Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ When Two Worlds Collide ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to us under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness and Neph bow*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 5
< So, > Lance said, switching back into her earlier form. < What do you want to do first, Red? >
< Let's go play games! >
< I think there's a dart booth over there. > Lance said, taking Red's hand as she changed back as well. < Look! A goldfish catching booth! >
< Let's do the darts first! > Red looked around. < They seem to encourage couples to play together. > He glanced up at his lover hopefully.
Lance's smirked. < Okay! >
They walked up to the booth. The man who was running it had glasses, and he smiled. "Did you want to play? It's five hundred pokeyen for five darts each. If you both get them within the white ring, you win a small prize. Within the blue ring, you win a medium prize. And if you both hit the bulls-eye," He pointed to a small red dot, barely visible "You win one of those stuffed pokemon up there."
Red saw a Salamance doll. "What kind of pokemon is that?" he asked pointing to the Salamance.
"That? It's a dragon-type from the Houen region." The man said. "Did you and your girlfriend want to play?"
Red nodded.
< Looks like we'll have to take a trip to Houen when we get home. > Red mused unaware that he was broadcasting his thoughts to Lance.
Lance handed the man the money for them. < That might be fun. > She said, taking the darts and handing five to Red.
"You can go first, love."
"Thanks," Lance grinned at Red, before squinting her eyes and taking aim. She hit at the edge of the blue and white rings.
< After all, you have used darts in several lifetimes. >
< Don't want to show off too much! >
< And I want that Salamance doll. >
< Well, in that case... > Lance smirked, as her next three darts all hit the bulls-eye. The man running the booth gaped at her.
Red giggled. < Look at his face! >
< Yes, I know! > Lance said. < These are nice dolls though. Is that one over there an Articuno? > Out loud, she turned to Red. "Your turn!"
< You want that one? > Red asked. Out loud he said, “Thanks love."
< Why not? > Lance sent back, as the man eyed Red warily.
<OK! > All of Red's darts hit the bulls-eye or close to it.
The man running the booth looked shocked. "A-All right... so um... which prizes would you like?"
"You can have two each... since you're such good shots."
"I'd like that Articuno and the..." Red saw a Lugia doll. "The Lugia doll too please."
"And I'll take the Salamence and that Moltres doll over there." Lance pointed, as the man went to get the doll.
< Is the Moltres for her? > Red asked.
< Yes, why not? > Lance asked.
< I should've gotten one for Aneki too. Ohh well, I'll get her something at the next place we go. >
< So what do you want to try next? > Lance asked, before she spotted a booth selling caramel apples. < Ooh! >
The man came back with their dolls.
Red grinned.
"Thank you." Lance said, taking her dolls.
Red nodded and gave her the Lugia and Articuno dolls he won.
Lance gave him the Salamence doll, before pulling a camera out of her pocket. "Let me take a picture of you."
Red nodded and posed with the doll.
Lance took a picture, grinning. "You look cute."
"Thank you..." Red gave Lance a kiss.
Lance kissed back, grinning. "Can we get caramel apples now?"
"Yeah!" Red nodded. They met up with Lugia who was buying an apple for Ash.
"Hello." Lugia said, smiling.
Lance gave him a polite nod, while she ordered a caramel apple with chocolate sprinkles from the woman behind the counter.
"Hi." Red returned. Then he ordered the same as Lance.
Lugia noticed the dolls they were carrying. "Cute dolls." He smiled. "You must be good at darts."
Red nodded. "Yes. Lance-chan has used them as weapons in several lifetimes, as have I."
"You remember different lives? That's interesting." Lugia said, smiling. "Here, Ash." He handed him a chocolate and vanilla dipped apple.
"Thank you, Father."
"No problem." Lugia said.
Lance took a bite of her caramel apple, before grinning at Red.
Red saw an Entei doll at another booth.
"Lance, can we go over there?" He asked, pointing at the booth. There were baseballs that you were supposed to throw into milk cans there.
Lance looked over. "Sure." They walked to the booth. The man there smiled.
"Hello. It's a hundred poke yen for a baseball. If you get three into a milk jug, you win a doll."
The Dragon Master spied a Serebii doll. "That sounds good."
They handed over their money. It took several shots before Lance managed to land one in a milk jug. < This is harder than it looks... >
< Yeah, it is. > Red agreed.
The man behind the counter grinned to himself. This booth was easy to make money from. He'd already gotten three thousand pokeyen from this couple.
Red was scratching his head in confusion. "I really want that Entei..."
"And I'd like to get that Serebii." Lance said. < I'm not that bad of a shot, am I? >
Red blinked. < This booth is rigged! >
< That would explain things. > Lance said dryly. < What do we do about it? >
< There's not much we can do. > He trailed off.
< Should we go somewhere else then? >
Wataru walked up to the booth. < Nobody has won a prize here since this man began running it last year… >
< Hm. > Lance narrowed her eyes. < The balls are larger than the rim of the milk jugs... I think. >
Wataru nodded and called his Father over.
"Excuse me," Rayquaza said to the man. "I'd like to buy a ball."
The man grinned and handed one over, pocketing another 100 pokeyen.
Rayquaza studied the ball for a minute. < You are right, Lance. The ball is too large. >
< Well, then... > Lance's eyes glinted for a moment. < Guess I'll just have to fix that. >
Ash popped up. < He's a human! > He turned to Wataru. < Aren't only dragons allowed to run the booths? >
< Yes, so what is he doing here? >
Lance took her and Red's baseballs and concentrated for a moment, before they turned smaller. The man didn't notice - he was too busy counting his apron full of money and waiting for them to throw and miss.
Red tossed his ball and got it in.
The man stared, as Lance tossed two more and got those in as well.
"Yay! I'd like that Entei doll please." Red requested.
The man spluttered, but handed over the Entei doll.
"And I want the Serebii." Lance smiled a bit too sweetly.
Red took it and carefully put it with the Moltres Lance had gotten for Charlotte.
The human handed the doll over hesitantly.
Lance smirked, and narrowed her eyes, broadcasting to him telepathically. < It's not nice to cheat dragons, you know… >
His eyes widened.
Wataru caught the man's scared look. < Why are you here? > He added.
Ash glared. <You've stolen money from a lot of Dragons... once they find out you're human, well… >
< You'd better get out of here quickly. > Rayquaza allowed his dragon fangs to appear for a moment.
< I might not be a Dragon, but I know when I'm being cheated! > Red glared hotly. < If we were home, I'd-! >
The man had had enough, and had run out of the booth as fast as he could.
Ash looked at Rayquaza. < What do we do with the booth now? >
"Well, I guess we can ask if someone wants to run it." Rayquaza said. "We'll have to fix it first though."
Ash nodded. Wataru went off to find a volunteer...
“So, what should we do now?" Red asked.
Lance shrugged as she gave Red the Serebii doll.
"Can we go play that game over there?" Red pointed to a game with mechanical ducks. If you caught ones with a prize number with a net, you got a prize.
Lance nodded.
The cheerful dragon-girl running the game had pink hair in a braid. "Hi!" She said cheerfully. "Want to try your luck duck-catching? Some of the ducks have prize numbers under them. You can win poke balls, or dragon-shaped chocolates, or even a Dragon Fang!"
"OK!" Red looked excited. "Do the pokeballs have pokemon in them?"
"Some of them do." The girl winked. "If you get number 7 or 9, you get a random pokemon."
"Sounds cool." Lance said.
"It's five hundred pokeyen. You have five minutes to catch as many ducks as possible. But most of them are blank, so..."
Red nodded and paid for a net
Lance took another bite of her caramel apple as she watched Red catching the ducks madly.
After five minutes Red had caught nearly a third of the ducks.
The girl grinned. "Okay, now let's see how you did." She turned the ducks over. "Ah! Here's a two number sixes. That means..." She reached up and took down a two-foot tall chocolate Dragonite. "Here you go!"
"Cool!" Red put the chocolate in his backpack carefully.
Lance grinned. "It's cute." She stifled a yawn.
"Maybe we should stop for a while?" Red asked Lance.
"I don't mind." Lance said. "We should probably take the dolls back to our hotel. We don't want to carry them around all day..."
Red nodded.
They walked back to the hotel and dropped the dolls off there.
"Do you think we should get lunch now?" Lance asked.
“Sounds good to me.” Red nodded. He was feeling rather hungry...
Lance picked up the room service menu. "Well, they have a lot of different things. We could get pizza... or steak... or sandwiches... wow, they even have salmon and crab cakes..."
Red looked up at the last thing. "It's been a while... Let's get that."
"Okay." Lance said, dialing the room service and ordering two orders of herbed salmon with crab cakes on the side. She grinned. "It's like having a date, ne?"
Red nodded. “And here it doesn't really matter if we hide, we're unknown here... It's great! Too bad we couldn't bring Charlotte with us..."
"Yes." Lance said, shaking her head. "Oh well..." She leaned over and gave Red a kiss. "It'll take about fifteen minutes for the food to get here."
"Ok, tomorrow can we go somewhere? Since no one here knows us?"
"Sure." Lance said. There was a tourist book on the table, and she smiled. "It says that there are hot springs at Cinnabar... and there's an amusement park in Celadon, a big one..."
"Let's go to Celadon, is there anything here in Blackthorn other that the Festival this week?"
Lance flipped to another page. "It says they have hang gliding and skydiving here..."
“Let's do that too. Sounds fun."
"Cool." Lance grinned.
A few minutes later, the waiter arrived with their food.
Red took a bit and savored it. "Mmm…"
"This is so good." Lance said, cutting her salmon. "And the potatoes are great too."
Red nodded. "We have to get the recipe so we can make this at home..."
Lance nodded. For a while, they just ate in companionable silence. Finally, Lance pushed her plate back and grinned. "That was great..."
Red agreed wholeheartedly. "Let's see if we can find a Honou doll for Aneki."
"Sure." Lance said. They left the room, and walked back to the festival. They saw Wataru and Ash riding the Ferris wheel.
Ash waved to them.
Red waved back.
"Well, there's another dart game... that one you have to pop balloons..." Lance said. "And that booth over there has you shooting targets with an air rifle..."
Red spied a Honou doll at the balloon dart game booth. "There's the doll we want, let's play that game."
The Elite Trainer grinned.
The man there gave them three darts each after they paid, and sat back down to read his newspaper.
< Lance-chan, I want that Honou doll. > Red told Lance. < For Aneki. >
< Okay. > Lance said, taking aim.
The guy looked up as Lance let the first dart loose.
"There we go." She said, popping two balloons. "Red? Your turn."
Red nodded. He took aim and popped two also.
The man sighed. "All right, which doll would you like?"
Red pointed to the Honou doll.
"All right." The man handed them the doll. "Have a nice day."
They nodded. Red noticed a Suicune doll and the air gun game.
"These pokemon dolls are so cute." Lance smiled. "Hey look! They're having a play tonight. Sleeping Beauty. Want to watch?"
Red nodded. "Yeah! And look! The air-gun booth has a Suicune doll..."
Lance grinned at that. "Cool..."
"When does the play start Lance-chan?"
"Um... it runs from 6 to 9 P.M. tonight." Lance said. "So we could get dinner first and then go watch."
They played at the gun booth next, having seen a Zapdos doll next to the Suicune.
"Gotcha!" Lance cheered as she hit the target. The woman smiled.
"Which doll do you want?" the girl asked.
"The Zapdos please." Lance said.
"Ok! The girl chirped and she went to get the doll down.
Red smiled when Lance handed him the Zapdos doll, hugging it.
"Do you want to play too?" the girl asked Red.
Red nodded and paid for his shots, grinning. He hit the target easily.
"And what would you like?"
Red pointed to the Suicune.
The girl took down the doll with a smile. "Enjoy your prize!"
He grinned and gave it to Lance. The girl smiled. *I guess they're mates...* she thought as they walked away.
Red and Lance walked around for a bit more. There was a small booth with lots of pokemon paintings in it that they looked at for a while.
Red found one with all the legendary pokemon posing together. "Sugoi... Lance-chan, look at this one...."
"Oh wow..." Lance grinned, putting her arm around his waist. "They're so pretty..."
Red looked at her. "Should we get this one?"
< Sure, > Lance said. They found the artist and paid him for the painting. < We're sure getting lots of souvenirs! >
Red nodded. < Well who could blame us? The stuff in this world is so nice...>
< That's true. > Lance said. She grinned. < So, what do you want to do now? >
Red checked his watch. < We should head to the theater... The play will start soon...>
< I guess we can get dinner later then. > Lance said, as they walked towards the theater. Soon they were seated and the play began.
Lance smiled as the faeries began to sing around Sleeping Beauty's cradle. < I haven't watched a play in a long time. >
<Yeah well, we can't be faulted for that... I mean... We're always doing something else and never seem to have time. We're either fighting, or doing league paperwork...>
< Yeah... > Lance agreed with a sigh. < Well, at least we get a bit of a vacation right now! >
Red nodded.
They continued watching the play for a while. The costumes were very pretty, and the songs were nice. After Sleeping Beauty pricked her finger on the spindle and 'died', Lance squeezed Red's hand.
Red looked at her. < What? >
< Just thinking. > Lance said.
< About what? >
Lance just smirked and let her emotions flow over to Red. Red blushed.
< What? > Lance asked unrepentantly as she snuggled closer to him. < It's getting boring. The Prince is just singing about how sad he is that she's gone. >
Red snickered.
< Aren't you bored? >
Red looked at her. < At least it's not the Disney version. >
< Well, that's true. > Lance sent. < But... he's been singing for fifteen minutes straight already. >
Red looked at her. < Really?! Is he trying to make the play longer? >
< I think so? > Lance said. < Seriously, if they don't kiss soon, I'll-! > She murmured as she started petting Red through his kimono.
Red twitched. < I know. >
Twenty minutes later the prince was still singing.
Lance had abandoned all pretense of watching the play and was now fondling Red. < Well, at least no one will hear you over his voice. >
< His voice is hurting my ears though. >
< Oh... well, shall we leave? >
< Can we? >
< Why not? > Lance asked. It was dark anyway, so no one noticed when they teleported back to the hotel.
End Chapter
Completed 8/17/07
More smut! I guess Neph and I were really deprived when we wrote this. And very fond of PWP…