Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Much Ado About A Crush ❯ Ch 4 ( Chapter 4 )

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I don't own pokemon and all that jazz
A/N: This is my very first fanfic EVER! Please be kind in your feedback...and I hope you enjoy it! That's what keeps me writing


Ch 4
‘I think I have an idea. Come with me,’ said Duplica, as she exited the shed and headed towards the house.

In Ash’s Room:

‘…Gary told his Blastoise to use hydro-pump! I knew that meant trouble for Corsola, so I told it to use tackle. But, Corsola missed and got stuck inside Blastoise’s right water-cannon!’
‘Whoa! Like that time with Quilfish at the Whirl cup!’ reveled Ash.
‘That’s exactly what I thought! So I used the same solution. I told Corsola to use spike-cannon. Now, Blastoise’s thick shell may protect it from external blows, but Corsola’s spike-cannon hit it right on its exposed skin! The force of the attack sent Corsola flying out of the cannon. Blastoise lost just enough HP for Corsola to take it down with a tackle attack and then “Blastoise is unable to battle. The victory goes to Corsola and Cerulean City gym!”,’ I said loudly, standing up.
‘That was the best narration of a battle I’ve ever heard!’ said Ash. ‘You beat him so good! You just made my day, Misty!’ He stood up next to me and opened his mouth to say something when suddenly, a voice called from downstairs: ‘Ash, Misty, would you two please come down here? I could use some help in the kitchen!’
‘Coming mom!’ Ash hollered. ‘Let’s go! She’s making blukberry muffins! I can smell them!!’ Ash said to me as he took my hand and dragged me downstairs…


In The Kitchen:

‘…so, you see Mrs. Ketchum, we need your help to get them out of the room so we can use ash’s phone to call Misty…who needs to be out of the house by then. Please, Mrs. Ketchum, it’s for your son’s well-being!’ pleaded Duplica.
‘Patience is a virtue…,’ cooed Mrs. Ketchum as she pulled a tray of hot blukberry muffins out of the oven.
‘A very annoying virtue,’ Duplica murmured under her breath.
‘Ash, Misty, would you two please come down here? I could use some help in the kitchen!’ cried Mrs. Ketchum.
‘So, what’s your plan?’ Brock asked Duplica. ‘When Ash and Misty get downstairs, Mrs. Ketchum will ask Ash to stay in the kitchen with Tracey to make breakfast. Then, she’ll kindly request Misty and Gary to go to market and pick up some groceries for her so that she can “relax”.
‘Meanwhile, Richie and I will take the time to make the phone calls.’
‘What about me?’ whined Brock.
‘I was getting to that,’ huffed Duplica. ‘You need to go for a walk around town. It’s an opportunity for you to ogle at the beautiful women of Pallet Town.(and to stay out of my hair). Everyone know what to do? Good, here they come…act natural.’
‘What can we help you with mom?’ questioned Ash, letting go of my hand (T_T) and reaching for the muffins.
‘First of all,’ began Mrs. Ketchum, ‘don’t touch those, they’re hot!’ she said, slapping her son’s hand away. ‘Secondly, I’m feeling kind of woozy. Could you and Tracey please finish making the pancakes, eggs and bacon?’
‘Yeah, sure, I guess we could do that but…what about the others?’ asked Ash scratching his head, confused. ‘Well, I need Misty and Gary to go to market and pick up few items for me. Here’s the list, honey.’ She handed me a foot-long list…printed on both sides.
‘O-okay, but what about them,’ I asked, gesturing towards Brock, Duplica and Richie.
‘Um…it’s time for us to walk Brock. Yeah…he has to be walked twice a day, otherwise, he gets real fidgety…heh!’ said Duplica as Richie looked at his feet and Brock nodded sagely. She then grabbed the boys by the arms and pulled them towards the back
‘A walk?’ I questioned skeptically after the door had slammed shut.
‘Yup…they do that a lot lately,’ said Ash as he tied on a blue apron (which he looked very cute in, by the way!)
‘Oh!’ I said. “That must be what they tell him when they go to work on his party preparations,” I thought to myself. Well, I wanted to help too. So, I grabbed Gary by his t-shirt collar and dragged him outside.
‘What did you do that for, Red?’ asked Gary after we had left the house.
‘We need to hurry up and finish this shopping, that’s why,’ I said, sprinting towards the marketplace.
‘Not if I can help it,’ murmured Gary…


In Ash’s Room:

‘Ok, Ritchie. It’s go-time. I want you to stand guard outside. If Ash or Misty come upstairs, I want you to say…um…: “Sparky’s drowning in dirty laundry!” really loudly,’ Duplica said, gingerly stepping over a pair of extremely filthy socks and sitting on the edge of Ash’s bed.
‘Whatever you say, Duplica,’ sighed Richie, sitting in the hall outside.


In The Kitchen:

‘Tracey, could you get the bacon out of the freezer, please? And, do you think I should make scrambled eggs or omelets?’
‘I think we all prefer omelets,’ said Tracey, striding towards the refrigerator. ‘It takes a longer time to make them,’ he mumbled to himself as he looked for the bacon.
He was just about to hand the box to Ash when something pink and gooey slithered up to his feet.
‘Ditt-ditto!!’ it cried gleefully.
‘Ditto!,’ whispered Tracey excitedly. ‘You can help me stall Ash! Take this bacon and hide it until I tell you to get it, okay?’
‘Dit-tto!’ Ditto sucked the box of frozen bacon into its squishy body mass and promptly slipped under the fridge.
‘Good…er, boy….
‘Um, Ash, there doesn’t seem to be any bacon in the freezer,’ said Tracey innocently.
‘What?! That can’t be right! I’m sure mom bought a box just yesterday! Flip these pancakes for me, would you Tracey?’
As Ash rummaged through the freezer, Tracey took the liberty of (accidentally-on-purpose) dropping and smashing a few eggs.
‘Oh, Tracey, what’s up with you today? You’re being as klutzy as, well…me! Or Gary, whoever you think is clumsier,’ Ash said, half to himself as he cleaned the floor. ‘Speaking of Gary, I’ll bet he’s the one who ate all the bacon, the gulpin! Come on, if you make the pancakes and I make the omelets, we might actually have time to EAT breakfast!’

A/N: If you’re wondering how Misty knows what’s happening when she’s not around, even though the story is from her POV, it’s coz she’s pieced together the details and is telling the story a few years from now! Hope you like!
