Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The new Mewtwo ❯ Transformation ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2: Transformation

Note: I do not own pokemon in anyway. This is just a fanfic

Cain was hanging on to mewtwo. Looking down at Kanto where the psychic pokemon was flying above. Finally the pokemon set down at the perfect place.

It was an old team rocket hideout. It was 40 miles away from any town. Which gave it the perfect place where no pokemon or humans could find them.

Mewtwo was still holding Cain's arm. He used his psychic powers to break the door off the building. Then he walked inside the lobby. There was a service elevator behind the main desk. He quickly used his psychic powers again to make the elevator go down.

*say goodbye to your humanity. For you will no longer be a human for a while*

Cain was slightly braver as to where the pokemon was taking him. But he still had some fear inside him

Finnaly the the elevator stopped on the bottom floor. Inside here was a training room. But it was long abandoned. It was a large square white room. There was a mirror opposite the elevator that had to have another room concealed behind it. The entire room had moss and other plants growing around it.

*Here we will be where we will not be disturbed. Human, you are about to become Mewtwo*

Cain then stood up and asked him "Wait. Your mewtwo right? What do you mean im about to become a Mewtwo"

*you heared what I said human. You are about to become a powerfull and magestic Mewtwo. I am the most powerfull pokemon in the world*

"wait. If I am supposed to become a Mewtwo what about you"

*The way I am going to transform you will drain me of my life force and give it to you. Sadly I will die and you will have my burdon and your former existance will no longer exist*

"Wait a moment. Transform? Die? What if I need help or something."

*consult Mew my sister on that. But enough stalling. Your transformation will begin.*

Mewtwo sighed very heavily. Then he slowly rose up into the air. Cain immediatly tried to find someway to escape. He ran back to the elevator. However it had no power and was stuck at the bottom floor.

*There is no way to escape human. There is only one way out and you must be changed for you to use it*

Then Mewtwo rose up into the middle of the room. Purple and blue aura's started to surround him. Then his eyes glowed blue as he growled very heavily. Then a large shadow ball began to pulsate in his hands.

*Say goodbye to your pitaful humanity*

Then he threw the shadowball at Cain. It struck him straght in the stomach. It moved to fast for him to dodge it.

Then Mewtwo fell to the ground. He was exhausted of all his energy. Cain ran to Mewtwo but felt him. Mewtwo was cold as ice and his pupils were bright white. There was no pulse or anything. Mewtwo was a dead pokemon.

*Great. Now how will i get out of here.* Cain thought to himself.

But all of the sudden Cain experienced a very large headache. He temples started to throbb and his heart started to race. Then in many different parts of his body he experienced swelling.

Cain started to groan in pain. Mewtwo was right he was changing. But the dead pokemon was before him and he could not ask it for help.

Then he felt a very large amount of swelling in his feet. Wondering why they would swell Cain looked at Mewtwo. Then gasped

Mewtwo had abnormaly large feet with only two toes. Cain pulled off his shoes and then his socks and gasped.

His feet were growing so big that he could no longer put his shoes back on. His toenails were receading back into his feet. Then his 5 toes started to merge into two giant ones. Cain felt large amounts of pain as his many foot bones started to merge into bigger ones. Soon he watched in horror as his two feet began to turn blue and smooth. Then they were undistinguashable to Mewtwo's feet.

Then as quickly as it came the pain in his foot left him. Cain atempted to stand up but he couldnt. Everytime he tried to stand up he felt very large amounts of pain and fell over. Then he remembered about how Mewtwo stood on his toes.

So Cain stood on his toes and felt a large amount of comfortability. He assumed that his foot bones and muscles had all strengthened where his toes were.

Cain all of the sudden looked down at his legs and gasped. His jeans were about to explode. Cain only had a split second to take them off before his underwear ripped apart. Even the wasteband broke and fell off. Cain quickly took off his pants and gasped at the abnormality of his legs. They were rabbitlike and very large. They had grown about 10x their origianl width and hieght

Now Cain laid down on his stomach and went over to Mewtwo to compare the size of his legs. To his surprise his legs were exactly the same size as Mewtwos were

*Great. Now I am going to be a Mewtwo*

Then his ankle started to numb as he felt the bones grow and reshape into a circular shape. His Heel began to smooth out as it was smoother then before.

Cain winsed in pain as his organs began to change. His human organs began to grow and expand into Mewtwo like organs. Soon Cain stopped feeling pain in his stomach as he felt a large pain in his abdomen

Cain gasped in large amounts of fear as a purple tail forced its way through his abdomen. It burst through the skin and curled up his back. It merged where the legs met the back and now Cain could feel bones growing. Soon he could move his tail just like an arm

Cain went over to the mirror and gasped. Even his pigmentation in the lower body and tail had changed to blue and purple. The area where is stomach started was still his own white pigment. But that was slowly changing as he saw the blue enveloping the white. Soon he felt his chest grow and swell as a large sacklike peice of flesh came out of his chest. Then his arms grew much larger and wider.

Then Cain felt an even bigger pain. Where his hands were. His fingers felt very hot as they merged into three larger ones. Then his fingertips swelled to an enourmous size. After 5 minutes of swelling the sacklike ballsacks stopped swelling. Then Cain waved his 6 fingers. The ballsacks stayed in place like rocks.

Cain's neck begain to hurt as it begain to shrink to a small tubelike throat. But for some reason Cain could breath much easier and faster then ever before.

But it came with a price. Right where the sholder met the neck a large tube forced its way through the skin. It connected with his head and finnaly stopped hurting. Then Cain felt a very large and deeper connection with his body. He had better reflexes and felt like he could move things with his mind.

Cain felt his forhead expand larger then ever before. It enveloped half his head. It made his hair fall out and fall to the floor. Cain felt the top of his head and felt it very bald and circular.

Cain's ears began to raise up into the air as they began to become very pointly like two rods. Soon his hearing was much better then ever before.

Soon Cain's jaw began to shrink as it was soon enveloped by his forhead. Now there was a snout like nose where his jaw was. His mouth shrank and went below the snout.

The last thing of Cain's was his small eyes. Soon Cain felt the deepest need to close his eyes. When he did so he couldnt open them. He reached up with his large hands and felt his eyelids seal together. Soon he felt large bones in his head begin to form and two larger eyelids grow down the side of his head.

Cain was laying on the ground. He was breathing very heavily through his snout. He finally got up on his toes and saw he was much taller. He grabbed the body of the previous mewtwo and held it up to him. He was identicle to it in every single way. Then he went over to the mirror. He began to touch many different parts of his body as if it was not natural.

*Well i guess I am mewtwo now*.

Then Cain gasped in shock. He had tried to speak with his mouth but it didnt move. Instead he felt it as if his now larger brain had fluxed and he had talked with it instead of his mouth

Now Cain survayed his surroundings. The only thing in the room was the body of Mewtwo and himself. He walked towards the elevator and forgot that the power was gone.

*Now how will I get out of here now?*

Cain immediatly tried with all his might to use some psychic powers. Soon he felt the elevator move and looked towards the mirror one last time. His eyes were glowing blue just like Mewtwos were before.

Soon the elevator reached the top floor and he stepped out. He soon stepped out of the hideout and looked out.


Mew was flying through the world at breakneck speed. Looking for Mewtwo. Hoping that he hadnt tried out what she had told him. Finnaly she saw him stepping outside the rocket hideout. She landed in front of him and asked

*Mewtwo there you are. I am glad I caught you before you found the person you wanted to merge with*

Cain saw the purple thing that landed in front of him. He answered qucikly

*Wait i am not Mewtwo. Or am I?*