Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Three Musketeers ❯ The End ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Aha! It's getting somewhere! The end of this fic is in sight!
Disclaimer: Phantomness holds up a giant, hard-lettered cardboard sign that says in neon pink letters `I do not own Pokemon. Nintendo does'. She then reappears with an armful of cute pokemon plushies and starts throwing them to people who actually review her stories.
Chapter 25
He smiled as he felt power swell in his mind. Revenge would be so sweet… and of course; he was only doing it to protect him.
Somewhere, Red slept on.
It had been so long since he had last flown. The wind caught his glittering wings as he wheeled over the darkness of a convent and perched himself on the battlements, waiting.
Soon enough, he saw her.
She and Whitney were chatting away like old friends. As he watched, he saw poison slip into a glass.
It would do no good. He had warded the woman.
He saw her hands clench in her gloves, and stayed silent. She would leave soon enough, if she thought it dangerous.
She did.
He silently flew after her.
It was enough to kill her for real this time, feel her hot blood running all over his claws. Afterwards, he incinerated the remains with a proud smile and flew back.
Red was still fast asleep. He shed his bloodstained scales in a glitter of light, and climbed into bed with his darling.
“She's dead?”
“She's dead.” The man sounded horrified.
“What did you see?”
Agatha laughed. “Don't interrogate him Oak, it's not his fault. He simply recognized her head.”
“You knew this would happen? You did not warn me!”
“It is not in my power nor of my choice to warn you of death. You played with fire and burned yourself.” She said coldly.
“And now what, you traitorous witch!”
“Now?” Agatha smiled. “I am no longer necessary. As you say, I am a witch. I chose to help you for a time. That time is now over.”
She faded from view.
She cast flower petals into the water, watched as they drifted away on wind.
Morty was dead, but some other time, they would meet again…
“What about… Whitney?”
“Did you want to go see her?” The war was ending, what with Morty dead and no support for the rebels in Vermillion…
Red considered, before he shook his head. “No.”
“No?” Lance raised his eyebrows a bit skeptically.
“I don't need her. I didn't really love her - but she was socially acceptable, pretty, and you…”
“I understand. It is not meet for two gentlemen to sleep together, is that it?”
“No. I mean…” Red flailed his hands around. “I mean…I want to be faithful.”
“To me?”
“To you.” Red said firmly. “I don't want to be a cock-tease, or a harlot…”
“Ah, you are intelligent, young one.” Lance said, as he kissed Red. Red blushed.
“And as for the rest of it… well, Milady is dead and gone, so things will work out I suppose.” Lance smirked.
Red met it with a smirk of his own.
The road ahead was long, but they were young, and life still waited. Whitney was his past, as was Milady.
Together, he and Lance would build their future.
And that was that.
End Chapter
Created 6/13/06
Completed 6/23/06
I am a mentally ill authoress and if you don't like my fic, write your own, you bastards! Finally finished this, woot!