Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Psychic Destiny ❯ Chapter 5
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Well, I guess the fic finally revived
Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon. It belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This is non-profit fanwork, no copyright infringement is intended, and since I wrote it its mine. ^-^
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, and italics if a pokemon talks.
Timeline: 1 week
Chapter 5: Cerulean Again? This could be a pain…
Chapter 5: Cerulean Again? This could be a pain…
Lance looked up from where she was grooming her purring Dratini. “Yes, Silver? You had a question for me.”
Ash looked around furtively. “Well… are we going to Cerulean City?”
“Why not? Don't you need the badge?”
Lance waited patiently. You didn't rush other Chosen, as that usually led to severe consequences.
“I have five badges.”
“You do? Excellent.” Lance said. “Well then, we could just skip Cerulean.”
“But what about you?!”
Lance sighed forlornly, affecting a put out air. “Well… if you really don't want to go…”
“No, no!” Ash said, waving his hands. “It's not like that! If you need to fight Misty then-.”
“Misty? I thought Daisy was the Gym leader.”
Ash cursed the inward slip of tongue. “I met her once. She's the one I fought for my badge.”
Lance did not pry farther, much to Ash's relief.
Still, the gates of Cerulean roamed overhead. * Don't be such a chicken! * Ash scolded himself. * She won't remember you because of Mom's mind manipulation! *
Still, it was unnerving.
Who knew if Misty might suddenly whip out a mallet?
Better safe than sorry, every time…
In no time at all they were standing in front of Cerulean gym.
“Go! Staryu!”
And Misty could spot a challenge a mile away and find it, that talent still stayed.
Lance smirked, releasing Kingdra.
“What the-?!”
“Well, let's start.” Lance said calmly. “Kingdra. Dragonbreath.” Sure, it was Claire's favorite move, but who'd taught her younger sister that?
A paralyzed pokemon does not a good battler make, Misty found out, and unlike Stun Spore, you couldn't wash Dragonbreath off.
Lance smirked as Starmie appeared.
“But Kingdra's water/dragon, so your attack is hardly effective.” Lance continued, as Ash cheered for Catelyn.
“Go for it, Cat!”
“Ice beam…”
Sure, a frozen pokemon can't fight either. After that, two or three Dragon Rage attacks finished the problem.
Starmie did not have that much of an HP bar, even a trained one. It looked like Misty hadn't done much.
Lance smirked as she took the Cascade badge. “That was easy.”
“Kakkoii!” Ash said. < You were so cool! >
“Thanks, Silver.”
< No! You really were great! >
Kingdra purred as Lance fed him a delicious candy ball. The bright red shimmered in its sweet syrup. Honey, that was one of the ingredients, the others were unknown of course.
Still, let them keep their secrets, why should I fight for nothing? With that thought in mind, Kingdra happily consumed the remainder of the treat.
I did great, didn't I?
< Of course you did. > Lance said in private telepathy.
Thank you, Master.
< Oh, you know you don't need to call me that. > Lance chuckled. < Well, rest well. >
A beam of light recalled the pokemon.
Ash grinned. “I guess you'll have no problem with Surge either.”
“Well, if Larvitar is fast enough…”
Lance's hands slid to the poke ball. “It should be no problem.”
“So! Where are we going now?” Ash asked. “It's still early.”
“You want to fly to Vermillion and get the other badge?”
“I'm not sure if Xatu can fly…” Ash said hesitantly, but then he brightened. “Of course! Teleport!”
The blue glow warped them to the Center in Vermillion.
Lieutenant Surge was not a happy camper.
It wasn't the lack of talent he really found galling, it was the fact that people would try and skip his gym so they could fight Erika.
He did not look excited.
So when a boy and girl pair showed up wanting to challenge him, he just laughed and told the junior trainers to deal with them while he turned on his T.V. with a soda.
Kevin came running in a few minutes later, having been defeated. Well, the kid had two measly Magnemite. It didn't take too much talent to defeat those.
Then, Jack had also fallen. He had two Pikachu. Apparently the opponent had speed. But what about power, hmm?
Surge waited. If they could beat Kelly as well… then he would bestir himself and take a glance, see if the little worm actually was a challenge.
Kelly came in wailing, her Raichu fainted.
Well, in that case… grabbing his own Raichu, Surge left and took a look.
Lance grinned. “Let's go.”
Larvitar was fast, yes, faster than a clumsy hyper-evolved pokemon. And the electric attacks had no effect.
She smiled.
Two gyms in one day, two badges in one blow. That would give them more time to wander the wilderness together.
After all, what better way to win?
End Chapter
Complete 4/25/04