Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Mew Amulet ❯ Chapter 8
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I seriously can't think of a name for this right now, so can I just call it `The Mew Amulet - part 2?'
Disclaimer: Despite the fact I've plastered it on an awful lot of pages, maybe more than necessary, the fact remains that Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics own pokemon. This is non-copyright infringing, non-profit fanwork by me, k?
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks. Also applies to Chosen/amulet of course. And Lugia is a psychic-type pokemon.
Warnings: Angst, darkfic, insanity, death, etcetera…
Pairings: I think there will be championshipping (Red (Ash) x Lance) later
Red = Ash, but Red is a nickname he likes better
Timeline: 1 year past last part, so some new Chosen have been picked, not Mew though
Title: The Mew Amulet2: Healing
Chapter 1: Scars
Lugia watched as his Chosen drew the blade out from the corpse, casually tossing the body into the sea.
Killing without emotions… what lengths the mews had drive him to.
There might be a way to unlock them, to turn him back, but… it was risky, and Lugia didn't want to try.
< I won't break My Chosen. >
He promised himself that, as he watched.
“So pretty…” Lance said, watching the blood running down his fingers in little rivulets. “Isn't it?”
< Of course, Chosen. >
Lance smiled.
< Kirei… >
Red looked up at the sky, it was raining again. What a pain…
The Zapdos didn't like flying in this weather.
At least though, Sparkler was out controlling the thunderstorms.
That was important!
They could use the weather to their advantage, kind of like a dragon. Maybe…
As long as the three legendary birds stayed in their homes, they were ok.
If the balance tipped, trouble came on all fronts.
He idly brushed his long hair out; it had grown quite a bit…
Red touched the amulet. < Yes? >
Are you bored here? You could go visit the other holders.
< The other Chosen? Well, Moltres didn't want my company. I haven't seen Articuno's new Chosen yet, how is she? >
He, actually… Doing quite well.
< That's good. >
Red got up and went to see how his pokemon were doing. Probably playing with the younger Zapdos again…
At least he hadn't been forced to say goodbye. They lived here with him now. Forever and ever, yes.
It made him very happy.
Happy Chosen always do a better job; it's just a point. If someone likes their work, then they put their heart into it, and it shines brighter than the rest.
That's all.
Lugia watched Lance practicing the dragon dance. Very elegant and graceful, certainly, but with the blades in hand, that detracted from what might have been just a demonstration.
Last time a man had come trying to capture him, Lance had dragon danced the unfortunate to death.
It was very neat killing style, but that wasn't the point. If death was the only beauty a Chosen saw, there were serious problems. Magic, that wasn't a focus either. Sooner or later… the Chosen might snap even more.
Curse those mews.
May Serebii punish them all! They broke my Chosen, he was fine before but now they've wiped all the light away from him. Of course with their `training' regimen I can tell how he's adapted to feed off magic, but that's not the point!
Why couldn't Johto have come two years before? Then he would have been mine without problems.
I'm not being selfish, he's _my_ Chosen. Meant to be, chosen to be, I didn't force this role on him like Mew did, he picked _me_.
And as a legendary, that's what I expect.
He needs something to take his mind off this. Normally, I wouldn't try to mess with my Chosen's life… he is my first one, after all… but… I think desperate times require desperate measures.
Not all distractions are good. He needs mellowing. Now how do I do that?
Two days later, Red showed up with a message from Zapdos.
< Um… Lugia-san? I have a message? > He looked around the whirlpool caves, not relishing the thought of going underwater.
“I don't want to go down there…” * Hopefully I won't have to get my armor wet… *
He looked around to see if Lugia was coming yet.
A waterspout rose from the middle of a whirlpool. Ash quickly backed up, self-protecting at the forefront of his mind.
What was it? Did Lugia just appear that way? Please, I don't want to go underwater! I don't like it…
The cyclone split apart, revealing a boy not that much older than him, wearing stylized silver armor over a black bodysuit.
“You're Zapdos's Chosen?” Lance asked.
“Well, I'll take your message. What does it say?”
Red handed over the scroll, not quite sure what to do. Lance nodded and vanished for a few minutes. Then, he returned.
“Lugia-san is talking to Zapdos-san, so I'll keep you company.”
Red looked surprised, but smiled timidly.
Lance didn't smile, hard eyes still focused on the water. They sat in silence for a while. Red couldn't help but notice something though.
The wings coming from his back…
They were shiny and looked like scales.
“A-are those real?”
Lance nodded. “They're very useful weapons.” To demonstrate, he picked up a sizeable rock, tossed it into the air, and blurred. The razor-edged wings slashed the rock into tiny fragments in mere seconds.
“Sugoi!” Red gasped.
“They can be used in the Dragon Dance combination.”
They sat in silence for a bit longer.
Red finally broke the silence again. “Can I see your amulet?”
Lance frowned for a second. “Well…”
“I-it's okay if you don't want to!” Red said quickly, feeling afraid. * Why am I scared? He's just another Chosen… *
Wasn't Lance just another chosen?
Lance unfastened the clasps on his armor, dropping them to the ground, along with six blades.
Ash's eyes widened.
Lugia's amulet was metal, as was the rest of the Johto group. A white stone glittered between two pairs of steel dragon wings.
The points of one pair had embedded themselves into the skin on Lance's chest. The amulet was glowing, pulsing white and red alternatively. [1]
It looked painful.
Very painful… Ash rubbed his own amulet, as it reassured him it would never, never, ever do that.
“Does it hurt?”
“No.” Lance said simply. There was no pain.
Any pain he had gone through had been through the Mews, Lugia was nothing but nice to him.
The perfect pokemon to guard…
Lugia didn't bother him, as long as he protected his pokemon, it was safe and so was he.
A wonderful combination…
It was a pity he didn't feel anymore. At least nothing deep, sealing his emotions away after the incident with the mews was the best thing he had done.
No, that wasn't a pity.
Annoyance at small things, pleasure in the kill… affection for his sister and his pokemon…those remained.
The worthless ones like love (and love was fickle, and it wasn't real anyways) were locked.
He was the only one who could unseal.
And if you looked into his bloody eyes, he didn't care about them at all.
[1] Think the spikes on the Millennium Ring. Red for blood, white for magic…
So Ash and Lance meet!
Completed 4/10/04, created 4/9/04
Before reading this, please find `Mew Amulet I' in the `other pokemon stories - no romance' section, as that is the first part of the story.