Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ West Side Story ❯ Chapter 7

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

And… we have another chapter…
Disclaimer: If I owned pokémon, I'd be filthy rich. As I am a broke college student, I don't own pokemon… um, that's not really logical, is it? Oh well. Don't steal my fanfic!
Chapter 7
The two gangs watched in silence as Brock landed next to the fence.
“Hi, Brock.” Red greeted him cheerfully, glad for more support. “Everything's all right! Go stand with the rest of the gang.” Lance stepped back a few steps, getting ready to scratch Giovanni again.
Giovanni gave a growl and leapt forwards. Lance made a beckoning motion, which Giovanni couldn't really see, considering the blood oozing into his eyes…
Giovanni charged…
Lance moved…
Brock suddenly tackled Lance to the ground.
The redhead bared his fangs, throwing Brock off - he might have been skinny, but he wasn't weak. “Stay out of this, Brock! I'm fighting him!”
“Right! The deal was a fair fight between Giovanni and Lance! What are you doing, Brock?”
Red stared aghast as Brock walked over to Giovanni and helped him up.
Giovanni batted Brock away contemptuously. “What's wrong, chicken? Are you afraid to fight your own battles? Won't fight me until I'm at a disadvantage?”
Brock twitched. “I don't want to fight you, Giovanni.”
“Sure you don't.” He swiped at his eyes with a sleeve, and then gasped, as everything stayed dark. “You bastard!”
Lance shrugged, even though Giovanni couldn't see it. “Skin is skin…”
“Lance! How could you?”
“What's wrong with you, Brock!” Gold exploded. “We're winning! We'd have already won if you hadn't kept butting in!”
“But you… his eyes…!”
“Brock, get with the rest of the gang!” Red shouted as he walked over and helped Lance up. “Now then. Giovanni, still want to fight?”
“Bring it on.” The teen growled.
Lance nodded and lunged forwards, Giovanni did the same, and then Brock leaped again.
“Get off me, what are you doing?” Lance snapped, trying to get the boy off him. What was wrong with the idiot? Could it be...?
Giovanni took opportunity of this advantage to pull a poke ball out of his back pocket and throw it… a Nidoking exploded into action, Horn Drill.
“NO!” Red shouted, as Lance barely managed to dodge the attack. Bruno wasn't as lucky, and he gave a choked gurgle as the horn sank into his chest. Furious, Lance threw his own poke balls forwards…
Two Dragonair exploded into action, Hyper Beam…
The signal seemed to start a free for all, as both Jets and Sharks pulled out their various weapons and went at it with a will…
Suddenly, a siren cut into the noise, and both sides recalled their pokemon and vanished into the night…
Brock stared at the corpses for several long moments, before Misty grabbed his wrist and began dragging him off…
Someone had to keep an eye on the love struck idiot after all!
In the dark, no one noticed that Giovanni and Surge were down also… and someone else…
The Jets regrouped in a dark garage.
Lance's eyes scanned the room. A chill began to spread through his veins. “Red's missing…” Silver brushed himself off worriedly.
“He's gone?” Gold frowned. “That's odd. I'll go look!”
“Wait! Where are Brock and Red?” Bugsy asked.
Lance gave Bugsy a half-smile. “Where do you think?”
“No! You don't think!”
Lance didn't answer as he placed his hands over Dragonair's poke ball and began to channel… after a second, he nearly dropped the sphere in horror. “No!”
“No what? Lance, what did the pokemon say?”
“… Giovanni and Surge are definitely dead, which is good for us.” Lance said tightly. “No one knows where Brock is - or Red, for that matter.”
Silver scowled as he released his Murkrow with an order to go search. It was too dangerous to go out alone now, and if Murkrow ran into Agatha's ghosts, he wouldn't be in trouble… the silver-eyed boy looked down, worriedly.
“Do you think…?”
Lance didn't say anything.
“I'll go out and look!” Gold repeated. He frowned. “Lance?”
Even if Red wasn't here, they knew Lance was second, and they'd listen to him…
Lance slowly looked up and several Jets gave choked gasps.
“Lance! Your eyes-!”
“Your tattoos!”
The silver curlicues had vanished, replaced by two straight golden lines… and his eyes were now a blood red color…
“No!” Bugsy shook his head. “No! He can't be-!”
“You know.” Lance sighed. “Now we all do…”
“No it's not. Remember when the Jets were started?” Bruno gasped. “I was there, even if most of you newbies weren't. I saw the ceremony! And only the leader has the red eyes and the golden tattoos…”
“And when Brock left, Lance became second and he got the silver, but now… if Red really is gone, then…”
Lance's hands began to shake slightly, even though he kept his outward calm. * I don't give a flying fuck if I become leader. How did Red die? *
How did Red die?
Did it matter?
It was really the Sharks fault… Giovanni was the one who cheated and released a pokemon first! And if stupid Brock hadn't stopped him, he could have killed the man quickly!
Brock betrayed us…
His eyes began to glitter maliciously…
“Now.” Lance said, as if the previous conversation had never happened, “Gold, if you go around hunting, the police are going to suspect something is up.”
“Won't they already, if…?” Bugsy queried.
Lance shook his head. “If we strut around like we have nothing to hide, they won't suspect us. So we won't let them!”
“Of course not!”
“Who wants to get to jail?”
“Not me!”
“Now then,” Lance finished, “We'll play it cool. I know that some of you may have trouble with that…”
Silver closed his eyes noncommittally. Gold twitched. Bruno fisted his hands… sure, he was grateful to Lance for saving his life with that healing magic, but… the boy didn't have to act so cocky about it!
“So…” Lance flicked a vial into the air. Bruno caught it. His eyes widened. “How did you get this?”
“Trade secret,” The new leader sighed. “Now… we'll keep an eye out for Brock tomorrow… he might be in trouble.”
The group nodded, as they each took one of the pills inside the vial… Lance was right. They needed this…
Otherwise, none of them would sleep tonight…
“What is it?”
“Nothing.” Silver said, recalling his Murkrow.
Gold closed his eyes, and then hit the ground. Apparently he'd take a double dose to try and stave off the problems he had…
“I'll take him home.” Bugsy sighed. “Well… I hope you know what you're doing, Lance… I'm scared.”
“I know you are.”
Bugsy waved goodbye. Lance sighed as they all dispersed.
But I'm afraid too… Red, why did you have to die?
Agatha looked at the corpses. Both gang leaders. Ah well…
If they were dead, it was no longer her concern. Perhaps the gang warfare would stop now that the inciters were gone?
She hoped so…
There were two dead from one side, and one from the other. It evened out. And if the killing went on, in another few days all the gangs would be dead. She'd even get a promotion!
Oh, things would be sweet indeed…
“Yellow! Yellow!”
The girl looked out her window, expecting to see Brock. Instead, she saw Koga throw a grappling hook up and climb into her window. He then locked it.
Not seconds later, a police car came around the bend, siren blaring.
“What's wrong, Koga?”
Koga gulped. “At the rumble tonight…”
“What do you mean? Nothing happened.”
“No. Something happened.”
“You look so pale. What is it?”
Koga sighed. “I hate to say this, but… Giovanni's dead. Your brother is dead.”
Yellow's eyes looked up and she fainted dead away…
Koga tucked her into bed and crossed himself, saying a quick prayer to the virgin de Guadalupe shrine in her room before he headed downstairs. Wails were already beginning to drift up.
It looked like their parents had gotten the information.
He clenched his fist. He had good eyes, and he knew who had really killed Giovanni. And he had a gun. He would make him pay…!
End Chapter
Completed 8/14/05
I like Ice. But he looks possessed most of the time, if he doesn't have his eyes closed looking cool… oh well. ^^V!
I know, I'm watching the movie over and over on my laptop because… I don't have the CD, so if I want to learn the songs by listening to em, I have to play it on my laptop. Ah! And I keep staring at people…
I like Ice. And Riff. And I'm so obsessed that I'm counting anything that could possibly be slash between em. *Sighs* Oh well!
Tony's a dork.
When Bernardo smiles at Riff, he really does look like a shark. I've watched the scene at least 10 times; I should know… eh, guess that's where his gang name comes from eh?
Who is actually going to read these notes?