Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ One Voice ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

^^V Championshipping~!
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Warnings: Rape
Chapter 6
Ash set up his own tent and spent an uncomfortable night, half-afraid Lance would molest him in his sleep, but nothing out of the ordinary happened. The next day, after a breakfast of instant oatmeal, Lance said that he was heading to Lilycove City and asked if Ash wanted a lift. Ash decided that his pokemon could use a day of rest, so agreed, and they flew there on Lance's Dragonite.
He attended a Hyper Rank Cute Contest, and cheered when the cute little Delcatty won, but it reminded him sadly of Skittle.
He wondered how she was doing now.
He bought himself a Skitty stuffed doll at the department store, and was at the beach, relaxing in the sun with his pokemon, new Wingull included, when he saw the blue-coated people again.
There were two of them wading out to sea with their Wailmer.
Something looked wrong…
Wingull clicked her beak, as she settled on Ash's chair. Those men are dangerous!
Ash just blinked.
Zigzagoon hid under his chair. That got his attention, and as he glanced around, he noticed that the each was quickly emptying - enough warning.
He sighed and recalled his pokemon, and tried to be as unobtrusive as possible. Alas, luck was not with him.
“Hey! Kid! Stop!”
Great. Just great. Ash stopped, because he didn't want to run away. Running away wouldn't work - hadn't worked earlier, and if he ran away, they would just hurt him and his pokémon more.
“Don't be scared.” The woman said, followed by two male grunts. “I just had a question for you.”
“A question?” Ash gulped.
Ash wanted to reach for his poke balls, but he was shaking too hard to. The woman was scary! “All right…”
“Did you see anyone looking suspicious, from Team Rocket, around here?”
“No.” Ash said. He shook his head. “Not since about a week and a half ago. I saw someone from Team Rocket in Petalburg Woods I think.”
“Well, thank you for your time.” She said, and walked away. It was not until they surfed away on their pokémon that Ash could breathe again.
Houen was scary! It wasn't any safer than Kanto, really…
Maybe… maybe it was better to stay with Lance, even if he did wind up having sex with him. Ash colored at that thought. Did he really want to do that?
But Lance hadn't hit him, or threatened him, really, and the kissing had been nice… and maybe it would have been good to continue.
Ash sighed, and began walking towards the Art Museum. Lance had said he would be leaving at six, and it was getting late.
He wanted Lance to stay…
The Dragon Master paused. He had been eying a magnificent painting covered with sea pokemon, and Ash had startled him. Was it six already?
No, he still had fifteen minutes. “Yes, Ash? What is it?”
“I want to talk.” Ash said softly.
Strange. “Very well.” They left the museum, and sat outside on the steps. Ash sighed, before he took a deep breath.
“Lance, I… I like you. I'm still very confused, but I want to stay with you. I want you to stay with me. I'm not sure if we can have sex, I'm scared, but…” He blushed. “I don't want to be alone.”
Lance goggled at him, before shaking his head. “Ash, you did not just say that.”
“But I did!”
“I am not certain I can commit to a relationship with you.” Lance said honestly. He and Charlotte would have to find some time to discuss this, quickly.
“But don't you like me?”
“I think you're cute, yes.” Lance said choosing his words carefully. “As for if I want you in a purely sexual way, yes, that would also be correct. However, I have no desire to break your heart. I am not in love with you.”
“I'm not in love with you either!” Ash said huffily. “But…”
“I think I could, you know, we could.” Ash said. “I liked it when you kissed me…”
“Ash, trust me, all kisses feel equally good.” Lance interrupted.
“And my pokemon like you-.”
“It's only because I'm not part of Team Rocket-.”
“And I need your help!”
That threw Lance for a loop. “You need my help? Whatever for?”
“I can't fight Team Rocket by myself. I just get scared and freeze up. I'm no closer to saving Skitty then I was when I was stuck on the S.S. Anne with no way off.” Ash said. “You're a good trainer. I need you.”
“Please.” Ash said. “Don't hide it from me.”
Did the fool know what he was asking? Lance's eyes flashed bluish-gold, just one split second, and then they were elsewhere. But this was not a simple teleport, oh no. This was something much stronger.
The tiles were black and white like a chessboard beneath his feet, and he could see glimmers along the walls, but that was when Lance kissed him, no longer gentle, but harsh like a bitter sea, and grasped him with greedy hands, and spread his legs, and the pain pierced him to the core as the Dragon Master mounted him, thrust inside, broke him with one stroke, and he cried and screamed and sobbed, even as a hundred thousand lifetimes danced across his eyelids like bloody sap.
Lance said nothing, pulling out, his eyes shuttered, as he tucked himself back in, watching as Ash flailed blindly, unseeing, and Charlotte said nothing, as she walked into the room, leaning on her staff.
It seemed that the time had come.
End Chapter
Completed 7/25/07
Lance can be charming and nice, but he can be a right bastard too. ^^