Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Defiance ❯ The End ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Now how to wrap this up?
Warning: Shonen-ai Championshipping (Red x Lance). Manga-based, in case that wasn't already evident.
Disclaimer/Notes: See previous chapter
Phantomness: *glaring at plotbunny* this is not being good… if this fic suddenly does a 180 its not my fault!
Chapter 6
Red was silent in the pool that night.
“Lance, do you think I'm a nuisance?”
“No, I do not believe so…”
“Then… do you like me?”
“Well enough, why?” Odd questions…
“Just curious.” Red said, before he hugged Lance tightly.
The Dragon Master blinked, but accepted it. Was it what it might be?
He was soft though… warm…
How cute.
He briefly ran his fingers through damp raven hair. “You are very pretty.” Such nice, smooth skin, too…
Red turned bright red and slipped beneath the surface with nary a splash.
A second later, the boy shot out, making a mad dash for the couch with the towels on it. He didn't even look at Lance.
Lance blinked. * What did I do wrong? *
Shrugging he continued to soak in the blood-warm water, watching bubbles float across the surface.
Oh well… he'd find out.
“What am I going to do?!”
Just tell him, dear. Venus advised.
“But I can't!”
Trust me, it will most definitely be worse if you don't…
He gulped. * Really? Oh, but I don't want to be mad… I mean I don't want him to be mad with me! I know he promised not to kill me but living with someone who hates you is bad… *
What to do?
Aeroy stretched. You ought to come clean.
“I can't!”
It will drive you crazy if you don't…
“Argh! Argh! Argh!”
He ate a box of caramel bonbons and tried to ponder what to do. It was hard.
There was also no definite answer.
What to do?
< Father? >
< What is it, my Chosen? >
< I sense… something different about Red, but it is not fear… >
< That's love. >
< Love? >
< Ah… no, you wouldn't know. It's like a stronger form of affection. >
< Oh. >
< Why do you ask, child? >
< I'm not sure… I overheard some of my dragons talking… >
Lugia nodded.
< They seem to think Red might be in `love' with me, but what is love? >
Lugia choked slightly. < Ah… it is hard to explain. >
< Is it a bad thing, father? >
< Not exactly, no. > Lugia said.
< Then if I feel affection for him, should I tell him? >
< That would undoubtedly be proper. >
< Thank you. > Lance said, before he went off to find Red.
Lugia sweatdropped. * I cannot believe children sometimes… ah, they're not really children any more, but still… *
Red was grooming his Pikachu outside.
“H-hai?” Ah! He was acting nervous again! Lance would find out and then, he would hate him… well, it wasn't his fault! Why hadn't Lance bothered to put on proper clothes? He was still wearing that awfully short white bathrobe, and… Argh! Mind out of the gutter! Don't think about him!
He'd be really angry…
That thought hurt more than anything else, because who else could he turn to?
He waited, seeing the blade of the executioner's axe at the forefront of his mind.
It never quite dropped.
< I love you. >
Red tripped. Pika burst out into cheers and whipped a pair of cherry blossom patterned fans out, waving them merrily.
“… I didn't just hear that.”
< Is there something wrong with your ears? Wait a minute… I'm talking directly to your heart so that shouldn't be a problem. >
“Did you just say what I thought you said?” Red squeaked.
< You mean me loving you? >
< Yes? > Lance sounded confused. < Maybe you aren't feeling well… >
“Not feeling well? Oh, if only you knew…” Red muttered.
He then proceeded to glomp Lance.
The Dragon Master looked mystified. < You are happy now? >
“HAI! I love you too, Lance…”
They kissed uncertainly, but it felt nice… it was like riding in the clouds on wings of glory. Nice.
Well, they were in no danger now…
It should be anodyne to pursue the relationship.
So they did.
It was that simple.
Falling is easy. When there aren't any other people around, you can learn to fall so deeply that you drown in the other and the world does not matter. That's what Red thought, in any case.
Lance had a slightly different perception.
He's so gentle and fragile, and really, I need him… oh, it will be fine. He'll be my little one and I'll protect him, and it will be fine.
And… no matter what…
I love you.
The End
And… the plotbunny died on me, but at first it had potential! *Cries*
Completed 7/23/04