Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ When Two Worlds Collide ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to us under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness and Neph bow*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Warnings: Shonen-ai, sex, gender-bending
Chapter 3
“That was very strange." Lance stated as the hotel door clicked shut behind them. "It's like another me..."
"And me." The black-haired boy replied. "We might as well check out the Festival, though. That sounds cool!"
"According to this newspaper, it starts tomorrow. Oh, we have to wear costumes for all five days? Cool. There's less chance of being recognized."
"Did you notice that a lot of people were smiling at us?" Red asked.
"... No." Lance said honestly.
"Yeah, I don't really know why either..."
"Well," Lance said, opening up the mini-fridge and grabbing a bottle of soda. "I'm exhausted..."
Red snuggled with him on the bed. "We didn't get any alone time either..."
Lance raised his eyebrows and set the bottle down. "That too... though if you wanted to remedy it now..."
His lover grinned.
"You do?" Lance grinned back, before pinning Red beneath him in a kiss. "Fighting always makes me hot..."
Red smiled. "I love you, Lance-chan…"
"Yes, I love you too, Red." Lance purred, kissing him again.
"So... Champion..." Lance said, as he pulled Red's vest aside and tossed it onto the floor, "What would you like to do first?"
"I'd like to be where we were before this thing started..."
"Heh," Lance said, smirking. "Then you're far too overdressed for the part." He pulled Red's shirt off, following with his jeans and boxers. "But I like where this is going."
The Pallet Trainer laughed and put his arms around Lance's neck.
Lance gave him a quick hug, before he kissed his throat.
"Mmm…" Red murmured.
Lance moved down Red's chest, before he bit down lightly on Red's left nipple, using his nails to tease the right one.
"Lance, Please..."
"Please what?" Lance asked, pausing to lap at Red's navel.
"Please..." Red was begging. "Please, Lance, please...More..."
Lance chuckled, moving down until he was between Red's legs, pausing to lap at the base of his erection. He swirled his tongue around the base for a moment, before cupping Red's balls in his hands. He squeezed them gently, twice.
The dragon trainer smirked, before he squeezed again, as he licked at the little slit on the top of Red's cock.
The younger Guardian was already panting.
He eyed his lover, before he began licking down the shaft, finally taking the tip in his mouth and sucking hard.
Lance swallowed around Red as he came, relishing the taste. After a minute, he pulled off. "Yes, Red?" He crooned.
Red looked down at Lance. "Take me… Please?"
"Well, if you insist." Lance said, kicking off his boots and then peeling off his skintight black pants. He glanced around for something to use as lubricant
Red pulled out some lotion.
"Thanks, love." Lance grinned, slicking himself well. He spread Red's legs, and began to push the head in.
"Ohh..." Red had a look of pure bliss on his face. "I've missed this..."
"I know," Lance gasped, feeling Red begin to clamp down on him. He bucked his hips hard, forcing himself in. "You're so tight..."
"I think it's because we couldn't do this for a while. Now kiss me."
"Of course," Lance smirked, kissing Red tightly as he thrust harder. He wrapped his arms around Red's waist as he began to pump, faster and faster.
“R-Red..." The Elite Trainer swallowed, feeling his heart beating faster, as he gripped Red's hips for greater leverage and began slamming into him. "I...I'm going to..."
"I know, me too!"
Lance groaned as he felt climax break over his head, his hot seed flooding Red's tunnel.
Red gasped as he came as well. "AHH!"
Lance shuddered as he clung onto Red tightly. He nipped Red's neck with his fangs.
"Now I can sleep well." Red joked.
"Oh?" Lance grinned mischievously. "I was hoping you'd still have some energy..."
"Well... Maybe you can... persuade me to keep going..." He winked. “But seriously, Mate, when you were gone I never slept well."
“I'm not cute enough for you?" Lance mock pouted. "I guess I'll just have to make sure I'm snuggly for you." His form began to shift, as he lost a few inches of height and gained certain curves he hadn't had before, his chest swelling into perky breasts. His cock slipped between his legs, becoming a glistening slit. "Well, now you can take me... and once we're equal, you can sleep."
Red flushed. "Lance-chan!"
"What? You don't want to?"
"It's not that. It's that I had trouble sleeping..." As the child said this, he moved so that he could take Lance.
"Mmm…well, I'm here for you now, Red." Lance beamed up at him.
"The bed was entirely too cold!"
"Ooh, guess I'll have to make sure you're warm..." Lance exhaled as she felt the tip of Red's manhood enter her.
"Yeah, we will. I remember having Pika and Dragonair curl up with me, but that didn't help either..."
"Aww..." Lance winced as she felt something break inside of her, before she kissed Red on the nose. "Well, I'm here now."
Red grinned and closed his eyes before they slapped open again. "You were?!"
"After everything I've done with you?" Lance shook her head. "It's just that whenever I do the spell to change it into a girl, it always turns me that way."
"It's not I wanted to lose it to anyone else, Red." Lance said calmly.
Red calmed down and began to move.
"Ooh..." Lance murmured, as she felt him enter her. "Yes... that feels so good..." She squeezed around his cock, causing him to grunt in surprise.
"Now you know how I feel when you take me. And you wonder why I'm eager..."
"That's why I suggested this..." Lance shivered. "Oh, yes..."
Lance felt Red shudder as he shot his load into her. She grinned as she squeezed him once or twice more, before her eyes rolled back in her head and she came, soaking him with her juices.
Red lay limply on the bed. "Can't move anymore..."
Lance grinned, cuddling him. "Guess we'll have to sleep then."
Red had very pleasant dreams that night.
The next morning, Red managed to wake up first. He glanced at Lance, who was still wrapped around him, and smiled. Last night had been pretty eye opening. It was... different, taking Lance, but it had felt awesome. He eyed her, blushing slightly as he felt himself suddenly sporting a hard-on. Well, Lance was hot in either gender, but... but...
Lance opened an eye. "Good morning Champion..."
She leaned over him. "Are you awake?"
The Pallet Trainer blushed. "Yes?"
"Liking what you see, Champion?"
"L-Lance-chan…” His face was burning; he just knew it. He turned over trying to hide his 'problem'...
"Oh come on, Red." Lance said, pinching his butt. "It's a normal reaction to waking up with me... I hope."
He blushed again. "Lance-chan!"
"So, need any help with that?" She gestured to his erection. "I could give you another blowjob, though then I'd expect you to return the favor..."
Red's face really resembled his namesake now...
"Oh come on, Red!" Lance said, pulling him into a hug, which made her breasts squish against his chest.
Red sighed and laid his head on her shoulder.
"Well?" She asked. "We could take a shower together!"
He nodded.
"Great!" Lance grinned, taking Red's hand and leading him towards the bathroom. "Might be a bit of a tight fit though." She winked.
He blushed again. "...How many lives has it been since you were a girl?" Red asked as he began fiddling with the water.
"Not sure, I don't keep that good track of it, but quite a few, seeing how flustered you are. At least ten." Lance grinned.
Red felt like bashing his head against a wall. Honestly though, he wouldn't be surprised if Lance jumped him in this shower. The thought wasn't a bad one though.
He checked the water. Perfect. "The shower's ready... Lance?"
"Just a second." Lance said, looking away from the mirror. "Wow, I did a good job this time." She stepped into the shower with him.
Red went... well red again. “Narcissist..." He muttered under his breath before he followed her into the shower.
"Only a little." Lance said, as they squeezed in. She reached for the soap. "Want me to wash your back?"
"Ok.” The boy pouted. “Have I ever told you that you're vain as well?"
"Well, yes." She answered honestly, as she soaped a washcloth and began to run it down Red's back.
He shivered.
"What's wrong?" Lance asked innocently, as she knelt down so she could soap his legs and thighs.
Red shook his head. He looked down at his 'problem'.
"Are you sure?" Lance asked. "You can turn around now, I'll do your front."
He did. He was so horribly embarrassed…
“What's wrong?" Lance asked, as she started soaping his shoulders. "You're not being shy just because I'm a girl now, are you?"
He shook his head again and then laid it down on her shoulder again.
"It's not that! You'll see, Lance-chan…” Red said softly against her neck.
"Hmm?" Lance asked, as she moved down his chest. "Oh... well, there's nothing wrong with that, Red. You do know that, right?"
"Yeah, yeah... laugh it up Lance..." Red sulked.
"Would you feel better if I turned back into a boy?" Lance asked. "I was going to stay a girl, so they won't mix me up with Wataru..."
"I don't mind, I just need a bit of time to adjust to you being like this..."
"Oh." Lance said, and kissed Red. "All right then...It's your turn!" She handed him the soap and washcloth.
He took the cloth and began. Lance's skin was softer like this... "You're pretty, Lance-chan. "
She was silent for a moment. "Lance?"
"... It's odd being called pretty." Lance said, frowning a little. "I... I'm not pretty though."
< I beg to differ. > Red said. < Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Lance-chan. And I think you're very pretty! >
< Really? > Lance said. < Because even if they were dragons... if Wataru and Ash had hurt you, I would have... >
< It's obvious to me at least, > Red replied. < That he and Wataru are important to another prophecy. We should ask. >
< Mm. > Lance said quietly. < I guess you're right. I'm sorry. >
< No. Don't be. Didn't you see and Misty and Wataru were protecting Ash like you protect me? Wataru is obviously Ash's mate, like you are mine. >
< ... > The Ice Guardian finally nodded. < I understand, Red. I should go... >
< Nan de? Why? > Red had tears in his eyes. < Did I do something wrong? >
< N-No! It's not your fault... I feel… > Lance sighed. < Maybe I shouldn't be a Guardian. >
Red's eyes widened and he grabbed her arm. < Don't you dare try to leave me! I love you! I was only pointing something out! Lance-chan, every time you do this... you hurt me...>
< But... > Lance said, frowning. < I... I don't want to hurt you... I just wish... I was better for you. >
< Lance-chan, you are perfect. Even with all your flaws, I wouldn't change a single thing. >
< Really? > Lance asked.
< Even when you're like this, and, > He grinned. < I certainly wouldn't be having these 'problems' if I didn't love you. Help me with it? > Red asked hopefully.
< Are you sure? > She winked, before kissing him.
< Yes! >
< All right then... > The Dragon Master purred, sinking to her knees and giving the head a lick.
He held onto her shoulders.
< Ohh... Lance! >
< Mm, > Lance purred, as she began suckling on the length, before taking it down her throat with a wicked grin.
< AHH! >
Lance swallowed around him, enjoying the taste of his seed, before standing. "Better now, Champion?" She grinned.
He nodded, sinking to the floor.
Lance kissed him, and Red blushed slightly as he tasted himself on her lips, before she pulled him up. < Come on, Champion. We don't want to turn into prunes in here. >
< Yeah. >
End Chapter
Completed 8/16/07
This chapter was mostly PWP. ^^ PWP is fun! And Lance and Red are insatiably horny teenage boys… *waggles eyebrows* Even if Lance is female right now…