Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ West Side Story ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Another chapter… if I write any more Brock x Yellow, I'm going to be really, really ill…
If I owned West Side Story, it probably wouldn't be a classic, because I'm make Riff and Ice shag sometime… or something.
Chapter 8
Brock broke Yellow's window in order to get into her room. He found her sleeping on the bed, crying. So she wasn't asleep…
“Brock! Shh!” She looked up at him with tear filled eyes. “I…. I thought you promised you'd stop the fighting…”
“I tried to stop them. I really did. It's all Lance's fault.” Brock said, in an attempt to make him look blameless.
Yellow believed it. “What did he do?”
“He… he took out your - he blinded your brother and then he stabbed him.”
“I knew it wasn't your fault!” Yellow sobbed into Brock's arms. He shushed her and began kissing her tears away…
One thing led to another and then to another….
The next morning, Flannery was unpleasantly surprised to discover Brock in bed with Yellow, but…
She was beyond caring. Giovanni was dead!
Who cared what happened now?
Who cared?
Was life even worth living anymore?
Their happiness…
Their happiness had resulted in…
Your happiness is built on the suffering on others! And if you find happiness, you don't deserve it!
“I'm all right, Gold. I'll live.”
Gold nodded blearily.
“You shouldn't have eaten two of them, Gold.” The boy shook his head.
“My mistake. Where is you know… Brock?”
Lance indicated the door of the candy store. “He's hiding in the cellar.”
“Oh, he's not dead.”
“Shh! Yes.”
But how I wish that traitor had died… Lance's hands involuntarily fisted, and he gave a hiss of pain…
His nails had cut deep bloody marks in his hands. He sighed and focused his healing power…
Gold didn't catch it. He slumped on the counter and took a sip of a soda just sitting there. “Where's Elm?”
“Upstairs raising getaway money for Brock.”
“He'll need it.” Lance said grimly. “They found his fingerprints on the knife buried in Giovanni's body.”
Gold twitched.
“Now. Anyone seen Koga?”
“What about Koga?”
“Silver's Murkrow saw him flying around screaming for Brock. He's got a gun.”
“A gun?”
“Yes. You stay here with Bugsy. Play pool. Read comics. Look occupied, at least! And if any Sharks come in…”
Gold perked up.
Don't let them get in down there.”
“I'm going out to look for Koga.”
“How… we can't go in PR territory, so?”
“Red never showed you?” Lance asked. He sighed and focused… there was a tearing sound as shirt ripped, but from his back…
They were gold with a red streak down the middle… almost like an airplane or…
“No!” Bugsy gasped.
“Where do you think the Jets got their name?” Lance asked, as he kicked off the ground and took off into the air. “I'll be right back.”
After Lance left, Bruno, Silver, the others gathered…
Lorelei poured herself a soda, handed another one to Clair and they sat down and began to gossip, keeping an eye on the cellar door.
Flannery came in and ordered a soda. Lorelei poured it expressionlessly.
Several of the watchers tensed, but no one said a word.
“I… I have a message…”
“For who?”
“For Elm.”
“Elm's not here.” Gold said.
“Fine! For Brock! I know he's hiding!”
Gold jumped, but Clair grabbed his collar. Gold glared. Clair flicked her fingers and three blades appeared.
She wasn't Lance's little sister for nothing…
Gold deflated and sat down.
“Well?” Lorelei asked.
“Look,” Flannery said, “Yellow… Yellow's dead! Tell Brock that Koga found out that they were together and now he's killed her! She's not pure enough for him to marry anymore!”
Without another word, Flannery stomped off.
She honestly had no idea why she'd said that.
Perhaps it was Koga had told her about Giovanni's death, and the police reports confirmed it.
Yellow - she had slept with a murder!
She had slept with him after he had killed her brother!
She had given herself to one of the outsiders!
She did not deserve to be happy! Why should she alone have happiness?
So perhaps Flannery was jealous. She really had loved Giovanni, after all…
She'd kept Brock's secret - she hadn't told Koga that he had been hiding in Yellow's room - she hadn't called for him.
They didn't deserve happiness. They had planned to run away and live in some distant area where no one would ever find them.
Dreamers. Idiots. It was the fault of these peace-loving idiots that Giovanni had died! It wasn't fair.
But now things were…
Lance reappeared about ten minutes later, shaking his head grimly.
“No sign at all?”
“No.” Lance said. He ignored the stares from the rest of the Jets at his wings and focused. They once again shrank back into his skin.
It hurt. But it didn't matter.
It was all he had left of Red. He could bear the pain…
Down in the cellar, Brock had heard Flannery's words. His heart clenched…
He heard the rustling noises as the Jets left the store.
He opened the door.
Yellow was dead! Dead! Oh Mew, no! It was his fault…!
He rushed out into the streets.
“KOGA! WHERE ARE YOU? COME AND KILL ME TOO! COME AND KILL ME! I'm waiting for you! Come and get me!”
End Chapter
Completed 8/14/05
Lance: I have bad feelings
Phantomness: Well, next chapter ends your torment, dear…