Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight, Midnight ❯ The End ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I wonder how long this series will be? Not too long I hope!
Disclaimer: Don't own pokemon! `Nuff said!
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Pairing: Championshipping (Ash x Lance) ^^ and it's het too! Mild though, puppy dog love cuteness…
Chapter 7
The rest of the week passed peacefully enough - Ash had to reattach a Tauros's horns and deliver another baby - this one a Horsea, which was difficult, as he'd had to restrain the mother Seadra in a tub of water, which was hard! Still, everything had been good and fairly peaceful…
The stream of trainers had finally tapered off.
Catelyn was fast asleep, worn out after another long day of healing. Ash was about to go to bed himself, when he heard something…
It sounded like a window opening!
Oh no! Was it another intruder?
Without thinking of the consequences, Ash rushed into the hall, only to hazard a glimpse of a shadowed figure...
What was going on?
He rushed to the open window next, but they were long gone. Darn…
Sighing, he went back to his room and tried to think. How odd… who was that? A thief? No, the alarm systems hadn't gone off…
Maybe it was just a figment of his imagination?
The longer she waited, the more difficult it would be to extract her memories from the unlucky carriers.
“So, we meet at last, Lance.”
“Agatha.” She kept her tone polite. “You know why I'm here.”
“I am a ghost master. Little surprises me. And Lance died when she lost her memories... for they made her who she used to be… ah, I'm the only one who remembers now, all the others forgot…”
“As you say, I am here to reclaim them.”
The woman smiled wistfully, holding out a purple crystal. “Then I wish you luck, my dear, because you may not like what you find.”
Lance did not reply, as she touched the crystal… and instantly, the last block fell… and she knew who her last target was…
Oh hell…
Ash was worried. He sat down in the lounge, nursing a cup of hot chocolate.
Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him…
He looked up and met golden eyes behind a silver mask. “AHHHHHHHHHHH!” He bolted upright, spilling his hot chocolate, and scrabbled for his poke belt. However, his assailant was faster, and a Screech attack from his? Her? Sneasal froze him in his tracks. No movement was possible…
“The last ones…” A slightly familiar voice said, but it was so cold… so distant…. A silver star-shaped crystal was produced and dangled before his eyes. Wait a minute…
That crystal was one of the things that the survivors could remember - oh no!
Am I going to die?
A black crystal forced itself out of his chest, and then he passed out…
Lance studied the small obsidian crystal expressionlessly. It was time… she brought it to her lips, and swallowed…
And remembered…
I was the Dragon Master… until I forgot my heritage, forgot my true father, forgot it all…
I was the Ice Guardian… until I single-handedly destroyed that what I was entrusted to protect…
I was the Mistress of Dark Illusions, and in a way I still am, for Catelyn never really existed… a fragment spun from three years of time and false memories…
What have I done?
I… I could have killed them, so easily, and I let the chances slip through my fingers…
I have failed…
< No! >
A new voice cut in. Her masked eyes swung to meet passionate almost-golden amber ones. < You haven't failed! >
< … Ash? >
< No. >
A smile quirked his lips as he waggled a finger at her, almost teasingly. < After all this time, you still can't tell us apart? >
< Ah…. The Master of Hidden Shadows… I apologize. >
< None of that crap! Don't give me that! You're angry because you think you failed! But what have you done wrong? >
< I hurt Clair! And Lorelei! And Sabrina and Erika and… all the others! They were under my protection as Realm Guardian and I-! >
< And Lugia hid the crystals inside their bodies for that reason. He knew you wouldn't kill them. It was a test. >
< A test I *failed*! >
< Lance. Who did you kill? >
< Misty… Daisy… and Pryce. >
< Exactly. > He settled himself on the couch comfortably. It was odd to be playing counselor, usually he was the one being counseled, but all roles reverse eventually. < Now… let me see. Misty was supposed to die. Daisy, well, who cares for her? As for Pryce… if he had lived… where would that have left Lorelei? >
< Even so… > She paused. * I don't want to fail… I can't fail! I've never failed before… Lugia-san… father… *
< Now don't give me that. I know you've got this whole self-sacrifice fetish, and guess what? It's not your fault! So get it through your head and don't go doing something you'll regret! >
< You've matured. > She remarked dryly.
< Had to, my dear. War isn't all wine and roses and neither is life or this dimension. What can I say? It was fun while it lasted, but now…. > He shrugged.
< Now? >
< Ash did a good job. I'm giving him back control. After all, he found you, so he isn't irreversibly dense. >
She felt herself blushing. < I see…. >
< No, you don't, and don't try to fool me. So you messed up? Big deal. We all make mistakes. And as I already said, this was a test you did not fail. So don't go doing something you'll regret, and put the vials down! >
She laughed as she tossed him the three vials. < Bitterflame. Soul Dew. Liquid Ice. I didn't even know I was carrying them. >
< Yes, I know… if you're ever captured, drink `em all and they're be nothing left for your enemy to find. Don't worry. >
< How can I, with you here? How did you wake, in any case? >
The young man shrugged idly. < I was on the point of death when you took the crystal from me, I suppose. Even if they weren't my memories, they were so much a part of me, even unknowingly, that to lose them… >
< Ah… >
< Now though, I'm glad. > He shot her another grin. < So! You did like me! >
< Shut up. >
< Aww, you are blushing! How cute! I don't mind, you know. >
< And I don't mind it if we take it slowly! > She huffed. < Just because I loved you in the past doesn't mean it will still happen, despite the spell I cast. Besides, in my humble opinion, you're rushing into things too much. >
< Nah, who needs magic? > He winked. * I don't, I love you in any case without it! * < Besides, Ash still has a year or so of training to finish. That's plenty of time in my opinion. So don't get all ruffled, my dear. Everything will work out in the end. >
< So you say. > * And this is the irresponsible kid I know? Amazing… *
< No. > Black speckled with rainbow met sheer gold. < I Know. It's just a feeling, and I've been wrong before, but I have hope now. Trust me! >
< Nani? >
He pulled her down into a kiss; she gave him an indignant glare before he silenced her verbally, at least. < I missed you so much… but at least now Ash knows why he felt safe around you.
< Destiny and all that? >
< NO! Not that. Destiny implies control. And we're not controlled, really. I'm happy to have met you again >
< So…? >
< I love you, baka! Love at first sight I suppose. >
< Mmm… I see. >
< Shut up and kiss me again. >
< As you wish, *Ash*. > She smirked. < This will be interesting. We'll have to see how it works out. >
< And we'll get there one step at a time. >
< Mm. >
< I still have to finish my training! You can't kick me out! >
< Who said I was going to? >
< Urk! You can't seal me away either! Ash won't like that! >
< If he doesn't remember, who's to say? >
< No fair, you are mean! >
< Coming from you, my dear guardian, that's almost a compliment. > She paused. < So that's life, ne? >
< Life is weird. >
< But not hopeless. Come now, we'll continue this story until its end. >
< Hai. > He slid his hand over hers. < Together… >
End Chapter/END FIC!
Completed 4/26/05
Phantomness: *falls asleep in tiredness*
Lance and Ash: ^-^
Shoyko: Well, it's over! Enjoy and send her a note!