Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ how far will friends go to stay together? ❯ how far will friends go to stay together? the struggle. ( Chapter 1 )
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How far will friends go to stay together?
Disclamer: As much as I wish I did i have no ownership to pokemon unless you want to count the breafcace of pokemon cards and pikachu soft toy I have.
Hunter J is back and she wants all of ashs pokemon now not just pikachu. how far will ash go to protect them and how far will they go to stay with ash? find out. NOTE: this will a also have pokemon that ash hasn't captured/has let go. what pokemon you ask wait and see.
key:italicks are flash backs
"/ is charizard/lugia/Pidgeot/latias speaking(sue me i'm too lazy to make a diferint type of typeing for each of them right now)
we join our heroes as they relax at the edge of a stream on the oak estate. as has all his pokemon grouped around his as he tells them tails of his adventures in the hoenn, pokemon battle frontier and sinnoh as Pikachu is fast asleap on ashs shoulder, "And thats how I defeated Roark." Ash had just finished telling his pokemon about his first gyms battle over in the sinnoh region. Ash was about to continue when brock called, "Dinner time every one." every body headed over and was promptly feed. Ash was laffing at a joke his totodile told as bayleaf nusuled him. soon every one had finished and t was geting dark out. ash would be at his home with his pokemon. Soon every one was asleap. Ashs pokemon smiled as they hoped to be with his for the fest of their lives. Little did they know that that one hope was about to be shatered with the return of a hunter that wanted something very close to ash and she wouldn't let any thing stop her this time.
Hunter J growled as she ploted how to get ashs pikachu it would make her rich in no time the only problem was that blasted brat Ash Ketchum. Not only that but numerous other pokemon that would have made her a fine profit returned to their proper owners that didn't care how much money they had. they only cared for the well being of their pokemon it made her sick. all that potental money waisted because they liked their pokemon. well good riddance they don't deserve to own pokemon if they couldn't see the stock value of the cursed pokemon then they will be subjected to the same fate as many others losing their pokemon. "Now I need a plan a special plan to capture that pikachu and any other pokemon that little brat has." Hunter J smiled as she sat back and set her twisted mind to work. an hour latter her smile widened as she finished. "That little punk wont know what hit him or his pokemon." She crackled as she set a course for pallet town. mean while eight pokemon were also making their way to pallet to reunite with the boy who willingly gave it his all to not only pokemon but protect them and every pokemon he could. "I can't wait to see ash again." They all thought.
Now morning Ash awoke to pikachu nusuling him like usual. as the rest of the pokemon were asleep ash decided to stay in bed and wait for them to awake. an hour later the smells of breakfast wafted up to them causeing the rest of ashs pokemon to awaken. after saying good morning they all went down stairs to enjoy breakfast. They needed to enjoy it because unbeknown this would be the last time any of them would have peace for a while. hunter J awoke as her clocked ship neared pallet town.
"Soon boy you will lose every pokemon you have ever raised." She crackled as she over looked pallet. After breakfast ash and his pokemon went back over to the oak estate. they spent half the morning palyng around with the rest of the pokemon on the estate. then it hapened, an energy beam came out of nowhere aand struck a nearby caterpie encaseing it in cement.
"what the?" Was all ash had time for as another beam hit a nearby pidgy. "No it can't be.. Every one into the house and avoid thoughs beams!" all his pokemon but the ones that had joind ash in the sinnoh leage looked at him in confusion but did as told runing as fast as they could barly avoiding the beams. one nearly hit donfan but ash took the hit and continued on as the beam was desined for pokemon only. after what seamd like forever and countless blasts they escaped hideing in profesor oaks house. "I can't beleave she followed me all the way here." Ash muttered worry stamped all over his features. as his pokeon looked at him concrned. ash looked like he was going to faint.then a femaile voice could be heare over the area.
"Ash ketchum you, anoing little brat, are about to lose every thing that you care about. you can stay holed up in there far a while but how long can you last when I go on the ofence and start destroying this place." Ash leaned out a window and shouted back
"you'll never get my pokemon! i'll die before that hapens." Ash pokemon looked at him with admeation and concern as they knew he ment every word he just said.
"That can be aranged." J counterd as out of no where a hyperbeam came down at ash who pulled his head in at the last second.
"Why couldn't she have left me alone the heartless witch." Ash asked out loud as he sluped down his pokemon gathering around worryed. Ash was the one who fought to protect them and loved them all and now once again he was puting down his life for his friends. Seeing this Ash smiled "Don't worry I won't let her get you she dosn't even deserve to be caled a person for what she does." he ashured them as he whent over to the phone and called the police and explained the situation to them.
"Sorry ash we would love to come and help but right now we are traped. she must have figured you would do this and have baracaded us in we can't help you sorry." Ash swore as he hung up then called his mom.
"Mom what ever you do don't let mimy leave the house and have him keap a barior around the house at all times."
"Why?" came miss. ketchums worryed response.
"A pokemon hunter fom sinnoh wants my pokemon and i'm afraid that she'll go after you to get to me." ash responded looking out the window
"got it." miss. ketchum finnished before hanging up. Ash knew the mr. mime would protect his mother as he looked at where the cloacked ship was.
"now we need a way to take down that ship." Ash pondeded out loud. mean while Hunter J was paceing back and forth as she thought of a way to get ashs pokemon.
"My hunting ecuipment dosn't efect humans and he has proved more than willing to take a blow to protect what would make him rich then two ideas hit as she droped off her equipment at the onboard lab before heading to her room she would be needing her sleep and to be on top of her game to win. ash and his pokemon had also fallen asleap ash the closest to the door to be a first defence. all lost the bttle against their need to sleep and sleeped with their thought full of worry. morning came and ash awoke firt and quickly cheaked to see in he could still see the blurry area in the sky that was Js transport and sure enouph there it was hovering waiting for him to finaly give up or for him to make his first mistake.
"They wont get any of my pokemon." he said to him self unaware pikchu was right behind him
"Pika pi pikachu (We know you wont let her have us ash)" pikachu said rying to confort her trainer. ash looked down startled at the little electric mouse causeing ash to jump before smileing at pikachu before getingup and starting to cook beakfast. Ash sat down after serving his pokemon and started to try to figure out a way out that would alow his pokemon to escape with him. he wouldn't leave a single one behind. Abord the clocked ship J had just receaved her new gear and had tested it out on a capured oficer, J smiled as she wached the efects, slow and deliberit, and, as one unlucky resercher who kicked the oficer found out, who ever came incontact with the spreading stone was also covered in it. safe contact could only be made after the victems had been compleatly covered.
"Now that little brat wont even try to get in the way after he sees what will happen to him. and if he does well he will be out of my way permanently." At this J launched into a laff that wouldn't end for a while. Ash and his pokemon sat in the basement as they looked at the news station that was reporting the efects of the new capture device. Ashs pokemon looked at him with worry as they knew that he was puting him self on the line now if he took one of thoughs beams. Ash also looked troubled for along the same lines, only his conceren was that if he was hit that his pokemon would be at the mercy of hunter J. he couldn't stand the thought of her laying a hand on his pokemon. But now none of them could leave the oak estate with out risk and it wouldn't be long before J started to destroy the place.
"Ok we need to be ready we already know what J wants and we alo know now that she'll do any thing to get you guys but i have an idea we need to start diging and fast its only a matter of time before J choses to destroy this pace I think out bet option will be mt. moon if we can get there we can give this hunter more then she bargand for. Ashs pokemon nodded as they got to work. Now the eight pokemon mentoned above where litteraly right out side pallet town but something told them not to enter because some thing was going on they also felt that it had to do with ash. its now mid day and the tunnle was comeing along great as every one was helping ou even snorlax. little did they know that this escape plan was about to fail.
"Mam we have picked up what apears to be tunnling comeing from where the boy and his pokemon are holled up in." One of J's men reported. J smiled
"Little brat is trying to escape whats the progress?"
"they're about half way through the estate." came the response
"Wait about an half hour more and then we launch an attack."
"Yes mam!" J wached as the man walked away.
"Soon ash ketchum you'll lose every thing to bad I couldn't get to your mom." ash couldn't help but feel that something bad was about to happen. He was right just as they here nearing their escape area the ground in front of them blew up. J was there on her salamance.
"Hand over your pokemon peacfully and you won't get harmed." Ash snarlled as he retorted.
"Over my dead body!"
"that can be aranged." J smilled as she leveld her capture gear at ash who nodded to donphan and taoros who simaltiniously used earth quake as the pokemon fled back into the tunnle ash the last one in. "No!" J cried a she fired off a few shoots at ash. She got lucky and struck his feet. smirking J knew it would only be a matter of time. meanwhile ash and his okemon had made it only to discover worse news Ash might be able to move but in a day or so ash would be stone. knowing what would happen if one of his pokemon touched the stone ash sat in a corner away from them a sad look on his face as he now couldn't comfort his pokemon.wih out touching them. pikachu aproched not touching ash even though she despritly wanted to comfort him. then an idea hit.
"Pika pi? (Ash?) Ash jerked his head up and surpirsed pikachu when she saw tears runnig down ashs face
"yes?" he asked.
"Pika pikachu. pikachu pi pikachu (I have an idea we may not be able to save you but we can make sure that hunter never hunts another pokemon again.)" ash thought for a minute as he looked at the stone
"She can share my fate am I correct?" Pikachu nooded as did the rest of ashs pokemon. "Well we need to take down her craft but I think we can do it." Ash responded as freash tears started to run down his face as he knew his end was near but he would go down in a blaze of glory. it was nearing the evening and the stone had creaped up to ashs knees. the plan was set they had judged ashs time to be around sun down the next day so they had to hurry. sunrise reveal ashh was able to move his legs but it would be slow. they imedetly located the ship and launched every thing they had at it it got the atention of J and her men though ash's pokemon couldn't bring it down they had managed to take out the cloaking device revealing the ship. soon j and a small army came down. all clearly upset except for J who was smiling evily.
"So you're going to give up your pokemon too live?" She asked looking at the stone that was ever so slowly creaping up ash's stomack.
"Not hapening!" Ash rettorted as his pokemon growled and sarted to charge up attacks. "We are going to make sure that you'll never hunt another pokemon ever again!" Ash finnished as he and his pkemon ran foward J had came down with out her capture gear not expecting this but she smiled as she and her toops relesed their pokemon.
"You wont stand a chance you should give up while you're able." but as she said that a areoblast and a rock slide came from oposet sides and slamed into the hunter party wipeing out all but J and her pokemon who doged. She barly managed to get a "What the?" out before lugia and primape apeared both aproching and standing behind ash J was about to order her salamance to atack when an ice beam and a dragon rage slammed into it seanding it flying as suicune walked up behind ash and charizard swooped down landing amongst ashs pokemon. J now ordered her Drapion to attack but this time a twister lifted the dark/poison type into the air opening it up to a solar beam and dragon claw combo and before Drapion could even hit the ground an aqua jet slammed into it from above as pidgiot, Butterfree, Squirtle and latias took their positions behind ash. J was stund "Wh...Whats this?!" She exclamed. loking around at the pokemon that had gathered behind Ash. Ash smiled as he responded raising his arm gestureing to the pokemon behind him.
"This is the power of friendship. the non legendery pokemon here are pokemon that i cauoght and worked to raise and even when I left them it was for their good not mine. the legendery pokemon are pokemon that I helped with out a thought of capturing them." this got J to gasp.
"you fool do you know how much any of thease pokemon would sell for? or how powerfull you would be if you caught them?" Ash shook his head in disbaleif at the hunter.
"Yes I do but I don't let stuff like that tempt me because I am rich in a way you'll never understand as for power wheres the fun in that? A good trainer knows that its not what pokemon you have powerfull or not but if you like them and stay with them I bet pikachu right now could give both lugia and suicune a run for their money." he continued as he aproched J who was too stund to relise what he was doing until it was to late. Ash spun and kicked her in the chest before landing hits on her arms and legs as the pokemon that stood with ash cried out in joy. As ash continued he shouted "Take out the ship!" The pokemon that rallyed with ash nodded as they launched a flury of ttacks at the ship takeing out the engins and bringing it down. ash finnished his on asault with a kick to the back. All the contact with ash caused the stone to cover j in an acelerated rate. the last thing she would hear was ash saying "Its over now pokemon every where will be protected from you forever." and that was that. J was defeated by her own attack laying there patheticly face down in the mud.
ashs pokemon friends broke out in a run and tried to congragulate ash but to their surprise ash evaded them. Then they noticed something and it made their blood run cold the stone had compleatly coverd ash's arms and was more then half way up his chest. looking at shs face caused them pain though it was clear he wanted to hug them and that he need to be consolled but he wasn't going to let them willingly share his fate and they knew why.
Flashback: "Pika pikachu pikachu pi? (If we want to will you let us join you in this so that we will be together forever?)" Pikachu asked ash who shook his head.
"no because you and the others have a life to continue on i'm the one that got stuck with the imanent death why should you be forced to have to share the same fate as me? i know we've been through a lot together and my life had been good but you deserve to live on as long as posible. I wont let a simple thing such as fear of dieing alone change who I am Ash ketchum friend to all pokemon. the trainer who died protecting pokemon every were. thats how I want to be remembered." as tears flowed frely and he didn't even ty to stop them. end flashback:
Looking at he sky they knew their estament had been correct it was almost sun down and ash had compleatly broken down this would be his last sunset. pikachu couldnt stand to see ash like this and didn't care if she too died she wanted to be with ash for eternity. with out warning pikachu jumped up onto ashs shoulder surprised ash tried to shake pikachu off but pikachu held tight. "Pikachu what are you doing?" Ash asked concern clear on his face and in his voice
"Pika pikachu pikachu pika!(I don't care what hapens to me as long as i stay with you!)" Pikachu anseward as the stone sreaped up and touched her paws there was no turning back now.
ash was clearly moved he didn't know that pikahu felt this strongly about their fiendship. movement caought his eye ans he looked away from pikachu and saw the rest of his pokemon friends aproching he same look as pikachu in their eyes. "You too?" he asked as fresh tears formed in his eyes as his pokemon nodded.
"bulba bubasaur saur?(Why wouldn't we?)" bubsaur asked as they aproched
"/you've give so much to us and lost so much in the prosses that this is the only thing you should expet from us./" charizard continued
"bay bayleaf bay leaf(you're like a father to us some one we could confide in and aways trust to protect us.)" came from bayleaf.
"cinda cinda quil cindaquil!(the things we've been through together proved to us what we had beleaved in the begining!)"
"/sure some of us may not have been the most trusting but we managed to put it asde when we saw who you realy are./" Pidgeot put her thoughts in.
"turttwig turt twig(you always beleaved in us even when we where stacked against inposoble odds and because of that we almost always came out on top.)" turtwig added on. Ash was in tears that his pokemon felt this way about as the rest said simmaler things but as the legenderys aproched ash gave them a questoning look.
"Why are you guys going to do this? i know my pokemons resons but why would legendery pokemon want to share my fate?" He asked as latias lugia and suicune aproched.
"Suicune cune, cune cune suicune!(because of your heart and your love for pokemon you treat them like family!)" suicune anseward lugia nodded as did latias
"/you saved the world many times and when any of us where in danger you cae and helped like you did for that zapdos./" lugia continued.
"/I wanted to join you i liked you and you where the first to try to comfort me and even shared my pain and sadnees. you are the first one i would ome to for help./" Came latias response. Ash closed his eyes unable to beleave this was real not only did his pokemon wish to join him in his fate but three pokemon that he had helped out so long ago had decided to join him. one by one they touchd the stone that was covering him and took positions around him holing out an arm stravia, swellow, Noctowl, and pidgeot landed and perched apon it. totodile jumped up and sat on ash's shoulder while cindaquil perched on ashs head. latias griped ash in a hug from behing and leaned against ash for suport. suicune got under ashs out streached arm and helped him suport the four birds on it. charizard plased a hand on ashs shouder. bulbasaur and turtwig sat down leaning up against ashs legs primeape leaned up against charizard as butterfree perched on charizards wing. snorlax stood at attention as sciptile put a hand on charzard shoulder. one by one the pokemon took their positions lugia was the last with his tail touching ashs hand Lugia spread his wings makeing the group look truly magestc but all knew it was pikachu who got the righest honer in the group because she was nesteled in ash's arm clearly comfertable as she snuggled closser. finnaly the group turnned to look at the seting sun. It was beutifull. ash last words where
"Thank you guys now i truly know how close I am to all of you. And thank you for refuseing to let me be alone, ever even in death." a single tear escaped as he smilled before being compleatly covered. The pokemon smiled as they too joind him.
The next morning ash's mom and friends came to see the finnal resting spot of ash ketchum and his pokemon. they where expecting a solem scean of ash upest that he had failed what they saw insteed amazed them. Ash ws standing proudly with his pokemon friends around him, a smile on his face though it was clear with his eyes that had a such a great life and that his pokemon friends chose to acompany him to the very end. miss. ketchum broke down crying in greif. she now only had mr. mime who was despritly trying to controll his own tears. misty had also broken down and holding on to dawn who tried to comfort her while holding back her own tears. may and max where in a tight embrace crying into each others shoulders, brock was turned away as it hurt to much to look at ash and the pokemon, profesor oak couldn't tar himself away from ash and the pokemon and looked like he had just been hit in the back of the head, gary was similar to his grandfather but he had tears rolling down his face. one by one they layed their last gifts to ash and his pokemon at their feet. from misty it was a crystal that she had found while diving along with the celadon gym badge. brock layed the coking set he had used when he first travled with ash and the pweter gym badge. may contributed her half of the ribon from the contest they tied at and max left the poke-nav that he had used during his adventures with ash. dawn left her hat. profesor oak left ashs first pokedex. miss. ketchum layed the only thing she could a bunch of flowers from her garden. One by one they left unable to say any thing or do anything but walk and cry. miss. ketchum the last one to go. she stod there for about five minutes just looking at ash and the pokemon around him before gingerly reaching up nd seting a hand on the side of his face as if hopeing tht her touch would bring him back. slowly she lowered her hand to place it on pikachus head before leaving. that evening miss. ketchum whent back only to discover the parting gifts for ash had vanished. upsetthat a theif would go so lw as to rob the last gifts to ash from his friends she stormed away. At around midnight miss. ketchum awoke to some one huging her and vanishing into thin air. looking around she spoted her own bucay of flowers with a note.
"Thanks for the flowers they ment alot." Miss. ketvhum read aloud to nobody. that morning she called ashs friends and learned that similar things had hapened to them. Miss. ketchum hurried over to where ash and the pokemon had chosen to be their last stand together and noticed that the ground around them had covered in rainbow grass. profesor oak apeared with some scaning equipment as he had a suspision while he scaned the rest of ashs human firends had shown up.
A little latter profesor oak exclamed "Thease statues are hollow!" ashs human friends and family looked at each other as if they had just been hit with a confuse ray.
"Then that means..." gary started.
"That Ash is out there somewhere!" miss. ketchum finnished.
meanwhile on a hill over looking the group chearing and huging a cloacked figure observed. "good luck to you all I hope to see you again." the figure lowered his hood reveling ash only his hair was all seven collors of the rainbow. pikachu hoped up onto his shoulder her tail had chainged instead of being just yellow it now had all seven collors of the rainbow streaking down it. Ash smilled and scratched the little electric mouse before turning and leaveing pallet town along with the other pokemon. all tinking of how one legend and miricle took place at the same time thanks to the phinox ho-oh.
So howd you all like it it's my first one and I put a lot of work into it. I know it's not perfec but i'm trying R&R. any sugestions will help i'll even use flames to my advantige.
see yah the kitsune of the moon.
Disclamer: As much as I wish I did i have no ownership to pokemon unless you want to count the breafcace of pokemon cards and pikachu soft toy I have.
Hunter J is back and she wants all of ashs pokemon now not just pikachu. how far will ash go to protect them and how far will they go to stay with ash? find out. NOTE: this will a also have pokemon that ash hasn't captured/has let go. what pokemon you ask wait and see.
key:italicks are flash backs
"/ is charizard/lugia/Pidgeot/latias speaking(sue me i'm too lazy to make a diferint type of typeing for each of them right now)
we join our heroes as they relax at the edge of a stream on the oak estate. as has all his pokemon grouped around his as he tells them tails of his adventures in the hoenn, pokemon battle frontier and sinnoh as Pikachu is fast asleap on ashs shoulder, "And thats how I defeated Roark." Ash had just finished telling his pokemon about his first gyms battle over in the sinnoh region. Ash was about to continue when brock called, "Dinner time every one." every body headed over and was promptly feed. Ash was laffing at a joke his totodile told as bayleaf nusuled him. soon every one had finished and t was geting dark out. ash would be at his home with his pokemon. Soon every one was asleap. Ashs pokemon smiled as they hoped to be with his for the fest of their lives. Little did they know that that one hope was about to be shatered with the return of a hunter that wanted something very close to ash and she wouldn't let any thing stop her this time.
Hunter J growled as she ploted how to get ashs pikachu it would make her rich in no time the only problem was that blasted brat Ash Ketchum. Not only that but numerous other pokemon that would have made her a fine profit returned to their proper owners that didn't care how much money they had. they only cared for the well being of their pokemon it made her sick. all that potental money waisted because they liked their pokemon. well good riddance they don't deserve to own pokemon if they couldn't see the stock value of the cursed pokemon then they will be subjected to the same fate as many others losing their pokemon. "Now I need a plan a special plan to capture that pikachu and any other pokemon that little brat has." Hunter J smiled as she sat back and set her twisted mind to work. an hour latter her smile widened as she finished. "That little punk wont know what hit him or his pokemon." She crackled as she set a course for pallet town. mean while eight pokemon were also making their way to pallet to reunite with the boy who willingly gave it his all to not only pokemon but protect them and every pokemon he could. "I can't wait to see ash again." They all thought.
Now morning Ash awoke to pikachu nusuling him like usual. as the rest of the pokemon were asleep ash decided to stay in bed and wait for them to awake. an hour later the smells of breakfast wafted up to them causeing the rest of ashs pokemon to awaken. after saying good morning they all went down stairs to enjoy breakfast. They needed to enjoy it because unbeknown this would be the last time any of them would have peace for a while. hunter J awoke as her clocked ship neared pallet town.
"Soon boy you will lose every pokemon you have ever raised." She crackled as she over looked pallet. After breakfast ash and his pokemon went back over to the oak estate. they spent half the morning palyng around with the rest of the pokemon on the estate. then it hapened, an energy beam came out of nowhere aand struck a nearby caterpie encaseing it in cement.
"what the?" Was all ash had time for as another beam hit a nearby pidgy. "No it can't be.. Every one into the house and avoid thoughs beams!" all his pokemon but the ones that had joind ash in the sinnoh leage looked at him in confusion but did as told runing as fast as they could barly avoiding the beams. one nearly hit donfan but ash took the hit and continued on as the beam was desined for pokemon only. after what seamd like forever and countless blasts they escaped hideing in profesor oaks house. "I can't beleave she followed me all the way here." Ash muttered worry stamped all over his features. as his pokeon looked at him concrned. ash looked like he was going to faint.then a femaile voice could be heare over the area.
"Ash ketchum you, anoing little brat, are about to lose every thing that you care about. you can stay holed up in there far a while but how long can you last when I go on the ofence and start destroying this place." Ash leaned out a window and shouted back
"you'll never get my pokemon! i'll die before that hapens." Ash pokemon looked at him with admeation and concern as they knew he ment every word he just said.
"That can be aranged." J counterd as out of no where a hyperbeam came down at ash who pulled his head in at the last second.
"Why couldn't she have left me alone the heartless witch." Ash asked out loud as he sluped down his pokemon gathering around worryed. Ash was the one who fought to protect them and loved them all and now once again he was puting down his life for his friends. Seeing this Ash smiled "Don't worry I won't let her get you she dosn't even deserve to be caled a person for what she does." he ashured them as he whent over to the phone and called the police and explained the situation to them.
"Sorry ash we would love to come and help but right now we are traped. she must have figured you would do this and have baracaded us in we can't help you sorry." Ash swore as he hung up then called his mom.
"Mom what ever you do don't let mimy leave the house and have him keap a barior around the house at all times."
"Why?" came miss. ketchums worryed response.
"A pokemon hunter fom sinnoh wants my pokemon and i'm afraid that she'll go after you to get to me." ash responded looking out the window
"got it." miss. ketchum finnished before hanging up. Ash knew the mr. mime would protect his mother as he looked at where the cloacked ship was.
"now we need a way to take down that ship." Ash pondeded out loud. mean while Hunter J was paceing back and forth as she thought of a way to get ashs pokemon.
"My hunting ecuipment dosn't efect humans and he has proved more than willing to take a blow to protect what would make him rich then two ideas hit as she droped off her equipment at the onboard lab before heading to her room she would be needing her sleep and to be on top of her game to win. ash and his pokemon had also fallen asleap ash the closest to the door to be a first defence. all lost the bttle against their need to sleep and sleeped with their thought full of worry. morning came and ash awoke firt and quickly cheaked to see in he could still see the blurry area in the sky that was Js transport and sure enouph there it was hovering waiting for him to finaly give up or for him to make his first mistake.
"They wont get any of my pokemon." he said to him self unaware pikchu was right behind him
"Pika pi pikachu (We know you wont let her have us ash)" pikachu said rying to confort her trainer. ash looked down startled at the little electric mouse causeing ash to jump before smileing at pikachu before getingup and starting to cook beakfast. Ash sat down after serving his pokemon and started to try to figure out a way out that would alow his pokemon to escape with him. he wouldn't leave a single one behind. Abord the clocked ship J had just receaved her new gear and had tested it out on a capured oficer, J smiled as she wached the efects, slow and deliberit, and, as one unlucky resercher who kicked the oficer found out, who ever came incontact with the spreading stone was also covered in it. safe contact could only be made after the victems had been compleatly covered.
"Now that little brat wont even try to get in the way after he sees what will happen to him. and if he does well he will be out of my way permanently." At this J launched into a laff that wouldn't end for a while. Ash and his pokemon sat in the basement as they looked at the news station that was reporting the efects of the new capture device. Ashs pokemon looked at him with worry as they knew that he was puting him self on the line now if he took one of thoughs beams. Ash also looked troubled for along the same lines, only his conceren was that if he was hit that his pokemon would be at the mercy of hunter J. he couldn't stand the thought of her laying a hand on his pokemon. But now none of them could leave the oak estate with out risk and it wouldn't be long before J started to destroy the place.
"Ok we need to be ready we already know what J wants and we alo know now that she'll do any thing to get you guys but i have an idea we need to start diging and fast its only a matter of time before J choses to destroy this pace I think out bet option will be mt. moon if we can get there we can give this hunter more then she bargand for. Ashs pokemon nodded as they got to work. Now the eight pokemon mentoned above where litteraly right out side pallet town but something told them not to enter because some thing was going on they also felt that it had to do with ash. its now mid day and the tunnle was comeing along great as every one was helping ou even snorlax. little did they know that this escape plan was about to fail.
"Mam we have picked up what apears to be tunnling comeing from where the boy and his pokemon are holled up in." One of J's men reported. J smiled
"Little brat is trying to escape whats the progress?"
"they're about half way through the estate." came the response
"Wait about an half hour more and then we launch an attack."
"Yes mam!" J wached as the man walked away.
"Soon ash ketchum you'll lose every thing to bad I couldn't get to your mom." ash couldn't help but feel that something bad was about to happen. He was right just as they here nearing their escape area the ground in front of them blew up. J was there on her salamance.
"Hand over your pokemon peacfully and you won't get harmed." Ash snarlled as he retorted.
"Over my dead body!"
"that can be aranged." J smilled as she leveld her capture gear at ash who nodded to donphan and taoros who simaltiniously used earth quake as the pokemon fled back into the tunnle ash the last one in. "No!" J cried a she fired off a few shoots at ash. She got lucky and struck his feet. smirking J knew it would only be a matter of time. meanwhile ash and his okemon had made it only to discover worse news Ash might be able to move but in a day or so ash would be stone. knowing what would happen if one of his pokemon touched the stone ash sat in a corner away from them a sad look on his face as he now couldn't comfort his pokemon.wih out touching them. pikachu aproched not touching ash even though she despritly wanted to comfort him. then an idea hit.
"Pika pi? (Ash?) Ash jerked his head up and surpirsed pikachu when she saw tears runnig down ashs face
"yes?" he asked.
"Pika pikachu. pikachu pi pikachu (I have an idea we may not be able to save you but we can make sure that hunter never hunts another pokemon again.)" ash thought for a minute as he looked at the stone
"She can share my fate am I correct?" Pikachu nooded as did the rest of ashs pokemon. "Well we need to take down her craft but I think we can do it." Ash responded as freash tears started to run down his face as he knew his end was near but he would go down in a blaze of glory. it was nearing the evening and the stone had creaped up to ashs knees. the plan was set they had judged ashs time to be around sun down the next day so they had to hurry. sunrise reveal ashh was able to move his legs but it would be slow. they imedetly located the ship and launched every thing they had at it it got the atention of J and her men though ash's pokemon couldn't bring it down they had managed to take out the cloaking device revealing the ship. soon j and a small army came down. all clearly upset except for J who was smiling evily.
"So you're going to give up your pokemon too live?" She asked looking at the stone that was ever so slowly creaping up ash's stomack.
"Not hapening!" Ash rettorted as his pokemon growled and sarted to charge up attacks. "We are going to make sure that you'll never hunt another pokemon ever again!" Ash finnished as he and his pkemon ran foward J had came down with out her capture gear not expecting this but she smiled as she and her toops relesed their pokemon.
"You wont stand a chance you should give up while you're able." but as she said that a areoblast and a rock slide came from oposet sides and slamed into the hunter party wipeing out all but J and her pokemon who doged. She barly managed to get a "What the?" out before lugia and primape apeared both aproching and standing behind ash J was about to order her salamance to atack when an ice beam and a dragon rage slammed into it seanding it flying as suicune walked up behind ash and charizard swooped down landing amongst ashs pokemon. J now ordered her Drapion to attack but this time a twister lifted the dark/poison type into the air opening it up to a solar beam and dragon claw combo and before Drapion could even hit the ground an aqua jet slammed into it from above as pidgiot, Butterfree, Squirtle and latias took their positions behind ash. J was stund "Wh...Whats this?!" She exclamed. loking around at the pokemon that had gathered behind Ash. Ash smiled as he responded raising his arm gestureing to the pokemon behind him.
"This is the power of friendship. the non legendery pokemon here are pokemon that i cauoght and worked to raise and even when I left them it was for their good not mine. the legendery pokemon are pokemon that I helped with out a thought of capturing them." this got J to gasp.
"you fool do you know how much any of thease pokemon would sell for? or how powerfull you would be if you caught them?" Ash shook his head in disbaleif at the hunter.
"Yes I do but I don't let stuff like that tempt me because I am rich in a way you'll never understand as for power wheres the fun in that? A good trainer knows that its not what pokemon you have powerfull or not but if you like them and stay with them I bet pikachu right now could give both lugia and suicune a run for their money." he continued as he aproched J who was too stund to relise what he was doing until it was to late. Ash spun and kicked her in the chest before landing hits on her arms and legs as the pokemon that stood with ash cried out in joy. As ash continued he shouted "Take out the ship!" The pokemon that rallyed with ash nodded as they launched a flury of ttacks at the ship takeing out the engins and bringing it down. ash finnished his on asault with a kick to the back. All the contact with ash caused the stone to cover j in an acelerated rate. the last thing she would hear was ash saying "Its over now pokemon every where will be protected from you forever." and that was that. J was defeated by her own attack laying there patheticly face down in the mud.
ashs pokemon friends broke out in a run and tried to congragulate ash but to their surprise ash evaded them. Then they noticed something and it made their blood run cold the stone had compleatly coverd ash's arms and was more then half way up his chest. looking at shs face caused them pain though it was clear he wanted to hug them and that he need to be consolled but he wasn't going to let them willingly share his fate and they knew why.
Flashback: "Pika pikachu pikachu pi? (If we want to will you let us join you in this so that we will be together forever?)" Pikachu asked ash who shook his head.
"no because you and the others have a life to continue on i'm the one that got stuck with the imanent death why should you be forced to have to share the same fate as me? i know we've been through a lot together and my life had been good but you deserve to live on as long as posible. I wont let a simple thing such as fear of dieing alone change who I am Ash ketchum friend to all pokemon. the trainer who died protecting pokemon every were. thats how I want to be remembered." as tears flowed frely and he didn't even ty to stop them. end flashback:
Looking at he sky they knew their estament had been correct it was almost sun down and ash had compleatly broken down this would be his last sunset. pikachu couldnt stand to see ash like this and didn't care if she too died she wanted to be with ash for eternity. with out warning pikachu jumped up onto ashs shoulder surprised ash tried to shake pikachu off but pikachu held tight. "Pikachu what are you doing?" Ash asked concern clear on his face and in his voice
"Pika pikachu pikachu pika!(I don't care what hapens to me as long as i stay with you!)" Pikachu anseward as the stone sreaped up and touched her paws there was no turning back now.
ash was clearly moved he didn't know that pikahu felt this strongly about their fiendship. movement caought his eye ans he looked away from pikachu and saw the rest of his pokemon friends aproching he same look as pikachu in their eyes. "You too?" he asked as fresh tears formed in his eyes as his pokemon nodded.
"bulba bubasaur saur?(Why wouldn't we?)" bubsaur asked as they aproched
"/you've give so much to us and lost so much in the prosses that this is the only thing you should expet from us./" charizard continued
"bay bayleaf bay leaf(you're like a father to us some one we could confide in and aways trust to protect us.)" came from bayleaf.
"cinda cinda quil cindaquil!(the things we've been through together proved to us what we had beleaved in the begining!)"
"/sure some of us may not have been the most trusting but we managed to put it asde when we saw who you realy are./" Pidgeot put her thoughts in.
"turttwig turt twig(you always beleaved in us even when we where stacked against inposoble odds and because of that we almost always came out on top.)" turtwig added on. Ash was in tears that his pokemon felt this way about as the rest said simmaler things but as the legenderys aproched ash gave them a questoning look.
"Why are you guys going to do this? i know my pokemons resons but why would legendery pokemon want to share my fate?" He asked as latias lugia and suicune aproched.
"Suicune cune, cune cune suicune!(because of your heart and your love for pokemon you treat them like family!)" suicune anseward lugia nodded as did latias
"/you saved the world many times and when any of us where in danger you cae and helped like you did for that zapdos./" lugia continued.
"/I wanted to join you i liked you and you where the first to try to comfort me and even shared my pain and sadnees. you are the first one i would ome to for help./" Came latias response. Ash closed his eyes unable to beleave this was real not only did his pokemon wish to join him in his fate but three pokemon that he had helped out so long ago had decided to join him. one by one they touchd the stone that was covering him and took positions around him holing out an arm stravia, swellow, Noctowl, and pidgeot landed and perched apon it. totodile jumped up and sat on ash's shoulder while cindaquil perched on ashs head. latias griped ash in a hug from behing and leaned against ash for suport. suicune got under ashs out streached arm and helped him suport the four birds on it. charizard plased a hand on ashs shouder. bulbasaur and turtwig sat down leaning up against ashs legs primeape leaned up against charizard as butterfree perched on charizards wing. snorlax stood at attention as sciptile put a hand on charzard shoulder. one by one the pokemon took their positions lugia was the last with his tail touching ashs hand Lugia spread his wings makeing the group look truly magestc but all knew it was pikachu who got the righest honer in the group because she was nesteled in ash's arm clearly comfertable as she snuggled closser. finnaly the group turnned to look at the seting sun. It was beutifull. ash last words where
"Thank you guys now i truly know how close I am to all of you. And thank you for refuseing to let me be alone, ever even in death." a single tear escaped as he smilled before being compleatly covered. The pokemon smiled as they too joind him.
The next morning ash's mom and friends came to see the finnal resting spot of ash ketchum and his pokemon. they where expecting a solem scean of ash upest that he had failed what they saw insteed amazed them. Ash ws standing proudly with his pokemon friends around him, a smile on his face though it was clear with his eyes that had a such a great life and that his pokemon friends chose to acompany him to the very end. miss. ketchum broke down crying in greif. she now only had mr. mime who was despritly trying to controll his own tears. misty had also broken down and holding on to dawn who tried to comfort her while holding back her own tears. may and max where in a tight embrace crying into each others shoulders, brock was turned away as it hurt to much to look at ash and the pokemon, profesor oak couldn't tar himself away from ash and the pokemon and looked like he had just been hit in the back of the head, gary was similar to his grandfather but he had tears rolling down his face. one by one they layed their last gifts to ash and his pokemon at their feet. from misty it was a crystal that she had found while diving along with the celadon gym badge. brock layed the coking set he had used when he first travled with ash and the pweter gym badge. may contributed her half of the ribon from the contest they tied at and max left the poke-nav that he had used during his adventures with ash. dawn left her hat. profesor oak left ashs first pokedex. miss. ketchum layed the only thing she could a bunch of flowers from her garden. One by one they left unable to say any thing or do anything but walk and cry. miss. ketchum the last one to go. she stod there for about five minutes just looking at ash and the pokemon around him before gingerly reaching up nd seting a hand on the side of his face as if hopeing tht her touch would bring him back. slowly she lowered her hand to place it on pikachus head before leaving. that evening miss. ketchum whent back only to discover the parting gifts for ash had vanished. upsetthat a theif would go so lw as to rob the last gifts to ash from his friends she stormed away. At around midnight miss. ketchum awoke to some one huging her and vanishing into thin air. looking around she spoted her own bucay of flowers with a note.
"Thanks for the flowers they ment alot." Miss. ketvhum read aloud to nobody. that morning she called ashs friends and learned that similar things had hapened to them. Miss. ketchum hurried over to where ash and the pokemon had chosen to be their last stand together and noticed that the ground around them had covered in rainbow grass. profesor oak apeared with some scaning equipment as he had a suspision while he scaned the rest of ashs human firends had shown up.
A little latter profesor oak exclamed "Thease statues are hollow!" ashs human friends and family looked at each other as if they had just been hit with a confuse ray.
"Then that means..." gary started.
"That Ash is out there somewhere!" miss. ketchum finnished.
meanwhile on a hill over looking the group chearing and huging a cloacked figure observed. "good luck to you all I hope to see you again." the figure lowered his hood reveling ash only his hair was all seven collors of the rainbow. pikachu hoped up onto his shoulder her tail had chainged instead of being just yellow it now had all seven collors of the rainbow streaking down it. Ash smilled and scratched the little electric mouse before turning and leaveing pallet town along with the other pokemon. all tinking of how one legend and miricle took place at the same time thanks to the phinox ho-oh.
So howd you all like it it's my first one and I put a lot of work into it. I know it's not perfec but i'm trying R&R. any sugestions will help i'll even use flames to my advantige.
see yah the kitsune of the moon.