Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Only As Dark ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Whee! This will probably be longer than After Kanto.
Started 1/22/04
Disclaimer: I wish I owned pokemon! Unfortunately, it belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This is non-copyright infringing, non-profit fanfic written by me so I own it and all of my ideas like Destiny.
Notes: ** for thoughts, <> for telepathy, italics for pokemon talking
Chapter 4
Falkner was not there.
Of course, the thing that annoyed Ash was that the junior trainers did not see fit to inform him of this important fact until he had defeated all of them.
Pidgey and spearow on low levels, a whole flock, turned out to be no match for Pikachu.
Still, he should train his captured pokemon instead of letting them sit at Professor Oak's indefinitely.
But besides Muk and Krabby… oh yes, Geodude and Sentret.
He didn't feel like training Geodude though. Maybe he should trade it away…
Ash made a mental note to ask later.
Then, he transferred over Krabby, and off they swam to Union Cave, where Krabby happily fought rock pokemon.
Some ground-types popped up too. Luckily, they were low enough level so Krabby did well.
It helped to have a Center next to the cave. Ah, thank Lugia for the introspective, diligent workers who had installed it.
Ash didn't see the fisherman with the Slowpoketail again, so he put it out of his mind.
Soon, he would evolve into Kingler.
Then, Pidgeot flew them back to Violet hours later.
It was getting late, but Falkner was still at his gym. Sighing, Ash decided to wait a few days.
He slept again. And so a week or so passed, where he didn't think of Misty and Brock as per his will, and really, the pain was already receding.
He shoved all memories of them into the back of his mind and refused to think about them.
It was safer that way after all.
He didn't want to flood the Center with tears. That wouldn't help anyone, and he might put the pokemon in danger.
Like Charmander!
He checked Violet City gym once again. This time, there was actually a leader inside. Cheerfully Ash entered.
“I would like to challenge you for a Wing Badge.”
Falkner nodded. “Very well. Pidgeot, go!”
This boy did not carry himself like a newbie, so it was a safe bet.
Pikachu cracked his paws and then fried Pidgeot with Thunder, as well as Noctowl. Frowning, Falkner sent out Skarmory.
A Sandstorm brewed!
Pikachu was hard-pressed to evade the stinging sand, and future sand-attacks lowered his accuracy. Two more Swift attacks monopolized Pikachu's low, very low defense, and Steel Wing sent him scurrying for cover.
“What the?”
“I guess you've never seen steel-types before.” Falkner said. “They're strong against electricity.”
How to defeat it?
“Squirtle! Ice Beam!”
“Unfortunately,” Falkner said. “Steel is strong to ice as well. Skarmory, Steel Wing again!”
Squirtle dived into his shell, and luckily, with Harden as well, he was left undamaged.
“Skarmory, start another Sandstorm.”
“No use, we'll have to try anyways. High defense has to sacrifice something… Squirtle, use Surf!”
Yes, high defense but low special defense on Skarmory, combined with STAB [1]… Squirtle won by a few hairs.
“Well, two on three. Here's the Wing Badge.”
Ash grinned and accepted happily.
Squirtle and Pikachu both posed: Squirtle with sunglasses, and Pikachu with the `V' of victory.
“Well, you're not bad.” Falkner agreed. “Good luck on your badge quest.”
“Thank you!”
Outside, Ash released Pidgeot and off they flew to Goldenrod. After some healing, it was off into the grass to look for more pokemon again.
Really, it was nicer than Kanto. Johto seemed to have lots more wild pokemon. Oh well. He didn't mind.
Besides, Misty and Brock weren't here to follow him and distract him.
That was good as well.
Once in Goldenrod, he looked around for wandering trainers. Finding a lass, she challenged him to a battle.
“Go, Hoppip!”
Pidgeot smiled and Wing Attacked two hoppips into dust. Or at least fainted pokemon
“Wow, you're strong!” Gina said. “Then you should take this. I don't need it.”
Ash took the Leaf Stone in surprise. “Thank you.”
“No problem. After all, I don't have any pokemon to use it on. Good luck on your journey!”
“That was a nice girl.” Ash commented. * Much better than Misty. *
Pikachu nodded. I agree!
Maybe people in Johto were mellower? It must be something in the air. Yes, the air in Johto was fresher.
But he was probably thinking things over too much.
… Nah.
Ash unwrapped a granola bar and munched as he continued walking to Ecruteak. It was going to be a long hike.
End Chapter
Completed 2/3/04
[1] Stab = same type attack bonus. Multiplies attack of your type by 1.5 damage