Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Journey Onward ❯ Chapter Seven: Deliverance ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Seven: Deliverance
“Come on, you're slowing us down!” Adam yanked on the rope, trying to hurry the stumbling girl along. He'd moved in front to lead the way, growing impatient with how she dragged her feet along. “Don't think I won't char that Oddish to a cinder!”
Kathryn righted herself from her near stumble, forcing herself to move a hair faster. He'd had to loop and tie the rope once around her midriff in order to lead and it was hampering her ability to wiggle the ropes. Now, not only did the harsh fibers slice into her skin, the rope didn't have any leeway.
Not that it had any to begin with.
Biting her lip, she gave a quick jerk with her right arm and released a shuddering gasp. It hurt a lot more than she thought it would, like a hundred tiny Beedrill stings all at once. White flashed before her eyes and she almost stopped walking but realized the danger that would cause. She had to keep moving, for her sake and Flora's.
She cast her eyes ahead. Adam and Dan were still talking.
She'd tried to listen in on their conversation before but she hadn't been able to make out any words other than “He'll be pleased that…” and “Are you sure she's…” neither of which helped give her any idea of why they were kidnapping her. From what she remembered reading, the Rockets were all about stealing Pokémon, not people.
Head lowered, she fought to keep her breathing even and steady. As long as they kept talking, she still had time.
She pulled again, like a Karp on a hook, trying to fight the inevitable.
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Where is she? Nashley circled the edge of the camp, growling to herself as she kept her head high, trying to catch her owner's scent on the wind. She didn't like the fact that Kathryn had gone against her wishes…
Inhaling deeply, she tried to tell if Kathryn was on her way but only grass and night greeted her nose.
Sinking a clawed paw into the soil, she began to dig. And dig. And dig some more. She used both paws, dirt flying up as she clawed at the ground, making a hole the size of a bathtub and as deep as a fridge. Satisfied, the Houndour flopped down in her hole, wuffing softly as the rich scents of earth lulled her into tranquility.
It was a short-lived peace that died the moment Nashley's keen ears picked up the sound of frantic rustling. Climbing out of the hole, Nashley prepared a Flamethrower attack, her throat constricting as the heat built.
The familiar voice made Nashley constructively cough her flames into sporadic bursts, rather than one smooth assault. It was a good thing she'd managed to curb her attack into the sky or a few minutes later Surfer would have been Spinarak a la Krisp.
What's wrong? His scent of fear was overwhelming. Where's Kathryn?!
Some men came, two of them! They took her away! Surfer wheezed, slowly sliding into a heap on the ground, small form shaking with each breath of air he tried to drag in.
Nashley wasted no time. She spun on her heels barking loud and sharp as she darted into the camp, waking up all the other Pokémon with her alarm.
Nashley! It's too early for this. Blaze lifted her head, then lowered it, still half asleep. Bother me in the morning…
Get up! Nashley snapped at Blaze's heels, causing the Ponyta to whinny and move. She's in trouble!
Who? Urusaiwan was by Nashley's side in an instant. Kathryn?
At Nashley's sharp nod, Urusaiwan snapped out. Everyone, up this instant! Kathryn's in trouble!
The effect was instantaneous. Even Krissy and Rachel's Pokémon were up and asking questions, wanting to know what happened, how, what was going on.
SILENCE! The Meowth Roared and everyone listened.
“Kathryn, your fricking Pokémon are going nuts! Shut them up!” Krissy tugged her sleeping bag further over her head but it didn't drown out the sound. Sitting up right, she shouted, “Kathryn!” only to find that Kathryn wasn't there.
“Shit! Rachel, wake up!” Stumbling out of her sleeping bag, Krissy worked on shaking Rachel awake. “Rachel!”
“Wh-what's wrong?” Rachel started to give a large yawn but swallowed it when she saw the look on Krissy's face. Clutching at her, Rachel gasped, “What's wrong?!”
“Kathryn's not here and her Pokémon are going crazy!” Krissy waved in the direction the Pokémon were at but they weren't there. Even Krissy and Rachel's Pokémon couldn't be found.
Up and running, the two girls spotted the Ponytas illuminating coats and caught sight of Nashley sniffing at the ground. They heard her faint bark and watched her take off, the others stampeding to follow.
“Hurry!” Krissy tugged at Rachel's arm. “We've got to keep up with them!”
The two girls followed, oblivious to anything other than finding their friend.
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The pain getting harder to hide. If she didn't move them, her hands went numb. If she did, the movement made her hands hurt worse than before.
Just one. She just needed one free.
She twisted her wrist and wrenched it at the same time, the pain finally intolerable enough that she fell to her knees, crying. Something sharp, a bramble or a branch, cut through her shirt with the ease of a blade and pierced her skin as she fell. She felt wetness along her side, knew it was the same wetness that coated her wrists, and couldn't stop crying in big, gulping sobs.
“Get up.” Adam loomed over her, face covered by shadow. When she didn't comply, his foot slammed into her exposed abdomen, knocking the air from her body and toppling her to the ground. When she finally was able to breathe again, it was in jagged, gasping sounds, each one hurting to make. He grabbed her by the hair, pulling her up by it, ignoring her feeble cries of pain as he shoved her forward. “Now walk, bitch.”
She obeyed, still crying softly as her body ached. But while Adam was busy smirking, she gingerly eased her right hand free from the ropes.
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This way! Hurry! Nashley weaved her way through trees, giving little courtesy to the smaller bushes and branches she plowed through.
Not everyone can move through the forest as easily as you. Blaze snorted, tossing her head to the side. My size makes it difficult, you know. Those humans can't get through very well either!
Nashley turned, her eyes flashing. If you can't keep up than stay behind!
Hey! None of that! Urusaiwan hissed, slapping Nashley sharply on the muzzle with a sheathed paw. We're all worried but fighting amongst ourselves will not help Kathryn.The feline cast a look back at the Ponyta who was struggling to keep up with the smaller Pokemon. Let's split up.
We don't have time! Leave them behind if they can't keep up! Nashley snapped, moving onward. Urusaiwan moved in front of her, stopping the snarling Houndour with a cold glare.
Make the time. Think like the Pokemon you are, not like an irrational human! Turning her back on Nashley, Urusaiwan strolled back to the others, her tail lashing in clear aggravation. That sign of stress alone prevented the Houndour from leaping at her and ripping her to shreds. The Meowth was right. She needed to calm down.
Urusaiwan, you stay with the humans and trail behind us.Glancing at the group, Nashley barked, Chomper and Surfer you're with me. The rest of you, stay with Urusaiwan and guard the humans.
Nashley sniffed the air and took off again, Chomper and Surfer following behind. Urusaiwan watched them, her feline eyes shining in the night. Hurry.
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They were slowing down. This caused Kathryn to worry. When they stopped, Adam and Dan would be sure to focus their attention on her and notice the fact that she'd managed to get her hand free and loosen her bonds.
If she was going to escape, she'd have to do it soon. Her injuries were problematic though, it hurt to breath and the cut in her side was still bleeding. Not to mention, her hands kept flashing signals of numbness and pain as though they couldn't decide which way they felt about being cut up raw. She still had to find a way to rescue Flora and get away safely then there was this annoying sensation on the back of her neck, like someone was following them…but who?
She took a slow, regulated breath, trying not aggravate any of her pains. Looking around, she tried to think of a way of escape.
Then, she saw them.
A pair of eyes. Pokémon, she thought. Definitely not Surfer. They were too high from the ground, not insect like at all. The Slugma's light reflected eerily off them, making them shine, making them look like they were staring directly at her.
Something was stalking them.
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Nashley came to a dead halt, re-sniffing the ground.
What is it? Chomper looked expectantly at Nashley.
The Houndour's ears flickered and she growled lowly in her throat.
Something found her before we did.
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They were out of time!
“Flora! Stun Spore!”
The Oddish didn't question the command. A cloud of orange spores erupted from the tiny plant Pokémon, filling the air. Kathryn pulled her hands free and used her shirt to cover her mouth and nose, hoping to minimize the effect. The ropes slide away and she made a break for Flora. A hand grabbed her shoulder, turning her. Her shirt fell away and she stared into the eyes of Adam, angry and red. His fist came towards her face and, even as she raised her hands to defend herself from the blow, she knew it would be too late. Closing her eyes, she awaited the blow…
But it never came.
There was a shout of astonishment from Adam, her eyes flying open in time to see him on the ground, a large shape towering over him. She didn't question the miracle and instead ran, pausing only a moment in her stride to scoop up Flora. They needed to find a place to hide.
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Krissy and Rachel walked silently besides their Ponytas, the light from the flames illuminating the area so the girls could see. They had been silent for a while, each keeping their thoughts to themselves. Blaze wandered a little ways ahead, the Pidgeys perched along her back. Urusaiwan led the group, sniffing at both Nashley and Kathryn's trail. Pyro and Briar stayed close to the Meowth, waiting till they too could be of assistance.
“Hey… Rachel.” Krissy looked straight ahead at the Meowth.
“Something's really wrong.”
Rachel nodded and turned to look at Krissy. “Yeah, it is.”
Krissy became silent again. She'd failed. It was her job to be responsible for protecting the other two and she'd failed. What could she have done differently?
Nothing. Kathryn was Kathryn. Blind, naïve, and totally trusting. That was why she was in this mess to begin with. Even five year olds knew better than to go wandering in the woods at night. Why couldn't she grow up?! Stupid, stupid, idiot! They shouldn't even be in this mess to begin with!
Krissy should have known better, she should have known something would have happened. Kathryn had been asking for it, always wandering! She was always distracted by the smallest thing, couldn't keep one thought in her head at a time.
Kathryn's laughing, smiling face flashed inside Krissy's mind and she only hoped she'd be able to see it again.
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It felt like her lungs were shaking inside her chest, she could barely suck in enough air to keep her body going. Kathryn didn't feel pain any more, only a hazy fuzziness where the hurting should have been, as though her mind was wrapped in gray fur. Her limbs weren't working the way she wanted, too stiff and unpliable, thanks in part to the Stun Spore. The Oddish in her arms she couldn't feel save for the brush of leaves on her face. Thorns from wild plants caught her clothes and skin but she kept moving. If she stopped, she wouldn't be able to keep going. If she didn't keep going, they'd get both her and Flora.
Heh, Flora. Like fauna. A Stantler's fawn, all soft and fuzzy. Kinda like her head…
Her vision swam, her head lolling back. The last thing she remembered was a voice crying, “look out!” before toppling to the ground.
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“Hurry, idiot!” Adam shoved the branches aside, not bothering to hold them for the slowly trailing Dan.
“H-hey. I'm p-p-paralyzed.”
Adam didn't bother answering. Why couldn't he have been assigned a more competent partner, someone more like himself? Instead he had this bumbler for a partner.
A clicking noise sounded from overhead. Adam stretched out his arm and Golbat landed on it, looking rather smug.
“Did you find her?” The Pokémon nodded, gesturing with his wing before flying in the direction he'd motioned. The look on Adam's face made Dan suppress a shudder as he heard the male mutter, “This time, she won't escape us. I'll make sure of it…”
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She heard someone calling her. It took everything she had to struggle back to consciousness and pull her head off the ground. The paralyzing effect had her moving sluggishly but at least she was moving… somewhat.
“Flora?” Groggily, Kathryn forced herself to stand. She'd remember dropping the Pokémon, right before she fell. Where had she gone?
It took her a few minutes to realize that Flora was tugging her pants.
“Wh-what's wrong?”
The Golbat spotted us!
Kathryn almost fell back to the ground. All that, for nothing?
She picked Flora back up again, barely cognizant of her actions. “Which way do we go?
That way. Flora pointed with a leaf. There's a spot we can take cover in… I think.
“You think?
A Pokémon told me. Flora tilted her head upward, noticing Kathryn's strained face. She'd panicked when the human had fallen. That's when the large Pokémon had come. Flora didn't know what kind it was, just that it was big and walked on all fours. He'd told her where there was a place to hide nearby, a place where they could rest. He'd mentioned something about delaying the men, spitting flames as he said it. With a flash of fur, the Pokémon was gone.
A good thing too, Flora thought. He didn't smell right.
Nestling further into Kathryn's arms, the Oddish hoped the large Pokémon hadn't been deceiving her. She really didn't think Kathryn could hold up much longer.
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“Are we almost there?”
Adam's harsh tone made the Golbat hiss in irritation.
Stupid human. It's not my fault that you are so… inferior. Golbat glared back at him, still leading the way. For now, he would play their game. One day, however…
“Faster, hurry up Dan!” Adam called behind his shoulder. He was going to catch that girl and make her understand that no one crossed the Rockets.
No one.
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It was a hidden cave.
There wasn't a lot of room, just enough for the girl and the Oddish to wedge themselves in. Once making sure that Kathryn was safely inside, Flora gathered some branches and leaves, covering the entrance. When she returned, she found Kathryn bunched into a small ball.
Kathryn? Flora ran her leaves along Kathryn's face. When she pulled them back, wet droplets clung on her leaves. Kathryn?
Reaching out, Kathryn's arms enveloped the Oddish, pulling Flora close to her chest. Deep sobs racked her body but not a sound escaped. Flora squirmed, initially, but allowed herself to be hugged.
What's wrong? …Kathryn?
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What was that? Dan whirled, alert. He could have sworn he heard something in the brush. He didn't say anything though, Adam was pissed enough that the girl had escaped. Personally, Dan didn't see what the big deal was. It was easier to recruit members who were willing or that you had blackmail on. Something about this girl just made Adam's blood boil or something…
There it was again! What was making that noise?
“Adam…” Dan whined. “Can't we hunt her down another time?”
“No.” Adam didn't bother looking Dan's way. Howling wasn't going to stop him from finding the girl…
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A maniacal, hellish grin appeared on her face as Nashley responded to the howl with on of her own. It was close. They were close. They were hers. For what they did to Kathryn, she would sink her fangs and rip them to little, tiny pieces then torch the pieces to burning piles of flesh.
A roaring sound ripped out of her throat. Chomper and Surfer could hardly keep up with her when she shot off.
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“Adam… I really think we should leave.”
Adam whirled, nearly shouting. “We are not going anywhere until we get her! Do you hear me!”
Golbat flapped around, circling the area. This is where he'd spotted her… Using his echolocation, he tried to locate her but came up empty. Fuming, he landed on Dan's shoulder, making the male flail out in panic and upset the Golbat from his roost.
“Idiot!” Acid dripped from Adam's voice as he stomped towards the hapless man. Dan had a scant second to raise his hands in defense before the first blow hit. Golbat wisely decided to abandon his perch.
“Calm down, Adam!”
Another blow hit Dan in the side. “Don't tell me what to do!”
Dan took the blows, reducing the damage he received by blocking as best he could. In fact, it was while he was dodging Adam's blows that Dan saw the Houndour rushing for them. The scream that shredded past his lips as he took cover was enough to throw Adam off guard.
Nashley was on him in an instant.
She Tackled him down, sinking her fangs into Adam's shoulder, the taste of copper and salt filling her mouth. Adam's chilling cries made Dan take off running as fast as his paralyzed body would allow, abandoning his partner to the crazed Pokémon.
Golbat made a valiant attempt to swoop down on Nashley. In mid-flight, he was struck solidly in the chest by a blast of water. Golbat righted himself with a quick flap of wings, scantly avoid crashing into the ground, when another blast smacked him into a tree, knocking him out cold.
Dan kept running, glancing behind him to make sure he wasn't being followed. He shouldn't have left Adam behind but what choice did he have? Dan was so busy trying to escape, he ran straight into Surfer's web. The more he struggled against the sticky strands, the tighter they clung to him and his clothing.
“Help me!” His shriek went unanswered as Surfer made his way down the web and started wrapping Dan up in a tight cocoon.
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The terrible noises outside the cave were making Flora tremble and quake. She'd tried to wake Kathryn but the girl wasn't responding. It was up to her to see what was going on.
Still shaking, Flora peered through the leaves and branches blocking the cave from observation. She didn't see anyone.
Creeping out, Flora tried her best to blend in with the surroundings. Following the sounds, she was startled to her roots by what she saw.
The Golbat was knocked out. One man was nowhere to be seen, the other was writhing on the ground, protecting his face and neck with his hands as a Houndour relentlessly tore into him. The man's blood coated the Houndour's face, flying off in slobbered specks as the Houndour shouted and raged at him in barks and roars, to his human ears. When Flora heard Kathryn's name amongst the ranting, she abandoned her safe spot, voice rising above Adam's yells.
You know Kathryn?
The Houndour stopped, fangs inches from digging into Adam's tattered arm. Her head slowly rose, turning to look at the little Grass Pokémon, eyes still hazy with bloodlust. Flora pulled away, ready to bolt back into the forest, when she noticed relief settling on the Houndour's face.
You know where she is? Nashley abandoned Adam, leaving him quivering more than a Tentacool as Chomper watched to be sure he wouldn't escape.
This way! Flora waved a leaf, already moving. Please hurry, she won't wake up!
Nashley took off with the Oddish, her rage at the man being forgotten. She'd been so intent on punishing the human, she'd forgotten to find Kathryn.
Move faster! Her mind screamed at the two-legged Oddish.
When they got to the cave, Nashley pushed the Oddish aside, nearly toppling the thing.
Seeing her mistress lying there, prone, Nashley lost control. She ripped the branches blocking the entrance away, squirming her way in. Nuzzling her nose toward Kathryn, she tried to make sure the girl was safe but only copper filled her snout.
Nashley wriggled in further, only able to get far enough to touch Kathryn's leg with her muzzle.
It was enough. Blood, fatigue, fear… she was alive. Nashley pulled out of the cave and began barking for help. She couldn't get Kathryn out of the cave without harming her, she needed the humans' help.
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“Oh God.” Rachel covered her mouth, feeling food working its way up her throat as she caught sight of Nashley's handy work. The man's arms were torn to the bone, his clothing and skin bathed in crimson. She couldn't keep it down and let her stomach reject her last meal behind a tree.
“He deserved it.” Krissy moved closer till she loomed above the male. He stared up at her, mouth ajar as though he wanted to say something.
Krissy grounded her heel in his groin.
“Where is she?” He began spitting out incoercible words. Krissy pressed harder. “Where!?
As Krissy grilled Adam, Urusaiwan darted toward the faint sound of barking.
Nashley! Where is she?
In here! Nashley pointed with her muzzle.I can't get her! You have to get the humans!
Urusaiwan raced to get Rachel and Krissy only to find that Rachel was already on her way. In an effort to escape Krissy gruesome methods of interrogation, Rachel had headed toward the urgent barks and meows.
“What is it?” Rachel watched the Meowth dart towards her than scurry away, halting a few feet away, only to repeat the process. Rachel got the message, clear enough, and followed as Urusaiwan led the way. Nashley was frantically digging at the spot, trying to enlarge the hole, when the Meowth and human got there. The dark splatters of blood and dirt still staining the Houndour's fur made Rachel take a step back, breath trapped in her lungs. Whatever the Houndour had found must be important… but Rachel didn't want to get close to Nashley, not after what the Pokémon had done. Justified or not, the image of the man's arm torn and bleeding still made her feel nauseous.
Why wasn't the human helping? Nashley moved away from the hole, barking at Rachel to hurry up. Rather than having a desired effect, the human took a step back. When Rachel took another step back, Nashley took one forward, growling.
Stop! Urusaiwan put herself between the Houndour and the human. You are frightening her!
I'm trying to get her to help Kathryn!
Then go! Clean the blood off your face!
Nashley's rough growl dipped lower, her head dropping to meet the Meowth's gaze. He deserved it.
She doesn't! Urusaiwan flicked her tail to the drained face of Rachel, the girl frozen in place. Nashley grumbled, shifting uneasily. She wanted to help Kathryn… but there was nothing more she could do.
Take care of her. Nashley slinked away, leaving the others to care for her mistress.
As soon as Nashley left, Rachel visibly eased. Moving over to inspect what the Pokémon had seemed so interested in, she got on her hands and knees, trying to see what was in the cave.
It was dark. She couldn't see what was lurking in there. Nashley wouldn't have, by chance, cornered some kind of monstrous Pokémon in there… would she? Unfortunately, there was only one way to tell…
Rachel slowly stuck her hand inside, groping around. Her fingers brushed against something and she jerked her hand away, accidentally banging it on the wall. She swore at the sting of pain and gripped her wounded hand with the other.
Nothing came out after her.
When it subdued, she reached again for the same spot. It felt like… cloth. Jeans? She gripped the object. A leg!
“Kathryn!” Rachel tugged on her friend's leg, trying to get her to respond. There was no answer. “Kathryn!
There was a soft sound, a brief little mumble of nonsense, but it made hope surge within Rachel. “Kathryn!”
Kathryn slowly stretched out, awakening. Rachel could feel the sluggishness of her friend's movements, how sometimes Kathryn's limbs would freeze before continuing to move.
“Come on, Kathryn.” Rachel tugged on the pant leg. “Come on.”
“Rachel?” Kathryn raised herself up on her elbows, her words faint and fearful.
“Yeah, it's Rachel.” She pulled on the cloth again. “Come on, lazy bum. You're not going to win any badges in your sleep!”
The familiar teasing seemed to have a relaxing effect on Kathryn. Moving awkwardly, the girl slowly emerged from the cave, her movements jerky and obviously pained. From what Rachel could asses, Kathryn must have suffered some pain to her abdomen, from the tender way she moved and kept an arm lying over it. She also was taking extreme care not to touch anything with her hands… Rachel would have to make sure to look them over closer when they got back to the camp.
Finally out of the cave, Kathryn remained sitting on the ground, head feeling strangely heavy and overly sized. She tried to lift it to look at Rachel but had trouble focusing. Something brushed against her legs, spooking her, but it turned out to be only Urusaiwan, mewing. The feline began rubbing her head against Kathryn, worriedly meowing and whining, licking at the worst wounds visible.
“Hey. None of that.” Kathryn tried to lift a hand to shoo the Meowth away but didn't have the energy. Urusaiwan persisted in her treatment, unhindered.
“Kathryn, we have to get to the camp.” Rachel wanted to ask if she was alright, if the Rockets had done anything to hurt her, but such questions would be idiotic. Of course she wasn't alright. Anyone could see that!
Kathryn flinched when Rachel touched her shoulder, the reaction involuntary. Rachel opened her mouth to say something but instead helped get Kathryn on her feet, allowing the hurting girl to lean against her. Urusaiwan and the Oddish circled around them, clearly worried, till Rachel snapped at them to stop getting under feet, least they fall over them. After that, the two Pokémon kept at a short distance, still clearly troubled. Rachel herself was uncertain and afraid. Kathryn hadn't started talking freely once since leaving the cave. She seemed withdrawn and closed off, unable to be reached. What had happened? What had they done to her?
Krissy was still beside Adam when Rachel and Kathryn wandered onto the scene. Apparently, Krissy hadn't liked the answers the man had given her. He was lying face down in the dirt, his blood still freely running from the wounds Nashley had inflicted. The Pokémon circled him, angry, jeering, waiting for their own chance to have a piece of him. Nashley herself, blood free, maliciously walked towards him, snapped at the air, then skidded away, tormenting the human who cringed whenever she got too close.
Noticing Kathryn's scent, the Pokémon broke away from the prisoner and ran to her. They touched her skin, licked her blood, reassuring themselves that she was alright. Kathryn shook under the contact, their noises merging together and thudding inside her skull, struggling to individualize each voice. Urusaiwan and Nashley noticed her growing overwhelmed and nudged the others out of the way, sometimes biting when resistance was given. Krissy helped Kathryn on Blaze, debating with Rachel on what to do with the strangers.
“Leave them in the woods.” Krissy's rage grew as she looked over Kathryn, noticing blood and dirt, leaves and scratches.
“We can't do that.” Rachel sounded less than certain and Krissy took advantage of that fact.
“They deserve it. Let them die here. Something will find them.”
“Tie them up.” The faint suggestion from Kathryn made both Krissy and Rachel pause. Slumped over Blaze, too weary to hold herself upright, Kathryn continued, her words strained. “Have Surfer tie them… with web and… bring them back to the camp. Use… Pokégear…call… Jenny.” Kathryn closed her eyes, muttering as she drifted back to sleep. “'s under my pillow.”
Despite the lack of enthusiasm from the Pokémon and Krissy, Kathryn's idea is the one they went with. After much disdain, Krissy bound Adam's wound, making sure not to be gentle with it. With Nashley sticking close to Krissy, the man had given little thought to escaping and remained placate. Once the wounds were grudgingly taken care of, Surfer bound the man in thick threads. While this occurred, Rachel had gone with a group of Pokémon to gather up a disgruntled Dan. With some effort and cajoling, Rachel convinced her Ponyta to put up with the burden of the paralyzed kidnapper who, through the whole ride, remained sullen and quiet.
Adam was not treated as kindly. Nashley had appointed herself as his personal guard and snapped at his heels whenever he chose to slow down. Rachel and Krissy doubled to ride Krissy's Ponyta and, together, herded everyone back to the camp. It was slow going, with Adam on foot and Kathryn unconscious. Rachel was especially worried by the red stains appearing on Blaze's fur the longer they rode but had wanted to wait until they got to the camp first before treating Kathryn. At the camp, they would have better light and treatments available to deal with the wounds. She hoped.
Upon reaching the camp, Krissy hurried to call Officer Jenny. The cop had been quick to assure them that she would be on her way with a helicopter and a doctor. As the phone conversation went on, Rachel took to tending Kathryn. The girl had awoken enough to dismount, admittedly, a great deal slower than usual but at least she was moving. Settling her on her sleeping bag, Rachel went digging for the human medical supplied in Kathryn's bag.
“What needs tending first?” Rachel pulled out the first aid kit, popping the clasps open and reaching for the antiseptics first.
There was silence. For a moment, Rachel thought that Kathryn had fallen asleep sitting up.
“My wrists.” The wounded appendages were offered hesitantly. When Rachel got a look at them, she was furious.
The skin had not only been rubbed raw but had cut into the skin, horrible gashes marring her wrists. They still bleed, bright, wet drops that fell to the ground. Kathryn wouldn't meet her gaze, clearly knowing how bad they were. If Kathryn was lucky, the very worst that would happen was that they would leave scars.
Rachel held Kathryn's right arm. “This will sting,” she warned.
“It already does.”
Doubting anything she would say would be of comfort, Rachel held the bottle over the wounds and sprayed.
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Krissy secured both men to a tree, putting aside her fears of Surfer long enough to enlist his aid. Nashley stuck close to both men, particularly Adam. Krissy thought Nashley's instincts were dead on about the man. In her “alone” time with him, she'd gotten him to explain some of his actions tonight. Apparently, the two men had been stalking them since they'd left town, waiting for the right opportunity. They couldn't have asked for a better one when Kathryn had gone off wandering. When Krissy pressed for why they'd taken Kathryn and not the others, he'd gone tight lipped and just sneered at her. Five minutes later, he'd lost two teeth and probably the ability to have children but he still wouldn't answer.
Nashley herself was deep in her own thoughts. The actions she'd taken tonight were sure to have consequences, ones that she would have to face soon. She felt she was justified in her attack on Adam. He'd stolen one of her pack, the Alpha, and thus deserved the punishment. Death, even. But this was not the human way of thinking. They had complex laws and rules, one of such being that Pokémon who harmed humans were to be punished. Her own life was on the line due to her reckless behavior. Nashley had to reluctantly admit that Urusaiwan had been right, Nashley had to learn better control. As much as it irked her for the Meowth to be right in her advice, it was something Nashley would take to heart. Next time, she would listen more willingly to the… feline.
But would there be a next time?
A sudden pat on her head startled her. Krissy had opted to take watch with Nashley, not ready to see Kathryn's torn up form. Scratching behind the Houndour's ears, Krissy put Nashley's fears to rest.
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“There.” Rachel finished tending to the wound on Kathryn's side. “Done.”
Kathryn gingerly moved her limbs, testing the bandages and finding where each little pain stemmed from. It had taken a good while for Rachel to finish, each wound being carefully tended. Not even the littlest scratch had gone unnoticed.
“Thanks.” A tedious smile played on Kathryn's lips.
“You know,” Rachel spoke, packing away the extra wrappings that she'd used to bandage Kathryn's side. “If you need to talk…”
The offer was genuine, Kathryn could tell. At the same time, she sensed that Rachel could not fully understand what she had gone through, nor would she burden her friend with such feelings she, herself, was working out.
“Thank you.” Kathryn looked away, staring at the two bound men. It was different now, that she was back with her friends. She could face Adam and Dan without fear. There was something under the surface, not anger or hate but some unknown emotion that she felt. Peace? Perhaps.
They came through for me. This idea was foreign, strange. It had never happened before. Then again, there had not been such an extreme danger such as this. It was odd… All along, Kathryn had called Rachel and Krissy her friends while hiding the little shard of doubt that they actually were. But this… didn't this prove they really were her friends?
She noticed that Rachel was worriedly examining her. “Are you okay?”
I don't know, Kathryn wanted to admit. Instead, she smiled. “I'm fine.” Feeling Rachel's fears subside, Kathryn turned her gaze to the stars. In the end, they were safe. That was all that mattered.
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Urusaiwan paced around the campsite, thinking thoughts most unusual for a Pokémon. Then again, she believed herself to be quite a spectacular breed of Pokémon, if she did say so herself.
What has happened, must never be allowed to happen again. I will not allow it.
The near loss of her owner had deeply upset the Meowth. She didn't like thinking how close they had come to losing Kathryn. Over and over again she kept wondering “what if” and didn't like where it had gotten her. What if Surfer hadn't have been with Kathryn? What if Nashley hadn't have found her? What if…
A sudden noise had her ready to springing into action before she registered what it was. Pausing, she identified the sound as a whirling from the machine humans used to fly in. Soon, the men would go away and never return. They wouldn't harm her mistress again.
She'd make sure of it.
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When the helicopter was within human range, Krissy built up the fire and had the Ponytas do their best to draw attention to the area. Slowly, the helicopter descended and landed, blades slowly whirling to a stop as Officer Jenny and her Growlithe hopped out of the hatch.
“What happened?”
Krissy was the first to start. Jenny wrote down the account in her notebook, pausing a few times to have Krissy repeat facts or ask questions. The doctor, a spry fellow, took to the task of tending to Kathryn while this went on but she would have none of it.
“Go away!” Kathryn stumbled backwards, unable to find the energy to stand but wanting to run. She swung her hand out at him, the man pausing in his advances.
“I'm just here to make sure you're alright,” he tried to reason.
“I'm fine! Rachel took care of me, now go away!”
“I'm sure your friend did a wonderful job,” he soothed. “But the matter stands that I…”
He suddenly became aware of the fact that Kathryn's Pokémon were all mulling around the area, some looking less thrilled at his presence than others. The Houndour was openly growling at him and the Meowth was arching her back, fur rising.
“It's for the police report!”
“I don't care!”
Nashley's bark made the doctor jump.
“I can tell you what injuries there were,” Rachel offered, raising her hand slightly.
Unorthodox as it was, the doctor agreed. Anything to get the Houndour to back away!
When Jenny finished writing everything down Krissy's statement, she spoke to Kathryn, confirming the story. That done, she chose to speak her mind to Krissy and Rachel.
“You should have reported this instead of taking it upon yourselves. That was very foolish.” Krissy raised her head higher, not breaking eye contact with the officer. The hell she would have! A small smile appeared on the lips of Jenny. “That said, thank you for your assistance. Both men will be brought up on charges of kidnapping and should be put behind bars for a long time. Your statements should be enough but we'll call you when the trial date comes.”
Rachel and Krissy nodded as Kathryn scratched the Growlithe's head, deep in thought. Distractedly, she asked,
“Are you going to have to call our parents over this?”
Rachel and Krissy gave a start. They hadn't even considered that!
“All incidents that are reported to the police by trainers is relayed to parents or other relatives. Especially in a case like this.” Jenny waved her pen at Kathryn. “They weren't after your Pokémon, hun. They were after you.” Jenny shook her head. “In fact, I'd highly recommend that you return home.”
“What?” The words rushed past her mouth before she even thought about saying them.
Jenny gave another nod. “It would be best… till we could find out what they wanted from you.” Sternly, Jenny looked down at Kathryn. “We don't know how many Rockets there are out in the world, just that it's a very large number. This might happen again.”
Kathryn remained still, the notion of her having to return home before her journey had even reached midway was something she couldn't allow. She had to do this. Even if her life was on the line, this was the one thing she was born to do.
Strategically, Jenny tried another approach.
“I understand how difficult such a decision is.” Jenny kneeled beside Kathryn, reaching to put an arm on the girl's shoulder but Kathryn shrugged it away. “But this isn't just about you. You might have been the only one they were interested in taking but don't let yourself be deluded into thinking they wouldn't have used your friends as hostages! The Rockets are ruthless and every time you think you've squashed them they'll reappear.” Jenny stood. “My advice is to go home. You can always start your journey again after we've caught the Rockets.”
And how long will that take? Kathryn wanted to ask. She bit back the retort and lowered her head, nodding slightly. She hoped to give Officer Jenny the impression that she'd consider it.
After finishing her lecture, Jenny inspected the would-be kidnappers. Dan had his head lowered, shamefaced, staring at the dirt. Adam, however, glared hatefully at her, struggling against his bonds. She would definitely have to stress the importance of Kathryn going home… Jenny had a bad feeling about this one.
“Apollo!” Jenny waited a moment, expecting her Growlithe to come running. When she turned, she say Kathryn absently rubbing Apollo's stomach, the fire puppy shaking his hind leg with abandon. The scene made Jenny's jaw tighten. “Apollo!
He gave a startled yip and twisted away from Kathryn, stumbling and tripping over his own feet in his haste to get to Jenny. Tumbling head over paws, he rolled to a stop in front of his trainer, wagging his tail plume sheepishly and lolling out his tongue.
“Apollo.” The stern rebuke made the Growlithe whimper and lower his plume in apology. He gave such a soulful look that Jenny forgave him of his transaction almost immediately.
“Don't let it happen again,” she gruffly replied. His tail wagged a little and she pointed to the men. “Guard.” Instantly, his fur rose and a warning growl was issued. Cutting the webbing from the tree, Jenny had Apollo herd them to the helicopter. After securing them, Jenny turned to the three girls.
“I'll see to it that these two are taken care of. In the mean time, you should head for the nearest town and catch a bus back home.” Her gaze fastened on Kathryn for longer than necessary. “I don't want to hear that anything happened to you three.” Boarding the copter, Jenny snapped her fingers for Apollo. The pup gave Kathryn a farewell nuzzle on the hand before leaping into the hatch. When it took to the air, the breeze generated stung the girls' skin.
Of all of them, Kathryn welcomed the numbing pain the most.