Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror Coat ❯ Chapter 3
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Lance is a Bard! Er, a Minstrel! ^^
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 3
The next morning, Ash woke from a sound sleep with no memory of what had happened before. The others suffered from the same ailment.
Lugia, Serebii, and Honou nodded.
< We can spare them for a few months… >
< Indeed. They do deserve rest - and no hidden tests this time, Serebii! >
< I second Lugia! >
< Fine, fine…. You two are no fun. >
< They're our children. > Lugia said, as if that explained everything, and it did.
“Wake up, Master Ash.”
Ash woke and stretched, making him a quick breakfast of bread and a hunk of cheese washed down with some spring water from the spring that bubbled close to his head. Curled up by his feet was a creature with lavender fur, fox-like ears, a strange pointed tail… also, he seemed to recall being able to summon other creatures…
Espeon stretched. Her memories were fuzzy, but she knew that she was here to protect her Master along with her comrades. He was a Beast-Master, who wielded magical pets…
They were duty-bound to protect him for as long as he lived.
“Well Master, shall we be heading on our journey?”
“Yes, Espeon.” Ash nodded. He finished packing and they began walking through the forest in search of adventure.
He was a Beast-Master, but so far, he could only summon a handful of creatures. His old master and teacher Steven was deathly ill, so now, he was traveling the world, trying to find a cure. On the way, he would find and capture more beasts to aid him in his quest to become the best Beast-Master of all time.
So he had Espeon. He had a small creature named Pika-chan, his first summon. He had a bird made out of steel, Skarmory. He had a fire dragon, Charizard, and two water creatures, Qwilfish and Tentacool. Both of those could also poison opponents.
He set off.
Lance woke to find that nothing much had changed during the night, except that she had a sudden urge to sing and play musical instruments. But that was natural for a Minstrel, wasn't it? She tightened the strings on her harp, polished her two clarinets, and then set off for the next town, her boots sending up soft puffs of dust as she strode along. There was a village not far up ahead, and surely she could find a meal and perhaps a few night's lodging there…
She was a Minstrel in the service of the great god Jigglypuff, patron of the arts…
Heading into town, she spotted a Baker selling fresh bread. She found a handful of copper coins in a pouch tied to her belt, so she decided to ask him.
“How much are your wares this morning, my good man?”
The baker smiled. “Two coppers a loaf, and I also have some lovely tarts and pies, a copper a slice or a small pastry.”
“I'll take a loaf.” She smiled, and then went to the farmer's stalls, finding one that would sell her fresh milk. After having satisfied her hunger, she found an empty spot next to a vegetable stall and began to play her lyre…
Soon, she had attracted a small crowd and was several coppers richer. It was enough for a few more days. Smiling, she thanked them as they dispersed and pondered her next move.
She knew that she was trying to find the Master Temple, somewhere in the East. There, Jigglypuff would be able to grant her the magical abilities of a true Bard, not just a Minstrel… she would learn the secret songs…
She stopped by the baker's stall again, purchased four loaves of bread. That would be enough for a while, along with the pouch of dried fruits and another pouch of dried berries in her bag. Filled her leather bottles at the well, all six of them. She walked out of town, blending into the crowd easily. Her clothes were common enough.
Soon, she was deep in a forest, and that was when the first monster attacked…
End Chapter
Completed 7/7/05
Lance: Well, good start at least
Phantomness: I just hope the story keeps momentum…