Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Umbrella ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

And… another chapter!
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me. Do not take my work.
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokémon talks
Warnings: Misty-bashing, prostitution, dark themes
Chapter 3
Misty's voice was still gone, but she returned to human size. She watched in horror as Sabrina used some type of psychic power to send her walking straight into a dark, smoky club…
“Hi, sexy.” Her voice said as she sat in the lap of an old man, who looked delighted at her attention.
“Well, young lady, I see that we have something in common.” He smiled. “Well, well, then… Shall we?”
NO! Misty screamed inside her mind, but before she could resist, the old man had kissed her and was now intent on getting inside her pants! And instead of fighting him off, she was encouraging him!
The rest of the evening and night passed in shame, and by the end of it, Misty's mind was a whirlwind of disgust and self-loathing….
“Nice…” Ash whistled appreciatively.
< Fair is fair, is it not?>
He smiled. < Indeed… >
He used the money Misty was whoring for to purchase a new Charmander and an Abra. Sabrina had expressed her interest with the second choice.
Finally, the rest had gone towards an Eevee. Satisfied, Ash and Sabrina released Misty from her psychic control.
The trainer had vanished after that. It served her right, he supposed. After all, he hadn't done it. She was just a weak, petty person….
Well, no matter now…
It was hard to concentrate. Sabrina was pulling his hair, in an effort to distract him. At the same time, she was trying to break down his mental shields.
He winced at one particularly sharp tug. < Ow! >
In that instant, his concentration wavered, as she broke into his mind…. And promptly froze at what she saw.
She hadn't meant to see that!
They were together, in a shower, and Ash was caressing her breast, and-!
Well, so he had fantasies like any other normal teenage male, but still!
That was embarrassing….
Ash blinked. < Sabrina? > She was… flustered? How weird.
< Try again. > Sabrina said, getting her mind back on track. < Think of emptiness, no stray thoughts…. >
He closed his eyes and refocused….. Imagining a dark, empty space….
It lasted perhaps a minute before Sabrina found an exit again, and light flooded his mind.
Ash sighed. < I'm hopeless. >
< No you aren't. you can teleport, can't you? >
< Wait, what does that have to do with anything? >
< It's a psychic talent. You're just inexperienced. Try again. >
This time, another memory flitted across the dreamscape.
< I didn't know you and Lance were related! >
< We're not, really…. >
< Fellow experiments? >
< Yes, we were the only two that survived… he's got Dragonair and Squirtle DNA in him… >
< Seems like they were just mixing elements, you're dark and ghost and fire… >
< I know. It's odd…. >
< Well, no matter. Let's try a few more times. >
Ash nodded, he was starting to get tired. This time, he managed emotionless for a minute, actually almost two minutes before it cracked. He sighed. He needed to improve himself, really!
Eevee licked his cheek.
“Star, am I doing the right thing?”
Of course! You need to be able to protect yourself.
< All right…. >
< One more time. > Sabrina promised, as she began trying to get into his mind. Ash squeezed his eyes shut to block off any potential accidental lustful thoughts…. One minute…. One and a half minutes…. Two minutes…. Two minutes and eight seconds, nine, ten - ah! He couldn't hold it in any longer.
Sabrina found herself watching another fantasy of his….
Candlelight spilled over red velvet and upon satin sheets, black… she colored as she realized exactly what was going on.
She quickly exited before anything else happened.
< Sabrina? Are you all right? > He sounded quite concerned.
< Just fine Ash. That's enough for today. > She smiled. < Why don't you got out and play for a bit? >
< I'm not that little! >
< I know. … For tonight, Let's have takeout. Could you order something? >
< Sure! >
Ash happily skipped out and bought a large half-Hawaiian, half-Supreme Pepperoni pizza. Sabrina was so nice!
She was a patient teacher too. That was important. Plus, he didn't have to worry about stupid Misty hanging around him any more…..
Let's see, he had seven badges currently….
If he got some more pokemon, he should try for Pokémon Master.
Eevee was fully committed to Ash and had already decided to become an Espeon. She observed his lessons with Sabrina to learn more about psychics herself.
Abra had already evolved into Kadabra, and was now waiting for an opportunity to Alakazam. Bu that would involve trading, and it seemed cruel to trade, even if only for a few minutes, to get an evolved pokemon…
As for his new Charmander, well she was going to stay that way. He had no desirer to find another disobedient dragon on his hands, even with his new powers….
There were a few things he could do though. He could let flames appear on his fingertips and burn steadily for twenty minutes at most.
He could create a small glowing ball of light….
Unfortunately, those attributes were not quite reliable in battle, so he was focusing on his mental skills.
He could phase through walls too. Whether he could levitate or not was still up for grabs…. And teleporting was always hit or miss.
But he was happy, for now.
End Chapter
Completed 2/1/05
Ash: I suppose I should feel flattered there are so many ships with me…?
Phantomness: *yawns*