Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ West Side Story ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kairo: The eye-popping in the last chapter could have been because someone actually kissed Yellow! Bwahahaha!
Disclaimer: Phantomness wishes she owned pokemon. Then she'd get MATO and Shogakukan Comics to draw pretty championshipping stories for her… ^^
Chapter 4
Brock slunk off after Koga began steering Yellow out…
She's Giovanni's sister? Oh no!
He caught a few more angry words, but he didn't understand…
Yellow stared back at Brock…
“Come on, Yellow.” Koga tugged at her wrist impatiently. Yellow sighed and went after him…
Giovanni glared at Brock's retreating back…
Brock started to drift out the door in a trance, murmuring “Yellow… what a beautiful name…” Softly, as he walked off…
Bugsy groaned inwardly. “I can see where this is going.”
“Bruno, get ready.”
Bruno's eyes snapped up as a shrill whistle was heard… Silver nodded to Gold and they moved onto the dance floor, jazz dancing while watching…
“What do you want?” Giovanni growled as Red blocked his path, Lance behind him. “I don't want to talk to you.”
“Ah, but I do want to talk to you.” Red smirked. “War Council. Jets and Sharks.”
“….” Giovanni frowned as Surge materialized from somewhere close to him. Surge bared his teeth.
“We'll meet you outside the gym.”
“No thank you,” Giovanni sneered. “I wouldn't leave the ladies here with your kind around. Who knows what might happen?”
Several of the Jets twitched from around the room, but made no verbal remark. “Tonight at Twelve.”
“Fine. Doc's Candy Store. And no jazz before then.”
“I know the rules, native boy.” Giovanni said, exiting.
Red nodded to Lance and he slipped off, quietly. Time to spread the word…
“Yellow.” Giovanni said coldly as he stood in the doorway of her room. “You don't understand. There's only one thing those boys want from a girl.”
Yellow colored and looked down at the ground.
“Someday, when you are an old married woman with five children, you can tell me what to do, but until then, you'll listen to me!”
“Yes, brother…”
“Good girl.” Giovanni smiled. He closed the door and found Flannery watching him. “What?”
“We're in America now, Giovanni! A girl can have a good time here.”
The leader raised an eyebrow, drawing his girl in for a kiss. “And?”
“She does have parents to watch out for her.”
“They don't know the country any better than she does!”
“Mother hen. You are a total mother hen, Giovanni.”
Giovanni bristled. “Whatever you say, Flannery. But I thought you promised to keep an eye on Yellow tonight!”
“I was doing fine until the lights went out. You think I can see in the dark or something? I'm not a pokemon.”
Giovanni sighed. “Oh well. It doesn't matter. After tonight, everything will be settled.”
“Fighting over Yellow is so important? Really, so what if she goes out with an outsider? At least he's cute. And he works.”
“Koga works.”
“I bet he doesn't make as much money.”
“Well, he can't help not having a citizenship here, can he?” Giovanni sighed. “You don't understand this, Flannery...We have a war council tonight.”
Flannery pouted.
Giovanni kissed her again. “Now, don't be angry. It won't take long.”
“I'm afraid…”
“I won't get hurt.”
“I know, unless talking can hurt you.” Flannery sighed. “But what happens after? Will you… oh Giovanni, I'm worried!”
“With you here praying for me, I will never get hurt.” Giovanni promised. “Now sleep well, Flannery. I'll see you tomorrow after the rumble. We'll make it a date.”
Flannery brightened visibly as she nodded. Walking down the stairs, Giovanni beckoned to Surge and Koga, and slowly, the rest of the Sharks began the walk to Doc's Candy Store…
“They're late.”
“Shut up, Gold. Red and Lance aren't here yet.” Silver snapped, as he looked back at the sky.
Bugsy didn't look up from his manga as the others began to gather.
“It's not time in any case.”
Just then, Red and Lance walked up; followed by Bruno.
“Anyone seen Brock?” Red asked.
“No. Should we have?”
“I knew we couldn't count on him!” Gold raged. “I mean he's fallen for one of them! Ugh! I can't believe he-!”
“Calm down, Gold.” Lance said softly.
“I mean it! Where is he? I thought - Red, you said that he'd be here!”
“Well, it's only eleven thirty.” The leader said coldly. “And he'll be here.”
“Are you sure?”
“Why wouldn't he be…?”
And, simultaneously, we have romance…. Because that is the real point of West Side Story after all… unfortunately! *Sighs*
“Eek!” The girl whispered, looking out her window - she was only in a nightgown, after all. “Who are you?” She then remembered that he was the hunky guy whom she had met at the party. Oops!
“Hello, Yellow.” He whispered. “I'm glad to see you.”
“Shh!” She looked worried. “What if my brother hears us?”
Brock began climbing up the fire escape. “He'll like me.”
“No, he won't! He's - he thinks you're his enemies!”
“Oh Yellow, I'm not even part of the gang anymore! Why should I be his enemy? It doesn't make any sense!”
“Yellow!” A voice called.
Yellow paled. “Oh no. That's my mother…”
“Come on Yellow!”
“Shh! I can't talk to you now! You're being too loud!”
“Why not?”
“My parents will hear us!”
Brock sighed. “Well….”
“What's your name?”
“What a lovely name,” Yellow sighed. “Listen. I work at Madame Lucia's. I'll meet you there at six after the shop closes, all right?”
“All right…”
“I must go!”
The girl ran off. However, a few moments later, she was back.
Brock gazed into her eyes lovingly. “Yellow… you mean the world to me…”
“Brock… have we met before? I feel as if…”
“We were destined to meet…”
“I wish you could stay - I wish this moment would last forever…”
“Oh Yellow… let me meet your parents.”
“They'd be afraid of you. You're different…”
“Do you think so too?”
Yellow shook her head. “I'm not afraid of you.”
“I'm so glad! Yellow, I won't let something like this keep us apart…”
“No! Of course not…”
“It's strange…” Brock sighed. “I wonder…”
“How did this happen.”
“Who cares?”
“Who cares…?”
“I can't help it… I love you.”
“I love you too, Brock.”
“Oh, what is it now?” The girl said, fretting.
“Yellow! It's late! You should be in bed!” Her mother called. “You'll catch a cold if you stay out late!”
“I'm coming, mother!” Yellow called.
“Buenos noches, Yellow…”
“Buenos noches, Brock… Te adoro…” Yellow whispered as she gave him one last kiss and then closed her window.
Brock kissed her and then slid down the fire escape. He was going to be late…
End Chapter
Completed 8/13/05
Lance: Did you have to write that?
Phantomness: No, but I figured I should to stay somewhat true to the movie
Ash: Why do I have tattoos?
Phantomness: That shall be explained later…
This is basic Spanish. Don't ask me to translate. Even though I took Spanish AP, I'm cheating and using as little Spanish as possible because I didn't pass the Spanish AP test…