Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Psychic Destiny ❯ Chapter 3
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Part 3 of Psychic Destiny!
Disclaimer: As always, Shadow does not own pokemon. And I'm getting real tired of putting the disclaimer in…but Nintendo owns pokemon, this is non-profit fanwork, and since I wrote it its mine.
Notes: If the fic wasn't a dead giveaway, <> indicates telepathy, ** indicates thoughts, and italics indicates translated poke speech. On with the fic! Oh, and Lance is a girl. Lance however may be referred to by the incorrect gender since she is playing as a boy. Ash is almost 13…
Part 3: The Re-Battle for the Boulder Badge!
The next morning, Ash and Lance both got up and prepared to Teleport to Pewter, where they would begin their journeys anew.
< Good luck. > Will told them. < You'll need it. >
Ash frowned. < Dad, I know how to beat Brock now. >
< Just making sure… >
< Don't forget to take your medicine every night! > Karen said.
Ash frowned. < Dad, I know how to beat Brock now. >
< Just making sure… >
< Don't forget to take your medicine every night! > Karen said.
< Yes, mom. >
< Take care of him, Lance. > Will added privately. Lance inclined her head briefly in reply. Karen also added something of the similar sort to the Dragon Master. Then, the two set off.
< Take care of him, Lance. > Will added privately. Lance inclined her head briefly in reply. Karen also added something of the similar sort to the Dragon Master. Then, the two set off.
< Teleport! > Ash called as he transported both of them to the area in front of the gym. * I wonder if Brock is back yet? *
Lance went up to the door and opened it. The gym was empty. “I guess he's not here…”
Just then, Brock stepped out, still in a bathrobe and holding a cup of coffee in one hand. “Oh! New challengers. I-.” He stopped when he caught sight of Lance. Instantly, his eyes turned into little pink hearts.
Just then, Brock stepped out, still in a bathrobe and holding a cup of coffee in one hand. “Oh! New challengers. I-.” He stopped when he caught sight of Lance. Instantly, his eyes turned into little pink hearts.
The coffee cup dropped to the floor with a crash.
“Hi, my name is Brock! I'm strong, dependable, and exactly what you'd want in a boyfriend! Would you like to go out with me?”
“If you can beat me in a pokemon battle.” Lance said. “And if I win, I get the Boulder Badge.”
“Deal!” Brock said. “Geodude, go!” The small floating rock appeared and the stadium of gravel slid into place. Ash went over to the stands to watch.
“If you can beat me in a pokemon battle.” Lance said. “And if I win, I get the Boulder Badge.”
“Deal!” Brock said. “Geodude, go!” The small floating rock appeared and the stadium of gravel slid into place. Ash went over to the stands to watch.
“I choose… Tempest! Go!” The Dratini with the gold spot on his head appeared in front of Geodude and trilled happily.
“Geodude, use Tackle!”
“Tempest, Bubblebeam!” Tempest nodded and shot a stream of bubbles from his mouth, drenching Geodude and rendering it unconscious.
“Tempest, Bubblebeam!” Tempest nodded and shot a stream of bubbles from his mouth, drenching Geodude and rendering it unconscious.
“Wow… not only pretty but good with pokemon.” Brock said. “But can good looks alone win you this badge? Onix, I choose you!”
“Tempest, Ice Beam!” Tempest nodded again and this time froze Onix solid in mere seconds. Lance smirked as Brock handed her the badge. “Your turn, Silver. And I think the answer to your question was yes.”
Ash nodded and released Bulbasaur.
Ash nodded and released Bulbasaur.
“Vulpix, go!”
“That's not fair.” Ash muttered, but he ordered Bulbasaur to douse Vulpix with Sleep Powder and then Poisonpowder. Bulbasaur smiled and obeyed his commands with a little smile on her face.
Vulpix really didn't have much of a chance, but she did try her best.
“Vulpix, Flamethrower!”
“Bulbasaur, dodge and then power up for Solarbeam!” Bulbasaur smirked almost and jumped clear of the stream of fire, before blasting Vulpix with a bright shot of Solar Energy from her bulb.
“Bulbasaur, dodge and then power up for Solarbeam!” Bulbasaur smirked almost and jumped clear of the stream of fire, before blasting Vulpix with a bright shot of Solar Energy from her bulb.
Vulpix teetered for a few seconds, before it collapsed.
Brock burst into tears. “I've lost two badges in a row?!” But he gave Ash his badge and stuff.
They turned to leave, but then Brock dashed up to Lance. “Please go out with me!” He begged.
Lance turned blue. “No thank you.” She said. “I'm leaving.” * Honestly! What a desperate person… *
Brock sniffled. “Can I at least have your phone number?”
Brock sniffled. “Can I at least have your phone number?”
Lance was about to say no, before she had a mischievous thought. “Sure.” She said, giving him Agatha's phone number.
Oh yes… revenge… sweet…
“Oh thank you!” Brock said, clutching the piece of binder paper to his chest in rapture. Ash and Lance waved goodbye.
“But Cat, he's a stalker!” Ash said as soon as they were out of earshot.
“Silver, do you honestly think I gave him my phone number?”
“Oh! Then whose did you give him.”
Lance smiled impishly and whispered into Ash's ear. Ash burst out laughing. “I can't wait to find out what happens when he calls her!”
Lance smiled impishly and whispered into Ash's ear. Ash burst out laughing. “I can't wait to find out what happens when he calls her!”
“Me too.” Lance said. “Let's get going!”
`Right!” They healed their pokemon at the center and then set off for Mount Moon.
“Hello?” Agatha asked as she picked up her phone.
“Oh I love you, you're so beautiful, please go out with me!” Brock begged.
Agatha blinked. “What?!”
“Your eyes are as beautiful as the sky on a summer day, your hair is as bright as sunlight, you remind me of an angel…” Brock babbled on and on.
Agatha looked bemused. * I wonder who this is? *
“Of course I'll go out with you.” She said, covering the mouthpiece so he wouldn't hear Karen snickering in the background.
“Oh thank you! What time?” Brock asked, completely gone.
“How about three-thirty tomorrow at the Pewter City gym?”
“Okay!” Brock said. “I love you!” He continued to babble for a good half hour before Agatha hung up.
“Who was that? “ Karen asked.
Agatha laughed. “Brock Slate of the Pewter City gym.”
“Oh boy, is he going to be surprised.”
“Yep!” Agatha said. * I bet Lance gave him my phone number. *
The two shared a laugh before Karen went off to find Will.
POOR BROCK! Hehehehe….
Started 12/9/02, completed 3/9/03