Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Heart ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 8
Bernard rubbed his hands gleefully. Finally, his diligence had paid off. He had always suspected there was something fishy about Mr. McGregor, and now he had proof! Once the man had taken off his sunglasses, well, there was one obvious difference, and now, as he watched him bleaching his hair in the bathroom sink, no more investigation was needed.
There was a big reward for the Elite Four right now, and he had just found his lucky break! He wasn't sure how Red was involved, but he guessed that the Champion was blackmailing the Dragon Master somehow.
He shrugged. Tomorrow… tomorrow would be time enough to call the police. And he'd wait until Red was there, so he'd have backup.
Wasn't he lucky?
The next morning, Red showed up with a basket of groceries - Lance had tactfully reminded Red that he couldn't really leave his house, as it wasn't safe, so Red had volunteered to shop, since Lance's cooking, though certainly not gourmet, was much better than microwave dinners and he was quite sure he wouldn't be poisoned. It was noon by the time Bernard woke up and realized he had missed the Champion. Ah well, no time like the present… he dialed the police force in Viridian and waited half an hour before they arrived.
It was suspicion only, but it was better than no leads, and besides, the station there had Lance's fingerprints on file, from his childhood. Hopefully, it would be enough…
He could almost feel the money in his hands, and he excitedly rang the doorbell.
Red paused, putting down his teacup. “Were you expecting visitors?”
“Of course not.” Lance replied, as Ptera frowned from his perch.
“Should I answer?”
“If you wish.” The Dragon Master slid his sunglasses back on. It was lucky he had sent his Hakuryuu and their baby Miniryuu into hiding three days ago. He was not an unduly paranoid man, but he could not shake the feeling of prying eyes…
Well, at least now they would be safe. It could be something innocuous, but somehow, he doubted it.
Ptera bared sharp fangs. Master…
“I know.” Lance nodded. “But if you cannot win, flee. I would not have more blood on my hands.”
Master! I would protect you with my dying breath…
“I do not wish for you to die, Ptera.” Lance said, as he placed his hands on the dragon's wings, feeling the pokémon tense. “Please.”
His Aerodactyl looked troubled, but nodded.
“Hello?” Red asked, as he opened the door. He was surprised to be greeted by a scrawny man in Hawaiian-print clothing with a scraggly goatee, and a shiny bald spot. Behind the man were six policemen, at least, all dressed in regulation blue with poke balls - and guns - at the ready.
“Champion Red, you are currently under suspicion for aiding and abetting one of the Elite Four. Please step aside. We shall deal with your case later.”
“W-What?” Red stammered, shocked.
“You heard me.” The lead policeman said. Stunned, Red stood there like a statue and they nudged him aside.
Lance closed his eyes. “Ptera.”
I know. His dragon promised, before both their eyes snapped open, dragon-gold. Hyper Beam sent Bernard flying through a wall, but then the man in the lead fired a net from the gun on his shoulder and entangled them both. Electricity crackled as he depressed the trigger, and Lance screamed as the voltage coursed through his body. It reminded him of Megavolt, and he knew Ptera felt the same. Still, two sweeps of razor wings was enough for the pokémon to pull free, and a moment later, the fossil dragon had fled, as per orders.
“Yes, it's definitely him.” One of the men said, checking the fingerprints. “We've got the Leader.”
They handcuffed him - small matter, since he was unconscious, and then left, pushing past a frozen Red.
It was only as they were driving off that he was freed from the involuntary paralysis. What - what was going on?
Bernard moaned and got up shakily, but he was mostly unhurt. And now he had his monetary reward!
He laughed gleefully as he left the house.
Now his future was set!
When he woke up, there was pain, but he had expected it, and he stared impassively into dark eyes as they began to recant his crimes.
He would not confess. After all, what reason did he have to love humanity?
He was only sorry that his efforts had hurt his dragons… and perhaps, other pokémon… but after all…
It was dark and wet, but he really didn't care.
They could try all they wished, but he was already broken. Silly humans. He'd broken as soon as his dragons had died. But they didn't need to know, did they?
No they didn't!
The manacles weren't too tight, they weren't cruel enough - or merciful enough - to kill him right off the bat, but it mattered little.
He closed his eyes and reached for the darkness.
Red stared at the newspaper dully the next morning, as the headlines gleefully trumpeted he capture of the Dragon Master. The only thing he was grateful for was the fact that his name had not been mentioned.
His neighbor, Bernard Navarro had been granted a fifty thousand pokeyen reward for the capture. Red felt disgusted, really.
Surely people could not be bought and sold…?
He pulled his knees to his chest, and frowned as he sat upon the coverlet. He wondered what would happen to Lance now.
It wasn't really his concern, was it?
But Lance had changed. He knew that much - he could see it in the man's eyes. If only this hadn't happened, maybe he could have learned, slowly, that humans weren't totally bad, and maybe he would have stopped his mad plans…
Now what was going to happen?
Red rocked back and forth slowly, and tried hard not to imagine what was going on in Viridian City.
End Chapter
Completed 12/11/06
*Kicks Writer's Block*
Lance: I'm getting tortured?
Phantomness: I suck at torture, so no details.
Red: *Cries*