Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror Coat ❯ The End ( Chapter 8 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Phantomness is tired…
Disclaimer/Notes: Go see an earlier chapter.
Chapter 8! ^^
“If I win…” Lance repeated, as she closed her eyes. “Then I won't hold back… Ptera, come forth!”
A rocky brownish-gray dragon swooped in.
“Let's go…. Flamethrower!”
“What?!” Ash gasped as the dragon spat out brilliant flames which engulfed his Skarmory. While Skarmory tried to put itself out, Aerodactyl prepared…
Hyper beam could do a lot if properly charged and aimed. After all, it could destroy an entire city if necessary…
Lance smiled. “Well?”
Ash recalled Skarmory. “I can't believe it…”
“Well, now what of yours do I want? Why did you challenge me? Surely it was not because you missed my charming company?”
Ash flushed. “No-no, it was nothing like that! I'm just doing Steven a favor!”
“Steven Stone? Oh…”
“Do you know him?”
“We were rivals, years ago… but then I decided Summoning wasn't really for me, and why bother competing with Beast-masters?”
“No way! You're really strong!”
“Strength isn't everything, and music is more subtle. Prettier. Plus I can make a living this way.”
“Do you like music?”
“Yes.” Lance smiled. “All right, Ash. I'll not speak of your loss if you do me a favor - you promised me one after all.”
“Great! What is it?”
“I need three stalks of bamboo from the forests to the east. Can you do that?”
“That simple? I'll be back in a few hours!” Ash climbed on Charizard's back and flew off.
Lance laughed as she watched him go. So she had conveniently forgotten to tell him about the fire elementals that guarded the grove. Ah well, he should have listened to her - she hadn't finished talking yet!
Serves him right for being so impatient…
Ash ducked, as his Qwilfish put out a fire elemental. Where were they all coming from? Why hadn't she warned him? He'd never get any bamboo at this rate!
Qwilfish spewed out another deluge of churning H2O. This was not getting anywhere… the damned things just kept multiplying!
What to do? What to do? Skarmory was weak to flames, Charizard was the same type, and Pika-chan still needed recuperation along with his Tentacool…
He had to do something…
Now he really wished he'd learned to fight with something. Ah! They were attacking him!
A clear shield went up in front of him. He gasped as he saw Espeon protecting him. He'd forgotten about her…
Espeon smiled. < Don't worry about it. PSYCHIC! >
Clear energy blasted the elementals back, and Ash raced into the bamboo patch where he cut four stalks before Espeon teleported them out.
Lance thanked him for the cane and began making more reeds. This would be interesting… at least he kept his end of a bargain. She'd remember it for future reference, if she ever needed anything…
Ash bade Lance farewell again and went back to report to Steven.
“What? You lost? How? What did she have?”
“Dragons.” Ash said. “That's what they were. All dragons…”
Steven winced. “I knew it…”
“You knew?” Ash frowned. “Why didn't you fight her yourself? You have all those metal creatures…”
“It's true that I have an advantage, but I thought she'd go easy on you…”
Ash blinked.
“Never mind. I just had an odd feeling about this whole business. Forget it.”
Steven sent Ash off again, and Ash, was glad to leave. Steven was actually acting odd….
Did he… was he in love with Lance or something? That thought made him choke and splutter as soon as it appeared, but there was also a spike of jealousy.
Wait, what? He barely knew Lance! Didn't he?
And yet… and yet he felt like he had known her before… was reincarnation real? Would that explain things?
He wasn't sure…
“What is it, Ash?” He had come to another one of her performances, it seemed. Her eyes were closed as she finished the bars, whirlwind fast…
“Um… have we met before?”
“You feel that way too?”
Ash nodded. “It's odd… but I like it, kind of. You're… cool. Er, I mean you're pretty! No, that didn't sound right either!”
Lance laughed. “Want to travel together?”
“What, really? I thought you didn't like my company.”
“You're rather endearing, in a childish way.”
“Well, I'm speaking the truth. Don't you mind, though? I do kill monsters.”
“So do I!”
“Let's do it!”
“You're the adventuring type, ne?” Lance grinned. “Then we'll travel the lands, looking for treasure…”
“We'll explore villages and ruins!”
“It's nice to have a partner around in case you wind up lost or injured…”
“Great! I'm glad you agree! Let's go!”
The two walked off into the sunset together, chatter sparkling and smiling. Perhaps… Ash wasn't so bad after all.
End Chapter
End Fic!
Completed 7/10/05
Not really fluff, but kind of cute, ne? ^^ The end