Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Go Fish ❯ Chapter 8
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Eek! Economics has suddenly invaded my fanfic. Well, English AP did too so I shouldn't be surprised… besides, studying Econ for 8 hours prolly had something to do with that.
Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon; it belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This is non-profit fanwork, I'm not infringing on copyright, and since I wrote it, it's my writing under copyright laws.
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics for what the pokemon talks.
Warnings: Shonen-ai championshipping (ash x lance), possibly insanity, abuse…
Chapter 8: Insider Trading
The storm had been growing for a long time now.
What did they expect? Chosen always grew up. Perhaps it was not maturity, but that did not matter.
Things, small things, could wear down walls, because not like nuclear warheads, drops of water that leaked in bit by bit were so much more effective.
Subtleties, often overlooked, could prove very dangerous.
Now it was time to play.
Lance finished the Dragon Dance and then contemptuously kicked the man's body off the cliff.
“Any more?” He asked, grinning ferally.
The rest of the rockets fled… only to run straight into the waiting dragon army. Lance smiled and let his wings vanish, before the Call came.
His eyes dropped down and he shifted.
The first attempt was always worth watching.
Ash gasped, dropping his pen. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the last line he had written.
And the Dragon Master surrendered to the Call of the Chosen… death lurked in the wings…
“No! I…”
Quickly, Ash grabbed the eraser and scrubbed out the words furiously. That wasn't right at all!
He had to stop losing his concentration!
“He's only your assignment, nothing more! You are here to write history, not create it!” He berated himself.
“He's only your assignment, nothing more! You are here to write history, not create it!” He berated himself.
The Unown stirred, worried. < Chosen? >
< Chosen? >
< Are you ill? >
< Your emotions… >
< I'm all right. > Ash said, more to reassure him than them.
He couldn't fail.
This was his task, he had to complete it, and he did not need any distractions, especially not that ravishingly handsome Dragon Master-.
Ash put down his scroll and dashed for the bathroom again.
There had to be something to take his mind off this!
The unown were puzzled.
Ash had been taking an awful lot of cold showers lately.
< Chosen? >
< I am… troubled. > Ash said, shortly.
< We will try to help. What do you desire? >
Ash stopped short. * Wait a second… *
< I'm not allowed to want anything… we all know that. I'm only the Chronicler who writes the tales. >
< Yes, but you are still mortal. >
< What does that mean?! >
< It means you have feelings like any other human, nay, like any other pokemon. You are not a machine. > N soothed. < Do not be angry. >
< I'm not… >
< Sometimes, Chosen, emotions are important. They are the paints used to create the rainbow of a tale. >
< But I! >
< Yes… in this case, you must be careful, very careful. With power always comes responsibility. >
< Not that we are accusing you of shirking your job… >
< NO. >
< Do not worry, Chosen. All things will pass. Continue vigilantly. >
Ash nodded. * I won't fail them, and I won't fail myself either! I am more powerful than lust; I won't let some emotion hurt me! I'm Chosen! I'm better than the normal, and I have done my duty. So thus I will continue. I can't fail. I won't fail. This is just another test! *
He pasted on a smile, feeling the worry eddy away in the telepathic lacings, and dressed quickly.
It was still white. White was a pretty color, after all. Not like red. Blood wasn't pretty.
Lance stretched, smiling.
< Well, so it is beginning. >
< How long do you think he can maintain control? >
< Not long. You are very precocious, my Chosen. >
< Of course. > Lance said smoothly. He concentrated, before a blackness formed in front of him, a shape…
It was a horrid thing, dragon-shaped, but corroding and falling apart.
Lance calmly took battle position. < Better to deal with these earlier than later. >
Nightfyre screamed his defiance, black waves of fire being tossed every which way. Bits of cartilage and bone dropped off.
Lance shifted, white scales shimmering as he changed to dragon. Had Ash seen this before? If not, it was always an effective demonstration of power.
He charged up his magic and then used Hyper Beam.
Perfect, as usual.
Nightfyre had no chance. Lance was no fool, none save the Chosen could beat him fairly.
Well… there were ways around that too. But maybe…
I wonder if he wants what I want.
He most likely does… I felt the shifting, so he's fighting it. Ah, little one, how much longer can you hold out?
I'm pretty, aren't I?
You won't admit it but I know you know. Well, if you really want me…
You know where to find me.
The Unown knew, in some way.
However, they were unable to stop. This too was the normal unraveling of fate, and they were not the weavers.
They were the ones who embroidered the tale of fate with colors and real light.
That was all.
And if their Chosen chose to act, there was little they could truly do. Defying fate was not an option, however black fate might be.
End Chapter
Complete 4/18/04