Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon's Series ❯ How long can this last? ( Chapter 30 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3! Boy do I have major writer's block on this. But I finally got this chapter up.

Disclaimer: I wish I owned pokemon. Sadly, I do not.

Warning: Talks about the forms of the different masters. Do not read if you are anxiously awaiting the end of CCA. But anyways, all my fics are related for this reason, so… venture ahead if you dare.

Xaero - hehehe, glad I'm not the only one who hates them.

Ranma - hai! *bows*

Karania Avalon - ok

Incomplete13 - I should hope not! That igloo won't last long.

Air Sylph - thank you. Nope, there aren't any more sequels/prequels yet. CCA could be considered a sequel, but its kind of like a separate series.

Crimson Hawk - hai
Pichu*Star - I'd guillotine myself before making this AAMRN. But I can't draw worth much, so… I did send a fanart to pokemon tower library

Chapter 3: How long can this last?

T-minus three days in the igloo and counting. Lance and Ash stayed in their own little world, with Misty and Bob getting more and more irritable. Well, lack of sleep and/or food tended to do that to a person.

"Lance, are you on some sort of crazy diet? You haven't had anything besides water for three days."

"I can afford it." The Dragon Master replied.

Ash snuggled.

Misty and Bob glared, as Misty gave Bob a long, luscious kiss.

Bob looked like he was in heaven.

Misty sneered. * If you can parade around like that, Ash, I can too! *

"There's no use in staying any longer." Lance said, getting up. "We'll die stranded here."

"Do you have a brilliant escape plan?" Misty asked sarcastically.
"Ano… I could have Gardevoir teleport us out, but we'd still have to deal with the Blizzard since it can't teleport too far away…" Ash volunteered in a little voice.

"Why you little brat!" Bob raged. "Why didn't you tell us sooner!?"

Ash eeped and hid behind the Dragon Master. Lance narrowed his eyes at Bob in warning.

Bob stared back without flinching. "I hate fags."

A silence consumed the group.

"So…" Lance said. "Why don't you leave?"
"Because, I have to be here!" The trainer raged.

"Do you know 'why' you have to be here? Do you know 'who' created that poke ball? Do you even know 'what' is really going on?"

"Shut up!" Bob said. "That's unimportant!"

"As you wish." Lance said with a graceful bow. "Let's go, Ash."

Ash nodded and released his psychic type. "Gardevoir, telepo-."

He stopped as Misty malleted him.

"You're not leaving us here!"
"Fine, fine." Ash said, getting up and dusting himself off. 'You don't have to be so cranky."

A bluish glow surrounded the group and they finally left the igloo. They landed on the lower slopes of Mount moon, a forested area without any snow, fortunately.

Ash glared at Misty and Bob, and then headed off deeper into the woods, stomping all the way. Lance followed him silently.

They were a good half-mile away when Ash stopped.

"Doushite, Lance-chan… why are they so mean?"

"I don't know. But I'm trying to be fair, to give them another chance." Lance said, as she wrapped Ash in her arms.

"Demo, but they don't deserve it!"
"Ash, the shadows gave Charlotte another chance after she deserted her duty and created Cosmos, didn't they?"

"Yes, but she's nice." Ash said, as if that explained everything. "And she looks out for us. And she'll die for me without regrets, just like you will. And she's done her duty in the past without fail."

"Hai." Lance said, softly.

"Lance-chan? What happens if we fail? If the three guardians fall?"

"You know already, Ash."

"But… you…"

"I know. Why are you so afraid, Ash? You've passed the test of guardianship before."

"I don't know…"

Rain began to fall softly.

"Don't worry, little one." Lance said, as she rocked Ash gently. "It will be all right."

"I hope so…"

The two sat in silence for a while, before they headed back. They still had a mission to accomplish, after all.

"What took you so long?!" Misty demanded.

"What concern is it of yours? Until that blizzard dies down, we can't climb up to the shrine." Lance said.

"And how do you know its still raging?" Bob demanded.

Lance tapped his binoculars. "How do you think?"

Bob glared.

Lance scowled, as his cute little fangs showed.

"Leave Lance-chan alone!" Ash said, as his eyes started changing color, first Destiny's golden orbs, then Hope's sea-green ones, and finally, they stopped, black swirls with shimmers of stars in them staring out of his face.

Lance looked surprised. * So he has passed the test, without telling me. He has achieved his last form, that of the Thunder Guardian as well as the Master of Shadows. Unlike me, my first form is the Ice Guardian, which is who I am now, then the Dragon Master, with dark, gold and silver streaked red hair and golden eyes, and finally, the Master of Hidden Darkness, but I normally don't use that form since it represents despair and insanity… with my red eyes and black hair with two red streaks in it. Charlotte on the other hand, is simply the Messenger in her first form, with black hair and blue eyes, then the Fire Guardian, with the golden eyes and blue streaks in her hair, and lastly, the Master of Revealing Light, with her white hair and white eyes. We are different, all of us, with differing powers and abilities at each stage. And Charlotte and I tend not to use our last stages, we will both have our personality subsumed by the power. Ash runs that risk from the first moment he becomes Destiny and is tainted with shadow… *

"Lance-chan?!" Misty sneered.

"What's wrong with that?" Ash snapped, his patience wearing thin. * Just one slip-up, and I'll personally destroy you myself. I'm not sacrificing them to my selfish ambitions again! Nor to false love… *

"Looks like you really have it bad…"

"Why wouldn't I love someone who will die for me, even if I don't love her back?" Ash said, before he realized something. * Oops. *

< ASH! >

< Um, sorry? Hope they didn't hear it. >

< Ash… >

"… She?"
"You're a girl?!" Bob demanded.

"Well, no point in lying now." Lance said, with a sharp look at Ash. "Yes."
"B-but! You look like a guy!"
Lance shrugged. "So?"

Meanwhile, Misty resembled a goldfish. * LANCE IS A GIRL!? But, that means… ARGH! That way how am I going to get Ash back? *

Lance smirked as she wrapped her arms around Ash.

"Then why are you cross-dressing, you freak?"

"None of your business." Lance said calmly.

Ash glared at Bob. * He really hates Lance-chan… *

"Leave Lance-chan alone!"

"Because, I can arrange it so you'll never even become close to a dragon master." Lance said, eyes turning a molten gold.

End Chapter

I am evil… *laughs*