each one free to do what he/she wants. However, there are a couple of special Pokemon out there. Those Pokemon have more authority than others and they are known as: "The Evolved". One of them is Kyon, a Flygon and his friends, Kazam the Alakazam, and Yuki the Froslass.
Kyon flew and flew but couldn't find the exit. He kept going.
"Argh! There's no end to this maze!" He exclaimed.
Kyon dove into a stream in an attempt to find a way out. Nothing. He jumped out of the stream to catch his breath, only to discover that he entire area was somehow flooded by a Liquid substance.
"What is this stuff?!"
Kyon swam up and up until he broke free of the substance. Suddenly, a blob flew up and encased Kyon.
"No! I can't die like this! I won't...hap..pe...n....no...."
Kyon sat up suddenly.
"Yawn~ Only 5 am. Ugh what a Nightmare...maybe I'll go see how Kazam and Yuki are doing..."
Yuki stares at the morning sky. The clouds fly by. But suddenly, a faint glimmer appears and something grows bigger with every second.
A meteor approaches!
Yuki runs over the mountains to go back to the valley. Along the way, she passes by all of the village Pokemon who do their daily routine. She goes to see Kazam and Kyon to tell them of the impending danger that approaches...
Kyon walks drowsly towards Kazam's room when he sees Kyuu charging towards him!
"What's wrong?" asked Kyon.
Kazam floated out of his room.
"Now, now. I'm positive that there's a simple way to solve this. Also, I was meditating. Please don't scream like that." Kazam calmly explained.
"Ok. Ok. Will you at least stop talking in Caps, Yuki? Seriously, is this Caps Lock abuse day?" Said Kyon
"ASKDFJG!" screams Yuki.
*turns off Caps Lock*
"But seriously, we should runnnnnnnn! And probably evacuate those worthless NPC villager Pokemon along the way. >.>" exclaims Yuki.
Yuki runs around the village shouting up towards the sky. The villagers look at her very strangely and proceed with their daily ritual.
Yuki is stricken by the fact that no one listens to her. Perhaps it is their pre-programmed NPC trait? No one will ever know...but this woman has a plan.
Kyon slaps his forehead in disbelief.
"Yuki! They're NPC's! the only things they listen to are the words: What are you selling." Shouted Kyon.
Yuki pays no attention to Kyon's words and continues to run around howling at the sky.
"Perhaps I can be of assitance." Said Kazam.
"Uhh..Kay." Said Kyon.
"Psychic!" Exclaimed Kazam as he lifted the two spoons he always carries. Kazam began glowing as every single stupid NPC began to float above the ground. Kazam carefully lifted them away from the village and into the air above the forest.
"Kyon!" Said Kazam.
"Got it." Replied Kyon.
Kyon flew foward and into the crowd of floating NPC's. He shot up until he could clearly see the Forest.
"Hyper Beam!" Shouted Kyon.
A Huge Orange beam shot out of Kyon's mouth and straight into the center of the forest, leveling a 10 Mile radius.
"Kyon...that was kind of going overboard." Said Kazam.
"Heh, sorry." Said Kyon.
"No matter, I will put the villagers down now." Said Kazam.
The meteor crashes just when Kyon, Yuki and Kazam safely evacuate the village. The explosion's impact was felt by the three.
After a few minutes, Kazam decides to check out the meteor, accompanied by Kyon and Yuki. The remnants of the meteor seem to glow. A faint cry is heard from the area where it landed.
The smoke clears.
Kyon, Kazam and Yuki see something extraordinary, something so rare that it can be considered a once in a lifetime event.
They find a sleeping Jirachi where the meteor was.
Kyon smiles . He slowly walks toward Jirachi but suddenly,
"Fwaaaah...I'm still sleepy...."
"What?! Who said that?! YOU WANNA PIECE OF ME?!" Screamed Yuki
Yuki dashes from side to side, growling. Kyon looks at her disbelievingly.
"You're kidding right." Said Kyon.
"Kidding about what?!" Replied Yuki while dashing from side to side.
"Kyuu. That is the voice of Jirachi. Not an enemy." Said Kazam.
"Oh....uh....yeah. I...I knew that...." Said Yuki as she slowly moved backwards.
Kyon begins to slowly approach Jirachi.
"No. Kyon you musn't approach Jirachi." Said Kazam.
"Aye, you cannot approach Jirachi. He has teh 00ber 1337 hax0rz lawyers, and they will tear you APART!" Explained Kazam.
"Kazam, what in Celebi's name are you talking about?" said both Yuki and Kygon in unison.
"...Sorry, these meditations are probably getting to me." apologized Kazam.
The three slowly walk toward the still groggy sprite.
"Fwaaaahhhh, I'm tired"
Jirachi said as it rubbed it's eyes.
"Who the Heck are you?" Kyuu blurted out suddenly.
"Jirachi, of the Lax nature."
Jirachi said. This caught the 3 off guard.
"What is this, some kind of plot opener? And why do you get italicized words and two lines per saying. WE ONLY GET ONE!!!! Die!" Yuki stamped down her foot...she had doomed us all.
That was it. Jirachi's eyes suddenly turned pure purple, and he rose from the ground, angry as angry can be. Yuki must've hurt his feelings.
"Flash Cannon!" yelled Jirachi as a bright light blinded the three.
The light suddenly began to be absorbed by Jirachi! Jirachi shot out a thick beam of silver light that charged forward at incomprehendible speed.
"Look out, Yuki!" Shouted Kyon.
Yuki narrowly avoided the blast, however, one of her arms was damaged. Kyon and Kazam rushed over to Yuki, trying to make sure that she was alright.
"IT BURNS!!! I mean like, it didn't puncture the flesh or anything, but man that burns!" Said Yuki.
"I'm just gonna assume that means you're okay..." Said Kyon.
"No. She's not." Said Kazam.
"What do you mean?" Asked Kyon.
"Flash Cannon has a nasty side effect..." Said Kazam.
"Which is?" Asked Kyon.
"BUUUH! I have...a nasty allergy to metallic objects. COINS, CHROME, AND EVEN STEEL TYPE ATTACKS! My poor arm's going to swell up soon." ranted Yuki.
"Fwaaah! You guys are noisy..." Jirachi went back to sleep.
Kyon asks, "What do we do now?"
Kazam replies, "I think we should call it a day. It's been tiring and lots of things have happened."
"So, uhh...where do we sleep now?" asks Yuki.
The villager NPCs have already built a new village while the three were talking. No one could believe the rate at which the village was built.
"I TAKE THE BRICK HOUSE! Winds can't move it. " says Yuki, as she smiles and runs toward the newly built house.
Kyon slaps his forehead and flies toward a haystack. In minutes time, he builds a Hammock.
"So much better than a house," said Kyon as he smiled before he drifted away to happy-sleepy-no-nightmare-land...Hopefully.
< br> "Where am I?" wondered Kyon.
He flapped his wings and jumped up, only to find that he couldn't Fly! His wings were stuck to each other by a mysterious liquid. The same Liquid from his other nightmare!
Kyon tried as hard as he could but to no avail! His wings were still stuck! Suddenly, Kyon fell down into a crevass!
"That isn't right..." Kyon said.
Kyon's eyes shot open!
"That was...the same dream as before..."
"Ha, ha. You'd like to think that were true, no?" a screechy and dark voice said mockingly. A silouhette emerged from afar.
"Who...who...who are you?!?" screamed the helpless Pokemon.
"Most people call me evil, but you can call me..."
"What?? What's your name!?"
"D-d-d-Darkrai?? Darkrai!!? What're you doing here, harassing me??" Kyon was horrified now.
"Well, it's quite simple. I'm looking for the Pokemon you were interacting with today. I believe he goes by 'Kazam'."
"K-k-Kazam? What do you want with him??" Kyon felt like dying now.
"Yes..well, your little friend is holding something very dear to me. Something I cannot live without."
"W-h-what is it? What are you looking for that is so important?"
"SILENCE! Enough! You ask too many questions!
Kyon heard the sound of a rope snapping. He was surrounded by darkness.
Kyon fell backwards and into a lake, paying no heed that he could drown. He was comsumed by his nightmare.
"Feh. No one can withstand Darkrai! Now. To find Kazam." Said Darkrai.
Kazam stood up suddenly. He opened his door.
Kazam heard three knocks, one slowly following the other. Unphazed, he opens the door to his hut and is suddenly face to face with a black face.
"Hello there, old friend." sneered Darkrai.
"Why, hello there Darkrai. Here to take back your Sleep Orb?" said Kazam, still faced and confident.
"Aye." Said Darkrai as a taunt. Then, he suddenly screamed unlegible words. A blade of shadows grazed Alakazam.
"Ah! Not a Night Slash..." groaned Kazam as he jumped to safety. The blade of shadows grazed his arm, causing him to wince in pain.
"Super effectiveness, gotta hate it..." said Kazam, somehow feeling confident in the midst of the chaos.
"My turn." Kazam taunted. Then he said nonchalantly...
Alakazam was covered in a white aura, his wounds healed. But before he could finish the healing, a certain ice-type knocked him over, fearing that the white glow was Darkrai's attack.
Kyuu jumped over Kazam and towards Darkrai.
"Phew, Kazam you Okay?" Asked Yuki.
"No you incompetent fool! You cannot handle him! Get away from here! NOW!" Exclaimed Kazam.
"Well so-rry for saving your behind!"Said Yuki.
"Yuki! That white Aura was my Recover attack! You idiot! He will kill us all!" Said Kazam.
"Hello...? Anyone remember me? I'm the bad guy! Heeeello~" said Darkrai.
Kazam jumped in front of Yuki and prepared himself. Kyuu squinted her eyes and swerved around Kazam.
"Kyuu! Get out of the way!: said Kazam.
"NO!" Screamed Yuki,
*cheesy music plays in the background*
"Haha! That Snorunt doesn't have a hood thingy! She's not normal!"
"Quick! Let's all attack him with Metronome!"
Yuki, as a young Snorunt, runs to the corner. Suddenly, someone approaches her.
"It's ok, young one. You're safe with me. DARK...VOID! Enjoy your nap time...I'll just pop this Chesto Berry in my mouth..."
*flashback over*
"I...I...I...I...You...Blah." mumbles Yuki.
"Do you still remember me, Yuki?" asks Darkrai
"OMAIGAD! It...it...it's you..." stutters Yuki.
"You know him?" asks Kazam.
"Ugh, that flashback was useless. Darkrai tries to interfere with everyone's lives. He's like that." mocked Kazam.
"That's it. You're going down!" sneered Darkrai.
"Dark PULSE! were the words that Darkrai murmured at that moment. Suddenly, Kyuu felt very woozy. She dropped to the ground.
Kazam was trying to fight it. His ears were pulsing, and everything around him was shades of gray and black. He then barked out one more attack.
"FOCUS BLAST!" were his words.
A vacuum of energy rushed toward the sinister dream reaper. Darkrai had to break his Dark Pulse attack to dodge to the left. Then, from the very heavens, two words were heard.
"Hyper Beam!"
Kyon shot a mighty beam of energy towards the dark being. Darkrai tried to evade the attack, but he was injured from the intensity of attack. He fleed afterwards.
"I'll be back..." he sneered.
Kyon asked Kazam about Darkrai's visit. Kazam shook his head and answered in a deep voice, "I was afraid this day would come."
Kazam takes out his Sleep Orb and shows it to Kyon.
"This, my friend, is what he was after."
"The Sleep Orb is Darkrai's main point of attack. If anyone comes into contact with it, they instantly fall asleep, making them subjective to Darkrai's nightmares. He 'inserts' dreams into Pokemon's heads, either to scare them into believing something, or to scare them to insanity."
"Power is a finnickly little mistress..." added Yuki.
"Aye. That it is." agreed Kyon.
"There's one more thing I need to add. Even though the Sleep Orb is safe and sound, Darkrai can still wreak havoc. We need to stop him...once and for all." It seemed like Kazam was waiting to spill the beans.
"Well, how do we do that?" Kyon egged Kazam on.
"We need to recruit the legendary one."
"Legengary one...? Who's that?" Asked Kyon.
"The Legendary one is an almighty being. The Guardian of the Skies and one who has the power of the sun within him. One who can ressurrect the dead. His name...is Ho-oh." Explained Kazam.
Yuki and Kyon stood, too shocked to move.
"Yes. I do. However, if we do not get to Ho-oh, we may as well consider that this entire region doomed. Kyuu. If not for Kyon, we would've been slaughtered. And Kyon had the element of suprise on his side. Even us three together may not be able to defeat Darkrai. As tough as it may seem, we MUST make it up that mountain." Said Kazam.
"All right. Kyuu and I will help in recruiting Ho-oh." Said Kyon.
"Yuki. If we don't do this, we may as well face it. THE WHOLE UNIVERSE IS GOING TO DIE!" Said Kyon.
"Yes. We must do this." Said Kazam.
"However, before we leave, I want to go recruit someone." Said Kyon.
"Who?" Asked Kazam and Yuki in unison.
Kyon smirked.
"An old friend of mine. A Blissey, if you know who he is."
M鋘nliche Kuh was sitting under a tree outside the village with his favorite magazine, Nintendo Power.
"Hmm...I have base 135 sp. def...I feel tough, lol. CURSE YOU HO-OH! You have 19 more sp. def than I do." ponders M鋘nliche Kuh.
Suddenly, he sees the three Pokemon going on the journey.
"And where might you guys be going?" inquires the curious Pokemon.
"We seek a special Pokemon, one with the power of the sun."
"Hm...would you like to join us on the quest, young Blissey?"
"That's mighty kind of y'all to offer. I guess I'll go along with you guys." answers the pink Pokemon.
"Call me Fett for short," Says M鋘nliche Kuh (Fett = Fat in German.)
"So why the Underworld do you want me on your team? Wouldn't you think I'm a little weird being a Male Blissey. Blissey is a female Pokemon. Its like having a Generless Roselia on Tppcrpg. Its pretty odd, eh?" Says Fett.
"I don't know but you can share your HP with us if we get low"
says Yuki.
"Couldn't you get a fat cow named Miltank for the job?" Fett asks.
"No." said Kazam.
"Whatever." Said Fett.
"We need to recruit Ho-oh," said Kyon.
"That butthole thinks he can have more base special defence with me. I'm not going." cries Fett.
"Get a life and come with us."
"But I can't have a life, I'm emo..." says Fett.
"A Emo male female only Pokemon. This story just got weirder," said Kyon.
"Hmm...I see. Then you give me no choice. If you do not come, I will have to...eat this chocolate cookie in front of you without giving you any." Said Kyon.
"NO! ANYTHING BUT THAT! Don't do it!!!" Pleaded Fett.
Kyon took out the Chocolate Cookie and began to bring it up to his mouth.
"NO! Alright! I'll do it! Just STOP THE TORTURE!" Screamed Fett.
"Good. Hey you remember the time-"
"Jeez, alright. You're acting like some annoyed angry spirit thingy covered with an ice kimono who-Oh right...you are." Mocked Kyon.
"Oh shut up. Just shut up." Yuki retorted.
"Quiet! All of you. We must make haste to Faraway Mountain! We must clear three other areas before we have permission to enter the regions of Faraway Mountain!" Said Kazam.
"Woah, woah, woah...woah.......woah. You mean we need permission?" Asked Yuki.
"Yes." Replied Kazam.
"From who?" Fett and Kyon asked.
"From Entei, Raikou, and Suicune. Ho-oh's loyal helpers." Kazam explained.
The foursome trekked through harsh winds, sat through raging storms, coped with extreme pain and hunger, and then...they finally arrived....at the Sacred Field of Flames.
"How should I finish Entei off? With Water Pulse, Seismic Toss or Ice Beam?" Said Fett
"You fat Pink Puffball, will you ignore the Entei for now until we get to the 30th floor?" says Kazam.
"Man this is taking too long, I might lose weight on this trip.."
"What? Is this everybody yell at Fett in this post today?"
"Yes, now stfu and start moving. Your blocking the stairway." Says Yuki
"Eat my fat." Said Fett.
'No comment.' Thinks Kyon.
"Why the heck didn't I say anything in this post," Said Kyon.
"Stop developing a brain and get the move on." Said Kazam.
*Fett dances down the stairs*
*Fett knocks everyone back down to the first floor.*
*Fetts eat oran berries.*
"FETT!" shouted the three in unison.
"Oops." said Fett.
"Ok, this is getting us nowhere." Said Kazam.
"Well I don't see you helping Mr.I'm-too-smart-to-do-manual-labor." Mocked Yuki.
"I see. Then I guess your wouldn't mind me doing this." Said Kazam.
"Do what?" Asked Kyon.
"Teleport!" Exclaimed Kazam as blue light enveloped the foursome.
Suddenly, everything went black for all four of them.
"KAZAM! What did you do?! Did you take out an Action Replay and input the wrong co-"
"Don't talk to me. Do you WANT to spend your life in an Infinite Void of Darkness with no hope of escape? If you do, then continue talking. If you don't, SHUT UP." Exclaimed Kazam.
Everyone was silent.
"Good. Now let me pinpoint Entei's Aura energy...........................Ah, there it is. Going to Entei now." Said Kazam.
There was a huge BANG sound, as if a little boy had dropped 5,193 Pots and Pans on the ground. A very naughty little boy. A few moments later, they arrived in an open room, surrounded by flames.
"The being who disturbs my slumber...Is it....you?"
"W-w-what was that?" Said Fett as he shuddered in fear.
"The one who disturb my sleep, is it...you?!"
"Ok...Now this is kinda creepy now." Said Kyon.
Suddenly, a Bulky Red figure, no larger than Kyon, materialized out of the flames.
"I...am Entei. One who breathes with the Flames. No one has arrived here in 500 Years. Why do you disturb the slumber of the Pokemon that thrive in this field. OF WHAT PURPOSE DO YOU HAVE OF ENTERING THIS SACRED AREA?!...No matter...with your life on the line...FIGHT AND DO NOT HOLD BACK!" Exclaimed Entei.
"Guys. Prepare yourself. This enemy...is no laughing matter!" Said Kazam.
"Got it Kazam. Guys, I want you to jump the second I talk again." Said Kyon.
"Why?" Asked Yuki.
Kyon slapped Yuki on the head.
"Ha-ha, you got b****slapped!" Mocked Fett.
Kyon stared at Fett with a menacing look.
"Got it. Shutting up now." Said Fett.
"Earthquake!" Shouted Kyon. A huge wave of dust came shooting out of ground from where Kyon was standing. Just as Kyon told them to, everyone jumped. The wave kept going until it got to Entei. The ground burst up with tremendous power and intensity.
"Feh. You call that an attack? Then...it looks like this won't even wake me up." Said Entei.
"M-my attack! I-it didn't even phaze him!" Stuttered Kyon.
"Fire Fang!" Shouted Entei as he charged foward and bit down on Kyon's shoulder."
"Aaaarrrgh!" Yelled Kyon as he fell to the ground, in too much pain to move.
"No! Kyon! Guys, we cannot take him on alone! Look what happened to Kyon! We must combine our powers for a full assault on Entei!" Exclaimed Kazam.
"But, but how?! We obviously can't get close to him! He'll crush us!" Shouted Fett.
"Hmm...you're right. We need a distraction. And NO Yuki, we need you for our full out attack." Said Kazam.
"But then, how will we be able to do it?!" Asked Kyuu.
"I don't know. We must pray that Lady Luck is on our side." Responded Kazam.
Then, Kazam heard two words. Two Words that were shouted in a voice that he did not expect.
"Hyper Beam!"
Kazam turned around. There was Kyon, exhausted from the pain from the burn on his shoulder, an orange beam forming in his mouth. But before he could strike him, Entei struck back.
"Solarbeam!" Exclaimed Entei as a thick white beam of sunlight shot out of his mouth and straight into Kyon. Kyon was knocked back 800 Feet into a wall, shattering most of his bones.
"I...put...everything I had into that...you...better make it worth my....while..." Said Kyon as he fell over.
"Kyon!!!" Yelled Yuki.
"Yuki. Stand Down." Said Kazam.
"But...but...Kyon! He's-"
"I know. But...he did it to give us an opening. So let's not let Kyon's attempt be in vain. Focus Blast!" Yelled Kazam.
"Rrrgh. You're right. we must take this chance! Blizzard!" Shouted Yuki.
"This is for Kyon! Water Pulse!" Exclaimed Fett.
Entei was struck by a Vacuum of pure energy throwing him back 327 feet, then torn apart and frozen by icy gusts of unimaginable force and finally swamped by a bomb of Water large enough to break boulders. The battle was finally over.
"ENOUGH! You have defeated me. Now, tell me what you came seeking for." Said Entei.
"We seek the Mirage Pokemon, Ho-oh." Said Kazam.
"I see. Then you will need this." Said Entei.
A Red Feather materialized from the scorching flames. Entei handed it to Kazam.
"Take this and head east! You will come across a place known as The Sacred Field of Thunder! There, if you're lucky enough to meet Raikou, you may have your wish granted. Now, Farewell! And good luck on your journey!" Yelled Entei.
"All right! We'll do it! We'll get to The Sacred Field of Thunder! We'll-"
"No. Not yet." Interrupted Kazam.
"What do you mean?" Asked Fett.
"Tending to Kyon is our first priority." Stated Kazam.
Fett shouted, "SOFTBOILED!"
Kyon suddenly regained consciousness. "Did we win...?"
Kazam showed him the red feather. "Yes, we won."
Yuki exclaims, "WE KICKED ENTEI'S ARSE!"
Fett was sleeping while everyone was talking. He was exhausted from healing Kyon.
Kazam says, "We shall rest here for tonight."
So the team sleeps under the trees in the forest for the night.
"BWAHAHA! They have fallen asleep. I shall get to work now..," sneered a familiar voice. Darkrai flew over their heads and started chanting.
Rhythmic chanting filled the cave as Darkrai began to open up his foe's minds.
Suddenly, a dry air filled the area. There seemed to be something brewing.
"Solarbeam!" yelled a familiar dog. A greenish glow emanated, widened, then was sent straight toward the master of nightmares.
"Gah!" Yelled Darkrai as he noticed the Solarbeam heading right toward him. He went to his left, barely avoiding the beam of chlorophyll.
But what of the travelers? They were right behind Darkrai, sleeping and helpless.
Well, it seems a certain transsexual fat Butt fell asleep at the feet of the other travelers, and absorbed the Solarbeam with a base 135 SPDEF, and huge HP. All while still asleep.
"What in my name are you, and why are you protecting these idiots?" was the sneer that Darkrai blurted out.
"These four are powerful fighters, one physically powerful, one mentally powerful, and one emotionally powerful. They're all great, except for the freak male Blissey. You will not touch them."
"Bah. This isn't worth it. You can't bodyguard these guys forever. I WILL get them."
"I do not care about what you will or will not do. But for now, THESE Pokemon ARE UNDER MY PROTECTION. You will NOT touch them!" Yelled Entei.
"Hmph. I WILL be back. And when I do come back, once I finish these idiots, you will be the first to die." Said Darkrai as he slowly dissapeared into the Shadows.
Entei sighed and looked back at the group.
"I will not be here to protect them next time Darkrai appears. Young ones...They should enjoy their happiness while it lasts. Soon they will see. The toughest challenge is ahead." Said Entei. He slowly walked forward and disappeared within the flames.
"Did any of you have a weird dream about Entei fighting off Darkrai?" Fett said..
"Yea, whats your point? Didn't you hear what they said or anything?" Kazam replies.
"Have I ever told you I was hacked into the game? I mean seriously, I have Cacophony and I'm Male you buttmunch. Can't you see?" Fett replies snobbishly.
"Why the heck are we finishing our sentences with question marks?" Yuki asks.
"I wonder why, don't you?" Kyon replies
"*Yawn* why's that 13 year old following us around, writing down our every word?" asked Fett after an hour of walking.
"I...don't...know. Why's he wearing a shirt that says 'I'm Underloaded?'" adds Yuki
"Why do you ask so many stupid questions?" Kazam says, trying desperately to shut up those imbeciles.
-Later, at the lake-
"What the heck?" said Kazam under his breath, staring at a Bidoof...with a hula hoop?
"What in Lugia's name is that?" say the other 3 in unison, looking at the freak Bidoof, drinking water from across the lake.
"..." "..." "..."
"I'M A BIDOOF-ARCEUS FUSION YOU IDIOTS!" yells the freak of nature, and the other 3 just stare...and stare...
"Freak..." whispers Fett, when they go back to their journey.
-Even later, on the road-
"..." "Kazam, did you say that?"
"Do you think I'm an idiot like that?"
"YOU TAKE THAT BACK, YOU BIG POOPBUTTS!" says the voice again. It's obvious now that that Bidoof is either a cosplayer, or a fruitcake.
"Aww, crap. It's that Bidoof." Kyon swears.
Suddenly, Fett yells. "Ahh! My back!" were the transsexual's words.
Yuki looks behind the McDonald's diet patron, and sees that the cosplaying fruitcake Bidoof tried to tackle Blissey.
"Poor guy..." consoles Kazam, as the 4 keep moving along, Bidoof still stuck in Fett's fat.
The Bidoof continued to follow the group, staring at them.
"Uh...guys? The Bidoof is still following us..." Said Kyon.
Kazam sighed.
"I am getting sick and tired of you! Why are you following us?!" Yelled Kazam.
The Bidoof thinned its eyes.
"You called me Freak." Said Bidoof.
"FREAK SHMEAK." yelled Yuki.
"JUDGMENT!" shouted Ultra Doof.
Ultra Doof only managed to open up a small void in the middle of time and space. It managed to not harm anyone.
"Aww, shucks. I gotta work on that one day." mumbled Ultra Doof.
"...freak." muttered Kazam and Kyon at the same time.
"Can you teach me how to do that??" asked Yuki.
All of a sudden, amongst the 'freak's and the 'weirdo's, a Charmeleon jumped from the bushes.
"Aww, how cute. Look, Kazam, a wild Charmeleon!" sputtered Yuki.
"...It looks vicious." Kazam seemed to be turning suspicious.
"Aww, lemme pet it!"
Yuki then begins running toward the Charmeleon.
Yuki keeps running toward the Charmeleon. And running...
"Chaa!" the Charmeleon sticks it's head out and goes for Kyuu!
"Waagh!" Yuki yelled as the Charmy ran past her. Charmeleon ran past everyone and went right toward Fett!
"Gah!" was the only word that Fett could muster as he tried to roll away from Charmeleon.
Suddenly...the Charmeleon stopped. He barely scratched Fett, and he fell over!
"...I can't believe it. His DEF was like...1."
"What an idiot!!" Ultra Doof suddenly yelled. He was right.
"Teleport" yelled Kazam right before Charmeleon vanished.
"Aw Kazam, did you have to do that? I wanted to see Fett get owned..." Said Kyon as they returned to the Familiar black space.
"AH! WHAT IS THIS PLACE?! AM I DEAD? Tell me I'm not dead." Pleaded Ultra Doof.
"No. You aren't dead. You're in an endless dimension between the world of the Living and the World of the Dead and if you don't shut up, you'll be staying here for a long time." Said Kazam.
"I think...the The Almighty Arceus is punishing me for all that I've done." Whispered Ultra Doof.
"Didn't you hear Kazam? SHUT UP." Said Yuki.
"What's wrong Kazam?" Asked Fett.
"It seems...The Sacred Field of Lightning is being attacked."
"The Sacred Fields of Thunder...is home to Raikou?" asks Yuki.
". . ."
"OK FINE! Here's a joke then. Why are vacuum cleaners the worst machines in the world?" asks Yuki.
"Why's that?" asks Uber Doof.
"BECAUSE THEY SUCK!" laughs Yuki.
"Must...resist urge...to use...hyper...beam......." mumbles Kyon.
"Zip it. We're here. Brace yourselves for lighting that you have never seen before." says Kazam.
"YOWZA! I say, this lightning follows me. Is it because I'm plump?" questions Fett.
And just then... The five fell into the midst of the battle. Then, they saw it. Fighting type Pokemon were waging a war against the Electric Type Pokemon of the Sacred Field of Thunder.
"W-what is this?" Asked Kyon.
"Blay! Blaziken!" Shouted a Blaziken.
"Machamp! Ma! MACHAMP!" Yelled a Machamp.
"Pika! Pikachu! Pikaaa~ Pika pika!" A Pikachu rebutled.
"Kazam, we can't let this war happen! It'll tear this entire sacred area apart!" Yelled Yuki.
"Not to mention break my Cookie jar!" Complained Fett.
Kyon glared at Fett.
"Right...got it..."
"It's of no use. They won't listen to us. The only way is to..." Kazam looked at his spoons.
"What?" Asked Yuki.
"The only way is for one of us...to risk our life to Skill Swap with one of the Fighting Pokemon's Leaders." Said Kazam.
"S-skill Swap?! Kazam! You want one of us to exchange our Abilities with an opponent? How will that help?!" Asked Fett.
"It is very late. How Fighting Pokemon sense each other is with their determination. If one of us can get that Determination, we may be able to talk them into reason." Said Kazam.
"No Kyuu. I'll do it. You'll just mess up with your rashness." Said Kyon.
"Ok Kyon, be prepared. This might hurt." Said Kazam.
"No worries." Replied Kyon.
"Skill Swap!" Shouted Kazam as a purple glow began to envelop Kyon and the Blaziken General on the opposing side.
"Nngh!" Shouted Kyon as a Purple Orb flew out of his chest.
"BLAY!" Blaziken yelled as a similar Orb floated out of his chest.
Kyon and Blaziken collapsed.
"Kyon! Kazam what happened?!?!?!" Asked Yuki.
"Oh no! It's gone wrong...those aren't their Abilities...Those are...their souls." Kazam said. He stood there stunned as the opposing orbs flew into Kyon's body and Blaziken's body.
Kyon rose up.
"Kyon? Kyon! Speak to me!" shouted Fett.
"Fly? Flygon? Fly!!!" Kyon jumped up and flew away.
"Kyon! Where are you-"
Yuki was interuppted by a voice.
The Fighting Pokemon began to retreat. Yuki, Kazam, and Fett ran up to Blaze. Ultra Doof was snoring in his sleep.
"Kyon! You did it!" Said Kazam.
"Kyon?" Blaze turned his head. "My name is Blaze. And I have no idea who you are."
Kyon flew and flew but couldn't find the exit. He kept going.
"Argh! There's no end to this maze!" He exclaimed.
Kyon dove into a stream in an attempt to find a way out. Nothing. He jumped out of the stream to catch his breath, only to discover that he entire area was somehow flooded by a Liquid substance.
"What is this stuff?!"
Kyon swam up and up until he broke free of the substance. Suddenly, a blob flew up and encased Kyon.
"No! I can't die like this! I won't...hap..pe...n....no...."
Kyon sat up suddenly.
"Yawn~ Only 5 am. Ugh what a Nightmare...maybe I'll go see how Kazam and Yuki are doing..."
Yuki stares at the morning sky. The clouds fly by. But suddenly, a faint glimmer appears and something grows bigger with every second.
A meteor approaches!
Yuki runs over the mountains to go back to the valley. Along the way, she passes by all of the village Pokemon who do their daily routine. She goes to see Kazam and Kyon to tell them of the impending danger that approaches...
Kyon walks drowsly towards Kazam's room when he sees Kyuu charging towards him!
"What's wrong?" asked Kyon.
Kazam floated out of his room.
"Now, now. I'm positive that there's a simple way to solve this. Also, I was meditating. Please don't scream like that." Kazam calmly explained.
"Ok. Ok. Will you at least stop talking in Caps, Yuki? Seriously, is this Caps Lock abuse day?" Said Kyon
"ASKDFJG!" screams Yuki.
*turns off Caps Lock*
"But seriously, we should runnnnnnnn! And probably evacuate those worthless NPC villager Pokemon along the way. >.>" exclaims Yuki.
Yuki runs around the village shouting up towards the sky. The villagers look at her very strangely and proceed with their daily ritual.
Yuki is stricken by the fact that no one listens to her. Perhaps it is their pre-programmed NPC trait? No one will ever know...but this woman has a plan.
Kyon slaps his forehead in disbelief.
"Yuki! They're NPC's! the only things they listen to are the words: What are you selling." Shouted Kyon.
Yuki pays no attention to Kyon's words and continues to run around howling at the sky.
"Perhaps I can be of assitance." Said Kazam.
"Uhh..Kay." Said Kyon.
"Psychic!" Exclaimed Kazam as he lifted the two spoons he always carries. Kazam began glowing as every single stupid NPC began to float above the ground. Kazam carefully lifted them away from the village and into the air above the forest.
"Kyon!" Said Kazam.
"Got it." Replied Kyon.
Kyon flew foward and into the crowd of floating NPC's. He shot up until he could clearly see the Forest.
"Hyper Beam!" Shouted Kyon.
A Huge Orange beam shot out of Kyon's mouth and straight into the center of the forest, leveling a 10 Mile radius.
"Kyon...that was kind of going overboard." Said Kazam.
"Heh, sorry." Said Kyon.
"No matter, I will put the villagers down now." Said Kazam.
The meteor crashes just when Kyon, Yuki and Kazam safely evacuate the village. The explosion's impact was felt by the three.
After a few minutes, Kazam decides to check out the meteor, accompanied by Kyon and Yuki. The remnants of the meteor seem to glow. A faint cry is heard from the area where it landed.
The smoke clears.
Kyon, Kazam and Yuki see something extraordinary, something so rare that it can be considered a once in a lifetime event.
They find a sleeping Jirachi where the meteor was.
Kyon smiles . He slowly walks toward Jirachi but suddenly,
"Fwaaaah...I'm still sleepy...."
"What?! Who said that?! YOU WANNA PIECE OF ME?!" Screamed Yuki
Yuki dashes from side to side, growling. Kyon looks at her disbelievingly.
"You're kidding right." Said Kyon.
"Kidding about what?!" Replied Yuki while dashing from side to side.
"Kyuu. That is the voice of Jirachi. Not an enemy." Said Kazam.
"Oh....uh....yeah. I...I knew that...." Said Yuki as she slowly moved backwards.
Kyon begins to slowly approach Jirachi.
"No. Kyon you musn't approach Jirachi." Said Kazam.
"Aye, you cannot approach Jirachi. He has teh 00ber 1337 hax0rz lawyers, and they will tear you APART!" Explained Kazam.
"Kazam, what in Celebi's name are you talking about?" said both Yuki and Kygon in unison.
"...Sorry, these meditations are probably getting to me." apologized Kazam.
The three slowly walk toward the still groggy sprite.
"Fwaaaahhhh, I'm tired"
Jirachi said as it rubbed it's eyes.
"Who the Heck are you?" Kyuu blurted out suddenly.
"Jirachi, of the Lax nature."
Jirachi said. This caught the 3 off guard.
"What is this, some kind of plot opener? And why do you get italicized words and two lines per saying. WE ONLY GET ONE!!!! Die!" Yuki stamped down her foot...she had doomed us all.
That was it. Jirachi's eyes suddenly turned pure purple, and he rose from the ground, angry as angry can be. Yuki must've hurt his feelings.
"Flash Cannon!" yelled Jirachi as a bright light blinded the three.
The light suddenly began to be absorbed by Jirachi! Jirachi shot out a thick beam of silver light that charged forward at incomprehendible speed.
"Look out, Yuki!" Shouted Kyon.
Yuki narrowly avoided the blast, however, one of her arms was damaged. Kyon and Kazam rushed over to Yuki, trying to make sure that she was alright.
"IT BURNS!!! I mean like, it didn't puncture the flesh or anything, but man that burns!" Said Yuki.
"I'm just gonna assume that means you're okay..." Said Kyon.
"No. She's not." Said Kazam.
"What do you mean?" Asked Kyon.
"Flash Cannon has a nasty side effect..." Said Kazam.
"Which is?" Asked Kyon.
"BUUUH! I have...a nasty allergy to metallic objects. COINS, CHROME, AND EVEN STEEL TYPE ATTACKS! My poor arm's going to swell up soon." ranted Yuki.
"Fwaaah! You guys are noisy..." Jirachi went back to sleep.
Kyon asks, "What do we do now?"
Kazam replies, "I think we should call it a day. It's been tiring and lots of things have happened."
"So, uhh...where do we sleep now?" asks Yuki.
The villager NPCs have already built a new village while the three were talking. No one could believe the rate at which the village was built.
"I TAKE THE BRICK HOUSE! Winds can't move it. " says Yuki, as she smiles and runs toward the newly built house.
Kyon slaps his forehead and flies toward a haystack. In minutes time, he builds a Hammock.
"So much better than a house," said Kyon as he smiled before he drifted away to happy-sleepy-no-nightmare-land...Hopefully.
< br> "Where am I?" wondered Kyon.
He flapped his wings and jumped up, only to find that he couldn't Fly! His wings were stuck to each other by a mysterious liquid. The same Liquid from his other nightmare!
Kyon tried as hard as he could but to no avail! His wings were still stuck! Suddenly, Kyon fell down into a crevass!
"That isn't right..." Kyon said.
Kyon's eyes shot open!
"That was...the same dream as before..."
"Ha, ha. You'd like to think that were true, no?" a screechy and dark voice said mockingly. A silouhette emerged from afar.
"Who...who...who are you?!?" screamed the helpless Pokemon.
"Most people call me evil, but you can call me..."
"What?? What's your name!?"
"D-d-d-Darkrai?? Darkrai!!? What're you doing here, harassing me??" Kyon was horrified now.
"Well, it's quite simple. I'm looking for the Pokemon you were interacting with today. I believe he goes by 'Kazam'."
"K-k-Kazam? What do you want with him??" Kyon felt like dying now.
"Yes..well, your little friend is holding something very dear to me. Something I cannot live without."
"W-h-what is it? What are you looking for that is so important?"
"SILENCE! Enough! You ask too many questions!
Kyon heard the sound of a rope snapping. He was surrounded by darkness.
Kyon fell backwards and into a lake, paying no heed that he could drown. He was comsumed by his nightmare.
"Feh. No one can withstand Darkrai! Now. To find Kazam." Said Darkrai.
Kazam stood up suddenly. He opened his door.
Kazam heard three knocks, one slowly following the other. Unphazed, he opens the door to his hut and is suddenly face to face with a black face.
"Hello there, old friend." sneered Darkrai.
"Why, hello there Darkrai. Here to take back your Sleep Orb?" said Kazam, still faced and confident.
"Aye." Said Darkrai as a taunt. Then, he suddenly screamed unlegible words. A blade of shadows grazed Alakazam.
"Ah! Not a Night Slash..." groaned Kazam as he jumped to safety. The blade of shadows grazed his arm, causing him to wince in pain.
"Super effectiveness, gotta hate it..." said Kazam, somehow feeling confident in the midst of the chaos.
"My turn." Kazam taunted. Then he said nonchalantly...
Alakazam was covered in a white aura, his wounds healed. But before he could finish the healing, a certain ice-type knocked him over, fearing that the white glow was Darkrai's attack.
Kyuu jumped over Kazam and towards Darkrai.
"Phew, Kazam you Okay?" Asked Yuki.
"No you incompetent fool! You cannot handle him! Get away from here! NOW!" Exclaimed Kazam.
"Well so-rry for saving your behind!"Said Yuki.
"Yuki! That white Aura was my Recover attack! You idiot! He will kill us all!" Said Kazam.
"Hello...? Anyone remember me? I'm the bad guy! Heeeello~" said Darkrai.
Kazam jumped in front of Yuki and prepared himself. Kyuu squinted her eyes and swerved around Kazam.
"Kyuu! Get out of the way!: said Kazam.
"NO!" Screamed Yuki,
*cheesy music plays in the background*
"Haha! That Snorunt doesn't have a hood thingy! She's not normal!"
"Quick! Let's all attack him with Metronome!"
Yuki, as a young Snorunt, runs to the corner. Suddenly, someone approaches her.
"It's ok, young one. You're safe with me. DARK...VOID! Enjoy your nap time...I'll just pop this Chesto Berry in my mouth..."
*flashback over*
"I...I...I...I...You...Blah." mumbles Yuki.
"Do you still remember me, Yuki?" asks Darkrai
"OMAIGAD! It...it...it's you..." stutters Yuki.
"You know him?" asks Kazam.
"Ugh, that flashback was useless. Darkrai tries to interfere with everyone's lives. He's like that." mocked Kazam.
"That's it. You're going down!" sneered Darkrai.
"Dark PULSE! were the words that Darkrai murmured at that moment. Suddenly, Kyuu felt very woozy. She dropped to the ground.
Kazam was trying to fight it. His ears were pulsing, and everything around him was shades of gray and black. He then barked out one more attack.
"FOCUS BLAST!" were his words.
A vacuum of energy rushed toward the sinister dream reaper. Darkrai had to break his Dark Pulse attack to dodge to the left. Then, from the very heavens, two words were heard.
"Hyper Beam!"
Kyon shot a mighty beam of energy towards the dark being. Darkrai tried to evade the attack, but he was injured from the intensity of attack. He fleed afterwards.
"I'll be back..." he sneered.
Kyon asked Kazam about Darkrai's visit. Kazam shook his head and answered in a deep voice, "I was afraid this day would come."
Kazam takes out his Sleep Orb and shows it to Kyon.
"This, my friend, is what he was after."
"The Sleep Orb is Darkrai's main point of attack. If anyone comes into contact with it, they instantly fall asleep, making them subjective to Darkrai's nightmares. He 'inserts' dreams into Pokemon's heads, either to scare them into believing something, or to scare them to insanity."
"Power is a finnickly little mistress..." added Yuki.
"Aye. That it is." agreed Kyon.
"There's one more thing I need to add. Even though the Sleep Orb is safe and sound, Darkrai can still wreak havoc. We need to stop him...once and for all." It seemed like Kazam was waiting to spill the beans.
"Well, how do we do that?" Kyon egged Kazam on.
"We need to recruit the legendary one."
"Legengary one...? Who's that?" Asked Kyon.
"The Legendary one is an almighty being. The Guardian of the Skies and one who has the power of the sun within him. One who can ressurrect the dead. His name...is Ho-oh." Explained Kazam.
Yuki and Kyon stood, too shocked to move.
"Yes. I do. However, if we do not get to Ho-oh, we may as well consider that this entire region doomed. Kyuu. If not for Kyon, we would've been slaughtered. And Kyon had the element of suprise on his side. Even us three together may not be able to defeat Darkrai. As tough as it may seem, we MUST make it up that mountain." Said Kazam.
"All right. Kyuu and I will help in recruiting Ho-oh." Said Kyon.
"Yuki. If we don't do this, we may as well face it. THE WHOLE UNIVERSE IS GOING TO DIE!" Said Kyon.
"Yes. We must do this." Said Kazam.
"However, before we leave, I want to go recruit someone." Said Kyon.
"Who?" Asked Kazam and Yuki in unison.
Kyon smirked.
"An old friend of mine. A Blissey, if you know who he is."
M鋘nliche Kuh was sitting under a tree outside the village with his favorite magazine, Nintendo Power.
"Hmm...I have base 135 sp. def...I feel tough, lol. CURSE YOU HO-OH! You have 19 more sp. def than I do." ponders M鋘nliche Kuh.
Suddenly, he sees the three Pokemon going on the journey.
"And where might you guys be going?" inquires the curious Pokemon.
"We seek a special Pokemon, one with the power of the sun."
"Hm...would you like to join us on the quest, young Blissey?"
"That's mighty kind of y'all to offer. I guess I'll go along with you guys." answers the pink Pokemon.
"Call me Fett for short," Says M鋘nliche Kuh (Fett = Fat in German.)
"So why the Underworld do you want me on your team? Wouldn't you think I'm a little weird being a Male Blissey. Blissey is a female Pokemon. Its like having a Generless Roselia on Tppcrpg. Its pretty odd, eh?" Says Fett.
"I don't know but you can share your HP with us if we get low"
says Yuki.
"Couldn't you get a fat cow named Miltank for the job?" Fett asks.
"No." said Kazam.
"Whatever." Said Fett.
"We need to recruit Ho-oh," said Kyon.
"That butthole thinks he can have more base special defence with me. I'm not going." cries Fett.
"Get a life and come with us."
"But I can't have a life, I'm emo..." says Fett.
"A Emo male female only Pokemon. This story just got weirder," said Kyon.
"Hmm...I see. Then you give me no choice. If you do not come, I will have to...eat this chocolate cookie in front of you without giving you any." Said Kyon.
"NO! ANYTHING BUT THAT! Don't do it!!!" Pleaded Fett.
Kyon took out the Chocolate Cookie and began to bring it up to his mouth.
"NO! Alright! I'll do it! Just STOP THE TORTURE!" Screamed Fett.
"Good. Hey you remember the time-"
"Jeez, alright. You're acting like some annoyed angry spirit thingy covered with an ice kimono who-Oh right...you are." Mocked Kyon.
"Oh shut up. Just shut up." Yuki retorted.
"Quiet! All of you. We must make haste to Faraway Mountain! We must clear three other areas before we have permission to enter the regions of Faraway Mountain!" Said Kazam.
"Woah, woah, woah...woah.......woah. You mean we need permission?" Asked Yuki.
"Yes." Replied Kazam.
"From who?" Fett and Kyon asked.
"From Entei, Raikou, and Suicune. Ho-oh's loyal helpers." Kazam explained.
The foursome trekked through harsh winds, sat through raging storms, coped with extreme pain and hunger, and then...they finally arrived....at the Sacred Field of Flames.
"How should I finish Entei off? With Water Pulse, Seismic Toss or Ice Beam?" Said Fett
"You fat Pink Puffball, will you ignore the Entei for now until we get to the 30th floor?" says Kazam.
"Man this is taking too long, I might lose weight on this trip.."
"What? Is this everybody yell at Fett in this post today?"
"Yes, now stfu and start moving. Your blocking the stairway." Says Yuki
"Eat my fat." Said Fett.
'No comment.' Thinks Kyon.
"Why the heck didn't I say anything in this post," Said Kyon.
"Stop developing a brain and get the move on." Said Kazam.
*Fett dances down the stairs*
*Fett knocks everyone back down to the first floor.*
*Fetts eat oran berries.*
"FETT!" shouted the three in unison.
"Oops." said Fett.
"Ok, this is getting us nowhere." Said Kazam.
"Well I don't see you helping Mr.I'm-too-smart-to-do-manual-labor." Mocked Yuki.
"I see. Then I guess your wouldn't mind me doing this." Said Kazam.
"Do what?" Asked Kyon.
"Teleport!" Exclaimed Kazam as blue light enveloped the foursome.
Suddenly, everything went black for all four of them.
"KAZAM! What did you do?! Did you take out an Action Replay and input the wrong co-"
"Don't talk to me. Do you WANT to spend your life in an Infinite Void of Darkness with no hope of escape? If you do, then continue talking. If you don't, SHUT UP." Exclaimed Kazam.
Everyone was silent.
"Good. Now let me pinpoint Entei's Aura energy...........................Ah, there it is. Going to Entei now." Said Kazam.
There was a huge BANG sound, as if a little boy had dropped 5,193 Pots and Pans on the ground. A very naughty little boy. A few moments later, they arrived in an open room, surrounded by flames.
"The being who disturbs my slumber...Is it....you?"
"W-w-what was that?" Said Fett as he shuddered in fear.
"The one who disturb my sleep, is it...you?!"
"Ok...Now this is kinda creepy now." Said Kyon.
Suddenly, a Bulky Red figure, no larger than Kyon, materialized out of the flames.
"I...am Entei. One who breathes with the Flames. No one has arrived here in 500 Years. Why do you disturb the slumber of the Pokemon that thrive in this field. OF WHAT PURPOSE DO YOU HAVE OF ENTERING THIS SACRED AREA?!...No matter...with your life on the line...FIGHT AND DO NOT HOLD BACK!" Exclaimed Entei.
"Guys. Prepare yourself. This enemy...is no laughing matter!" Said Kazam.
"Got it Kazam. Guys, I want you to jump the second I talk again." Said Kyon.
"Why?" Asked Yuki.
Kyon slapped Yuki on the head.
"Ha-ha, you got b****slapped!" Mocked Fett.
Kyon stared at Fett with a menacing look.
"Got it. Shutting up now." Said Fett.
"Earthquake!" Shouted Kyon. A huge wave of dust came shooting out of ground from where Kyon was standing. Just as Kyon told them to, everyone jumped. The wave kept going until it got to Entei. The ground burst up with tremendous power and intensity.
"Feh. You call that an attack? Then...it looks like this won't even wake me up." Said Entei.
"M-my attack! I-it didn't even phaze him!" Stuttered Kyon.
"Fire Fang!" Shouted Entei as he charged foward and bit down on Kyon's shoulder."
"Aaaarrrgh!" Yelled Kyon as he fell to the ground, in too much pain to move.
"No! Kyon! Guys, we cannot take him on alone! Look what happened to Kyon! We must combine our powers for a full assault on Entei!" Exclaimed Kazam.
"But, but how?! We obviously can't get close to him! He'll crush us!" Shouted Fett.
"Hmm...you're right. We need a distraction. And NO Yuki, we need you for our full out attack." Said Kazam.
"But then, how will we be able to do it?!" Asked Kyuu.
"I don't know. We must pray that Lady Luck is on our side." Responded Kazam.
Then, Kazam heard two words. Two Words that were shouted in a voice that he did not expect.
"Hyper Beam!"
Kazam turned around. There was Kyon, exhausted from the pain from the burn on his shoulder, an orange beam forming in his mouth. But before he could strike him, Entei struck back.
"Solarbeam!" Exclaimed Entei as a thick white beam of sunlight shot out of his mouth and straight into Kyon. Kyon was knocked back 800 Feet into a wall, shattering most of his bones.
"I...put...everything I had into that...you...better make it worth my....while..." Said Kyon as he fell over.
"Kyon!!!" Yelled Yuki.
"Yuki. Stand Down." Said Kazam.
"But...but...Kyon! He's-"
"I know. But...he did it to give us an opening. So let's not let Kyon's attempt be in vain. Focus Blast!" Yelled Kazam.
"Rrrgh. You're right. we must take this chance! Blizzard!" Shouted Yuki.
"This is for Kyon! Water Pulse!" Exclaimed Fett.
Entei was struck by a Vacuum of pure energy throwing him back 327 feet, then torn apart and frozen by icy gusts of unimaginable force and finally swamped by a bomb of Water large enough to break boulders. The battle was finally over.
"ENOUGH! You have defeated me. Now, tell me what you came seeking for." Said Entei.
"We seek the Mirage Pokemon, Ho-oh." Said Kazam.
"I see. Then you will need this." Said Entei.
A Red Feather materialized from the scorching flames. Entei handed it to Kazam.
"Take this and head east! You will come across a place known as The Sacred Field of Thunder! There, if you're lucky enough to meet Raikou, you may have your wish granted. Now, Farewell! And good luck on your journey!" Yelled Entei.
"All right! We'll do it! We'll get to The Sacred Field of Thunder! We'll-"
"No. Not yet." Interrupted Kazam.
"What do you mean?" Asked Fett.
"Tending to Kyon is our first priority." Stated Kazam.
Fett shouted, "SOFTBOILED!"
Kyon suddenly regained consciousness. "Did we win...?"
Kazam showed him the red feather. "Yes, we won."
Yuki exclaims, "WE KICKED ENTEI'S ARSE!"
Fett was sleeping while everyone was talking. He was exhausted from healing Kyon.
Kazam says, "We shall rest here for tonight."
So the team sleeps under the trees in the forest for the night.
"BWAHAHA! They have fallen asleep. I shall get to work now..," sneered a familiar voice. Darkrai flew over their heads and started chanting.
Rhythmic chanting filled the cave as Darkrai began to open up his foe's minds.
Suddenly, a dry air filled the area. There seemed to be something brewing.
"Solarbeam!" yelled a familiar dog. A greenish glow emanated, widened, then was sent straight toward the master of nightmares.
"Gah!" Yelled Darkrai as he noticed the Solarbeam heading right toward him. He went to his left, barely avoiding the beam of chlorophyll.
But what of the travelers? They were right behind Darkrai, sleeping and helpless.
Well, it seems a certain transsexual fat Butt fell asleep at the feet of the other travelers, and absorbed the Solarbeam with a base 135 SPDEF, and huge HP. All while still asleep.
"What in my name are you, and why are you protecting these idiots?" was the sneer that Darkrai blurted out.
"These four are powerful fighters, one physically powerful, one mentally powerful, and one emotionally powerful. They're all great, except for the freak male Blissey. You will not touch them."
"Bah. This isn't worth it. You can't bodyguard these guys forever. I WILL get them."
"I do not care about what you will or will not do. But for now, THESE Pokemon ARE UNDER MY PROTECTION. You will NOT touch them!" Yelled Entei.
"Hmph. I WILL be back. And when I do come back, once I finish these idiots, you will be the first to die." Said Darkrai as he slowly dissapeared into the Shadows.
Entei sighed and looked back at the group.
"I will not be here to protect them next time Darkrai appears. Young ones...They should enjoy their happiness while it lasts. Soon they will see. The toughest challenge is ahead." Said Entei. He slowly walked forward and disappeared within the flames.
"Did any of you have a weird dream about Entei fighting off Darkrai?" Fett said..
"Yea, whats your point? Didn't you hear what they said or anything?" Kazam replies.
"Have I ever told you I was hacked into the game? I mean seriously, I have Cacophony and I'm Male you buttmunch. Can't you see?" Fett replies snobbishly.
"Why the heck are we finishing our sentences with question marks?" Yuki asks.
"I wonder why, don't you?" Kyon replies
"*Yawn* why's that 13 year old following us around, writing down our every word?" asked Fett after an hour of walking.
"I...don't...know. Why's he wearing a shirt that says 'I'm Underloaded?'" adds Yuki
"Why do you ask so many stupid questions?" Kazam says, trying desperately to shut up those imbeciles.
-Later, at the lake-
"What the heck?" said Kazam under his breath, staring at a Bidoof...with a hula hoop?
"What in Lugia's name is that?" say the other 3 in unison, looking at the freak Bidoof, drinking water from across the lake.
"..." "..." "..."
"I'M A BIDOOF-ARCEUS FUSION YOU IDIOTS!" yells the freak of nature, and the other 3 just stare...and stare...
"Freak..." whispers Fett, when they go back to their journey.
-Even later, on the road-
"..." "Kazam, did you say that?"
"Do you think I'm an idiot like that?"
"YOU TAKE THAT BACK, YOU BIG POOPBUTTS!" says the voice again. It's obvious now that that Bidoof is either a cosplayer, or a fruitcake.
"Aww, crap. It's that Bidoof." Kyon swears.
Suddenly, Fett yells. "Ahh! My back!" were the transsexual's words.
Yuki looks behind the McDonald's diet patron, and sees that the cosplaying fruitcake Bidoof tried to tackle Blissey.
"Poor guy..." consoles Kazam, as the 4 keep moving along, Bidoof still stuck in Fett's fat.
The Bidoof continued to follow the group, staring at them.
"Uh...guys? The Bidoof is still following us..." Said Kyon.
Kazam sighed.
"I am getting sick and tired of you! Why are you following us?!" Yelled Kazam.
The Bidoof thinned its eyes.
"You called me Freak." Said Bidoof.
"FREAK SHMEAK." yelled Yuki.
"JUDGMENT!" shouted Ultra Doof.
Ultra Doof only managed to open up a small void in the middle of time and space. It managed to not harm anyone.
"Aww, shucks. I gotta work on that one day." mumbled Ultra Doof.
"...freak." muttered Kazam and Kyon at the same time.
"Can you teach me how to do that??" asked Yuki.
All of a sudden, amongst the 'freak's and the 'weirdo's, a Charmeleon jumped from the bushes.
"Aww, how cute. Look, Kazam, a wild Charmeleon!" sputtered Yuki.
"...It looks vicious." Kazam seemed to be turning suspicious.
"Aww, lemme pet it!"
Yuki then begins running toward the Charmeleon.
Yuki keeps running toward the Charmeleon. And running...
"Chaa!" the Charmeleon sticks it's head out and goes for Kyuu!
"Waagh!" Yuki yelled as the Charmy ran past her. Charmeleon ran past everyone and went right toward Fett!
"Gah!" was the only word that Fett could muster as he tried to roll away from Charmeleon.
Suddenly...the Charmeleon stopped. He barely scratched Fett, and he fell over!
"...I can't believe it. His DEF was like...1."
"What an idiot!!" Ultra Doof suddenly yelled. He was right.
"Teleport" yelled Kazam right before Charmeleon vanished.
"Aw Kazam, did you have to do that? I wanted to see Fett get owned..." Said Kyon as they returned to the Familiar black space.
"AH! WHAT IS THIS PLACE?! AM I DEAD? Tell me I'm not dead." Pleaded Ultra Doof.
"No. You aren't dead. You're in an endless dimension between the world of the Living and the World of the Dead and if you don't shut up, you'll be staying here for a long time." Said Kazam.
"I think...the The Almighty Arceus is punishing me for all that I've done." Whispered Ultra Doof.
"Didn't you hear Kazam? SHUT UP." Said Yuki.
"What's wrong Kazam?" Asked Fett.
"It seems...The Sacred Field of Lightning is being attacked."
"The Sacred Fields of Thunder...is home to Raikou?" asks Yuki.
". . ."
"OK FINE! Here's a joke then. Why are vacuum cleaners the worst machines in the world?" asks Yuki.
"Why's that?" asks Uber Doof.
"BECAUSE THEY SUCK!" laughs Yuki.
"Must...resist urge...to use...hyper...beam......." mumbles Kyon.
"Zip it. We're here. Brace yourselves for lighting that you have never seen before." says Kazam.
"YOWZA! I say, this lightning follows me. Is it because I'm plump?" questions Fett.
And just then... The five fell into the midst of the battle. Then, they saw it. Fighting type Pokemon were waging a war against the Electric Type Pokemon of the Sacred Field of Thunder.
"W-what is this?" Asked Kyon.
"Blay! Blaziken!" Shouted a Blaziken.
"Machamp! Ma! MACHAMP!" Yelled a Machamp.
"Pika! Pikachu! Pikaaa~ Pika pika!" A Pikachu rebutled.
"Kazam, we can't let this war happen! It'll tear this entire sacred area apart!" Yelled Yuki.
"Not to mention break my Cookie jar!" Complained Fett.
Kyon glared at Fett.
"Right...got it..."
"It's of no use. They won't listen to us. The only way is to..." Kazam looked at his spoons.
"What?" Asked Yuki.
"The only way is for one of us...to risk our life to Skill Swap with one of the Fighting Pokemon's Leaders." Said Kazam.
"S-skill Swap?! Kazam! You want one of us to exchange our Abilities with an opponent? How will that help?!" Asked Fett.
"It is very late. How Fighting Pokemon sense each other is with their determination. If one of us can get that Determination, we may be able to talk them into reason." Said Kazam.
"No Kyuu. I'll do it. You'll just mess up with your rashness." Said Kyon.
"Ok Kyon, be prepared. This might hurt." Said Kazam.
"No worries." Replied Kyon.
"Skill Swap!" Shouted Kazam as a purple glow began to envelop Kyon and the Blaziken General on the opposing side.
"Nngh!" Shouted Kyon as a Purple Orb flew out of his chest.
"BLAY!" Blaziken yelled as a similar Orb floated out of his chest.
Kyon and Blaziken collapsed.
"Kyon! Kazam what happened?!?!?!" Asked Yuki.
"Oh no! It's gone wrong...those aren't their Abilities...Those are...their souls." Kazam said. He stood there stunned as the opposing orbs flew into Kyon's body and Blaziken's body.
Kyon rose up.
"Kyon? Kyon! Speak to me!" shouted Fett.
"Fly? Flygon? Fly!!!" Kyon jumped up and flew away.
"Kyon! Where are you-"
Yuki was interuppted by a voice.
The Fighting Pokemon began to retreat. Yuki, Kazam, and Fett ran up to Blaze. Ultra Doof was snoring in his sleep.
"Kyon! You did it!" Said Kazam.
"Kyon?" Blaze turned his head. "My name is Blaze. And I have no idea who you are."