Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ West Side Story ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Whew! Musical to movie and then to fanfic! *Phantomness dies*
Lance: You didn't have to write this.
Phantomness: *GLARE*
Disclaimer: Don't own Pokemon or West Side Story, Entiendes? I do own this fanfic though! Don't steal my work!
Chapter 3
“Couldn't you do something about that dress, please?”
Flannery looked up from her sewing machine with an exasperated sigh. “Yellow, I'm working on my own time, not the old lady's! Please don't pressure me.”
“Just one little inch.” Yellow said, holding out her scissors “Just one little inch.”
“That would do too much.” The girl said dryly as she continued to stitch the sewing machine, guiding the Singer, the fabric neatly clinched, white…
“White is for babies!” Yellow frowned, tossing her long blonde hair back with an angered gesture. “And it doesn't matter! I've been here for a month and nothing has happened! It's boring here! For what did my fine brother bring me here to America for? To work in a shop and sew all day?”
“To marry Koga.”
“Koga! When I look at him, I feel nothing!”
“What do you expect to feel?”
“Well, what do you feel when you look at Giovanni?” Yellow shot back.
Flannery shrugged. “It's when I don't look that things happening.”
Yellow glared at the white dress. “It's just one inch lower. It is to be a dress for dancing, Flannery, not a dress for praying!”
“Well, with it lower you might start out dancing and end up praying.” Flannery said sardonically. “Now then… what else did you want?”
“Could we not dye it red at least?”
The pink-haired girl gave an exasperated growl and shoved the material into Yellow's arms.
Yellow sighed as she put it on and looked in the mirror.
Then, her frown began to tilt upwards.
“All right! You were right, Flannery! It's a beautiful dress!”
A moment later, a knock came at the door. Giovanni, dressed in a black suit with a purple shirt, followed by Koga - in a purple suit, entered.
“Beautiful.” Giovanni aid, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
Flannery grinned at him. He grinned back.
“Now then, keep an eye on Yellow at the dance tonight, all right Flannery dear? You too, Koga.”
“Both eyes.” The ninja-turned-Puerto-Rican-gang-member promised.
With another flourish, they left.
The dance was… a dance. Yes. There was nothing quite special about it. It was just a dance. Blah.
The Sharks danced on one side, the Jets on another. The Jets had all dressed nicely, those who could find a yellowish gold for their clothing - Red, Lance, Gold - took full advantage of it, the others were in red or just a matching suit.
And so, the dancing went on… when suddenly, Yellow entered the door, escorted by four Sharks. Maxie and Archie gave exaggerated bows as she left the floor…
Koga kept a close eye on his fiancé…
Red took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. He looked at Lance, who gave him a half smile, spinning Lorelei into a twirl. His own sort-of-date, Lance's little sister Clair, laughed as she leaned in close and whispered, “We've got… things in our pockets in case things get rough.”
“Now, now, Clair, you know the dance Gym's neutral,” He half-whispered in response, but both of them knew neither of them believed it.
“A little insurance never hurts.”
Blue was dancing with Silver, Bruno was not dancing, he was nursing a Coke, in the corner - ah, it seemed Bruno didn't like dancing, did he? And Bugsy and Gold were lounging against another wall, smoking. Oh well. Several other Jets whirled ladies around the floor, but he wasn't paying much attention to them…
On the other side, Giovanni was tossing his lady Flannery, and Maxie and Archie were there, along with Surge and Koga and Wattson…
Just at that moment, Brock entered…
“Now, now, we want to mingle!” The brainless DJ shouted. “So! I'll turn the lights off, and you all mingle around, all right?”
Red shot the man a `Do you think we're idiots' look, but shrugged. He wasn't moving. Clair and Lorelei exchanged sighs, mouthed `Boys are idiots and it's all going downhill from here', and slipped in close to their dates.
“Good luck, my dear cousin.” Lorelei smirked as she kissed Lance on the cheek. Lance smirked. “How many do you think I have on me?”
“Now I know you have Lance to look out for you, but don't let my brother do anything stupid.” Clair hissed at Red, before her hand closed over his. He nodded, waved goodbye as she left, slipped his hand into his pocket.
Much better.
Blue hugged her little brother, Silver shot her a kind of smile, and leaned backwards, hands in his pockets.
Bugsy and Gold left the wall…
On the other side, Giovanni put Flannery down and began walking towards the group. Just then, the lights went down.
Brock found himself blinking in a dark room full of… people. Oh dear.
Yellow nearly tripped as Koga let go of her, hearing a muffled scream from elsewhere that seemed more important. “Oh!”
A hand caught her - judging from the lack of armbands on his wrists, it wasn't Koga, and she'd fallen pretty far forwards. “Are you all right?”
She looked up into the dreamiest lack of eyes she'd ever seen. Spiky black hair, tanned skin, and a proud smile. “Have we… met before?” She asked breathlessly.
“You look familiar…”
“I don't think so…” Yellow frowned. She shivered.
“Are you cold?”
“A little.”
“No. You are warm. So warm.” Brock kissed her hands.
Yellow blushed bright red. However, she wasn't that embarrassed, because she kissed him on the lips right after.
And it was just then that the lights went on.
Giovanni's eyes looked ready to pop out of their sockets. He strode forwards purposefully. Red hurriedly moved to intercept him.
It seemed things would be decided now whether they wanted it or not…
End Chapter
Completed 8/12/05
Phantomness doesn't like Yellow. She doesn't like Maria. Hence, Yellow = Maria. Phantomness likes Red and Lance, so she cast them as Riff and Ice…