Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Sonata ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Another chapter! ^-^
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This is non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfic written by me and so it's mine!
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Timeline: 5 weeks later
Chapter 4
Jacques Ketchum and Matilda Clear were both annoyed when their children disappeared, but decided it was for the best and got married.
Ash didn't care, not that he really was in a state to care.
Life was so exciting! It was fun. He and Lance spent their days exploring the regions of pokemon, and it was really fun.
Plus, Lance could heal him whenever he got hurt.
It was really nice having a friend.
But… but… no, he couldn't and shouldn't think about that!
“Ash? You're spacing out again.”
“Gomen ne.” Ash sighed. “I can't help it.”
“What's wrong?”
“I…” Ash stopped, as he latched onto Lance tightly. “I…” He lowered his voice substantially, but managed to convey his message.
Lance did not bother dignifying in speech as he kissed Ash. < I know. >
There was just something in the back of his mind bothering him that he couldn't figure out at all…
Ash kicked any other thoughts out and concentrated on the present.
He could deal with the rest later.
Lugia found them cuddling outside.
< How cute… >
Ash blushed while Lance smirked.
< I've found out something _very_ interesting, Lance dear. > Lugia said, a smug tone in his voice.
< What is it, father? >
< Apparently… take a look at this. >
Ash and Lance both stared at the wedding picture.
“That's my dad!”
< That would be my mother… > Lance said. < So now we're siblings? >
Ash's eyes widened. “No way! But…”
To say Lance was twitchy was like saying the ocean was wet. “Are they going to ruin every plan I make! Just when some happiness finally shows its face - and by that I mean non-destructive happiness-!”
“Lance, you couldn't care less about what society thinks.” Lugia switched to English.
“Hai, hai…”
“Do you not like me anymore?” Ash asked, tearing up.
Lance snapped back to him. “Of course not.” He said, taking Ash in his arms. “I wouldn't fall in love with just anyone.”
Feeling better, Ash snuggled into Lance's arms and wouldn't move.
“The question now, is what do we do about it?”
One, pretend nothing had happened. That was doable. Or, two, go back where they `belonged'.
That was more uncertain.
“Both our parents have gotten more violent since they met each other, I don't think going back is a really good idea.”
“Me neither.”
Ash shivered. * Even if he can heal, and it would be nice, I don't want to go through the pain first! * It wasn't laziness, just… common sense.
Why go back and get hurt deliberately?
“Sounds good to me.” Lance replied. Lugia left them alone, as he was wont to do. Ash went back to his book, and Lance to his dance practice.
Life went on.
It wasn't horribly romantic, as might be expected. Four years passed, completely chaste, and then they decided to take a little test.
It wasn't supposed to be hard.
Lugia found them hours later; bloodstained while Lance was busy weaving their lifeforce together in sparkles of black and violet.
Obviously, it hadn't gone well.
He decided it was better not to know.
< I won't ask. >
“Thank you. > Lance said, half English, half telepathic, as he finished his threads and the cord bound them together.
Ash closed his eyes as Lance ran light fingers through his hair. < Shh…. It will be all right. >
< Hai. >
< It has to be. >
Ash nodded.
That was _definitely_ not something he wanted to pry into, from their looks. A pity… but then, humans were fickle. Most of them
Maybe Ash was different. Lance wouldn't fall for just anyone…
It was the clinging syndrome again.
“Ash, please…” Lance said, trying to untangle the boy from the tousled layers of blankets. “It's time to get up.”
“Don't want to.” Ash whispered.
“Ash, running won't change anything.”
“Honto Ni? Then why didn't we stay at home?” Ash asked, shaking. “Why?”
“Because, death waits in the afternoon. Accept it.”
“I can't!”
“You have to. Your father killed your mother, we both know that, and it's a fact. Why do you think it happened?”
“Stop running away from the truth.”
“But I can't deal with it! I'm only-!”
“Then you have to grow up.” Lance said simply. “I'll be waiting... I can wait forever, you know.”
The rest of the sentence went unspoken as Ash turned and fled.
End Chapter
Completed 6/17/04
Sheesh! *Bangs self on head* this is not turning out the way I intended! Driving practice has scrambled my brains…
Lance: …
Ash: …
Emerald: I see?