Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Mukashi ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

New bunny! How is everyone doing? ^^V Mina-san wa genki desu ka?
Title: Mukashi
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping (Lance x Red)
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Summary: AU. Red regrets never meeting his father, Lance, who died before he was born, so he goes back in time to visit, after catching Serebii… and winds up falling heads over heels in love
WARNINGS: Shonen-ai, incest
Chapter 1
Serebii sat placidly inside the GS ball. So what if she had been captured? There was a reason she was the pokémon of time, and though she would belong to this trainer for a time, soon enough, his time would run out and she would be free again. So, she patiently waited as he released her.
“Serebii… I need your help.”
What is it?
He sighed. “It is a selfish wish of mine, but I would like to go back in time and meet my Father.”
That is… an interesting request. May I ask why?
“He died before I was born. So, I would like to know him, if possible…”
I understand. How far back?
“Two years before his death?”
All right. Now, you cannot bring too much luggage with you… and there are certain pokémon you cannot take… for that would alter Time too much.
“You mean…?”
No pokémon from Houen or Cosmos or the other Islands. You may only bring those found in Kanto or Johto.
“The first two hundred and fifty one discovered species of pokémon?”
Yes, exactly. The pokédex will also be unavailable.
“All right…”
He would take Charizard, and Blastoise, and Venusaur, and Espeon. Pikachu was pregnant at the moment, so he would leave her behind, along with her Plusle mate. That left two slots open. Snorlax would be a burden to feed…
He shrugged. He had a fire/flying, grass/poison, water, and psychic. What elements would he need to cover?
Well, an electric type would be nice… he decided on Ampharos, and then debated his options. That left… one more.
He could get by with just five pokémon, but it was always safer to be prepared.
How about Sandslash?
That would work nicely.
After having primed his pokemon and packed his camping gear, with enough money and supplies to last at least three months, he turned to Serebii. “I'm ready.”
You do realize that once I take you back, you will have to stay there until your Father dies?
“No, I didn't. Why?”
I figured you would want to stay that long. Manipulating time is… tricky. With larger blocks, there is less margin of error.
“Will I age?”
No, Master. You are outside that time. It is a time not your own, so you will not age.
“I suppose that's good.” Red nodded. “But what about paperwork and everything?”
I cannot take care of that for you. You will have to deal with it yourself. You are a resourceful Champion.
Red flushed. “Thanks.”
After you return, I will be free.
“That's all right, Serebii. I wasn't planning on keeping you for long.”
Indeed. You are a most reasonable young trainer. I hope your journey pleases you! The sensation will be a bit disorienting, but you should not suffer any long-lasting medical effects.
Red blinked. Serebii sounded like she was doing a disclaimer for a new fad medicine.
The next thing he knew, a strange corona of bluish light had surrounded him. When it cleared, he was still sitting in Pallet Town, but he had gone eighteen years back in time… the town looked much the same.
“Saa… I haven't seen you around here before.”
Red almost jumped. A young man dressed in black jeans and a black long-sleeved t-shirt was eying him from a few feet away, leaning against a fence of what Red recognized to be his house - or what would be his house in the future.
“Are you new to Pallet Town?”
“I came to see Professor Oak.” Red lied.
“Figures. Everyone comes to see the old man. His house is that one up the hill.” The boy pointed.
He had a nice smile, Red noticed, and the most startling eyes he had ever seen next to his own crimson ones. They were a shade of sun-bright gold, and his hair was a dark red, almost auburn.
“What's your name?”
“I'm Lance Dragyn, pleased to meet you. And you are…?”
“I'm Red.”
“Red? Cute name. Where are you from?”
“Ah… Ruby Islands.” Red named an Island chain that was still largely unexplored during this time. He had been paying attention in his history lectures.
“That's interesting…”
Red would have said more, but he decided that he had better go see Professor Oak and waved goodbye to Lance heading up the hill.
So that was his father?
He seemed awfully nice…
Lance frowned as he watched the other teen walk up the hill. For some reason, he - this Red, had seemed familiar.
But that was ridiculous! He did not have any siblings or cousins that lived in the Ruby Islands.
Perhaps he was thinking too much.
Red found Professor Oak not at home. A note taped to the door informed him that the Professor was on a specimen-collecting trip and would not return for another two weeks. With a sigh, he headed back down the hill. He found Lance sitting on his front porch, reading a magazine.
“Well, that was a quick trip.”
“He's not at home.”
“Ahh, off training again, is he? What did you come to see him about?”
Red shrugged. “Nothing in particular. I just wanted his autograph.”
Lance chuckled. “Well, there aren't any hotels in this small town. You want to stay the night at my house?”
“Er... won't your parents mind?” Red hedged.
“They're dead. Training accident.”
It was a long walk to Viridian City…
“All right.”
“Great. I'll whip us up something about dinner, and you can tell me more about yourself.”
… What had he just gotten himself into?
End Chapter
Completed 7/15/06
Cramming for Organic Chemistry is a bitch!
Lance: You're a sick little bunny, Phantomness!
Phantomness: Been there, heard that. What else do you have to say?
Red: Oh well… It's not really incest, right? I mean, you're perfectly naïve and innocent, or not…
Lance: *Smirks and pounces*
Red: EEK!