Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ What You See ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Actually, this might wind up Ash x Karen after all. Or maybe I'll multiship - but someone would kill me first! ^^
Disclaimer: pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me. Do not steal my fanfiction, as that is plagiarism…
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 5
“So we're going to be married.” Karen said, deadpan. “Lance, you neglected to inform me of this small detail.”
The Champion shrugged his shoulders. “You didn't ask.”
“I'm sorry, Ash, but I have a wonderful boyfriend named Will, and it just wouldn't be quite fair to him….”
Ash wilted, but nodded. Who else could he… er, bind to then?
Stupid law!
Lance looked up from his compact computer as Ash entered the room. “Something wrong?”
< Hai. >
“Do tell.”
< Karen likes Will… I saw him out in the hall. He loves her too. Gastly told me so. But I'm kind of jealous… >
“Ash, Karen isn't going to abandon you just because she has a boyfriend. She'll always be your friend.”
< I know, but… oh, what's the use? I'll never find anyone to marry! It's not fair! > * I know I'm being irrational, but-! *
“Life is rarely fair, and if it were only a matter of finding someone who would take guardianship, I dare say that the Ketchum fortune would convince them.”
“The Ketchum fortune?” Ash slipped out of telepathy, distracted by this news. “I have a fortune?”
“You didn't know? Your deceased father was a very wealthy researcher - he helped develop the prototype for the Ultra Ball.”
< No. I didn't know. > * I'm rich? *
Hah! Now Gary had no reason to pick on him! And they hadn't been poor, he and his mom, not really…
Lance was about to say more when what sounded like an alarm started beeping from somewhere inside the building. Golden eyes widened, recognizing that particular tune. “It's time.”
Karen nodded. “It is.”
“Of course…” Karen's eyes began to glow bright scarlet as she threw her Umbreon's poke ball forwards.
Lance did the same with his Dragonite, releasing the beautiful reptile…
The two nodded to each other, and Umbreon powered up Dragonite's Hyper Beam with dark energy…
The door opened. The beam fired.
Four rockets went down. Others charged in, releasing a multitude of ice types. Lance gave an eloquent sigh, and then nodded to Karen who grabbed Ash and teleported.
Ash barely had time to blink before he was whisked away. “What-?”
Karen tossed him her black cloak. “Put this on. It will hide you.” Ash frowned, but obeyed, and went incorporeal…
Something was up.
Giovanni strolled in, looking quite pleased with him. Behind him resided a creature that could only have been conceived by a madman. Long, spiny black ribs jutted out of a vaguely humanoid form, wings stank with rotting feathers, it was obviously a creature of death or at least the dead realm, zombie-like, salivating fangs, blunt but large, serrated not at the tips but at the sides, loomed in a mouth. A drop of saliva fell to the floor and hissed green, acid…
Lance didn't hesitate; all five of his ultra balls popped open and the dragons went flying. Within moments, they had been literally torn to shreds, dead from the dastardly creature's attacks… it was only to be expected after all…
Lance looked at Giovanni. Giovanni looked back at him and began laughing.
“Lo, how the might have fallen! Any last words, Lance?”
“Yes.” Lance said, smiling. “I won't let you win.” He faced the monster, and flicked his fingers. Enraged, it charged.
The last thing the Champion saw were those giant canines…
Giovanni tsked, as the beast swallowed. “Well, that takes care of him, doesn't it?” He petted the monster. “Now with him out of the way, no one will mind if I take over the Elite… Bruno is on my side…”
No, no one would, right? Of course right? Who would care now that the mighty had fallen? Er, not quite, but it was enough of a comparison to make sense…
He scoffed at the fallen man. Agatha had - well; his grunts should have taken care of her already. As for Lorelei, she had formally retired a week ago. He'd forced her hand quite nicely. Amazing what blackmail can do to one person…
Not that any of them had anything on him of course. He was careful, and he had a six-man team of Rockets to take care of any leaks or possible exposures…
He nodded. Everything would be just fine now.
< You know, once I was jealous of you… > Karen sighed. < At least you've served your purpose, as we all do… >
There was no response. Of course there was no response... why should there be one? He was dead after all.
But what about Will - what had happened to him?
She frowned. She could make a quick check, but Agatha had already passed into the realm and Morty and Sabrina were hiding out somewhere - they always knew beforehand that these things were happening. It was one of their powers…
Oh, it was unfair, how things were distributed. But Lance was the Master of Dark Illusions so she would listen to his orders… and since he wanted her to take care of Ash, well… she would obey.
It was only for a few years, until the boy had grown enough brain cells to look out for his own well-being, or knew enough to fake it…
Ah, but time was short. Still, lesser guardians did not have the same life constrictions realm guardians had. Power exchanged for life, that was the way it worked, the system had its code that all understood…
Karen looked around. Nothing.
< Umbreon? >
< I have not found anything suspicious, Mistress. >
< Good. We're leaving. >
She took Ash's arm, he solidified in surprise, and then teleport whisked them away once again…
End Chapter
Completed 9/1/05
Yes, Lance is definitely dead this time so I can write Ash x Karen. Because I feel I should write it!
Eventually, the idea won't scare me as much.
Ash: …
Phantomness: Well, I hope so! Ugh. More homework… least Chemistry Lab was very short today…