Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Frost comes early ❯ Chapter 4
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Stupid soap opera in background is not a good mindset for me to be writing in. *Glares* Annoying things….
Disclaimer/Notes: Please see an earlier chapter
And, Ash is 16
Timeline: 1 month later
Chapter 4: The Annual Gym Leader's Convention
“Brock?” Misty asked as she walked up to him. “Nice seeing you again.” Next to her walked a Raichu, more than happy with his new master.
“Hey, how's it going Misty?” Brock asked with a smile.
“Fine. Still haven't seen him.” Misty laughed cruelly. “Think he ran home, like the wimp he is?”
“Probably.” Brock replied, laughing.
From the balcony above, a pair of bleached silver eyes stared at the laughing two. Long, shoulder-length black hair with blue tints brushed the side of his face. He adjusted the silver shell clasp on his dark blue cloak.
“You all right?” The Dragon Master asked.
Ash nodded, turning to face Lance as she kissed him gently. “I'm fine.”
“Just making sure.” She said, as he cuddled up to her. Kawaii little one
The meeting would be starting soon.
Lorelei and Charlotte were playing gin rummy against each other while a caterer whisked around, setting platters of little treats all over the place.
It was festive in a twisted way.
The gym leaders were all gathering. A few were masters, the rest were not, out of twelve gym leaders in Kanto.
First, there were the eight main gyms. Boulder through Viridian.
Then, there were four lesser-well-known gyms located in smaller towns. Candice of the Force Badge in Lavender, Kas of the Sharp Badge in Dark City, Yas of the Shimmer Badge in the rival town, Light City, and Ruby of the Flower Badge in Russet Town.
Pikablu chirruped from her position on Ash's head. She was light blue with white stripes, and her tail was a ball instead of a regular Pikachu's tail. She never went anywhere without her white surfboard. She also had a handy pair of gill slits for breathing underwater.
Such a precious little creature, Ash mused as he lifted her down and gave her a hug. Pikablu made bubbly purring sound.
Lance smiled, before she pulled out a comb and re-spiked her hair neatly in its dark red flames. Shimmers of gold and silver shone through.
“Hai.” Ash replied, as they walked to the conference table and took their places at the head. The conversation began amiably, as everyone snacked on the tiny iced cookies, the various types of fruit and cookie platters, and the delicious cherry lemonade.
Reports were handed in and looked over, and there were no large problems.
It was nearly two hours later when Lance opted to make the announcement.
She stood up.
The conversation quickly stifled itself as the gym leaders turned to pay attention. It had to be important.
“As you know,” Lance said. “Agatha is retiring from the Elite Four. I have found a replacement.”
“Oh?” Blaine said. “Is she pretty?”
“Hentai.” Sabrina said, poking him. < Why did I have to sit next to you? You're too old for me anyways. >
“It's not a girl, Blaine.” Lance said dryly, glad her true gender was still a secret. “I've found a Water master.”
Surge raised an eyebrow. “But is the little baby good enough?”
“Why don't you see for yourself?” Charlotte asked. “Do the same test you used for me. Everyone can fight him, and if he wins most or all of the battles, it's accepted.”
“Good idea.” Brock said, even though he knew he would most likely lose.
Lance nodded as Ash stood up and walked to the battling stadium, followed by various gym leaders.
“I kind of pity them. They have no idea of what they're getting into.” Lorelei mused.
“True… but not much. Their egos need to be deflated once in a while.”
Ash kept his eyes partially shadowed as he began battling. He was down six gym leaders, and Pikablu had still not been hit. Well, Brock and Candice and Yas and Kas were all rather bad leaders, Blaine had been at a type disadvantage, and Sharpedo managed to stump Sabrina's psychic powers.
It was excellent.
His smile grew wider as Misty took the field. * Payback time… *
Misty was not going to play fair though. She quickly released Raichu - the same Pikachu she had taken from Ash, and waited for an easy victory.
“Pikablu… Rollout.” Ash smirked as Pikablu sent Raichu flying, it was too slow to keep up with the agile pokemon. “Now, before it can hit you… Volt Absorb!”
Pikablu grinned as she grabbed Raichu and started leeching away its electricity.
“What? Raichu, Thunder now!”
“No use.” Ash smirked. “Even if it can generate electricity, it won't hurt Pikablu. Let's finish with another Rollout.”
Misty's jaw was on the floor as Raichu fainted.
Ash recalled Pikablu and grinned cockily. * That was fun… *
Misty gaped. “No way! Let's fight another match! Starmie, go!”
“Thunder.” Ash said, as Pikablu fried Starmie as well as Staryu and Seaking and Seadra.
Misty was near tears by the time the battles had all been settled.
“Looks like only one got to chase his dream.” Ash said as he watched Lapras finish off both Ruby and Erika's pokemon, and Sharpedo as his teeth sank into Giovanni's Nidoking, making it writhe in pain, before a Hydro Pump nearly drowned it.
Lapras grinned as she sang her song, putting the enemy Electabuzz to sleep. Then, she attacked with a furious Hyper Beam.
Surge's jaw dropped to the ground.
Ash smirked. “Not bad, what do you think? Am I good enough to be an Elite?”
Most of the gym leaders nodded. Misty was still fuming.
Lance smiled. “All right, now that that's settled, does anyone else have an agenda?”
There were no takers, so pizza was ordered and they all stuffed themselves before going home.
End Chapter!
Completed 1/16/04