Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Go Fish ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Amazing what ideas get fished up…
Of course, when one doesn't' have a plotbunny generator, we must depend on other sources of inspiration.
Disclaimer: NO, Shadow does NOT own pokemon! It belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. Okay? Okay. *nods*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics in case a pokemon talks.
AU obviously…
If destiny is like luck of the draw, then what's the chance Lady Luck is on your side?
Timeline: New series, attempting to begin Ash's journey in Johto.
Made Ash 12…not 10
Title: Go Fish
Chapter 1: Casting line
The alarm was very loud.
Ash threw a pillow at it, but was suddenly jolted out of sleepy-eyed unawareness when his mom called.
“Your pokégear is back from the shop, dear, but if you don't wake up soon Professor Elm might not have any more pokemon left!”
Well, that sent him running to the lab next door in his pajamas.
“Professor ELM!”
Elm looked up. “Oh hello, Ash. I just gave Chikorita to Casey, but I still have Totodile and Cyndaquil left.”
“Kakkoii!” Ash cheered. “I'll take Cyndaquil!”
Elm handed over the poke ball, extra 6 capture devices, 2 potions, and one of the pokédexes Oak had mailed him.
“Have fun, Ash. Try the Pokemon League Challenge.”
“I will!” Ash cheered, jumping up and down.
“Then have fun.” The professor said. Ash waved goodbye, but was barely down the road when Casey challenged him. Still, he had beaten three Rattata…
“Go, Chikorita!”
Ash didn't exactly like the ten-year old girl, she seemed too obsessive, but he shrugged it off.
“Cyndaquil, let's go!”
Chikorita charged. Cyndaquil's flames flared up, burning it as it got close. Ash clapped.
Chikorita was burnt!
Then, Cyndaquil fogged up the area with Smokescreen, so Chikorita fainted from burn damage, not being able to land a hit.
Casey sighed and went back to Elm's lab to heal, while Ash happily hugged his new Cyndaquil.
“You did great.”
Cyndaquil chirped. Thank you!
He looked happy enough. Ash stopped by a berry bush, where Cyndaquil gorged himself on the tasty berries, and then picked some for a later date.
Afterwards, they rested and cloud-watched, before battling some more. Ash slept at home for one more night.
His mom was pleased, thinking Cyndaquil very cute.
“You could stay for a few more days, train around New Bark.” She offered helpfully.
“Just for a few more days, then.” Ash said, realizing that he had not bought all the necessary camping gear.
His mom nodded, expecting this. “We'll go shopping on Wednesday when I have time.”
Ash trained outside for four more days, in which Cyndaquil gained several levels. He also caught a Sentret.
Sentret was a bit more difficult to level up, but Ash persisted.
They were well behaved when he got to Cherrygrove town. Ash did not stay long, only checking in at the Center for a night and purchasing a few more potions at the Mart.
Then, it was out onto the Route.
Rattata, Caterpie, Nidoran, and Pidgey fell before the two pokemon.
Quite quickly, Ash had a Furret.
A few more days and Sprout Tower later, the two had beaten Falkner while Cyndaquil was now a Quilava.
That was when Ash set off to explore the ruins of Alph.
It was not the smartest decision he had ever made.
“Wow, it's dark in here.” Ash said, as he and his two pokemon walked in. “You would think that seeing as this is a tourist spot, they'd install lights.”
Yes. There are no wild pokemon here. Cyndaquil added.
Furret yawned. Food?
“Not yet, I'll feed you when its lunchtime.”
Food! Yummy!
That pokemon had a fairly one-track mind.
Ash smiled, as they walked around, looking at the strange markings on the wall. “Maybe these are pokemon too?”
“You'd better believe it son,” a voice cracked.
Ash jumped, as Quilava spit out a Swift attack.
“Woah there! I don't mean nothing to you!” The old man said, shaking his head.
“Gomen nasai.” Ash quickly apologized.
“Nothing to it, young man. You a new trainer?”
Ash nodded.
“Well then, you're not the first one I've spoken to. About forty trainers have come through here, trying to find the mystery of the ruins.”
“So is there one?” Ash asked excitedly.
“No.” The grandfather spoke. “I've lived here for thirty years, and no change.”
Ash deflated visibly. * Oh well… *
“Mighty pretty carvings up on them walls though,” He mentioned. “Nice scenery, at least.”
“Well then, be off.” The man said, as Ash walked into another cavern.
Strange… it looked familiar…
Ash blinked as the old man walked off. “Hey wait! How many caverns are open to the public?”
“Just two!” The man yelled back.
Ash's mind whirled. * Two? But I saw three different carvings… maybe I'll be the first one to find the secret! *
After healing his pokemon and eating dinner that night, and then a good night's sleep, a fresh and chipper Ash headed for the ruins again the next morning, looking for the third carving. * I remember it was like an Omanyte… *
Creeping through some bushes revealed the Route, so Ash stepped into the cave. Sure enough, there was a puzzle of carved stone blocks resting on a raised dais.
Furret nudged the pieces around with his nose, before they finally fell into place.
That was when the floor collapsed.
Dust rose from the hole in the ground where the puzzle and the altar had once rested.
End Chapter
Started 3/15/04
Completed 4/16/04