Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight, Midnight ❯ Chapter 1
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Moonlight, Midnight
Summary: Pokemon nurse by day, assassin by night. Sun and Shadow both hide the same face.
Fic came to me in a dream again! ^-^ Yay for dreams!
Disclaimer: Don't own pokemon. It belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me! Me!
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Warnings: Misty bashing, Championshipping (Ash x Lance)
Timeline: Indigo League, TWT (time-what-time?), Alternate Universe!
Chapter 1
“Your pokemon are fully healed. We hope to see you again.” The redheaded girl smiled cheerfully as she handed Ash back four poke balls and a pikachu.
Brock drooled as he stared at the Nurse Joy. She was wearing a blue-and-white version of the dress instead of pink-and-white, and her hair was a shimmery red-gold color, falling almost to her waist. Well, it would have been that way, if it weren't properly braided and looped in the approved hairstyle.
“Thank you very much.” Ash smiled, as Pikachu hopped onto his head. “So, what's there to do in this town?”
Joy smiled. “Well, Cobalt doesn't have an official gym, but we do have an unofficial one….”
“Cool! Then I'll challenge the gym leader for a badge!”
“Wait!” Misty said. “If the gym's not official, what's the prize?”
“Well,” Joy said thoughtfully, “The leader's father owns Rapidash Biking Corporation, so she usually gives out bicycles… of course, only two people have defeated her so far…”
Misty had heard enough. “Ash! You have to defeat the gym leader and get me a new bike!”
Ash nodded absentmindedly. Yes, that would work… she would stop following him around after all…
“There's the gym!” Brock pointed.
Ash rushed inside, finding a blonde girl and her… well, he couldn't identify the pokemon, but they were reading a manga together.
“I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle!”
“Great!” She smiled. “I'm Camille, the gym leader here. How does a three on three battle sound?”
“Sounds great to me, pretty lady!” Brock had rushed up to Camille and taken her hands.
Camille stared into his eyes. “You're… Brock, the Pewter gym leader! Oh, I've heard about you!”
“You have?” Brock asked, amazed.
“Yes! I'm so honored to finally meet you! We have to go out sometime!”
Brock nodded and nodded, not wanting this dream to end. Oh glorious day! A beautiful girl was in his grasp and she was…. Smiling!
Thank the lord!
“Ahem!” Misty's mallet made reappearance. “As entertaining as this is, I want my bike. Now.”
Camille's large blue eyes widened expressively. “So you're saying you wish to challenge me?”
“He does.” Misty pushed Ash forwards.
“Hey!” Ash protested. “I didn't agree yet!”
“Well, when you two lovers have come to accord, do inform me!” She giggled, and then glomped Brock.
Brock passed out in sheer joy.
Camille pouted, and then turned to Ash. “Oh well, now I'm bored. Shall we battle?”
“You're on.”
“Then I'll go first. Starmie, I choose you!”
Ash grinned “Pikachu, could you?”
Starmie was reduced to a pile of smoking cinders. Camille grinned. “Electric's your specialty? Pity that water is mine. Go, Quagsire!”
Ash blinked at the pokemon. It was… kind of blue and lumpy looking.
But it was a water-type, right?
“Pikachu, use Thunder again!”
Thunder crackled all over the pokemon, but now, it did nothing.
“What?”! Both Ash and Misty stared.
Camille smirked. “Knew this one would come in handy. Quagsire, earthquake!”
Pikachu immediately curled up into a ball, and barely managed to evade fainting.
“Swift!” Maybe a normal-type attack would work better… the stars hit, but not much was done.
Pikachu went flying into unconscious land as the second Earthquake struck. Ash made a quick decision and called out Bulbasaur.
“Razor Leaf, fast!”
Luckily, Bulbasaur's Razor Leaf managed to take advantage of the 4x grass weakness Quagsire had.
Ash smiled. Much better.
“Seadra, you're up then!”
“Mega Drain!” Bulbasaur could use the HP it had lost from Quagsire's body slam earlier. Bulbasaur nodded, and went a-draining.
Seadra used smokescreen to lower Bulbasaur's accuracy!
Bulbasaur took in sunlight!
Seadra used smokescreen again!
Bulbasaur attempted a solarbeam but missed. Ash switched tactics. “Sweet scent!” That lowered Seadra's evade…
A few more turns of Smokescreen VS Sweet Scent Later, a Razor leaf got through the smog and knocked out Seadra.
Ash grinned smugly. That wasn't nearly as hard as Erika or Sabrina had been. Camille wasn't as good a trainer as she assumed.
Camille sighed. “All right, go ahead and pick out a bike.”
Ash shot Misty a look. She caught it, grinned sickeningly cheerfully, and rushed off. A few moments later, she returned with a motorcycle done in shades of pink and sapphire blue.
“That one?” Camille asked.
“Yes! It's so perfect for me!”
“….” Ash stayed silent.
“Well then, enjoy!” She smiled. Turning to Ash, she gave him another beaming radiant grin. “Would you like to have dinner with me and Brock?”
“Huh? Oh no, I couldn't impose…” Ash stammered.
Misty rode off in a cloud of dust.
“Nonsense!” Camille shook her head. “It'll be fun! You can double date with my sister! I'm sure Catelyn won't mind.”
“… Catelyn?”
“You know, the Nurse Joy in this town?”
“That's your sister?”
“Yep!” Camille grinned. “Why don't we go ask?”
Ash nodded. Why not? He had nothing to lose, and it was a free meal too!
End Chapter
Completed 4/25/05
Lance: Het this time?
Phantomness: Unless I'm twisted enough to write shoujo-ai championshipping, yes
Ash: Ah…