Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ West Side Story ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

More Brock x Yellow! Damn! Maybe I should skip the whole thing. *Twitch* I feel severely ill already… I may despise Yellow more than I despise Misty…
Red: …
Lance: *Glomps Red* If you die in this chapter… I will never forgive Phantomness
Phantomness: *Sweatdrop and looks at CD* Er…
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws. Do not steal my writing.
Additional notes: Um… there are pokemon in this fic, once in a while…
Character Death will happen!
Chapter 6
“Hi, Yellow.” Brock said, opening the door to Madame Lucia's dressmaking shop. “Work's over?”
Flannery gave Brock an annoyed glance as he left the store. If Yellow wanted to get in trouble, it was her own fault…
She certainly wasn't going to tell Giovanni and get another lecture…
“They're fighting tonight, Brock! I'm worried.”
“Oh Yellow, my love, they're only going to whack each other around. It's not like they will get hurt. No weapons at all!”
“I'm still worried…”
“I know. But don't worry.”
“Can't you do something? Like stopping it?”
“Stop it?” Brock frowned. “Well, Red is my best friend… I'll ask him!”
“Oh, thank you! I knew you could work a miracle!”
“When I have you here with you, I can do anything!”
“So after the rumble…”
“There will be no rumble…”
“You will meet my parents!” Yellow said excitedly. Then she sobered up. For a few seconds, at least… then…
She hugged him tightly as she placed another kiss on his lips. “I love you, Brock. But what will your parents think?”
Brock laughed. “My mother is dead but my father will love you. You're pretty, and sweet, and kind…”
“Oh, I wish my parents were so accommodating…”
“What will they ask?”
“Do you love me?” Yellow asked, holding up a mannequin in a top hat and tails.
“With all my heart!” Brock told the dummy.
“And do you go to church?”
“And will you learn Spanish?”
“Then Father says he'll consider it.” Yellow put the mannequin down. “Now mother…”
“I'm sure your mother will be happy for you…”
“And now I will ask your Father for your hand.” Brock got down on his knees in front of the mannequin.
“What does he say?”
“He says yes!” Yellow blushed pinkly.
“How wonderful!” Brock gushed. “Now… for the wedding!”
“The Wedding!”
“My best man!” Brock grabbed a mannequin.
“That's Father!”
“Oops, wrong mannequin.” Brock said. He began addressing another mannequin. “I'm sure you'll be happy for me, Red.”
Yellow draped a piece of white cloth over another mannequin. “Flannery, you look beautiful… my maid of honor.”
“Ahem.” Brock said, in another voice, one of a stuffy old priest. “Let the ceremony begin!”
“I, Brock Slate, do take Yellow as my wife…”
“And I, Yellow de Bosque Verde, do take Brock as my husband…”
“For richer, for poorer,”
“In sickness and in health,”
“To love and honor,”
“To hold and keep,”
“From each sun to each moon,”
“For tomorrow to tomorrow,”
“From now to forever…”
They sealed it with a kiss.
“I'll see you tonight.”
“Tonight, after I stop the rumble.”
“Oh Brock, I love you so much…”
“I love you too…”
Evening, After Dark, underneath the bridge…
“We said no weapons…”
“But just in case…”
“Well, there's nothing wrong with being prepared…”
Lance tossed his cape to Red. Red smiled.
“I know you'll beat him up for all of us.”
The rest of the Jets clustered around, waiting…
“What if they cheat?”
“We'll be ready for them.” Giovanni said as he pried up a manhole. Inside, three or four sections of chain rested, along with several studded metal belts, a lead pipe, and two switchblades, in case anyone is interested…
The Sharks collected weapons and headed off to the bridge…
“Are you…Leader, are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Don't worry about me, Surge. Heh. They're all just pretty boys. Now if I were fighting Gold, I might be worried, but…”
“If you're sure…”
Flannery stood in her room, waiting, as she dressed up. Giovanni would be back soon… and since they were fighting barehanded, he might get a little scraped up, but then she'd bandage him up and everything would be fine…
“I'll see my love tonight….” Brock sang, as he walked down the road to the gang's destination. “Oh Yellow…”
“Brock…” Yellow whispered, staring out her window, waiting…
The moon was so bright and pretty… surely nothing could go wrong…
A shrill whistle caught the Jets attention. Silver nodded.
It seemed that the Sharks were here…
Well, it was time to begin then.
The rest of the gangs materialized. Giovanni took off his suit coat with a contemptuous glare. Surge took it.
Lance crossed his arms.
Red gave a half-smile. “Get him good, Lance.”
“We know you'll beat him up for us!”
Giovanni crossed himself and began to pray…
Bruno whacked Lance on the back. “Get him good for us.”
“Of course…”
The two combatants began circling each other. Nothing wrong, a quick jab here, a dodge there…
Giovanni gave what sounded like a shriek as Lance dug his nails into the man's eyes. “OW!” How had he gotten…!
There were other things to do… after all, if you had sharp fingernails, it didn't work too well for punching, but there were other things…
Lance smirked, stepping back.
“STOP!” A voice suddenly yelled, as Brock climbed over the fence.
Both combatants looked up…
End Chapter
Completed 8/13/05
Red: *Feels foreboding*
Phantomness: ^^
Lance: Don't read the next chapter. I can almost guarantee angst! At least 99% chance angst!
Shoyko: *Whimper*
Phantomness: My muses know me too well…