Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Misadventures of Some Guys at Pokegirl Academy ❯ Taming Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Misadventures of Some Guys at Pokegirl Academy
By: Volostheguardian
Chapter 1

It was six in the morning.

And it stung.

“Oh goddamn, I knew that kegger last night was a bad idea.” Kenji said. Kenji was a 17 year old, Junior Grade student at the Pokegirl Academy. He was tall, at least 6 foot 1, a slim figure and had a boyishly handsome face with brown eyes and equally messy brown hair.

“Shut up, some of us are trying to recover from that and a weed circle.” Toku groaned out. Toku was slightly shorter, at 5 foot 11 but about 17 too and was slightly tubbier then his friend. Unlike him, Toku had a stubble that never stayed off for more then a day.

RING RING RING went the daily bell that rang through out the dorm every day.

“Owwwwwwww.” The two partiers said in tune.

A boy of their age, Matt popped in their room. Matt had orange hair and about the same height as Kenji, although more muscular. He had deep blue eyes.

“Wake you two. Unlike some of us, most people time school work and partying.” Matt lectured before popping out again.

“Fuck Matt. He doesn't know how peer pressure is like.” Toku said before lifting himself up out of bed…then collapsing on the floor.


About an hour later, Kenji and Toku managed to clean themselves up and get breakfast. They dragged themselves into the classroom and plopped into their seats, Kenji sporting a pair of sunglasses to hide his baggy eyes while Toku was nursing his head with a bag of ice.

“Hiya guys. What did you two do.” Spouted a bubbly voice.

Toku and Kenji both looked up and saw the source of irritation. It was a medium height girl with long blonde hair and a heft bosom.

“Hey Chris.” Grumbled Kenji.

“Why hello Christina,” Toku more politely stated, taking Christina's hand and giving it an exaggerated kiss while looking in her eyes the entire time - while holding the bag of ice close to his forehead.

Christina giggled and smacked Toku on the arm.

“So, too much beer for you Kenji,” Christina said

Kenji numbly nodded his head, before leaning more then he possibly could into his seat.

“And too much weed for you Toku?”

Toku too nodded, before placing his head on the desk.

“No matter how many times I tell you guys, you never do learn.” Christina stood up and wagged a finger at the two.

“Never party on a Sunday, unless you don't have school on Monday.” Christina said in a authoritive voice, or as much as a 17 year old bubbling girl who color coded her nails could hold.

“Christina,” came the muffled voice of Toku.


“Shut up.”


Five minutes later Ms. Summers came in, and placed her folder on the front desk. She took off her coat, shook herself and smoothed her clothing. Taking a deep breath, she closed then opened her eyes.

“So. Today is one of your most important lessons before Senior year for all you tamers.” came the rosy voice of the seductive, yet flimsy looking Ms. Summers.

“Today, you will tame a pokegirl.”

“WHAT?!” Kenji and Toku both shouted waking themselves up immediately.

“I said, today you will tame a pokegirl.” Ms. Summers calmly said once again.

“I will assign a room to each of you, and you will go to that room. Once there, you basically know the rest.” She paused to view the room and all 13 faces.

“Now don't worry, Pokegirls and Guys take to taming like a cat to cream so you should all do well. And even if you don't, well that's why you have your new Pokegirl.” Ms. Summers went on.

“Now, on with the list. Toku!”

“Y-yes?” He sputtered out.

“Room 112.”

“Yes sensei.” Toku awkwardly and hesitantly stood up, bowed and nervously strolled out of the room. Along with his ice bag.



“Don't be rude. Room 114”

“Yes Ms. Summers.” Kenji mumbled and slowly got up and slouched to the door.


Room 112

`Well this should be interesting.' Thought Toku

With a great deal of nervousness he opened the door. With his eyes wide, wide shut.

“Come in!” came a somewhat pleasantly and lightly deep feminine voice.

Toku opened his eyes and saw an amazing sight that turned his face blue, in light of what he saw in front of him.

It was a water nymph. A naked one. Then again they were always naked. And a beautiful one, that was a short height, B size tits, smooth skin, and blue all over. Having a pretty face that blended in nicely with the rest of the body helped too.

“Uh. Uh.” Toku muttered.

“Hello. My name is Nyssa. What's yours?” the Nymph said again, getting up from the mundane sterile white bed she was sitting on.

“Toku. Just Toku” Toku said, gawking at her flawless body.

“Well nice to meet you Toku.” She said, bowing her head slightly and staring into his eyes.

“Yes. Nice to. Meet. You.” Toku stumbled out of his mouth, utterly entranced by Nyssa's beautiful eyes.

“Well I think we both know why we came here?” Nyssa said, while inching her way slowly to the front of Toku's body.

“Uh, t-to tame right.”

“Yes. For you to tame me, and make me yours.” Nyssa said breathily once her advanced sense of smell took in some of Toku's masculine scent.

“Yeah about that. I'm not really sure what to do.” Toku said, backing up Nyssa once he caught what she was doing.

“I'm sure you do, you wouldn't be going to this school if you didn't.” Nyssa said matter of factly.

“Yeah, but I have a slight head ache too.” Toku said, scrambling in his head to somehow default this exam for another day.

“Oh, I'm terribly sorry, let me help you.” Nyssa rubbed her hands and placed them on his head.

“Feeling better?” She said, taking her hands away.

“Yeah, I am.” Toku said amazed, the dull pain gone from his head.

“Now are you ready?” Nyssa said in excitement

“Actually, I don't think I'll be very good. I mean I'm came here with a head ache, I don't feel up to it, and I don't even know where to start.” Toku said, managing to maneuver himself to the door.

“Toku. Master,” Nyssa said, plastering herself to him.

Toku gulped.

“If you don't know where to start.” She grabbed his hand softly and pulled it to her chest, where she placed his palm on one of her breasts.

“I can help you.” She moaned, as he hesitantly but surely started to caress her tit.

`Might as well except the situation.' Toku thought.

Kenji stood in front of Room 114

“Fuck it.” Kenji walked in and spied his Pokegirl.

It was a cat girl. She had light blonde hair, an ample rack and a full curvaceous body. Her skin was of a creamy pale color and she was laying on the white bed in a slight fetal position. And totally naked.

She curled out and stretched while looking at Kenji the entire time.

“Why hello there.” She said getting to her hands and knees, crawling off the bed and to the front of Kenji.

“Hello yourself. What's your name kitty cat?” Kenji asked.


“Well Alaysha, today you're going to be all mines,” Kenji said scooping her up quickly, surprising the normally alerted girl and falling on top of her when he reached the bed.

Alaysha moaned out and wrapped her limbs around Kenji as he started to kiss her throat, then her luscious lips.


Toku was still massaging Nyssa's breasts, although he was now nibbling on her ear.

“Oh, that's good master.” Nyssa said, pushing her chest out more into his palm.

“So do you just want to..” Toku said.

“If you want master.” Nyssa said, not even skipping a beat as she unzipped his pants and started to stroke his cock.

Toku groaned out, part in pleasure and embarrassment. To him, his member was of short stature to the other guys, himself only spouting a five incher, while Kenji had at least 3 inches ahead of him, and almost an inch thicker.

“Nyssa, I'm sorry if you won't enjoy this.” Toku said in disappointment.

Nyssa had taken him in his mouth when he had said this, and she was so focused on her sucking that she didn't notice until a minute afterward.

“What did you say master?” Nyssa said in puzzlement.
“I'm kinda, small and I think you won't enjoy it. I just want to say I'm sorry.” Toku said with a heavy heart.

“Don't you EVER say that master!” Nyssa said in anger and surprise.


“And you're the tamer. It doesn't matter about the size of your…manhood just the skill. And personally,” Nyssa started to caress his cock softly, to which Toku moaned out.

“I like your cock,”

She once again took him into her mouth, sucking from the base, to the tip in one long motion, then popping him out of mouth loudly. She licked under his cock, and dragged her tongue slowly to his balls, which she tenderly massaged as she sucked on them softly.

“Oh, Nyssaa,” Toku groaned, grabbing her head.

“Stop.” He said.

Nyssa sucked a little bit longer, before she slowly took her mouth off.

“Why master?”

“Because I want to try licking you.”


Kenji leaned into the wooden chair in the corner while Alaysha was on her knees stroking his cock between her tits.

“Ah, goddamn that feels good you dirty slut.” Kenji said, idly stroking her head.

“Does master love it when I titty fuck his massive cock between my dirty tits?” Alaysha moaned out.

“Ah yes you dirty whore I love it when you fuck my cock with your tits, your mouth or you -AHH!-r hands.” Kenji had moaned when she started to suck on the tip of his cock.

Nyssa was laying on her back, and was currently tearing out patches of Toku's hair.
“Ooh MAsTER!” Nyssa moaned out, barely restraining her cries of pleasure.
“How does it feel?” Toku said, almost stupidly in light of what Nyssa was doing to his hair.
“It. It. It feels WONDERFUL!” Nyssa screamed as his tongue dragged over her clit briefly.
Toku didn't know what he was doing right. Sure he had stayed attentive to all her erogenous zones, and was currently hitting each in random order and while simultaneous running over her G-Spot when he felt like it. It hadn't occurred to Toku that he was a budding master in licking.
He started again from the bottom of her slit to the top, before doing it again licking inside her pussy and downwards, starting the whole sequence again by darting his tongue in and out of her vagina at lightning speed.
“AhHhhHH! Please master make me come, make me come for you!” Nyssa shouted.
Toku still didn't have any idea what he was doing that was making Nyssa crazy, but he continued on, while rubbing her clit with his thumb.
“OOH! I'm…CUMINGGG!!!” Nyssa screamed at the top of her lungs, as she squirted her essence all over Toku's face.
Toku licked some of the girl cum. It was a tasty.
Kenji was ramming his cock home in Alaysha's tight twat, groaning loudly each time his balls made contact with her twat.
“Do-n't st-op fu-cki-ng m-E!” Alaysha yelled out, dribbling some drool from the mindless amount of pleasure she got from her master's unholy cock, that was bring upon heretical feelings all over her body.
“You got it babe,” Kenji stated, grinding his cock harder and faster.
“Oh Nyssa.”
“OH master, make me feel good, make me feel good!” Nyssa moaned out, her hands running all over Toku's back as he thrusted into her powerfully and to the hilt, driving waves of pleasure to crash into her with a intensity that almost knocked her out a couple times.
`Ooh. I'm so sensitive from master's tongue…God I CAN'T believe this is happening!' she thought deliriously.
Toku kept going thrusting into Nyssa on the bed, holding himself from cumming until she did. In about a minute.
“Ooh, faster master, FASTER!” Nyssa yelled out wrapping her legs around the back of Toku.
With no alternative, Toku went faster, his thigh beginning to catch a cramp when Nyssa's warm pussy clamped down, and she came.
Kenji strolled into class with Alaysha clinging to his side, and sat down in his desk.
“I don't know about you, but I think that was good.” Kenji said with a smile.
Alaysha giggled and rubbed her head against his shoulder.
Kenji looked around to check if anyone else finished. He spied Matt with a brunette Dryad, who he was whispering something in her ear to which she quietly giggled too. Christina was there too with a bald warriormon, who was massaging her back while she leaned into him drooling.
`Well, at least everyone did well. Wait. Where's Toku at?'
At the speak of the devil, Toku came in. With a bag on his head still, and his pokegirl who appeared to be a water nymph walking next to him hand in hand.
“So how was it my man?” Kenji asked Toku, who rested his head on his desk while his pokegirl rubbed his back.
“Satisfactory.” Mumbled Toku.
To Be Continued…