Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ When Two Worlds Collide ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to us under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness and Neph bow*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 7
The next morning, Red woke up cuddled against Lance.
"Good morning Lance..." Red said quietly when she noticed the other was awake.
"Morning, Red." Lance purred. "So, what do you feel like doing today?"
"Can we just go outside first?"
"Sure." Lance said. They left the hotel and began walking around Blackthorn City.
They noticed Ash and Wataru walking towards the pokemon gym.
"I wonder what they're doing." Red said.
Lance shrugged and they followed the two Dragons past the Gym.
"I'm sorry," Wataru said, looking apologetic. "But Ash and I have some private business in the Dragon's Den."
"Oh, that's ok." Red assured them. "What do you need to do in there?"
"I'm going to get a Dratini." Ash smiled cheerfully.
At this, Lance grinned. Dratinis were so cute...
"Cool!" Red said. "I have a Dragonair, but I don't use it..."
"That's nice." Wataru smiled. "I have a Dragonite..."
"It'd be suspicious if you used your Dragonair, Red." Lance said dryly. "I have Dragonair twins and a Dragonite too."
Red nodded. "And Kairyuu is really powerful too..."
I see." Wataru smiled. "Well, we'll see you later."
Ash waved before trying to dash into the Dragon's Den. Wataru's grandfather stopped him.
"Why are you here? Only Dragon Masters are permitted to enter.
Ash twitched. "I used to go in all the time with Wataru."
The man rubbed his eyes for a moment, before recognizing Ash. "Oh! You haven't been here in a long time, Child."
Ash grinned. "Yeah. I'm going to get a Dratini because I don't have any usable Dragons on me and I need one."
"Well, take care then." The man said, as he stepped aside. Wataru shot a grin at Ash and followed him in.
Ash giggled and the two disappeared into the cave.
"Aww..." Red said, watching them. Lance chuckled and hugged him.
"He reminded my of your grandfather for a second..." Red told Lance.
Lance winced. "Yeah... except he seemed nicer."
"I wonder if he would stop you from going in?"
"I don't want to go." Lance shook his head. "Too many bad memories."
"I know." Red looked up at her. "I was wondering because this one seems very different..."
"Oh." Lance smirked, tossing her hair back. "Want to go hang gliding then?"
Red nodded. "Yeah! Let's go!" Then Red pulled an Ash.
The two of them found a nice dragon woman who was passing out the hang gliders on a cliff nearby. She nodded and strapped them onto one, said that they could rent it for three hours, and gave them basics on how to steer.
For the next three hours they had a lot of fun gliding. Red looked at Lance. "Can we go flying later?"
Lance grinned. "Of course. But I'm a bit hungry."
"Let's eat in the hotel again!"
"Sounds good to me." Lance said, as they walked back to the hotel. "Want to eat in the dining room this time?"
They walked to the hotel, and a girl showed them the way to the dining room. They took a seat at a table near the window. Lance began to look at the menu, before she grinned. "I'll have the chicken Caesar salad please."
"I'll have the same.” Red told her.
The waitress nodded and came back a few minutes later with their orders. "Enjoy your meals!" She said, winking at Red flirtatiously.
Red calmly pulled Lance into a kiss.
Lance smirked, her eyes flashing slightly. < Well, that's one way to dissuade someone. >
Red giggled. < Yeah. And the best thing is nobody here cares! >
< True. > Lance said. The other people eating in the dining room were totally ignoring them.
Red dug into his salad a minute later.
Lance poured herself a glass of water. "Their salad is as good as everything else they make."
Red nodded. < It's nice not having to cook for ourselves for once...> He commented.
< Definitely. > Lance agreed, eating some more.
Red, who normally ate fast was savoring his salad.
Lance took another bite of chicken. < It's nice here... It's like we're on a honeymoon or something... >
< I almost wish that we could stay here. > Red told the Ice Guardian quietly.
< We might as well enjoy this while we can. > Lance said, as she finished her salad. * Mmmm… *
< Where to today? Or do you want to see if Ash and Wataru are finished? > Red asked.
< I was thinking we could hit the Cinnabar hot springs. > Lance grinned. Her grin grew wider. < Though you'd have to go swimsuit shopping with me first. >
< Sure! >
After they finished their lunch, Lance and Red climbed on their Aerodactyls and flew to Cinnabar Island. But before they reached the hot springs, Lance spotted a mall. She grinned.
"There's got to be somewhere that sells swimsuits in here..."
"Then we should ask."
Lance walked into the mall, with Red following. After a few minutes, they spotted a store selling women's clothes that had a huge yellow banner saying '50% off swimsuits today!'.
"Well, that seems pretty obvious." Lance said, making a beeline for the store.
Red laughed and ran after his girlfriend. "Wait for me, Lance-chan!"
Lance slowed down so Red could catch up with her as they went into the store. The old woman running it gave them a dirty glare, as Lance made for the swimsuit racks.
"Hmm.... what to choose, what to choose...."
Red found one that had a Chinese-style Dragon on it. In Lance's size! "How about this one?" He asked showing it to her.
"Oh! Cute." Lance said, trying to hide the black thong bikini she had been holding.
Red saw it anyway. "Lance-chan? What's that behind your back?"
"Er... just something... I was going to try on." Lance said.
Red looked at her suspiciously.
"It's true!" Lance said, edging towards the dressing rooms.
Red tried to grab her arm.
Lance made a mad dash for the nearest stall, only to have Red tackle her as the door opened. "Mmph!"
"Show me!"
"Fine, fine." Lance said, pulling the bikini from behind her back.
Red blushed hotly. "You were going to surprise me with this? Were you trying to give me a nosebleed?"
"Well..." Lance said with a leer, "You've already seen me naked, and besides, I look good in black."
He just blushed. "Do you want me to look for more?"
"Well," The Dragon Master said, closing the door, "Seeing as I'm here, I'm going to try this on... Wow, I haven't gone shopping for girl's clothes in forever..."
"That's because you haven't needed to!” He pointed out, pouting slightly. “I'll wait outside then.”
A few minutes later Lance came out in one of the bathing suits.
< Wow! >
< What do you think? > Lance asked, posing.
< I like it. >
< Great! I'll get this one! > Lance said. She came out next in the bikini that had caused Red so much trouble.
Red, true to his word, had a nosebleed.
Lance hastily grabbed a handkerchief out of her pocket and passed it to him. "Red, are you all right?"
Red didn't speak. < I told you I'd have a nosebleed. >
< I didn't actually think this would happen. > Lance said. She sighed.
< You do look nice, though. >
< Oh. > Lance said, before she hugged Red. < I was afraid you'd think I looked trashy. >
< Nah. Besides, both would let you summon your wings if they are needed. >
Lance chuckled at that, and kissed Red. < Guess I'll get these then. >
< Good! >
The red-haired girl put her jeans and t-shirt back on and went up front to pay for her clothes, wondering why the old lady kept glaring at her. It wasn't like she and Red had sex in the changing rooms or anything...
Red glared back at the lady.
He didn't like the looks of her.
The lady frowned. "All you kids are alike. Shameless."
"Excuse me, lady," said Red. "But Lance and I are much older then we appear! We are not children!"
"Well!" The old woman said. "How dare you speak to me this way?" She tapped her belt and released a Hypno.
"...Reveal to me my Destiny."
< Lance-chan? >
< Oh, I'm enjoying this. > Lance said, crossing her arms as Red transformed. < But isn't this going a bit too far? >
< I hate it when people assume! You know that! >
Lance watched as Red began to whack the old woman with his staff. < All right... >
Destiny pulled back. < Umbreon, I choose you. >
The Umbreon appeared in a flash of light, wagging his tail. < Hi, Master! >
< Kick her Hypno for me please. >
< Sure! > Umbreon dashed at the Hypno with a Crunch attack, sank his teeth into the psychic pokemon's throat, and then used Shadow Ball to send the old woman crashing into a wall.
< Thank you. > Destiny gave the Umbreon card a hug.
His Umbreon licked his face. < Anything else, Master? Ooh! Your mate looks pretty! >
"Thank you. If she calls out another pokemon you can have it."
Lance glanced at the collapsed old woman. "I don't think she'll be getting up any time soon..."
"Did I overdo it a little?"
"No one will care." Lance flipped a hand. "Let's hit the beach!"
The two of them walked down the road until they reached the hot springs. Lance and Red got in one near the back. It was small, but there wasn't anyone else around so they could have some privacy.
Red got in the water. "That feels good."
Lance agreed, after changing into her swimsuit. "It's nice and warm. "
"Nothing like the springs at Mount Silver though..."
"That's true. But these are nice too. And you don't have to worry about wild pokemon spying on you here."
"That's true..."
For a while, they just lay there in the warm water. Then, Red fell asleep.
Lance smiled at him, letting him sleep for a bit until she noticed he was sinking and pulled him out so he wouldn't drown.
< Red. >
< Hmm? > Red asked, before he opened his eyes. < Oh. >
< We should head back now. >
Red nodded, as he and Lance got out of the water. < Where should we go next? >
< Check on Ash and Wataru? >
< Sure. > Lance said.
When they got back to Blackthorn City, they saw Ash just coming out of the Dragon's Den.
"Hi Ash!" Red called. "How did it go?"
"Great!" Ash said grinning. He let a pokemon out. "Isn't she cute?"
The Dratini was gold instead of blue.
"Oh, very cute!" Red cheered. Lance nodded.
< Hi. > Lance sent, before she petted the Dratini.
The Dratini blinked.
"You're lucky, Ash." Lance said quietly. "I'm sure she'll be a good partner for you."
"Thanks, Lance!"
"So, is Wataru still in there?" Red asked.
"Yeah, he's checking on a pregnant Dragonite."
The Dratini was looking at Lance. Who are you?
< Me? > Lance was surprised. < I'm the Ice Guardian. >
The Dratini didn't really understand but she nodded anyway. Lance stepped back.
Red grinned at the pokemon. < Interesting color! >
I think that's part of the reason I was chosen... The Dratini blushed.
< Well, I hope you and Ash will be happy together. > Red finished.
Thank you. Who are you?
< I'm Destiny. > Red sent with a smile.
Her eyes widened, but Red didn't say anything else.
She turned to Ash. Master, you have very nice friends.
Ash blushed slightly at that. "Well... yeah."
Lance just blinked. They were friends?
Red shrugged.
"Well, it was nice seeing you, Ash." Lance said. "The food at the hotel you recommended was great too."
< He sees us as his friends? > Red asked Lance.
< He trusts pretty easily, ne? > Lance sent back.
< Maybe. >
Wataru came out of the Den grinning.
"Did it go well?" Lance asked him.
"Yep, Dragonite now has three healthy baby Dratini."
"That's great." Red beamed.
Ash hugged Wataru, smiling. Wataru hugged Ash tightly with a smile on his face.
Lance and Red looked somewhere else, not wanting to pry.
Wataru leaned down for a kiss. Ash grinned and rose on his tiptoes so he could kiss his mate properly.
< I think we should leave. > Lance told Red. Red nodded. The other couple probably wanted privacy now.
< We can go to Celadon, stay the night and go to their famous amusement park tomorrow. > She suggested.
Red grinned. < Good idea! >
< Great! > Lance said, as she took his hand. < Teleporting is faster, unless you wanted to fly there? >
< Let's fly, I miss flying. >
< Very well. > His Mate grinned. They found a secluded area. Lance concentrated as her power surfaced. < I'll use Mist so no one will see us. >
< Ok! >
End Chapter
Completed 8/17/07
So the chapter's lengths do vary, but this is definitely a longer series!
I'm not really fond of shiny/special pokemon and I do try not to use them to tone down the Sue-ness!