Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Mew Amulet ❯ Chapter 2
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I know you want to see the other bearers!
CROSSOVER with pokemon special, somewhat
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics, k?
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if pokemon or amulets talk. If any Original Characters pop up, I will try my best to keep their roles small.
WARNINGS: Bloodshed, religious ceremony, manipulation
Chapter 2: Preparation
Green, Red, and Blue sat together, listening to Professor Oak drone on about some mystic destiny.
“Professor, this is all very interesting, but why are we here?” Red asked. Red wasn't his real name, just a nickname, but Ash hated being called Ash. It made for too many jokes about his complexion.
“Yes, grandfather.” Green added. His spiky brown hair stirred in the rapid-fire breath of the professor's clipped words.
“I could be making money right now…” Blue added in an undertone as she filed her nails.
Professor Oak quickly wrapped up his discussion and presented them each with an amulet.
“Put these on,” He instructed.
Shrugging, Ash took Zapdos, Green took Cubone, and Blue was left with Eevee. They all obeyed.
The yellow, brown, and white rocks didn't look all that special.
That was when the telepathic voices began to speak, harkening them to their undertaking.
And so it began.
Red was fascinated by the voice of the legendary bird as it talked about the power of flight, the thrill of the hunt, the freedom and pursuit that came hand-in-hand, and the fight to stay alive. Adventure waited on the horizon, and he embraced it whole-heartedly. Even though he felt sad at the thought of leaving his pokemon behind temporarily, Zapdos promised to watch over them.
Green loved the simplicity and common sense of the Cubone. They both shared similar opinions to life. There was no point to unnecessary risk. Fight for what you love, but don't go chasing every hero.
Blue, it turned out Eevee was proud to be her companion. They were alike in many ways just the same. No crazy adventures, but let the others underestimate you, and then beat them to show your victory. True colors hidden by a cute mask. Very true… in Blue's own team, Jigglypuff, Clefable, Nidorina, Horsea, Blastoise, Ditto… all but one were disguised.
If only all amulets clicked as well.
Claire was doing quite well with her Horsea, it was timid, shy, and did not try to make her angry.
Lance's first conflict with Mew came moments after they had left. Maybe mews didn't like red.
In any case, Lance was in shock as his beautiful crimson hair suddenly unspiked itself and fell slightly past his shoulders in wispy pale pink strands. Cotton candy. Or… mew fur.
“What did you do!?”
The amulet giggled. Lighten up!
“My hair!”
“Your eyes, too.” Claire commented. She didn't mind blue hair, since it was naturally blue, Horsea had just darkened it a few shades.
Lance stared at the mirror in horror. “I look like a girl!”
“So you do.” Claire commented. “At least it's not too bad…”
“So you do.” Claire commented. “At least it's not too bad…”
Mew just continued to laugh while Lance resisted the urge to smash the rock to pieces. * My life is at an end now… there goes all my planning… and all because of this rock! I wish I'd never bought it. *
Exactly six days later, the Sealing began. There were only about ten people there, all nervous. But then, they had all been newly introduced to their fates.
Ash's pokemon stayed with Oak. Pikachu…Aerodactyl…Gyarados…Eevee… Poliwrath…Venusaur… they were all home without him.
Green and Blue were shaking similar nagging feelings of loss.
Lance and Claire's dragons hid in Dragon's Den, waiting for their trainers to complete the obligation and return home as fast as possible.
An older woman, grey-streaked hair, clad in a bejeweled red vest over a cream-toned tracksuit, the Persian amulet around her throat, began to speak.
“I am Margaret. As I expect, most of you have begun this step of your journey with fear or even anger. That is understandable, for dreams have been torn apart for this cause. Yet, do not despair. For the term of duty is not as long as life itself, for only two years the power you hold, and if deemed unfit, it is stripped from you. After that, you may go back to life. Or, you may choose to keep the power, and continue to guard your chosen pokemon. That is your choice. However, I will warn you now. All of you were chosen, by the amulets you hold, they will be your protection and guide, but at the same time, you sacrifice your spirit to bind them. This can not be a forced duty, if you do not wish to proceed, speak now.”
Lance opened his mouth, but froze as the amulet seared, blindingly red hot, hissing against his skin.
No! I will not take another! You are my Chosen, and you shall be! I understand that this will take time, we will work it out! You cannot back out!
Frowning, Lance found his vocal cords frozen, undoubtedly the result of Disable. * Very well then… the power of the mews shall be mine for two years, and I will wield reality, as I will. But I won't be their slave. *
Satisfied for the moment, and ignoring the faint flashes of pain that were quickly fading away thanks to Softboiled, Lance closed his eyes.
Across the clearing, Claire touched the cool stone, and waited.
What was the sealing?
Margaret waited for ten minutes, before she continued.
“Now. Place one finger on the amulet.”
They obeyed.
A sharp pain shot through his system, and Lance opened his eyes to see a single drop of blood glittering redly, before fading into the stone.
You are bound to me now, Chosen, and the way of the Mew, for this cannot be undone until the moon has risen twenty-four.
< So now what? > Lance asked.
That was only the first sealing. The second is more painful, if you fight it. I advise you not to.
Gritting his teeth at the injustice of it all, Lance waited. A tickling sensation flowed through his arms, down to his legs and finally stopped at his chest, after having made an entire circuit of his body. The faint ripples increased in intensity, flares of power flickering and dancing, until finally coalescing into an aura of pinkness. He was literally glowing with psychic power, but when the flames all focused inside, that was no game. They hissed and burrowed deep under his skin, becoming a part of him, heedless of the wet splatters that glimmered on the dry grass below.
The pain did not knock him unconscious though, he was awake for every pin drop of infusion.
It finally abated.
Looking around, Lance saw the others in similar states of shock.
Claire was shaking, as the Horsea amulet tried to calm her with waves of clean energy. Red, the poor child, was still writhing, electricity dancing over him. Green looked all right, the earth having recognized its rightful owner. As for Blue, she had hardly felt any pain, only an immersion.
It depended on the amulet, then.
The more power the more pain? It made sense, in a warped view.
Margaret walked around, checking on all of them.
“The second sealing is complete. The third begins once you take the step to your new home.”
One by one, each holder disappeared in a corona of light.
Claire initially panicked, discovering herself underwater. < Are you trying to drown me?! >
You can breathe underwater, Chosen.
< Huh? >
Claire took a small breath, just in case. Sure enough, the water flowing in didn't even hurt. It seemed perfectly natural.
The Chosen often inherits several characteristics of the pokemon, not just visible ones.
< Oh. >
I think Mew was overzealous with him though.
< Aniki certainly isn't happy with his hair. >
He'll get used to it.
< I hope I will too. >
Now, the first order of business, though it is pretty obvious…. The amulet glowed, Claire's attire changing in blue. Black leotard shifted into a wetsuit that went down to her knees, halfway to her arms on the sleeves, with blue stripes down the sides. Cape was gone, you couldn't swim with it underwater. No flippers, she didn't need them. Her hair styled itself, the ponytail pulling back into a Horsea's fins.
< Wow… >
It was perfect.
And as the Horseas came up to greet their new children, the wash of love she felt banished all thoughts of her brother from Claire's head.
End Chapter
Complete 4/7/04