Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror Coat ❯ Chapter 1
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Whee! Crazy bunnies!
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Pairings: Championshipping (Ash x Lance)
Title: Mirror Coat
Mirror Coat was a very interesting move. It made your pokemon slower, but if hit with a special attack, it would deal twice as much damage… pity it did nothing for physical attacks…
He had his eyes closed - was steel a physical attack? It probably was. In any case, that would make Mirror Coat fail completely…
The Wobbuffet fell down.
Ash half-smiled. “Well, I've defeated your trump card…”
Jessie and James stared at him in shock as he recalled his new Skarmory - he'd traded dearly for it, a Tauros from his herd and his Pikachu as well, but what of it? He knew that it was the right thing to do.
The reason he liked pikachus so much… that was just because he missed the real one, wasn't it? After all, how could he have forgotten Pika-chan?
Perhaps it was because they hadn't had the time or the energy to use the Dream Realm with all the testing going on, but now… now everything was settled.
Well, all right. He was lying. Pika-chan was in his backpack, along with his deck - oh, how he'd missed them! His memories had been blocked for so, so long, but now they had finally returned.
She was back too. Catelyn.
It wasn't as if he didn't like Lance, but sometimes she - well, he, maybe, scared him. Still… Lance and Catelyn were pieces of a soul and he could never forget that.
It wasn't just the difference in looks though. Catelyn was… well, like him! Shy and childish, she was…
Lance was grown-up and took care of him, and if he were really truthful, he liked Lance better.
Playing with Catelyn every so often was fun though.
“Grr! Arbok, go!”
“Wheezing, go!”
“Key that hides the power of the stars, reveal your true form before me! Your master under the seal of contract Ashura commands you, Release!”
He was showing off, but he didn't care. The golden magic circle formed beneath his feet, the key around his neck gave a triumphant spin and took staff form… well, wand, really. But it was enough.
He whirled it around and struck a card, smiling. “Espeon! Psychic!”
This time, they didn't blast off. The precise attack knocked out the pokemon but not the two rockets that were standing there.
Jessie and James weren't that bad; and they'd helped him in several previous lifetimes in any case, plus they weren't a serious threat…
So perhaps they deserved some peace and quiet. Chasing him life after life must be boring… even if they didn't remember.
He recalled Espeon and smiled. “I'll give you the Gift of Three. For the next three lives, you will forget me… also, as a reward of a sort; in the future you will live in comfort and happiness. For now, I'll use Amnesia.”
Blue and question marks swirled around all three members of the party. Ash waved goodbye to them as they began discussing stock investment options and operating a restaurant.
That would be interesting…
“We're off to save the world, aren't we?” He spoke as he pulled a bright yellow compact out of his backpack. Odd, he'd forgotten her as well… shrugging; he pressed the red button on the bottom.
“Hello, little brother.”
“Charlotte. How are you?”
“Mm, not really lonely I suppose, I have my pokemon and that's what counts, isn't it?”
“True.” He grinned. “Maybe Lance and I can visit Cosmos.”
“Would you like that?”
“It would be kind of cool…”
“I'd welcome the interruption. It's boring here, sometimes.”
“Absolute power tends to do that to you.”
“Well, I've paid for that enough, I hope. Legendary pokemon can be such a drag…”
“You tell me. Why is Serebii so fond of torturing people?”
“If I knew, I'd have the Secret of Life.”
“Well, maybe you would! Bye aneki!”
“See you.”
Ash hung up and then pressed the blue button, which was Lance's number…
“Hello, you have reached the Dragon Master. If I'm not here, I'm either saving the world, plotting with Father, dead, or under amnesia. Please leave a message after you hear the Dragonite roar…”
That was so out of character and yet in that he laughed in spite of himself. “Probably number two… well, Lance, I've got my memories back, so let's chat sometimes, see you!”
She'd be glad to know - or he, if Lance were playing a boy this time. It was never easy to tell, but no matter what, Lance was Lance. He'd learned that through several life lessons.
With a smile, Ash found an empty spot by the road to pitch his tent and fell asleep, entering the Dream Realm, where the pokemon and cards flourished…
What of Misty and Brock?
That unpleasant thought intruded as he scowled. They'd been - oh! Well, if he remembered correctly, they were still somewhere in Goldenrod, shopping…
Perhaps… Brock wasn't that bad, if misguided by his lusts… he decided to cure Brock's eyesight and send him to Suzie. Misty on the other hand…
Well, he would admit she'd suffered, but only because she was still Missingno, or evil, no matter what!
Evil is reborn as evil almost always - no, there'd been a few times where she hadn't been possessed, but those were few and far between.
Well, he'd think of something suitable later. For now, a nap!
End Chapter
Completed 7/4/05
Lance: Het?
Phantomness: Well, I'm playing catch-up, so yes, a few more het fics from me!
Ash: Ooh!