Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Only As Dark ❯ Chapter 11

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I had to do a lot of cross-referencing for this fic… no one appreciates my work sometimes. *Sniffle* Started 6/14/04
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comic. This happens to be non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfic written by me and I own it.
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 11
“STOP!” Destiny cried, as black lightning flashed and spun everywhere, forming into thorny nets that trapped all three birds inside.
The fighting stalled, Lugia let Restoration Rain fall upon the churning waters and broken lands.
It seemed almost too simple.
Yet… something still seemed wrong, Ash thought, when he had shifted back, feeling slightly disoriented from the quick upgrade of memories.
Not that there were many, it had only happened once before.
< Lugia? Where's Lance? >
< My Chosen? I believe he is in Indigo. >
< Why? Shouldn't he be here as well? >
< Not particularly. You are Kanto's guardian, but he is Johto's. He keeps an eye on the three cats. >
< … Oh. >
< I see you are confused. There are still many pokemon you do not know and many mysteries you know not the answer of waiting for you in Johto. >
< But… >
< Yes? >
Ash wasn't sure if he should tell Lugia, but decided it couldn't hurt. < Last time, Lance died, didn't he? >
Lugia nodded.
< He told me to live for him, but I couldn't. I don't know why, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Did I fail the final test? >
< No. >
< No? But! >
< One important part of life is learning when the path you walk is ended and when to give up. Banging one's head against the wall continuously is no good. >
< But! >
< He lied. >
< … What? >
< Lance lied to you. >
< So I did. >
Ash jumped when he saw Lance sitting on Lugia's back, feathery blue wings behind him.
< Why? >
< That was part of the test as well. >
< Still, you shouldn't play with my emotions! >
< I admit that was my mistake. > Lance said. < So will you forgive me? >
< H-hai! Of course! >
Lugia watched with interest as Ash turned pink and looked down. * Hmm? It appears their Chosen might be interested in mine. How fun! *
“Are you all right?”
Ash's head snapped up and he nodded.
Lance wasn't convinced. “Let me check you over. Transforming suddenly can hurt you in unseen ways.”
Ash felt his temperature shoot up while Lance ran careful hands over his limbs, checking for irregularities.
“You forgot to shift your legs back completely human…”
“Bone density and mass. If you were walking on the ground within a few steps your legs would have cracked. They're still like a bird's.”
Lance nodded. “Watch out for that. I'm lucky that I only change the wings when I transform…”
Ash nodded sheepishly. * Well, I'm still a kid! What do they expect? * Still, he couldn't bring himself to be angry at Lance.
He had no idea…
Was it the wish for friendship he had made before death last time? It had been wishful thinking… but Lance _was_ being nice.
“Ash? You spaced out for a while there.”
“Ah! Gomen ne!” Ash said, embarrassed. “I was just thinking.”
Lance nodded and adjusted his silver arm guards. “I see…” Silver armor wound down his arms and legs, and his pale blue wings were behind him, but one should not underestimate the Dragon Master.
“Um… so now what?”
“It depends. You probably should not walk the path you did last time though.”
Ash blushed. “Hai…”
What an idiot he'd been, driven by revenge and not even able to see the beauty of the life he had.
What a waste.
It had taken Lance's death to show him the reality. Power did not equal immortality or invulnerability. Guardians, were human too…
Strange… but in a way it made sense. Guardians were the link between pokemon and humans, weren't they?
He hadn't done a good job at all then!
Ash colored again. * I failed completely… I'm surprised they still want me as a Chosen guardian… *
But he vowed not to fail again.
Lance finished his chat with Lugia and the guardian pokemon dived back into the sea where he rested.
< Good Luck Chosen! >
< I will try my best. >
“Come with me.”
“… All right.” Ash was a tad worried, but tried his best to hide it as Lance took him by the hand and teleport warped them away.
End Chapter
Completed 6/14/04
I know, my writing's lagging, and I can't help writer's block!
Lance: So I'm a boy.
Phantomness: Yes… *dreamy* you'd look good like that too…
Ash: *-*
Lance: *edges away from Ash* I do not want to know…
Shoyko: *eats another lollipop* VACATION! YATTA!! I'm free!
Kairo: Sadly, I am not
Emerald: I am not called into duty for this fic…
Phantomness: Well, I'd better get to writing the next part then…