Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ When It All Falls Down ❯ The Thief! ...Or the Scumbag? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
‘He’s gone, Lainie. He didn’t make it…’

‘You’re lying. You’re lying to me, you son-of-a-bitch! He wouldn’t leave me! He wouldn’t go away without saying goodbye!’

‘There’s no need for name calling. I’m sorry… he was old Lainie, he didn’t…’

‘Shut up! Shut up, Shut up, Shut up! It’s not true, it’s not!’

‘He told me to tell you he loved you, and he would look down from Haven to watch over you, Lainie…’

‘Don’t call me Lainie! You promised, Adam, you promised! You and everyone else promised me he was gonna be okay! You lied to me, you lied!’

‘Alaina, stop it! You don’t think I’m taking this just as hard as you? You think you’re the only one suffering? You brat!’

‘I’ll never forgive you, NEVER!’


“Alaina? Alaina, wake up, you idiot.”

The brunette slowly opened her eyes to stare into her cousin’s brown-hazel ones. “…Kasey?” she croaked weakly.

“No, I’m a Jigglypuff! Yes it’s me, now c’mon!” she said in a frightened voice. Alaina sat straight up. “Wh-what’s the matter?” she asked, fear creeping up her spine.

“Whatever was here earlier may come back, and I do not want to have another encounter with it. Look, it’s almost nighttime, so we have to get to Mr. Pokemon’s house now,” she replied.

Alaina nodded and stood up, but her stomach dropped. “Where’s Jacoby?!” she yelled, panicked. “Alaina-” “No, where is he?! And Sonny?” She began to search around, desperate to find the young Pokemon.

“Stop freaking out and shut up!”, Kasey hissed, “They’re over there.” She pointed to a fully bloomed berry tree, and there they were, sleeping with Sonny slung over Jacoby’s belly.

Alaina’s eyes softened. “Oh…”. Then Alaina remembered her Poke gear. She made her way to her bag, propped against a tree courtesy of Kasey, and pulled out her cell phone. “5 missed calls,” she whispered to Kasey, “all of them Prof. Elm.”

She dialed his number. It rang for a few minutes, but only got an answering machine. She left a message and hung up.

“I woke up about a half an hour ago, and they were just fine. They seemed a little tense, but they were okay. Whatever made us pass out didn’t harm them, and soon afterwards they fell asleep. So here we are,” she finished.

Alaina sighed with relief. “Well, let’s go then…”. She went over to the sleeping Pokemon, and Kasey gently lifted Sonny off Jacoby and cradled him in her arms as if he were a baby. Alaina lifted Jacoby as well, placing his head on her shoulder and holding his body upright.

The girls continued on, the sky getting darker every minute. After awhile of walking in silence, they saw a faint light up ahead. The girls’ eyes lit up.

“Thank God! We’re finally here!” Alaina sighed. Kasey broke into a run, Alaina following close behind her. “This has to be Mr. Pokemon’s! I’ll shit twice and die if it isn’t!” Kasey quietly said back to the other. Alaina giggled, and stopped when Kasey slowed down in front of her.

Before them was a simple two story white-brown cottage with a surrounding garden of berry trees and all sorts of flowers. A lantern hung from a hook nailed to the porch roof, hence the light they saw a few yards back. Kasey wasted no time jogging up the steps and knocking on the door.

A man no taller than 5 foot 1 and dressed in a brown suite opened the door. His blue eyes widened as he stuttered, “A-are you the girls Prof. Elm sent? Alaina and Kasey?” “Yesss…” Kasey wheezed, clearly becoming impatient already.

“Oh, thank the Lord! Come in, come in!” he said hastily. Kasey and Alaina stepped in as soon he opened the door, thankful to escape from the cold. “Here,” he motioned for them to sit in the chairs in the comfy and homely living room, a fire warming the area.

“Do you mind?” Alaina asked, her eyes trained on the couch so she could tuck Jacoby in. “No, not at all”, he replied. “Thank you.” The girls set their still sleeping Pokemon together on the couch, thankful that they were safe.

“Something to drink?” he asked. “What was your discovery?” Alaina blurted out. Kasey stomped her foot on Alaina‘s. “Ah…” Alaina decided best not to scream, so she remained silent. “Yes, of course we would,” Kasey said quickly.

She turned to Alaina. “Nice manners,” she said sarcastically. The brunette smiled sheepishly. “Sorry,” she muttered. “Sucks for you,” an unfamiliar voice said behind them. Kasey yelped and Alaina jumped. “Don’t you ever…” but Kasey stopped talking. She stared into the face of the most handsome boy she had ever seen.

His medium-brown hair was almost chin-length, bangs swept across the left side of his face. He looked about fifteen, his green-blue eyes nearly matched the color of the salty ocean when they reflected against the fire, his tall and lean build dominating over the girls. He wore a simple black shirt and dark blue pajama pants, hands shoved into the pockets.

“Hn- h… hi.” Kasey whispered. “Hi to you,” he replied. “What sucks for us?” Alaina cut in, breaking what she thought was an awkward silence. He blinked at her and smiled. “You know that discovery you were going to take to Prof. Elm? Well…” “Ah, Damien, there you are my boy. Come help me give our guests their tea.” Mr. Pokemon cut in.

Kasey couldn’t tear her eyes away from the boy Damien, and sat down with her tea, still not looking away. But poor Alaina, who was usually aware when a boy caught her cousin’s eye, was oblivious to what was going on, more interested in the elder’s finding.

Once Mr. Pokemon sat down, Damien in the other chair, he sighed. “When Prof. Elm said you were coming, I’d figured you would at least be here by three. It’s 7:45. What happened?” Alaina told him everything from the point of first realizing he lived within the woods, to the point when they saw the lantern light in the distance.

“I see,” he said after she finished. “Very peculiar indeed.” He was lost in thought until Damien interrupted him. “Are you going to tell them about the egg?” “Egg?!”, Alaina said excitedly, “what egg? Please show me!” Kasey looked interested to, relieved that all they needed to do was take it back to Prof. Elm. Then they’d be on their own.

But he sighed once again. “I regret to inform you… somebody came by about 2 hours earlier, picked it up and took it to Prof. Elm. It was a good thing Kasey wasn’t holding her now empty cup, for she most likely would’ve thrown at him. She stood up. “What?! What do mean somebody picked it up already? We came here for no reason when we could be in Violet City by now?” she screeched.

Damien stood up, anger flaring in his eyes. “Don’t yell at my father. This isn’t his fault, you know that. Prof. Elm called you numerous times to tell you, but at that time, I figure you were passed out. So is it his fault?!”, he yelled right back. Kasey glared daggers into him. “Well, is it?!” he pressed. She was silent, then sat back down. “No.” she stated firmly.

Alaina was still as stone as she watched the fight, and Mr. Pokemon’s eye’s wide as saucers. “Er-hrm,” he cleared his throat, “as I said, I’m sorry.” Alaina shook her head, “Don’t by sorry. Your son was right, it’s not your fault.” She sighed. But if you are sorry, you think you can let us stay the night?” “Oh, of course!” he replied quickly. “You may stay in the guest room.”

“If, it’s alright with you, I’d like to sleep here with-” Alaina was silenced as she glanced towards the couch. Jacoby and Sonny were gone. “Oh… crap! Kasey, they’re gone!” “What?” she snapped out of her trance. “Now don’t panic, they are still in the house somewhere, I‘m sure of it...” Mr. Pokemon said calmly.

But the girls were way ahead of him, one dashing up the stairs, the other in the kitchen and bottom rooms. “Kasey, do you see ‘em up there?” “No,” she called back. “A few minutes is all it takes,” Kasey mumbled to herself, “just a few minutes and they’re gone…”

“Munch?” came a voice under the bed. Kasey jumped. “…Hello?” “Munch.” Kasey got on her knees and lifted the blanket. There, wedged under the bed, was a chubby dark green Pokemon with a yellow belly. Kasey stared at it for a minute. “Did you eat them?” she asked. “Munchlax?” was her only reply.

“What are you doing?” came Damien’s voice. “There’s a Pokemon stuck under your bed.” His eyes nearly bugged out of his head. “Aw, not again!” he said. He too lowered himself to his knees. “Lax!” the Pokemon immediately brightened up as soon as it saw Damien.

“Charlie, why do you keep going under the beds?” “Charlie?”, Kasey repeated. “Help me lift the bed,” he said. “What’s the magic word?” she said with a cocky smile. “Ms. Kasey, I don’t have time for your stupid games. Just help me lift the bed, you brat!” he demanded again. “Word,” she said again, not even phased by his comment, “and don‘t call me Ms. Kasey. Just Kasey. You make me sound old.” “PLEASE!!!”, he yelled. She smiled. “Okay.”

She heard Alaina cry out. When Muchlax crawled out, Kasey dropped the other end of the bed and sprinted downstairs. The kitchen window was open and Mr. Pokemon was looking outside. Alaina was nowhere in sight. “Where is she?” Kasey asked immediately.

“Someone took your Pokemon,” he said worriedly. “Alaina went after him.” “But… that doesn’t make any sense! They were sleeping on the couch in the living room, and all of us were there the whole time. I think we would have noticed if someone came in and took them!” “Well, we didn’t,” he stated simply.

“Munch!” Damien and Muchlax entered the kitchen as well. “We’ll go after them.” “I’m going with you,” Kasey chipped in, already halfway out the window. “Dad, please look after Charlie!” Damien yelled over his shoulder. The two took off into the night.


“Get back here!”, an out of breath brunette screamed. The figure in front of her only quickened his pace. He was alone, no one else in sight, with a large moving bag slung over his shoulder. As she continued to chase him, she wondered how on Earth he was able to snatch Jacoby and Sonny when they were in the same room the entire time. Then a thought hit her like a slap in the face.

“You scumbag… you used your Pokemon, didn’t you?!”, she called out to him. No answer, just his heavy breathing. Both of them slowed immensely, worn out, but still kept jogging. They were going up the hill, and as the thief reached the other side, he tripped. Alaina heard him yell helplessly as he tumbled down the hill, and the bag flew in the air.

A wide awake Jacoby and Sonny were released from the bag, landing with a hard ‘thud’ on the ground. A sob escaped from her throat as she cautiously went down hill to them. As she reached them, their tiny claws were grasping onto a rock, so as not to take a painful fall down hill as did their captor.

Jacoby jumped into Alaina’s arms, Sonny clutching her leg. She placed both Pokemon in opposite arms, and carefully walked down the rest of the way. As she reached normal ground, she set both the Pokemon to the floor. Before them was the thief, lying on his side and clutching his left arm, his eyes shut tightly in pain and groaning.

Alaina stood over him, motionless. She got on her knees, worry in her eyes. She helped him sit up and asked gently, “Are you okay?”. His eyes were still shut tight as he continued to hold his arm, “Yeah I think so. Why-” “GOOD!” she yelled as she punched him in the jaw.

He fell backwards onto his back again, moaning in pain. “I’m glad it hurt.” Now Alaina had a clear view of him. He looked to be about 15 or 16, with straight shoulder-length dark red hair, and wore a black jacket over a navy blue shirt and faded, torn jeans. Black sneakers and a small piercing in his right nostril completed his look. But what caught Alaina’s attention the most… his eyes. Those beautiful silver eyes.

For awhile she studied their unique color until he snapped, “I broke my arm, and you punch me? Show some compassion!” “Compassion for a guy who stole someone else’s Pokemon? Like hell I’ll even show a bit of kindness towards you, you vindictive asshole!”

“Quite the mouth on you,” he mumbled, “and if you let me explain-OW!” he continued as he sat up, but was forced to lay back down for the sake of his arm. “You think I have a mean-streak? Wait till Kasey gets here, since I’m sure she’s coming. When she finds out it was you who took Jacoby and Sonny, she’ll give you a round of beatings herself, courtesy of her 5 inch heeled boots. After that if you could still walk, you’d better run, because she’d go after you and finish the punishing job on her own instead of talking to the police about it.”

“She sounds like one tough cookie.” he said, smiling. “What’re you smiling about? You broke your arm, I punched you, and you’re going to get turned in. You’re also the scum of the Earth for using Pokemon for your wrong doings. You’ve got nothin’ to smile about,” Alaina stated with a frown. “Is that a threat?” he asked, clearly amused. Alaina was a patient and understanding being, but this boy baffled her.

‘What is his deal?’ she thought to herself. Then miraculously, he slowly got to his feet. Jacoby snapped at his heels, and Sonny emitted a low growl at his captor as a warning not to do anything he would regret. The thief snorted. “I’m kinda outnumbered, do you really think I’d attack any of you?”, he asked Alaina. She watched him cautiously, replying, “I’m not sure. Would you?”

At that exact moment, he quickly reached behind him and threw a poke ball. It opened, and the flash of light took the shape of a Bulbasaur. “Bulba!”, it cried. “Battle me! Winner takes all!”, said the silver-eyed boy. “Are you crazy?”, Alaina said. She would never bet Jacoby or Sonny on such high stakes. “It wouldn’t be fair if you used two. Pick one and get on with it!”, he said with excitement, but his right hand moved to his opposite arm as spoke. He winced. Alaina began to inwardly panic. She had never battled before.

“There’s no way… I can’t…”, she stuttered. “Too bad for you!”, he yelled. “Bulbasaur, Razor Leaf now!” Sharp as knives leaves shot out from the yet to be bloomed plant on it’s back, and headed straight for Alaina. The girl’s mind was a blank, and crouched while using her hands to cover her head. The leaves never came. Alaina looked to see Jacoby in front of her, a water torrent shooting rapidly from his mouth, knocking down the leaves. “A water type, huh?” he said with a smirk. “Seems I’ve got the advantage.”

Alaina was now angry. ‘He has the nerve to make his Pokemon attack humans? The bastard!’ she thought. She had to lead Jacoby to victory, disadvantage or not. She realized he needed her just as much as she needed him. She stood with her head held high, ready to give it her all. “Ready, Jacoby?” she called out. “Toto! Dile!”


“I hear something!” Kasey called back to Damien. “I don‘t see anything!” was his reply. “It’s coming from the other side of the hill!” she continued. They slowed and carefully made their way up the hill. As Kasey placed her foot on a rock to keep her balance, it loosened popped out.

She screamed as her nails dug into the dirt, her feet struggling to find something to keep her in place. The girl began to slide down, still screaming her head off. Then a hand grabbed hers. Kasey stopped screaming to see Damien’s dirt-streaked face. ‘He came back for me…’

“Kasey, stop staring and work with me! I’ll help you up, but you have to find rock that can hold you up!” “You don’t think that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to do?” she replied smartly. “Shut up and try again!” He began to hoist her up, but with difficulty using only one hand. She finally found a rock to use as a step, and they continued upward.

When they reached the top of the hill, she mumbled, “Thank you.” “No problem.” When they looked to the forest below them, the pathway that lead into it was not at peace as the rest of the scenery. There, on it, were two people, in a Pokemon battle. “OH MY GOD!” Kasey yelled. “What? What?” Damien asked. “Down there, that’s Alaina! With some weird looking guy that I don‘t know!” They rushed downhill.


“Bulbasaur, Vine Whip!” Vines shot out from the sides of the plant, and wrapped around Jacoby. “Jacoby, Water Gun!” another torrent of water sot out, hitting Bulbasaur in the face. It was drenched and looked a little worn, but still had a tight hold on the reptile. Jacoby shut his eyes in pain as the vines tightened.

Sonny wanted to intervene, but Jacoby called out to him, “Toto!”; “Stay back!”. He was a type advantage, and yet Jacoby refused his help. He didn’t understand...

‘Think think think, think Alaina, think!’ her mind scolded her. “Bite and hold onto the vines!” she said. Jacoby sank his teeth into the vines, getting a firm hold. “BULBA!” it cried. It released its hold around Jacoby, shaking it violently in an attempt to get it off. But Jacoby held on.

Damien and Kasey reached the flat ground, staring in awe at the scene before them. Sonny caught her scent and turned his back on the battle. “Char! Charmander!” he cried happily as he scrambled towards Kasey. Kasey laughed and opened her arms for him. Sonny flew into her embrace, happy to be in her arms again.

After regaining composure, all of them continued to the battle. “Is that the bitch who took our Pokemon?” “Yes.” Damien replied. “I wasn’t asking you!” “You think your Charmander and that Totodile would be here right now if that wasn’t him? And the battle?” Kasey stared at him for a minute and called out to the thief, “You asshole, I’m gonna freakin’ kill you!”

“Bulbasaur, lower it to the ground and give it a Tackle! That’ll make it let go!” he said, ignoring the young girls threat. As Jacoby was lowered to the floor, Alaina scrambled for another move that Totodile’s normally have. “Rage!”, she said. Jacoby let go of the vines and charged at the Bulbasaur, and when he reached it, flew into a Rage and began to scratch and it furiously at it.

A low voice out of hearing range of the others crackled over the walkie-talkie the thief had at his waist. “…Zach…where the hell are you, boy…?! Over,” it said in an irritated voice. Zach didn’t reply. “Bulbasaur-” he began, but was cut off. “ZACH..! Over…”. Zach gave an angry sigh. Bulbasaur was still willing to battle, but he knew he’d get Bulbasaur taken away and get the lecture/beating of his life if he didn’t return now. “Bulbasaur, return!”, he commanded.

When Bulbasaur was back in his poke ball, he glared at Alaina. “Giving up?” she taunted. She wanted to finish the battle and make him pay. “This isn’t over,” he spat. “It’s far from over. You’ll see me again, and when you do, we’ll have another battle, next time undisturbed… and I’ll win.” Cradling his arm, he took off into the forest. Kasey was about to give chase, but Damien grabbed her shoulder and shook his head. “Let him go. It’s dangerous in these woods at night, and like he said, you’ll see him again.”

She was about to make a rude comment, but held her tongue.

Jacoby staggered to Alaina, tired. Alaina lifted him into her arms, embracing him tightly. “I’m so proud of you. Thank you so much,” she whispered to him. Those were the last words he heard before he fell asleep.

A/N: AHHH! New character introduced! O_o Was Zach one of the people who chased the sewer Pokemon out of their homes? Perhaps. Oh, and the dream at the beginning? You’ll be informed on more of that in the future. No, it’s not one of those “I have a dark secret” dreams. It simply tells the short tale of a promise that was broken (obviously) and Alaina losing someone she loved more than anything. I’ll update the next chapter as soon as I can. REVIEW PLEASE!