Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ On Treatment ❯ Doctor-Patient Confidentiality ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Doctor-Patient Confidentiality
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping (Lance x Ash)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #83, Doctor

Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Warnings: PWP, shonen-ai, blood play, UST, golden shower
Ash was waiting morosely for Lance to return, trying to ignore the excruciating agony between his legs, when the door opened. However, to his surprise, it wasn't the Dragon Master, but a woman with long dark hair wearing gold-rimmed spectacles and carrying a doctor's bag.
“Lance? I'm so sorry about the mix-up…” She stopped short as she caught sight of Ash. “… Oh dear.”
Ash eeped, and tried to cover his nakedness, but as his wrists were still bound it didn't work too well.
“I suppose Lance isn't at home now?”
Ash shook his head, not exactly sure what to say.
Charlotte nodded. “All right then. Sorry for disturbing you.” With that, she left the apartment, and went to find Lance.
She found the Dragon Master sitting in a café near the Indigo Plateau. It seemed his business meeting has ended. He smiled at her, waved her into a seat, and ordered her a mocha shake.
“Did something come up, Charlotte?”
“Actually, I'm surprised you didn't notice. I gave you-.”
“Aphrodisiacs instead of my antidepressants? Yes, I realized that.”
“I'm sorry.”
Lane flipped a hand in dismissal. “I don't mind. It's actually been rather… enlightening.”
“No severe side effects?”
“No. Though I was wondering if I could ask you to purchase some medical supplies for me.”
“Ash cheated on you, didn't he? You mentioned that a few sessions ago.” Charlotte said. “You're taking revenge?”
Lance nodded.
“Well, I'm not going to counsel you against it. If it's what you need to recover, I'm all for it. So which supplies did you need again?”
Lance handed over a list. Charlotte whistled.
“This is pretty comprehensive, but I'll see what I can do.” She said. “Oh! Until then, if you want to… soften your pet up a bit, you can give him some of the medicine I gave you. It'll help.”
Lance chuckled. “I'll think about it. How much do I owe you for the lot?”
“Medical expenses, Lance. I'm a part-time vet, too, so I can totally get all these supplies for reduced pricing. However, if you're offering tapes…”
The Dragon Master smirked. “Always knew you were a voyeur, love. Sure.”
“I'll have the supplies for you tomorrow then. Ja ne!”
With that, she finished her shake and sauntered out. Lance finished his tea, and debated whether to go home or not.
Perhaps Ash was in a more… plaint frame of mind.
By the time Lance returned, Ash's eyes were mad, his face was streaked with tears, and his poor cock was aching.
“L-Lance…” Ash croaked out. “P-Please…”
“Oh, I don't know about that.” Lance said. “I'm not sure you deserve it.”
“I… I didn't… mean…”
“Hmm.” Lance pondered, as he drew a knife out of his cloak. “We'll see about that…”
Ash shrieked as Lance licked the blade, before running it across one of his nipples. Blood began to drip, as Lance repeated the motion with his other nipple. The Dragon Master watched, entranced, and then picked up the knife again.
It hurt, Ash thought dimly, but each stroke of the knife sent another bolt of arousal straight to his groin. His balls were tingling like mad, and Lance paused. Lifting the knife, he began making small, shallow cuts in Ash's skin, as the boy whimpered and groaned.
“You're sensitive.” Lance purred. “How pretty.”
Tears pooled in Ash's eyes, which surprised him. He thought that the pain in his groin would have distracted him from all else, but now that Lance was cutting him like that, it felt…
Lance frowned as he finished, admiring the faint web work of thin red lines around Ash's chest. His nipples were puffy and swollen, and he bent down as he lapped at one, causing Ash to moan unashamedly.
Despite all his efforts, a bead of liquid was pooling on the tip of his erection. Lance's sharp eyes caught this, and he smirked.
“You know.” Lance grinned. “I can't help but think that some part of you likes this.” He bent down and swiped off the precum with his tongue, causing Ash to buck his hips and try to get more touch.
“You do like this.” Lance continued. “You want me to take advantage of you like this, don't you?”
“N-No…” Ash tried to say, but it was hard to deny.
“I think perhaps, I'll be a bit merciful…” Lance said, as he slipped the knife back into his belt and rolled Ash onto his knees. Ash groaned as he felt the tip of Lance's cock prod his entrance.
“Mm…” Lance said, sinking into Ash's body. The Pallet Trainer shrieked as he felt Lance's thrusts meet his prostate, and he was vaguely aware of the rubber ring being loosened, and then he was coming, coming harder than he ever had, splatters of bloody semen staining his front, even as Lance filled him with his spunk.
The Dragon Master pulled out with a groan, his eyes malicious.
“Well, Ash… have you learned your lesson?”
Ash simply stared at him, too drained to give any response. Lance smiled as he pulled out, and aimed.
Ash gave a cry of agony as he felt liquid splatter against his abused asshole. It wasn't cum though, and as Lance gave a satisfied smile, he realized what it was. The yellow liquid ran down his legs, and seared his innards with pain, but the pain…
Why did the pain make him feel so good?
“Ahhh.” Lance exhaled. “You're my good little slave, aren't you? Now you'd better get cleaned up, since you're so dirty…”
Ash wasn't sure what to think, as Lance disconnected his cuffs, and he staggered towards the restroom, feeling utterly used.
End Fic
Completed 7/15/07
Charlotte's a pretty immoral psychiatrist isn't she? ^^. I like her. She's my pet OC. I'm thinking about writing a future chapter where Lance pretends to hit on her so Ash gets jealous enough to agree to be feminized…
And I will have chemicals and maybe poisons later! And of course feminine Slut! Ash
I don't usually like golden showers, but I decided to mention it once. Besides, urine is perfectly clean, having no bacteria, viruses, fungi, or protozoans, and consisting of urea, ammonia, salts, and water, so it's not really harmful… aside from ammonia being a base, but not a strong base…
Too much biochemistry! I know, tell me to shut up now.
Ash is not going to get back with Gary, cause I'm totally a Championshipper and not a Palletshipper.