Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Original Right ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Another Chapter!
I should probably have background, but at this point I'm tired…
Disclaimer/Notes: See previous chapter please
Ash doesn't _really_ love anyone yet. He just thinks he does…
I hate AAMRN, just so you know. Foil tactics and all that.
Chapter 3
“Why did you accept?”
“I didn't know how to say no.”
Lance shook his head. “This cannot end well, you know that, right? Shall I use amnesia wave on her?”
“No… she seemed kind of nice.”
Lance raised his eyebrows.
“I-I'll try again, I guess.”
“Well, be careful not to get burned.” Morty gave his opinion from where he perused a newspaper, perched on a settee.
… More like levitation.
For an earth-type, Earth counted for much more than the ground. It was also a way to reach Gaia, the energy source.
Morty was confident with his powers. He did not need a girlfriend, and in either case, it was rumored he was courting Whitney, the Normal one.
At least members of the clan could touch without problems.
That was transformation-free.
Also, members of the same gender did not cause transforming, at least not that Ash knew of.
As he dressed in clean slacks and a T-shirt after his shower, he hoped that it would work out for the best.
< Do you want me to stay at home? >
< Hai. > Ash said. < I won't need supervision. >
< As you will. > Lance said obediently.
Ash smiled a little, before he left the house at six-twenty. He picked Misty up on time, and off they went to the theatre.
Tickets were fine, they got popcorn and sodas, and the movie began.
Ash was bored before twenty minutes were up.
A chick flik - yes, that was what Titanic was - and he hated them…
With an inward sigh, he began meditating.
He was interrupted when she hugged him. Still, at least an embrace would not cause transformations…
So he didn't' fight her off.
It was very lucky. Unfortunately, lady luck was not only on his side. Lady luck is not impartial, is she?
Misty grinned inwardly. * Score! *
It was not easy, but he managed. Afterwards, he walked Misty home. That was reasonable enough. However, he was about to leave when she acted.
It should be noted that Misty believed in setting things quickly. She did not want to compete with her sisters in the dating arena.
Ash didn't react in time before she lip-locked him.
Then, he fled.
Lance looked up in alarm as a Vulpix bolted in through the window, crying.
< Ash? >
Ash landed in his lap and continued to cry as Lance held him. < Did it not work out? >
< N-no, she kissed me right afterwards… >
< Ash… >
< I-I actually thought I had a chance. Was it wrong of me? Why doesn't anyone love me? >
Lance did not reply.
< I-I'm sorry. > Ash whispered, after the time limit of his transformation had worn off and he changed back into a human, albeit nude. < I shouldn't be bothering you with my problems. >
< That's what I'm here for as your protector. > Lance replied, quickly letting go of him. < I already got your clothes. >
Ash changed into his pajamas and drank more hot chocolate before going to bed. Lance kept watch over him for a while, before he went to sleep also.
After all…
What are Protectors for?
“So, how'd your date with Ash go?” Mayra asked.
“It went well, but he ran off after I kissed him.”
“You were too sudden.” Dawn scolded.
“I guess…”
“Well, was it a good kiss?”
Misty shimmered. “Yep!”
“You are so lucky, girl. So you two are going steady now, huh? Boy, I wish I were that lucky…”
“Maybe you'll find a guy yourself.”
Ash stayed far, far away from Misty. The evasion tactic worked for only two days before she found him.
`Now Ash, I know you're shy, and I'm sorry for kissing you so unexpectedly.”
“You don't hate me?”
`Why would I?” Misty asked, confused.
It was then Ash realized she had not seen him transform. No, that wasn't it. He made the wrong conclusion.
She saw me… and wasn't scared!
I'll never find another girl like that again!
With that thought, Ash hugged Misty. “I love you Misty.”
Misty grinned. * Wow! *
This was an unexpected bonus, but she would make the most of it.
True love wins through, right?
It didn't' matter about timeframe. It was true love!
They went on a few more dates after that, and then Ash's birthday rolled around. Misty was very excited, for an understandable reason.
She knew exactly what to get him.
It was something money couldn't buy, and it could only be used once.
But he was her love.
It was perfect!
< I'm happy she loves you no matter what. > Lance said, as he helped decorate the house.
Ash grinned. < Hai! >
Lance did not say more.
End Chapter
Completed 6/28/04
Ash: I like MISTY? EEWWW!
Lance: …
Phantomness: `Tis only temporary and not real love, baka.
Lance: *pulls out dragon daggers* that had better be true.