Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ One Voice ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 3
“So here we are.” Ash glanced around Dewford Town. It didn't look too bad. Marill stifled a yawn. It hadn't been difficult to make it through Petalburg Woods. There had been some strange people in blue uniforms, but he had crawled through a few bushes to avoid them and they didn't seem to have noticed him. Then they had taken a ferry from Petalburg City to Dewford Town and now, they were training in the cave nearby in preparation for a battle against the gym leader, Brawly.
Marill blasted another Makuhita out of the way, pumping his little arms up and down. He had to get stronger, since he'd almost lost to Nosepass earlier! What if Brawly's pokemon knew Thunderpunch?
As Ash watched, he frowned. Perhaps he should catch more pokemon, but the truth was that he was worried to.
Yes, he, Ash Ketchum, was scared of catching pokemon!
He loved pokemon. He really did. But if Team Rocket took Marill away from him… he didn't think he could go through the pain of losing a pokemon again. Poor Skittle… he still missed her so much.
But he had to grow stronger, and Marill too. Maybe then they would be able to defeat Team Rocket!
But if he only had one pokemon, would that be enough?
Ash sighed.
A flash of movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention, and as he saw a pair of white boots and black pants coming into view, rage boiled over in his mind.
“Marill, use Rollout!” He commanded.
The figure gave a cry of surprise as Marill barreled into him. However, he managed to stand, and a flash of red light alerted Ash to the presence of another pokemon. The Gyarados that was released made him suck in a breath of surprise, and the Thunderbolt attack that crackled over Marill, knocking him out with a squeak made Ash wince.
Okay, maybe now was not the time to disparage the fact that he had not caught any other pokemon…
The other figure was standing, and now, as Ash took a closer look at him, he blinked. Though the teenager wore a black catsuit and white boots with black designs, there was no red `R' on his chest.
Golden eyes narrowed as he looked at Ash. “What in Lugia's name was that for?”
“Um…” Ash flushed. “Oops?”
“Do you just randomly attack people in caves or something?”
“I didn't do it on purpose!” Ash defended. “I thought you were part of Team Rocket!”
That earned him a look of appraisal, before the red-haired trainer sighed, recalling his Gyarados. “I see.”
“… You do?” Ash asked, flabbergasted.
“Look, this isn't the best place to talk about things.” The older trainer said. “I'm Lance, by the way.”
“Ash Ketchum.” The trainer echoed dumbly, before he was being led out of the cave by the hand. He shrugged, deciding not to fight it.
Approximately ten minutes later, they were sitting on a small table in a café. The café was bustling with activity, so it was unlikely that they would be overheard. Ash sipped at his lemonade, not quite sure what to do. Lance had taken him here, ordered lemonade for both of them, and gotten a booth.
Now, he fidgeted under that penetrating gaze. He wasn't sure anyone had ever looked at him like that before. It was very strange.
Marill was still out, but Ash didn't think Lance would attack him inside a restaurant, so he decided to wait.
“So, you thought I was a member of Team Rocket?”
Ash nodded.
“Fortunately for you, I am not.” Lance said. “Otherwise, I doubt you'd still be in one piece.”
Remembering what Team Rocket had done to him (left him paralyzed), Ash could easily imagine what might have happened, especially since Lance had a Gyarados. He shuddered.
“So I suppose I can forgive your oversight - it was rather dark, and you don't seem to have the Flash HM.”
“I do, but I don't have Brawly's badge yet, and Marill can't learn Flash.”
“You don't have any other pokemon?” Ash flushed at the accusation, not sure what to say.
“It's just that… I'm scared.”
Lance raised an eyebrow, and Ash sighed. He wasn't sure why he was bothering to say this. But Lance was a trainer, so he might understand, and besides, Ash should explain why he had attacked him.
“I'm scared of losing my pokemon again.” Ash confessed. “So if I had more of them, the pain would be worse.”
Lance took a sip of his lemonade. “Again?”
“Team Rocket stole my Skitty, Skittle.” Ash said. He could feel tears welling up in his eyes and clutched at the edge of the table for reassurance. “I miss her…” His voice cracked, and the tears began to fall. He did not know why he was spilling all of this to a stranger, but he had to tell someone…
“I see.” Lance said, as Ash awkwardly began wiping at his tears with a paper napkin. Lance helpfully handed him the dispenser, watching as he went through four or five, crumpling them up as he finished.
The Dragon trainer finished his lemonade.
Ash hiccupped, before he took another gulp of his. “I'm sorry…”
“For what? You were distressed - I don't hold it against you.” Lance said. “But I do think it would be wise to arm yourself with a full pokémon roster, should you choose to fight against Team Rocket.”
Ash's jaw dropped in disbelief. “How do you know?”
“Your actions in that cave were quite direct.” Lance said dryly.
The Pallet trainer flushed. “Oh. Well… um, sorry again.”
“Not a problem.” Lance said. “It happens more often than I'd like.”
Ash just blinked at that, and finished his lemonade, not sure what to say. Finally, he said thanks to Lance awkwardly, got up, and healed Marill at the Pokémon Center.
He had a lot to think about, but telling someone - anyone - really had helped.
Maybe he could manage one more pokemon…
End Chapter
Started 7/2/07
Completed 7/3/07
Lance: *Hugs Ash*
Ash: *Sniffles* I miss Skittle. But what a way to meet Lance!
Pika-chan: *Raises eyebrows* could it possibly be fluff?
Phantomness: I'm not telling! *Shoves lemon meringue pie in Pika-chan's mouth*
Shoyko: Well, as long as it's not angst, I'm not complaining!