Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Mew Amulet ❯ Chapter 12
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ehehehe… what can I say? I warned about insanity, didn't I?
Disclaimer: No, I don't own pokemon. It belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This is non-profit fanwork, does not infringe on copyright, and belongs to me under copyright laws. Don't take it! Plagiarism is a crime.
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks. Red = Ash
Warnings: Implied sex, darkfic, insanity,
Mew Amulet II
Chapter 5: Pursue
Two days.
Red had successfully evaded Lance for exactly two days, one hour, thirteen minutes, and forty-seven seconds. It seemed his luck was about to run out though.
Maybe he was still a scaredy-cat.
But really, Lance just wanted to play Gin Rummy, so it couldn't be bad, right?
Three safe games.
Three safe games.
Red was starting to wonder if his paranoia was just that. Paranoia? Lance didn't seem too bad… he wasn't killing or anything.
He seemed almost normal, except for the complete lack of emotion. But some people were like that normally, weren't they?
Of course! Red smiled to himself. < I'm fine. >
The amulet looked proud. Of course you are, Chosen. See? Nothing to worry!
Red ignored the hypocritical comment, since the amulets weren't perfect, after all. There was nothing to gain by fighting with a piece of rock, especially, if that rock granted his powers. That would just be a complete waste of energy.
Red ignored the hypocritical comment, since the amulets weren't perfect, after all. There was nothing to gain by fighting with a piece of rock, especially, if that rock granted his powers. That would just be a complete waste of energy.
With a startled look, Red noticed that that was something Lance might say.
But it wasn't as if he hated the other Chosen, he admired him… he just didn't like the evidence of bloodlust.
Still… you can't wish for everything, right?
Maybe we could try being friends. It does get lonely being a Chosen.
Yes, yes… maybe…
Red was jolted out of his thoughts when something cold pressed against him. “Red… your turn.”
He jumped, seeing the tip of one of Lance's wings brushing against his arm. The sharp steel edges were aligned so he wouldn't get cut.
For some reason, he blushed.
He quickly drew a card from the deck; then put down the ace of spades he didn't need, and sorted his hand.
Why did Lance do that?
Why had he done that? That was the real question. Maybe it was just to get his attention?
Yes, that was it!
So… okay, Lance was very attractive. Teenage hormones probably played a big role though…
So… okay, Lance was very attractive. Teenage hormones probably played a big role though…
Needless to say, Lance won that round.
Red really, really tried hard, not to notice as a week wore on. Was Lance _flirting_ with him? Impossible!
Wasn't it?
He wasn't feeling so sure anymore. Sure, Lance actually seemed `nice', which was totally out-of-character since if Lance's emotions were locked he couldn't be nice, right?
No, he knew Lance was affectionate towards his pokemon, but this seemed… different. He was shining dark and light. What?
Lance licked his lips in anticipation. * Mm… he will be so sweet. Pretty terrified little one… it'll be so fun… *
The plan of attack was set.
He knew enough of the Chosen, to manipulate his kindness. That would be enough.
If Red felt pity for him, so much the better, that was always advantageous.
Because pity was often stronger than love…
If you pity someone, you want to save them, and to do so… even dire lengths are applicable.
A modicum of feeling stirred in Lance's soul, as he sat down next to the other trainer.
It was time to play the game.
If the game worked, it might be time to see reality too, because then it would be pretty enough.
Let's begin.
Red was startled as Lance touched him. Just an arm, nothing more, but… his skin tingled. Almost as if it were waiting for something… * DAMN TEENAGE HORMONES! *
Biting his lip so he wouldn't say anything wrong by accident, he looked into Lance's eyes, an unspoken question.
He was startled to see the flint somewhat melted, into pools of lava. Almost warm… welcoming… what?!
“Do you dislike me, Red?” Lance asked softly.
“Do you dislike me, Red?” Lance asked softly.
A portion of the barrier dissolved into smoke.
His eyes were so… warm…
“W-what? No!”
Ash was frantically trying to figure out how Lance had suddenly become so… vulnerable! How did that happen? Wait…
Lance didn't trust the Mews, as they had broken him… but Lugia was everything to his Chosen.
Red himself had certainly never hurt him.
Was Lance really capable of affection? He just buried it when he was with the Mews? That actually made clarity sense.
Very clear, very crystal, very…
Okay, stop that train of thought!
But Lance was so close to him and he felt warm! And it was nice…
But Lance was so close to him and he felt warm! And it was nice…
It was… sweet?
Honey and dark and rich…
Red's mind didn't even register that he was the one who made the first move. Lance's kisses were insistent, almost bruising, but…
So right…
He mewled as Lance undid the clasps on his armor, and soon, gold and silver pieces were scattered over the floor. Hands tangled in the other's hair, crying out, aching and sharpness…
Darkness and pain but it didn't hurt…
Shriek as teeth grazed a sensitive spot, twisting and a sudden flow of wetness. Cool and melting fire…
Lance stroked the hair of the other Chosen, sharp teeth glittering as he smiled.
Pretty little one…
See? It wasn't so bad.
I'll make you mine, kawaii ko. You'll be mine forever…
You don't need to be so shy…
I'll take good care of you. I take good care of all my pokemon.
Pretty little one…
Lance placed a kiss on the sleeping Chosen's lips.
Red needed rest, anyway, and Hypnosis would wear off soon.
Humming, Lance put him to bed before showering and getting the armor back on, it didn't take long, before he checked on Red again.
Still sleeping.
So kawaii…
Red didn't wake up until the next morning.
His amulet was not exactly frantic, just in semi-shock.
His Chosen willingly slept with another Chosen who was supposed to be insane! But Lance hadn't seemed insane…
What was going on? Had he recovered?
If yes, the Mews might find out and want him back.
If not… Lance was a damned good actor.
The amulet settled down, glad his Chosen was alive and unhurt.
That mattered, right? Right.
Humming, it went to sleep.
Ash woke up feeling sore and somewhat muddled. What had happened?
His head hurt. No, that wasn't right. He felt slightly dizzy.
You okay, Chosen?
< Hai! But… what happened? >
The amulet sweatdropped * He doesn't know?! *
No way… could his Chosen really be this naïve?
With a puzzled frown, Red looked at himself. Why was he wearing green pajamas and not his armor?
Padding downstairs in his new fuzzy slippers, Red found Lance practicing magic.
An impossibly heated glance went his way, as Red suddenly found the floor very interesting and memory returned with a vengeance.
An impossibly heated glance went his way, as Red suddenly found the floor very interesting and memory returned with a vengeance.
“I made chocolate pudding, do you like that?”
“For breakfast?” His mouth opened and shut a few times, before his stomach made its demands known. “Okay.”
Lance closed his eyes, lines of magic disappearing, as he led the way to the kitchenette.
Red consumed three bowls of luscious pudding, while Lance just took a few bites.
Wait… hold thought… he actually ate the pudding?
The amulet almost fell off Red's chest in shock.
But yes… did that mean the damage was not completely irreversible? Hesitantly, it touched Lugia's.
The metal linked to the stone as a conversation began.
< What happened to your Chosen? >
Light glinted off the metal. < He changed. He unsealed part of himself knowing the possible consequences. >
< Why the sudden bravado? >
< It's very simple. If you want something bad enough, you'll find a way. >
End Chapter!
Finished 4/11/04 after 7 hours of fighting
Finished 4/11/04 after 7 hours of fighting
Author's notes:
Yes, I think Lance seduced him purposely. Because snapped or not, Lance is still a manipulative iceberg. And Lance gets what he wants…