Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Fairy Tale ❯ Fairy Tale Ending ( Chapter 28 )
Misty bowed courteously to King Samuel, then rushed over and hugged Philip.
"Princess Misty," said Philip, "I'm so relieved to see you well."
"After being locked in the castle, smuggled out of the kingdom, chased by my father's soldiers and kidnapped by Giovanni... I'd say I'm doing fine, thank you."
"Ahem," said King Samuel.
"My apologies, your highness," said Philip.
"Please sit down, we have much to discuss."
They all sat down on the carpeted floor. Ash sat next to his mother. She smiled at him. He wondered what it meant. Pikachu sat down next to Ash.
"Before we discuss the matter of Cerulean, our honoured guest Philip will have to wait for an urgent matter. Last night, Prince Gary, my grandson, was brought to the infirmary. His condition was serious. He could have died. Due to the intervention of those at hand, including Delia and Princess Misty, his life was saved and he is well enough to join us."
The king pulled the cord next to his throne. A bell rang. Gary came in, followed by three guards. The royal chamber was now crowded. The guards surveyed everyone in the room. Ash felt a nervous wreck. He took his mother's hand. She squeezed in reassuringly.
"Guards!" said the king.
Ash felt like he regretted having a stomach.
"Arrest Gary!"
Two guards grabbed an arm each.
"Easy," said the king. "I doubt he's in a position to fight."
Gary was shocked. Everyone looked around, bewildered. Ash expected Gary to rant, but he remained silent, looking as perplexed as anyone else. Then Ash's thoughts returned to himself. Was he still to be held accountable? What of Andy?
"In the matter of the attempted assault on Ash, it would appear that Gary is responsible. Only minor injuries were reported. Therefore, I shall pardon him with a warning and he will be forced to pay for the repairs to Delia's residence."
"Then why am I under arrest?" Gary asked.
"How do you address me?" replied the the king.
"O King," said Gary. There was no malice tainting his voice, only a look of resignation on his face.
"There are three women who admit that they had sexual relations with you outside of marriage. In Pallet, the law punishes each such offence by a year's imprisonment."
Several people gasped. Gary almost choked.
"Then, O King," said Gary, "you'll have to lock up half the kingdom!"
"I doubt it. In any case, the offence is pardonable if the offenders agree to marry. In your case, it is the remorseless repetition of the offence that warrants the severity of the penalty."
Gary opened his mouth to protest, but then had nothing to say.
"Returning now to the matter of the assault on Gary by a monster. This is a grave turn of events, one that I hoped would never have happened in my kingdom, at least not in my lifetime. I would have hoped that by letting Ash see the horror of Cerulean, he would have learnt that to attack a human being with a monster is reprehensible. Instead, Ash appears to have acquired the perception that monsters are simply another weapon."
Ash's head bent low. He wasn't being given the chance to speak in his defence. His mother embraced him. He closed his eyes. He wished he could be a child again, not burdened with the responsibilities of adulthood.
"Furthermore," continued King Samuel, "he has contaminated another young man with that perception, and in concert these two young men nearly killed my only grandson."
Ash wanted to look over at Andy to see how his closest friend was coping, but he couldn't even open his eyes. What would happen? Would they be imprisoned? Exiled? Executed?
"After speaking with all the witnesses, I have satisfied myself that there were extenuating circumstances, namely, Ash and Andy were acting in self-defence. The law requires me therefore to pardon the parties involved."
Ash opened his eyes. He looked at his mother, who was smiling at him. He looked over at Andy. He was bending his head back in relief. Ash turned to look at the king.
"However," said the king, looking straight back at Ash, "I trust they will take this warning to heart, and I hope that Pallet Kingdom will never again see such an incident."
"Answer the king," whispered Delia.
"Yes, your highness," Ash croaked, immensely relieved. "Thank you."
"Yes, your highness," Andy replied softly.
"Now let us return to the matter of Cerulean." Samuel turned to Philip. "Envoy Philip has arrived to discuss the matter of the throne."
"Thank you, your highness," said Philip. He bowed to the king, then turned to face the group. "The people of Cerulean have suffered for decades under the rule of Walter and Flora. We were hoping to overthrow them and place their daughter, Princess Misty, on the throne. Nothing would have pleased us more than to accept our gracious and beautiful princess as our queen. Unfortunately matters prevent this. Firstly, Walter uncovered our plot and imprisoned Misty. Secondly, King Flint has assisted us in overthrowing Walter in exchange for his son Timmy on the throne. Thirdly, it appears Misty has developed a strong affection for one of her rescuers."
Ash's jaw dropped. He couldn't mean me, could he? He dared to look up at his mother. She looked down at him proudly.
"King Samuel tells me," said Philip, "that Misty is still waiting for the proposal."
Ash looked at Misty. This was beyond his wildest dreams.
"We may interrupt the proceedings for a moment," said King Samuel. He gestured towards Ash and Misty. "Please stand and approach each other."
Ash looked at the king. Samuel winked at him.
He stood up. He took several trembling steps towards Misty. He gulped.
"We're in... p-public, your highness," he said to the king.
"Then you can hold her to her word if she gets cold feet," replied the king.
Armed with that encouraging thought, Ash took the remaining steps to Misty. Taking her hands in his, he bowed on one knee.
"O gracious princess," he said, "will you take this humble peasant to be your husband?"
Misty clutched his hands warmly. Ash did not know what was in her mind, but he knew she would be giving up her status as a princess. His heart beat like a drum as he waited for her answer.
"Yes!" she replied.
Feeling like he was in a dream, Ash felt her pull him up and embrace him. Before he could fully perceive what was happening, he felt something warm and soft against his lips. He was lost in a world of wonder. Her kiss was sweeter than his mother's apple pie. Somehow his heart still managed to keep beating.
"Piikaa?" said Pikachu curiously, cocking its head.
"Ahem." said the king.
Ash and Misty pulled apart and turned to face the king. He was beaming.
"Please sit down. Envoy Philip has more to say."
Ash and Misty sat down, holding hands.
Philip wiped a tear from his eye.
"You will be sorely missed, Princess," he said, "but Cerulean will be overjoyed to see you happily married. Now to Prince Timmy. Are you willing, your highness, to take the throne of Cerulean Kingdom?"
Timmy looked uncertain.
"I... I..."
"It is rumoured that King Flint wanted you to share the throne with Misty," said Philip. "However, there is a wonderful young lady in Cerulean City who has not stopped asking of you."
Timmy's face lit up.
"Although Misty would have been our first choice, we have no objection to you and Rose being our king and queen... and I doubt your father will have objections."
Timmy gulped.
"Y... y-yes, I... I'll..."
"Thank you," said Philip, I knew you couldn't refuse that offer." He sat down.
"The next order of business," said King Samuel, "is my abdication."
The sudden and unexpected nature of that announcement took everyone by surprise.
"What?" shouted Gary. Everyone else in the room gasped and started murmuring, even the palace guards. Delia was the only person remaining quiet.
"Silence!" ordered Samuel. "I am still the king."
Everyone immediately sat at attention. Gary looked on intently. Delia sat with her head bowed slightly.
The king began to speak in a soft tone.
"Twenty years ago, an illness claimed the life of my beloved wife. Fortunately our son was grown up and married, but it left me with an aching heart. For over a year, I would talk to no-one except regarding the most urgent matters of state. Gradually, however, I found understanding and comfort with one of the palace maids. She was kind, and would listen to the ravings of grieving monarch. Before long, our relationship became more... serious. Eventually, we succumbed to temptation and began to engage in acts of which I would disapprove."
The king's eyes looked down. His mouth quivered. He took a deep breath and looked up.
"We would have married. My son would have been happy and able to succeed me if he had known. However, Giovanni had just seized power in Viridian. The Valley was in shock and turmoil. To cede Pallet to an inexperienced king would have put my kingdom at tremendous risk."
Samuel sighed.
"So we kept our relationship a secret. But as fate would have it, she became pregnant. To avoid any embarrassment, she left the palace and moved to a cottage near the farms. I gave her a sum of money. No-one suspected I was responsible—everyone believed I was showing kindness to a servant who, although a little foolish, had been loyal in every other way.
"She gave birth, settled down and soon the matter was forgotten. I still wanted to marry her once the threat posed by Viridian was under control, but then my son and his wife died in a tragic accident. Gary was still a child, and by the time he had come of age, he turned out to be a useless brat. While we still wished to be married, no alternative successor was available—until now.
Everyone in the room looked at each other in bewilderment at these revelations—everyone except Delia, who had not lifted her gaze.
Gary turned around to examine everyone's reactions. At these news, he looked shocked, hurt and broken. Then he saw Delia sitting silently. His expression changed from hurt to horror to rage.
"Noooo!" he screamed. He tried to break free from the guards' grip but he was too weak.
"Silence!" shouted the king. "Delia, come here please." She stood up and walked over. "Once Ash marries Misty, he will be next in line for the throne. Then, I shall marry Delia, abdicate, and Ash shall be the next king... provided he agrees."
This was more than Ash could cope with. He was in no way prepared for a decision like this. He looked at Misty. She was as stunned as he was.
"First he humiliates me," cried Gary, "then he takes Misty, and now he steals my throne!" He broke down and began to weep.
Ash shook his head. If his mother wanted to marry King Samuel, he wouldn't want to do anything to stand in the way of her happiness. But to rule a kingdom? He felt so inadequate. But then if he said no, Gary would become king, and what sort of king would he make?
"I'll still be here to guide you," said Samuel, as if reading his thoughts. "And you'll have Misty and your mother to support you. You won't be alone."
Ash thought and decided.
"I accept."
Misty was overjoyed. She embraced him tightly.
"Delia," said the king, "I apologise for putting you through this. I could see no other way."
"I understand," she replied softly.
"Your highness," said Ash, "or... how do I address you...?"
"You are still a commoner and still one of my subjects," replied the king.
"Your highness, what about Gary?"
Gary's head was bowed low. He was silent now.
"After his term in jail, he will still be eligible for a reasonable inheritance. He shall live in comfort."
"What if he marries one of the women he... uh... you know...?"
"None of those who have come forward wish to marry him."
"What about Sally?" said Ash.
Gary looked up.
"Who is Sally?" asked Samuel.
"My father's cook," said Timmy.
"Would she marry you?" Samuel asked Gary.
Gary nodded.
"Then it shall be arranged, and Gary shall be pardoned," said the king. "But Ash, why would you show kindness to someone who hates you?"
"Your highness, Gary and I became friends on our mission, as you had originally hoped. It was a private matter a few days ago that upset Gary. I want to win his friendship back. And I have another idea for which we need him, and might help make it up to him."
"And what might that be?"
"Two kindoms joined forces to liberate Cerulean," Ash explained. "What if three kingdoms..." he turned excitedly to Misty and to Timmy. "...unite to liberate Viridian? Then Gary can rule it, and all four kingdoms can live in friendship again."
"So you wish to commence your rule as king with a war?"
"I wish for everyone to be kind to one another. If that dreams takes fighting for, then I'll fight!"
"Very well," said the king. "Philip, Timmy, you are welcome to stay for Ash and Misty's wedding. Gary will remain in custody until his marriage is arranged. Everyone else, this audience is over. You may go."
That moment two palace guards barged into the royal chamber. Everyone squashed together to give them room.
"Forgive our intrusion, your highness," said one of them. He looked terrified. "We have an emergency."
"There's a fierce monster outside," said the other. "It's huge, with wings, and breathes fire. It's roaring and we don't know how to appease it."
Ash's eyes lit up. "Charizard!" he yelled, running out. Pikachu hopped after him.
"Ash!" yelled Samuel, "be careful!"
Everyone followed Ash towards the entrance, with some trepidation.
"Oh my," said Delia, "what's happened to that boy?"
"He has the tamer's gift," said Samuel. "He had it all along and we never knew."
"Something else," Delia asked. "How did you know he and Misty would fall for each other?"
"One can never predict these things, but I know both their characters—bold, brave, hearts full of feeling, kind, caring and responsible. I could have sworn that those two were meant for each other, and by good fortune, it worked out."
He took her hand and together they walked outside. They saw a huge monster with wings and a flame on its tail, just as the guards reported. Ash was hugging it around the neck.
"Hey, I lost you, Charizard," said Ash. "You've been looking for me all this time?"
Charizard grunted.
"Well then stay with me this time. I don't want to lose you again."
Pikachu walked up behind Ash.
"Pika pika!" it said excitedly.
Charizard roared a greeting and blew a huge flame into the sky. A pidgey squawked and barely managed to dodge it.
Charizard bent down its cheek to Ash. Ash stroked it.
"Hey, you've missed me too, right?"
Charizard nodded with a grunt. It bent down and lowered its wing.
"You want to give me a ride?" said Ash. He began to mount.
"Ash, no!" cried his mother, looking worried.
"Ash, what are you doing?" said Samuel with a horrified look on his face.
Ash ignored them. "Coming, Pikachu?"
Pikachu hopped on in front of Ash.
Andy, Mike and Jessica stood there transfixed. Not only had they never seen a charizard before, never in their wildest dreams had they thought of a person flying.
Misty and Timmy simply stood there are smiled.
Philip also smiled. He came up to Misty and said, "That's some fine man you've got there."
Charizard took a couple of steps, flapped its strong, wide wings, and Ash felt himself float into the air. His mother's scream below was lost in the rush of the wind that flew past his face.
This was his way of coping with his excitement. An hour ago, everything seamed a mess. Now, he had Misty, his mother would be married, he was going to be a king, and—who knows—maybe he'd win back Gary's friendship.
It was unbelievable, as unbelievable as the joy of flying and swooping through the air on the back of a fire-breathing dragon. He laughed and laughed until he had tears of joy. Sometimes, he thought, fairy tales do come true.