Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Travels in Glitch City ❯ Chapter 5
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Whee! Another chapter!
Disclaimer/Notes: See previous chapter
Chapter 5
Blaine chuckled. “All right. Go, Ninetails!”
“Squirtle, this'll be a cinch. Hydro Pump!”
Hydro Pump smashed into Ninetails while the words were barely out of Ash's mouth.
Training holograms for countless months in a million different scenarios and variations had greatly helped all his pokemon.
Arcanine fared no better.
Ash smiled softly.
He wasn't even going to let the world see Bubblesaur.
She was too different.
Who knew what might happen?
“Rapidash, go!”
Squirtle flooded the area with Surf, and then it was fine. Rapidash was down too. Blaine laughed and handed over the Volcanobadge.
“If nothing else, you're brave.”
“Huh? Why?”
“You flew into the volcano.”
“Well, good luck…” Blaine said, waving goodbye. Ash grinned as Pidgeot flew him out again.
“Now off to Viridian!”
A quick flight later, the gym waited.
Ash hadn't expected the junior trainers though.
Still, Bulbasaur was doing a good job of whipping the opposition, at least most of them…
For the fighting-types, Pidgeot was winning with style and flair.
She smacked a Primeape away with Wing Attack and then used quick attack, eyes bright with power.
The Machop that followed was simply Wing Attacked.
Hitmonchan? No problem! Fly out of the way of the Ice Punch, then use Fly and another Wing Attack.
If I'm fast enough they can't hit me.
Suckers. Bulbasaur grinned.
Girl power! Pidgeot added.
They were both smiling brightly.
“Golem, go!”
Bulbasaur's Razor Leaf said good-bye to that rolling rock.
“Tauros, Tackle!
“Please…” Ash said, trying not to laugh, as Charmander breathed out Flamethrower. Another one was gone.
“Please…” Ash said, trying not to laugh, as Charmander breathed out Flamethrower. Another one was gone.
Charmander also took down the Bellsprout that followed. How interesting… well, nothing to him…
It didn't matter.
He didn't care about these junior trainers.
Now, what to do next…
“Go, Sandslash!”
Switched to Squirtle, Surf, done!
Ash walked into the last room.
Giovanni was waiting.
“So, you made it here… very well…”
Ash nodded.
“Persian, go…”
The sleek, white pokemon appeared in a flash of light. How pretty…
Persian immediately headed towards the other pokemon with Slash. Claws outstretched…
Skarmory smirked, as no impact had been made upon her metal body. She used Spikes, first, making it difficult for Giovanni to switch pokemon, and then launched Drill Peck.
Persian used Bite!
Teeth broke against metal…
Teeth broke against metal…
Skarmory drove her beak hard towards Persian's body in a Peck attack, and got free of the mouth.
Eew! There's cat spit on me!
“Just be glad it isn't worse, Skarmory…”
Giovanni's Machamp fared no better… Skarmory was still a bird.
Hitmonchan came on stage to face Pidgeot.
I won't lose!
Shut up, birdbrain!
Why you… Sky Attack!
One turn glowing took damage from Thunderpunch, but she had more than enough HP to stall two.
Sky Attack was powerful, once fully charged.
Giovanni smiled. “You're quite good…”
“Should we call it quits? You haven't defeated any of my pokémon yet.”
Giovanni smiled.
He pressed a button on his desk, a door slid open, and there was…
< A mewtwo? >
< Yes. > Mewtwo said, peering out of his poke ball.
< Is this bad? > Ash asked telepathically.
That had been the result of an experiment two years ago.
A created psychic…
What beat psychic? Right… Ghost and dark…
In that case, he didn't need to show off.
He unclipped another poke ball and threw it.
Mysdreavus happily used Hypnosis and then… Dream Eater and Nightmare.
So much for the unbeatable Mewtwo!
Giovanni gave Ash the Earth badge in shock.
There weren't any pure ghost types, were there?
End Chapter
Completed 7/31/04