Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Looped ❯ Chapter 7
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Episode 7!
Disclaimer: SEE PART 1
Notes: See earlier part, please.
Episode 7: Fragile friendship
“I can't fight Richie.” Red said. “This is terrible, Pika!”
Pika nodded. She had become friends with the other pikachu, Leon, while they were captives, and now she felt the same way.
“But what can I do?”
Brock and Misty were sitting in front of a computer, reviewing Richie's recent battles. Misty was practically glued to the screen.
Brock and Misty were sitting in front of a computer, reviewing Richie's recent battles. Misty was practically glued to the screen.
“He usually uses Charmander, Pikachu, and Butterfree.” Brock said. “Fire, electric, and flying.”
“And he knows I have Pika, Gyrados, Venusaur, Squirtle…” Red said. * This is worse for me than it is for him, right? *
“And he knows I have Pika, Gyrados, Venusaur, Squirtle…” Red said. * This is worse for me than it is for him, right? *
“I hope you win, Ash, but I wouldn't count on it.” Misty said. “Richie really is good. Maybe even better than you.”
Red sighed.
Red sighed.
The next day, pokemon center…
“I'm sorry about this, Richie, but I'm going to fight with all my power.” Red said.
“Don't worry, I'll do the same! We'll still be friends, right?” Richie asked.
“Right!” Red said.
The two pikachus exchanged similar greetings.
“Come on, Pika, let's go get ready.” Red said. Pika nodded and scampered onto his head.
“Let's go, Leon!” Richie said. His pikachu also nodded and followed him.
Red collected his pokemon from Nurse Joy.
Approximately fifty minutes later…
*Ring, ring!*
“Hello?” Misty asked, picking up the phone. “Oh, hi, Richie!”
“Listen, can I talk to Ash?”
“Sure! I'll get him for you!” Misty said.
Jessie smirked as she readjusted her voice-changing device. “Ash, can I meet you outside in five minutes? I have something to show you.”
“Okay!” Red said. * Wonder what it is… *
“Okay!” Red said. * Wonder what it is… *
Red walked out to wait. Soon, he saw Richie standing there.
“What is it, Richie?” He asked, walking closer.
“This!” A new of knotted cords flew out and entangled Red in its folds.
“You!” Red said angrily, recognizing Team Rocket.
“Hahaha, little twerp. Looks like you won't be going to the games after all!” James said as he tossed the netted Red and Pika into the truck.
“Let's go.” Jessie said.
“We're getting a promotion for sure this time, Meowth!” Meowth stated as they drove off.
Red shook his head. The gloves had protected him from Pika's electricity, but the net hadn't budged at all. Instead, the energy Pika had just released suddenly doubled and shocked them.
< What do we do?! > Pika asked frantically.
< I don't know… > Red winced as the electricity struck his side. < But we need to get out of here. >
< How? >
< I have an idea… >
A few minutes later…
The truck suddenly exploded in a whirl of flames.
“What?!” Jessie demanded. Red came out, riding on Aerodactyl's back. “Aeroy, Hyper Beam!”
Aerodactyl nodded and the pressurized energy slammed into Jessie and James, sending them flying.
“Come on, let's get back to the stadium!” Red said.
Pika nodded and they flew back.
“Oh no you don't!” Jessie said. “Arbok, Clamp down on its wing!” Arbok nodded and reared up, chomping into Aerodactyl's wing. Aerodactyl screeched in pain as the crack of bone was heard.
“NO!” Red shouted, as Aerodactyl careened and began to fall.
“Sorry, kid.” TR said as they grabbed Pika and flew off in their Meowth balloon, which had appeared out of nowhere.
“Pika!” Red cried, but turned his attention to the more immediate danger. Aerodactyl managed to land relatively smoothly, so Red jumped off and began using his healing power.
“Are you okay, Aerodactyl?” Red asked anxiously. * I'm not sure if the healing worked… *
I am afraid that I will need a few days to recuperate before I can fly again. Aerodactyl admitted, with some reluctance.
“Okay. I'll find some other way to get Pika back. Aerodactyl, return.” Red said, sucking Aeroy back into his poke ball. “Hmm…”
“Walking is too slow, but I can't fly either, that'd be too suspicious, because I don't have a Pidgeot, and Pidgeotto is too small to ride, at least the ones here are.”
“Wait! I've got it.” Red pulled his collapsible bike out of his backpack. “This is certainly going to give my legs a workout…”
Pedal, pedal, pedal…
I spot the balloon! Venomoth stated. Do you want Butterfree and me to attack now?
“Sure, go ahead.” Red said.
Butterfree and Venomoth both latched onto the TR balloon and began sending down waves of sleep powder.
“I'm getting sleepy, Jessie.” James said as he struggled to keep awake.
“Must… stay… awake…” Jessie said. * I can't fall asleep now! We need this promotion! Besides, we finally got Pikachu! *
James yawned widely.
Meowth decided to take a catnap. Perhaps the action itself was not entirely voluntary, but…
Within six minutes, the whole group was off enjoying the embrace of the sandman. Snuggled up together, Jessie and James looked rather adorable, like little kids even.
Red quickly climbed into the balloon, grabbed Pika, and started furiously biking back to the stadium.
“He's still not here.” The referee said. “If he's not here soon, this match will count as a forfeit.”
“Ash wouldn't miss a match this important!” Misty said. * Where is he? *
“Richie, you called Ash this morning. What did you say to him?”
“What?” Richie asked, completely puzzled.
“Didn't you phone Ash this morning?”
“Of course not!” Richie said. “I was at the café with my pokemon! I didn't have time to phone.”
“But if you didn't do it, who did?”
The referee looked at his watch and shook his head. * Why would Ketchum not show up? Something's wrong… *
About fifteen minutes later…
“Sorry I'm late!” Red said as he landed on a completely wiped out Pidgeotto, who was dragging his bike. Pidgeotto cawed weakly as it landed.
“Ash, where were you?” Richie asked.
“Team rocket kidnapped me.” Red said. He would have said more, but just then, Jessie and James showed up.
“Prepare for Trouble!”
“And make it double!”
“To protect the world from devastation!”
“To unite all peoples within our nation!”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”
“To extend our reach to the stars above!”
“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!”
“Surrender now or prepare to fight!”
“Meowth, that's right!”
“Hand over that Pikachu!”
Red grabbed Pika protectively. “No!”
Red grabbed Pika protectively. “No!”
“Fine then. Take this!”
Everyone froze as a huge bolt of ice from Jessie and James's ice gun headed straight for Ash…
End Episode 7! Cliffhanger! You know what to do, right? *Winks*