Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ When Two Worlds Collide ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: When Two Worlds Collide
Authors: Nephitari Champion and Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping (Lance x Red and Wataru x Ash)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Crossover between Phantomness's fanon world and Neph's fanon world.
Notes: Takes place right after Book 7 of Pokemon Special/Adventures. Italics are used when a pokemon talks, and <> is for telepathy and ** for thoughts.
Warnings: Fanon, Shonen-ai, genderbending, sex, character death, pregnancy, Yellow-bashing
Chapter 1
Red was seething. He wanted to kill Yellow!
Lance blearily blinked his eyes open, seeing one of his Dragonair coiled around him, the protective bubble protecting him from most of the lava, though he did have several nasty burns. He winced in pain.
Red flew down near the lava to look for his Aniki.
He blinked trying to keep tears back as he called the other's name.
Was someone calling him? Lance struggled, and turned to Hakuryuu. "Bring us up... slowly." He told her.
"LANCE!" Red had Aeroy ascend after several minutes. "LANCE-CHAN!"
Lance clung onto Dragonair as they finally left the lava. She set him down gently on the rocks, before she dissipated the bubble, shaking. She was so tired...
Red saw the beautiful dragon emerge from the lava and gently place something on the rock. Oh, he really wanted Yellow to die now...
"H-Hakuryuu... return." Lance gasped, recalling her to her Ultra Ball.
Red had Aeroy land close to where Lance was lying. "Lance-chan?"
"R-Red?" Lance asked, trying to keep his eyes open. "Why..."
"Shh.it's ok now..." Red replied kneeling next to the pained Ice Guardian. "And I'm going to kill Yellow, but that can wait..."
"Y-Your Pikachu... betrayed you..." Lance murmured.
"I know, I'll discipline him later as well, I'm more worried about you right now..."
"I...I'm weak to fire, Red. It'll take a while for me to heal... I'm too weak to cast Restoration Rain..." Lance winced as Red put a hand on his forehead.
"I'll take you home and take care of you there then." Red reassured the other. “And after you're better, we can kill her..."
Lance nodded, before the pain became too much and he passed out.
"Aeroy, let's get Lance home... You can go Yellow hunting later..."
The Aerodactyl snarled, obviously wanting to hurt the one who had hurt him and his mate, but nodded as Red climbed on his back.
When they got back to Pallet they didn't notice anything different.
Red quietly unlocked the door to his house, glad that no one was out and about so that he could smuggle Lance inside. He didn't want Professor Oak to come around and find the Dragon Master. It would lead to a lot of difficult questions he did not want to answer.
Red did hear movement in the kitchen though...
Yellow hummed as Pika handed her the peanut butter. She was sure Red wouldn't mind if she crashed. After all, she *had* saved him, hadn't she?
Red had snuck up to his room and put Lance to bed before going to see exactly who was in his kitchen.
"Hi Red!" Yellow chirped. "I hope you don't mind me staying the night! Professor Oak gave me his spare key!"
Red had to stop himself from killing her then and there.
"Come here, Pika." He said quietly.
Pika blinked, before running to Red. What's wrong?
Red picked Pika up. "You know Pika," he said as he took the Pikachu into the backyard. "You could be considered a traitor... but since you came when I said to... I won't be so hard on you."
What do you mean? Pika blinked.
"Pika... Lance is my mate." Red looked into the house at Yellow who was watching them through a window. "You helped an ignorant little girl almost kill the Ice Guardian!"
Pika shivered. I...I didn't know... I thought...
“It's ok. I won't hold it against you. After all, you wouldn't have helped her if you knew, correct?"
Pika nodded crazily.
"Now, what I want you to do Pika, is make sure Yellow stays out of my room, Lance is resting there and if she gets the chance, Yellow will kill him." Red walked back to the house and held the door so Pika could go in first.
Pika hesitated a bit, but if Lance were Master Red's mate and the Ice Guardian of pokemon legend, killing him would be a very bad thing. So he nodded and ran back into the house.
Red smiled. The little Pikachu hadn't betrayed him after all...
Meanwhile, Yellow was wondering just what was going on. She opened the door. "Red?" She called.
Red smiled painfully. "What is it Yellow?"
"Come on, isn't it cold outside?"
"A bit, yes." He closed the door and walked into the kitchen.
Yellow watched as Red began making himself a sandwich, not sure what to say. "Um..."
"What is it Yellow?"
"Er..." Yellow blushed. "We met before, in the Viridian Forest... you saved me from a Dratini..." She blushed some more. "So I was wondering..."
Red twitched. Did she want a date? "Spit it out please."
"Um... er...." Yellow looked down at her shoes. "Can you g-go out with me?"
Red fought the urge to sigh. "I can't." He turned to her. "I have a friend in pain upstairs. I'm also taken, Yellow.”
"What? Why?" Yellow demanded. "I saved your life!"
"No you didn't..."
"You're such a jerk!" Yellow said, beginning to cry.
Red sighed and heard footsteps on the stairs. They didn't sound like Pika's... Was Lance already awake?
Lance shivered. He really needed a glass of water. His throat hurt like crazy from all the smoke inhalation. He clung to the banister as he slowly made his way down the stairs. Where was Red?
Red grabbed a glass and filled it with water. He met Lance halfway up the stairs. "Yellow's here." he whispered. "Go back to my room, Lance-chan…”
Lance blinked, wondering why Yellow was here, before nodding and heading upstairs.
Yellow frowned. Who was Red hiding up there? Was it his girlfriend?
Red came down, finished his sandwich and started making some soup for Lance not knowing what the Ice Guardian would be able to handle.
Yellow pouted and sat down on the couch to watch T.V.
After he set the timer Red went upstairs to check on Lance.
Yellow quietly crept after Red. She would find out who her rival was!
Red had accidentally left his door open slightly. "Are you feeling a little better Lance? Hungry at all?"
Yellow stifled a gasp. Lance? Wasn't he dead? Well, if he weren't, she'd finish him off tonight after Red was asleep! She crept back downstairs, plotting...
"A little." Lance said. "Some chicken soup would be nice...."
Red felt a shiver go down his spine. "I put chicken soup on if you wanted any, and it turns out that Pika isn't a traitor, he didn't know you are the Ice Guardian... If he had, he wouldn't have helped her.”
"I can't believe she's here." Lance snarled, before shaking his head. "Soup would be great, Red. Oh, and if you have time, could you give Charlotte a ring? I think she's got the Wand of the Water Guardian right now."
Red nodded. "I know. I have to check the soup now, so I'll call her after I check the soup."
"Thanks." Lance said, taking Red's hand. "I'm sorry to be such a nuisance..."
"No Lance-chan, you're never a nuisance." He kissed Lance's unburnt cheek and left the room.
Yellow, meanwhile, had slipped into the kitchen and had Butterfree put Sleep Powder in the soup. There! Now after Red and Lance drank it, they would both be asleep so she could get rid of the Dragon Master. How could Red like him?
Red checked the soup, it seemed... wrong. "Something is in this soup that shouldn't be... Venus!" Red let his Venusaur out. "I can tell there's something wrong with the soup but I don't know what, can you check please?"
Venus obligingly extended a vine into the soup and tasted it. She frowned.
It tastes like Sleep Powder, Master...
Red looked grim. "Yellow..." he sighed and tossed the soup out. Then he put more on after cleaning the pot. "Can you watch the soup while I call Charlotte?" He asked, pulling out his yellow compact.
Venusaur nodded.
"Thank you.” He said as he set the timer again and then pressed the red button in his compact.
"Hmm?" Charlotte blinked as her compact rang. She put down her romance novel and flipped the top open, seeing Red's face on the screen. "Oh! Hi, Red."
"Hey Charlotte, Lance and I need the Wand of the Water Guardian... Cerise didn't go as planned at all..."
Charlotte winced. "That bad? Okay, I'll send it over..." She put the compact down and concentrated, before summoning the Wand of the Water Guardian. "Pidgeot, I need you to fly this to Pallet Town..."
Pidgeot nodded and picked up the Wand in her talons before taking off.
"Thanks! Oh! The bad news is that Yellow's here too. She's the one who almost killed Lance-chan, Aneki... and if I hadn't had Venus check the soup, I would have given Lance Sleep Powdered chicken soup!"
"Oh dear." Charlotte said.
Red nodded. "I think she was going to try and finish the job tonight..."
"Hmm." Charlotte frowned. "Well then, I want you to be careful, and a few shield spells wouldn't hurt..."
"I'm worried that she'll try again. I'll make sure to use the strongest that I can, Aneki. Thanks again."
"No problem." Charlotte said, frowning. The nerve of that girl! Only idiots tried to kill Realm Guardians... but if anything happened to Red or Lance, she would burn her to death.
"Good night Aneki."
"Night, Red. Take care."
"You too."
Red closed the compact as Charlotte's Pigeot arrived with the wand.
Here you go! Pidgeot said, handing it over.
"Thank you Pigeot."
Red fed the Pigeot some poke treats and sent it back to Charlotte.
Meanwhile, upstairs, Lance was waiting for Red... And Yellow was still watching television.
Red checked to soup. It was perfect. He smiled and spooned some out for Lance, not feeling hungry and went back up the stairs with the tray and Wand.
Yellow snuck up the stairs after Red, clutching her poke balls very tightly.
Red sat across from Lance and placed the tray in front of him before using the Wand on the older Guardian.
"Thanks, Red." Lance said, picking up the bowl and taking a sip. "I feel a lot better now."
"Sorry it took so long. Stupid Yellow put Sleep Powder in the soup so I had to make more..."
"Oh." Lance scowled. "I see."
"But you know, if she was able to do anything to us you know what would happen, ne?” Red said. “Oh, and I told Charlotte what happened. I can't believe the nerve of Yellow! That stupid girl messed up our plans, and earlier she had the gall to ask me out by saying that she saved me!"
Lance chuckled. "Well, she is stupid then." He finished the soup and set the bowl down, grinning at Red. "So... since I'm feeling better now, mind if I kiss you?"
"Not at all..." Red grinned. "It's been a long time since I had any alone time with my Mate after all..."
Yellow almost dropped a poke ball. She had her ear pressed up against the door.
Lance smirked as he leaned over and kissed Red. "Mm…you're right... I did have to spend so many weeks... alone... at Cerise..."
Red got up and settled himself in Lance's lap.
"Yeah, but for our plan to work I couldn't join you remember?" Red asked when they parted, moving so that he could cuddle with Lance.
"True." Lance grinned, as he kissed Red again, slipping a hand underneath his t-shirt. "But I suppose the wait makes this more satisfying..."
Outside of the room, Yellow was still staring. Why... what was going on?
Red leaned heavily on Lance and nodded. "You're right Lance, I wanted to join with you so badly I had to keep reminding myself of our goal..."
"Well, considering that the plan failed, I suppose I'll have to make it up to you." Lance purred as he tweaked a nipple.
"Ahh! Lance..." Red's eyes glazed over with lust and love. "I expect you to make it up to me..."
"Oh, I will..." Lance grinned, as he began to trail kisses down Red's collarbone.
Yellow's eyes nearly bugged out at this point. She had to save Red!
Red giggled, purring at the touch.
Lance lifted Red's shirt and tossed it aside, before nipping his way down the younger trainer's chest.
Red gasped. "Ahh! Lance…”
Lance just smirked.
“Please... Lance please..." Red begged the Dragon Master.
"Mm, you are eager." Lance said as he bent down to unfasten Red's pants. He had just gotten them down when Yellow burst in the door.
"Butterfree, Psychic!" She yelled
Red yelped as his door burst open.
Lance turned, pulling a blade out of his sleeve, and threw it in Yellow's general direction. It was just getting good, too!
Red hid behind Lance.
Yellow dodged the blade. "I won't let you hurt Red!"
"What, do you think I'm raping him?" Lance yelled, firing off three more. "He liked it!"
She dodged all the knives. "I don't believe you!"
Growling, Lance ripped Dragonair's Ultra Ball off his belt. "Hakuryuu! Dragon Rage!" He'd just gotten a romantic moment interrupted by the girl who had tried to kill him, and he was pissed.
Red was also mad as hell.
"I say we feed her to Gyara and Gyarados..." he said quietly.
"Works for me." Lance said, as Yellow and her Butterfree were blasted into the wall.
"Gyarados." Lance said, releasing his pokemon. "Dinner's served."
Red nodded when Gyra looked at him for confirmation. "She's all yours..."
The two Gyarados charged. They looked rather gleeful. But alas, Yellow was able to get out of the house.
"... Damn it." Lance muttered, watching the two dragons chasing her.
Red sighed. "Have I mentioned just how much I hate her?" He asked Lance.
Lance nodded. "Well, should we join the chase? Or..." His voice dropped, "Did you want to continue?"
"I'd much rather continue, but if we do our Gyarados might not eat tonight..."
"Oh, no worries." Lance said, grinning. "I think they chased her into a river."
"If you're sure..." Red trailed off as he cuddled up to Lance again.
A panicked scream sounded. Lance smirked. "Convinced now?" He asked, slipping his hands into Red's boxers.
"Ohh! Yes! Very much so!"
Lance pulled Red's pants down, pushing him down onto the bed, as he began to stroke him. "Good."
At that point Red surrendered.
Elsewhere... The two Gyarados happily devoured Yellow...
At that moment, something happened. Perhaps it was triggered by the Guardian's powers, or Yellow's death. Whatever it was, a strong wind began to swirl around the two Guardians on the bed, as a vortex opened above them. Lance barely had time to grab his poke belt before they were dumped... somewhere.
End Chapter
Completed 8/16/07
This story, while not completely PWP, does have many sexual scenes in it. If that is not your cup of tea, I suggest you stop reading now. And if you're uncomfortable with the idea of gender bending, you should also leave.