Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Frost comes early ❯ Chapter 9

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Oh come on. I've said it a million times already. I don't own pokemon. Happy?
Notes: <> for telepathy, italics for pokemon talking, ** for thoughts.
Chapter 9: Gripping reality by the throat
Lance was next to him when he woke up.
He had faintly expected her to be, after all, she knew him as well as he knew himself, if not better.
“You all right?”
He nodded, the pounding headache was gone, and most everything inside his mind had been sorted out.
He still had the skills he had acquired as a water master though.
And he intended to keep them.
No contest, he did not want to sacrifice anything else.
Lance grinned wanly. “I can hold the balance for about twenty more years, do not worry.”
He was relieved.
She was all right. That was what really mattered. And Charlotte was all right too! That was better. And from his foresight, nothing would happen to Lorelei.
Contented, he sat down on the bed.
Lance combed out his hair as he waited.
“What happened?”
“Nothing of importance.”
< I see… >
He enjoyed the feel of her fingers threading through his hair as she parted the sections of gold and black and combed them out separately.
The faint streaks of blue were also brushed.
Ash waited until she was finished, before hugging her happily.
Lance smiled. * Still so kawaii… *
“What now, aniki-Lance-chan?”
Lance chuckled. “I don't know.”
“Let's go exploring!”
“But you have a job now.”
Ash pouted slightly. “Ditto can take my place again.”
“See?” Ash beamed.
Lance shook her head. “You always did have a way of getting out of these messes.”
“Since I usually caused them, it would prove dangerous without an exit plan.”
“That is a valid observation.”
Ash jumped up and down happily. “So! Can we go?”
“And where were you planning on vacationing to?”
“Shadow Island.”
“Ash, that's dangerous.”
“Why? It's one of my homes.” Ash said, confused.
“But Team Rocket always likes to attack it.”
“Right…” Ash frowned. “Must be one of those lingering subconscious things that stay after reincarnation.”
“Then what about Mount Silver?”
“Maybe…Ice Island is usually attacked as well.” Lance sighed.
“Dream realm!”
“Now that isn't such a bad idea. We could spend years in there and not be missed.”
“So, let's go!”
“Hold your horses, Ash.” Lance cautioned. “I'll tell Charlotte first.”
“Not just in case she needs to contact us. It's more difficult to balance from inside the realm, and a little exterior help could be needed.”
“I understand.' Ash confessed, after a few minutes' length. “Shall I get her?”
“It would help.”
Charlotte was brewing her second pot of coffee and humming when Ash slipped into her room.
“Oh, hello Ash.”
“Aneki, we're going to the dream realm.” Ash explained. “Could you?”
“Not a problem.” Charlotte said, as she took the scales and dimensional key from him. “None at all.”
`Thank you!”
With a smile, Lance and Ash vanished into the dream realm.
It was a portrait of serenity, pretty fountains that healed and cured, forests and mountains, an icy peak, wide plains, and rivers almost oceans.
Sunny bounded over to Ash excitedly and began licking his face.
“You okay, Sunny?”
I'm fine! And you?
“Very good, actually.” Ash replied.
That's wonderful, little brother!
Lance cracked a grin at the comment. The two spilt up, and went to play with their own pokemon and spirits.
Ash hid behind a boulder as he watched Geodude seek.
It was intriguing and twistingly fun to concoct elaborate schemes when concealing his self.
From somewhere above, Beedrill sneezed. Geodude immediately went after the allergic pokemon.
Poor thing.
Sunny was hiding behind Ash, in his cloak.
Sunny? I'm a water master now.
Doesn't that change the prophecy?
If it had, we would be using reincarnation, not sleep of death this time.
Ah… Ash thought to himself. True, true…
He turned his attention to the baby eevees scampering all over the place and smiled.
End Chapter!
Completed 3/21/04
^^ Fluffy