Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Only As Dark ❯ The End ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Well, hehehe… I seem to be falling into the cliché trap, better think of an escape plan…
Lance: *sweatdrops*
Ash: … I'm confused…
Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon. It belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics, and this is non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfic written by me so I own it under international copyright laws.
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 14
“What happened to him?”
Kairyuu snorted. You shouldn't be so careless.
Dragonite sweatdropped. I might as well show you then…
His eyes began to glow golden with the promise of death, as Ash found himself falling backwards in time.
A ghost?
******************Flashback Sequence************************************
< Lance! >
“I'm fine, Kairyuu…” Lance said, gritting his teeth as he got up. “I just need some rest.”
< If you insist… > The Dragonite roared.
Lance pulled on his white gloves and began walking back to his room, flowing strides as usual.
The dragon could not shake that niggling feeling of worry…
Closing his eyes, the trainer got into bed, pulled the covers over his body, and promptly went to sleep.
It seemed normal enough.
Snorting, Dragonite fell asleep as well. Some few hours later in the night, Lance sat up and pulled a skein of yarn out, feverishly braiding until a long braid of violet lay complete, before the yarn flew off to the weaving room and melded itself with the tapestry, hard to see.
Then, he finally slept.
**********************End Flashback************************************
“Still…” Ash asked. * What did he do? Unless… *
He made a quick decision and teleported to the weaving room. A wave of black and purple met his vision, as per normality. Violet life and black-winged death were both part of the world.
After a few minutes of futile searching, he had still not discovered the thread Lance had used.
What was so special about it?
Pikachu shrugged hopelessly. Don't ask me.
“Kuso!” Ash shouted as he ran back to the room and began hyper scanning. Dragonite and the rest of the dragons exited, giving him some privacy.
Sure enough, a hypothesis was confirmed.
That's equivalent trade for you, to bring back life is impossible, to extend life is possible, but the price is quite high…
“Lance, wake up!” Ash cried, shaking him. “Don't die on me! It already happened once, please, please, don't die!”
Life telescoped inwards until it was just the two of them in the void with death waiting in the wings.
No! No! Please, don't…
The mantra repeated himself over and over as he clung to the other, unwilling to let go, even when the bells tolled.
Come back to me…
He wasn't quite sure how long it lasted, but he regained consciousness again with the feeling of being shaken.
“Lance? You're not dead!” Ash cried, before he glomped the other trainer, sending them both falling onto the wine-red carpet.
“No. Why would I be dead?”
“B-but I thought…”
“The spell I used would put me in sleep of death, but only for a month.” The Dragon Master smiled. “You stayed here the entire time? I'm touched.”
Ash flushed, but nodded.
It was a simple enough question.
Ash took a deep breath, remembering the frantic headlong flight of his mind away from terror previously.
He might not get this chance again. Even if he were rejected, it would be better than seeing the other die without knowing anything!
It was time to grow up and stop being a scared little kid. That wouldn't help him at all! It was no way for a guardian to be.
He had to tell.
“I'm in love with you.”
Lance stopped moving, fell backwards onto the carpet and stared at Ash incredulously. “What?”
“I'm in love with you.” Ash repeated. “And you can hate me for it, but I needed to tell you before death came for either of us. That is all.”
He turned to leave, but stopped. Well, not exactly stopped, more as `fell'. He looked at Lance, who smiled, violet yarn dangling from his hands.
“What?” He snapped.
“I love you too. And I was waiting for you to return it.”
That completely obliterated Ash's bad mood.
Ash would have said more, but then discovered he was otherwise… occupied, and kicked that thought out of the window.
After all, the most important stuff had been said.
Good things come to those who wait, he supposed, and guardians too. Sure, duty would be hard in the future - this couldn't possibly be easy!
But he wouldn't be alone, right? Right.
That was nice…
Kissing was nice too, he decided, as Lance bruised his lips and memorized the feel of his soft, soft skin.
He purred, mind hazing over as pleasure dampened the rest of his senses. Well, to hell with duty, we'll do it anyways, but…
This was a _good_ reward.
End Chapter
Completed 6/15/04
Lance: Well, that was interesting.
Ash: Not too romance-cy, with all the roses and love poetry.
Shoyko: Dark but not darkfic dark.
Emerald: I did not think it was serious.
Kairo: *eats a lollipop* It was funny in parts, that was fine.
Phantomness: Well, and as a reward to my fans, I have…
Ash/Lance: O.O
Ash looked mildly surprised when Lance broke off the heated kiss. “Lance?”
“Are you sure about this?” The Dragon Master asked.
“What do you mean?”
“If we become bonded as guardians, we will feel each other's emotions and thoughts… and I am very possessive…”
“You're worrying about that now? I don't care.” Ash said truthfully.
“Honto ni?”
“Very well then.” Lance said, darting in for another kiss, as one hand slipped down into Ash's shirt and began rubbing against a hardened nipple. Ash shivered, as Lance's teeth grazed his second nub, nipping through the fabric of his black t-shirt. Ash yelped.
Lance stopped, but Ash shook his head, motioning for him to go on. The Dragon master quickly divested Ash of his shirt and moved down his chest, licking every patch of exposed skin, until he reached the waistband of Ash's pants.
< If we keep going, I won't be able to stop. > Lance warned.
< Don't… stop… > Ash gasped, arousal singing through his veins. Lance nodded as he pulled off Ash's black silk pants, a bit surprised that the younger guardian did not bother with underwear. Shrugging, he ran his tongue along the head of the thick shaft, pleased when it swelled under his ministrations and began leaking clear fluid. Carefully, Lance took Ash's cock in his mouth and suckled, hard.
< LANCE! > Ash screamed, shaking as his manhood throbbed painfully, tingling before streaks of white shot out in a steady stream.
Lance released Ash's member and smiled, cleaning off his sticky fingers. < Sweetling, aren't you? >
Ash blinked as Lance quickly shrugged off his own black catsuit. His eyes immediately ran over the length and he felt his pulse quickening at the sight, as his breath caught in his throat.
“You like what you see?” Lance teased.
Ash nodded wordlessly, as his fingers reached out of own avail and touched Lance's cock, feeling it harden.
< Can I? >
< Of course. > Lance chuckled. < You're so shy. It's adorable, really. > Ash began copying Lance's earlier motions, kissing up the stiff rod and licking around the sensitive skin.
A few minutes of heated stimulation later, the Dragon Master shot his load, spraying Ash with jism.
Ash licked up a patch on his hand and frowned, strange. < It's like wine and honey, kind of… >
< I wouldn't know. > Lance returned as he brushed a finger against Ash's opening. < Do you still want to continue? >
< Yes! >
Lance nodded, and then pressed the head of his organ between Ash's cheeks, as Ash took a deep breath.
It hurt a little, but it wasn't too bad.
Lance began pushing in and out of him rhythmically, as he bucked, impaled on the other's hardness. Yet, he didn't mind.
So warm…
Lance's hands strayed, ran patterns over his sensitive flesh and he gasped at the dual sensations…
So nice…
Take me. Forever!
Pleasure wiped his mind clean of all other sensations, and it was with regret when they both came down to earth after orgasm.
< That was nice… > Ash whispered, as he snuggled under the covers with Lance. They had made it to the bedroom without too many interruptions.
Lance smirked. < Hai. >
< Can we do this again? >
< Maybe, if you're good in the future. I'm kidding. > Lance said at Ash's horrified look. < I'll take care of you from now on. >
Ash smiled and hugged the other trainer, before drifting off to sleep.
You did not have to read the lemon. If you read it anyways and didn't like it, it's your own fault! The fic is perfectly understandable without it. >.<
If I get any flames I shall be pissed…